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ABSTRACT. in the article we try to analyze the modern understanding of management in education and its tendencies. we consider characteristic features of the innovative pedagogical management aimed at stimulation of the process of personal self-determination.
KEYWORDS: innovative pedagogical management, characteristic features, innovative processes.
In the modern society, education and economy are interdependent and interconnected, however, as A.G. Pashkov notes, these are the different sociocultural institutes serving for satisfaction of different requirements of society [1]. Education is the object consisting of more difficult cultural, social and economic relations, than purchase and sale.
The educational institution working in a search mode, considerably differs from those educational institutions whose purpose is a stable traditional functioning that leaves a certain mark on complete system of pedagogical management.
Pedagogical management is interconnected with creative activity of its participants. In V.P. Simonov's research "Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in the field of management of educational process" pedagogical management is understood as the theory, technique and technology of effective management by educational process. In general sense, "management" is understood as the ability of the head to realize goals using motivation, intelligence, professional opportunities of other people, or art and management science synthesis by social processes, the phenomena and communities of people.
In translation from English "management" has three semantic values: the persons engaged in the administrative activity in the field of business; the public institute having impact on all fields of activity of society (business, policy, etc.); the scientific discipline studying social aspects of business management (organization).
The term "management" in Russian has the following semantic value: system of means, principles and forms of plant management (organization). We focus attention on pedagogical management, that its many theoretical positions and postulates work in any sphere of human activity and in education.
The analysis of various sources shows that in most cases the concepts "management" and "social management" practically coincide.
Thus, the carried-out analysis of various semantic aspects of the category "management", allows to structure semantics of the category "pedagogical management" assuming the following interconnected values:
• only processes, but also the people who directly carry out processes or otherwise influence processes,
• control exercised in the social and pedagogical environment,
• pedagogical impact on people is carried out.
Innovative researches in the field of management of education go to the modern period of the development of domestic pedagogical school in the following directions:
• modelling of the new maintenance of department of education;
• design and realization of new technologies, techniques, systems of development of pedagogical management.
Generalizing and systematizing modern understanding about management in education, we should note such tendencies of development of pedagogical management (Yu. A. Konarzhevsky, G. N. Serikov, P. I. Tretyakov, T. I. Shamova, etc.) as:
• personal orientation of management (orientation at first to the person, and then to business);
• broad delegation of powers from top to down, collective decision-making;
• complete view of the subordinate as the personality, the humane attitude towards him;
• creation of conditions for a collective goal-setting and direct participation of employees in development of ways of achievement of goals.
As management of any other branch of human activity, pedagogical management have certain regularities and specifics: hierarchy of management, the organization, the main tool is the impact on the person by means of motivation, stimulations, planning, the organization and control; culture of management (recognized by society, the organization of features of behavior, values, social rules of law and installations).
It should be noted also that modern pedagogical management possesses the following potential:
• it allows to pass to the horizontal system of professional cooperation founded on corporate management style, considering the humane attitude towards each participant of management, personal focused approach to the activity of achievement of the maximum results;
• it provides development of each personality, coordinates motivational orientation of participants of educational space;
• it supports comfortable psychology and pedagogical climate for all participants of educational space.
According to Utkina E.A. "... the head of educational institution is "conductor" of the state educational policy, and in the administrative activity it has to build "bridge" between priorities in the development of the state educational policy and real educational practice" [3]. For this purpose, the head needs to know innovative reference points in the development of education.
In V. I. Slobodchikov's researches it is noted that "design, as a form of reasonable activity in which the competent pedagogical innovation is feasible and which already has historical precedents can become the only and basic barrier on a way of an innovative administrative lawlessness" [4].
Modern pedagogical management uses such widespread type of intellectual activity as design, owing to reproducibility of results of engineering activity, in possibility of its recurrence at different times, different performers and in different places and, at various combinations of not repeated and repeated unique components.
The basis of design is the design imagination, which creates design images, being a plan of future conditions of vital, socially significant objects in which the care of life of society would be considered as the satisfied.
It is necessary to consider that fact that pedagogical technologies including educational, yielding positive results at usual working hours of educational institution, do not allow to achieve the new desirable objectives during the work in an innovative mode. IT is right to speak about management AIMED ON innovations, which possesses by set of distinctive features in comparison with the management aimed at stable functioning
The innovation is the phenomenon bearing the essence of a way, technology and the organization and as contents new; however, innovative process reflects in itself formation, formation and development of the contents and the organization of the new.
We believe that innovative pedagogical management is the process, allowing operating the development of the educational institution, carried out based on innovations. Now in Russia the theory and technique of innovative management in social and economic systems are considered in I. T. Balabanov, Yu. P. Morozov, N. Rysev, R. A. Fatkhutdinov's works, etc.
In the cycle of the development innovative pedagogical management as process assumes:
• goal-setting,
• modeling of new idea,
• implementation of the conceived idea,
• correction and reflection,
• introduction and idea distribution,
• recession and fading.
In the conditions of innovative pedagogical management the process of personal self-determination of trainees, and teachers becomes more active. It is reflected on the character of relationships of people. In the innovative pedagogical management the educational institution has some stages: "fear of innovations" (not courage) - "speaking" - "formation" - "coauthorship" - "group of adherents" (maturity). Stages "coauthorship" and "group of adherents (maturity)" are stages of high understanding by collective of innovative process that is characterized by reflection existence at each personality. Collective development from stage to stage "group of adherents" completely correlates "fear of innovations" with a speed of change of innovative cycles of pedagogical management.
At all stages as a link the administrative consultation assuming acts: goal-setting, analysis, planning of pedagogical technologies, organization and implementation new, experimental control, reflection, and correction.
Having carried out the analysis of distinctive features of innovative management in social and economic systems (Yu. P. Morozova, N. Rysev, R. A. Fatkhutdinov, etc.), we specified the following characteristic features of innovative pedagogical management:
• possibility of achievement of considerable good results, than at stable functioning,
• uncertainty of the end results,
• the increased fluidity of pedagogical shots,
• the positive relation to new,
• novelty of performed works,
• the increased difficulty of determination of parameters both for educational institution as a whole, and for its separate components, processes, the subjects involved in educational process,
• the increased influence of the destabilizing factors, which overcoming owing to high adaptability of management, allows to consider various not provided situations,
• possibility of realization by participants of innovative process of personal requirements of the highest level: self-expression, self-updating, social requirements, high creative results,
• need of continuous increase of professional competence of participants of innovative process,
• possibility of expansion of system of requirements to personal qualities of participants of innovative process.
It is indisputable that the object of innovative pedagogical management is participants of educational space, and, the result of activity is defined by probabilistic character that in turn has to entail minimization of deviations from predicted result.
Important component of innovative pedagogical management is development of criteria of productivity of activity of educational institution based on new methodology of budgeting and management.
In order to avoid a set of mistakes it is necessary to carry out analytical justification of model of innovative pedagogical management at a stage of its design, on the following system of criteria:
• interrelation of structural parts or blocks, their sequence, logic, constructability,
• defects, shortcomings, mistakes,
• reasonable recommendations and additions to the program,
• the expert opinion (it is recommended to realization or completion according to noted remarks is necessary).
In the innovative pedagogical management, the control of results assuming is especially actual also:
• expert and analytical estimation of the reached results, ascertaining and acceptance of the corresponding conclusions for carrying out work on regulation of process of pedagogical activity;
• assessment of concrete results and the corresponding conclusions for correction of behavior and collective activity;
• assessment of results of innovative management according to the purposes and the corresponding conclusions on regulation of operating influences;
• straight line and feedback establishment for informing, stimulations of participants of innovative pedagogical management.
For successful development of educational institution it is necessary to consider and the following conditions of realization of innovative pedagogical management:
• need for innovations;
• standard legal support and the conceptual support of public administration defining a trajectory of a development of education as a whole and its separate levels;
• personnel maintenance;
• information maintenance;
• the analytical maintenance consisting in selection, distribution of procedure of results;
• innovative culture of participants of educational space.
We believe that the development of any social and economic process including innovative pedagogical management, occurs at difficult interaction of a complex of external and internal factors, therefore, arises need for design of factorial model of innovative pedagogical management for educational institution of the concrete type, allowing to study, measure influence of factors on its level.
The factorial model is been by a kind of the economical and statistical model representing formalized ratios, the elements describing the main interrelations forming social and economic system. The system of economical and statistical models serves for the description of rather difficult processes of economic or social character. Factorial models describe dependence of level and dynamics of this or that indicator on level and dynamics of economic indicators influencing it -arguments or factors. Factorial models can include various quantity of variables and parameters corresponding to them.
1. Pashkov A.G. Pedagogika of professional education / under the editorship of V.A. Slastenin. - the 2nd prod. stereotype, M.: Academy, 2006.-368c.
2. Simonov V.P. Pedagogical management: 50 know-how in the field of management of educational process. [Text]/accusative Simonov. - M.: Rospedagenstvo, 1997. - 264c.
3. http://sibac.info
4. Slobodchikov V. I. Anthropological prospect of domestic education//Anthropological prospect of domestic education. Moscow - Ekaterenburg, 2009.
ABSTRACT. the article is devoted to the problem of individualization of education in accordance with the severity of preschool children deviation. the individualization of education is one of the main forms of work for speech therapists and preschool teachers.
KEYWORDS: individualization, differentiation, children with speech defects, speech correction work, speech therapy center.
candidate of pedagogic sciences, associate professor, volgograd state socio-pedagogical university
Each person is unique in its individuality, which is expressed in individual features. Any impact on a child is refracted through its "internal conditions", without which you effective educational and learning process is not possible. Only based on these features, the child's development can be many-sided and his unique abilities can be revealed [1]
Many Russian and foreign representatives of progressive pedagogy paid attention to the individual approach in the problem of educating children. The great Czech educator J.A. Comenius in his pedagogical system designated the necessity of organizing the educational and upbringing process, which takes into account the age and individual characteristics of children.
However, nowadays the problem of individualization of education and upbringing remains one of the central psychological and pedagogical problems. Only the most basic and common is more or less clear: the individual approach in training is taking into account child's individual features.
The basic contradiction of traditional teaching in infant school is associated with form of educational organization and individual character of learning.
The problem of the individual approach itself is creative, but there are some highlights in its implementation:
- Knowledge and understanding of children;
- Thorough theoretical balance;
- Ability of a teacher to reflect and analyze.