INNOVATIVE EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY IN THE TRAINING PROCESS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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education / education technology / innovation / effectiveness

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kenjayeva G.A.

In this article highlights issues of effectiveness education and the role innovative educational technology in the training process.

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UDK 37.02

Kenjayeva G.A. teacher school №16 Buvayda region Uzbekistan, Ferghana



Annotation: In this article highlights issues of effectiveness education and the role innovative educational technology in the training process.

Key words: education, education technology, innovation, effectiveness.

The future of each society and its development prospects are determined by the extent to which the education system is directly developed. Improving the system of continuous education in the country, raising a new level of quality, introducing advanced pedagogical technologies and increasing the effectiveness of education have become a state policy. With the adoption of the Law "On Education" and the "National Program for Personnel Training", the foundation for training modern cadres has been created through a continuous education system. The pedagogical concept developed on the basis of them is based on a new, educational-teaching process that is fundamentally different from conventional pedagogy. The main ideas of this concept are reflected in new pedagogical technologies.

One of the most important and urgent problems facing the continuing education system is the use of innovative educational technologies in their teaching, training them in the educational process, and knowledgeable, compelling, entrepreneurial, professional, and competent staff training requirements of international standards, the formation of a

To enhance the effectiveness of education and to gain full access to learning, it is important for the individual to be in the focus of attention of the education and in order to ensure that young people are well-trained in education and well-trained in education, and who can use modern pedagogical technologies and interactive methods and can use them in teaching and learning teachers need. For this purpose, it is necessary to equip all teachers with innovative pedagogical technologies and interactive methods and to improve their skills in teaching and learning.

All interactive teaching methods and teaching technologies aimed at ensuring effective and effective teaching process are widely used and widely used in all secondary and vocational, professional and vocational education institutions and faculties of the country and have positive results.

One of the reasons why the use of pedagogical and information technologies in the learning process is getting stronger, one of the reasons for this is that while

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(36) 2020 science-j.com

traditional teaching has taught students to acquire only the knowledge, modern technology enables them to search for their knowledge, analyze them independently and analyze their conclusions they also teach themselves. As you know, application of innate pedagogical technologies in the educational process in higher education has a number of advantages. Innovative educational technologies effectively utilize knowledge, skills and skills in one or more related areas of students' educational work, as well as develop their personality and moral qualities. In addition, innovative pedagogical technologies are the main organizational and methodological tool of the pedagogical process.

In contrast to the thorough development of the methodological development of the instructor's effective functioning, the teaching technology is focused on students' activities, which creates the necessary conditions for students to independently master their own learning materials, taking into account their personal and teacher work.

Modern education should address the challenges of upbringing lifelong competences in the market economy, as well as educating a highly educated, competent person with a high sense of consciousness, an independent mindset, an example of behavior. This requires the teacher to use pedagogical technologies in the learning process, to be always creative and motivated, to use innovative teaching technology in the teaching process. Distinctive features of innovative educational technology:

- Under the guidance of a teacher, the student receives, learns and accepts independent knowledge;

- The pupil is not taught; it is taught to be independent;

- The student's independent opinion is valued;

- The students are not given the information in a ready manner, they are taught to be independent of different sources (textbooks, manuals, texts, ghosthomas).

Thus, the teacher's task is to explain, guide and manage the technology of innovative learning. The reader should be able to work independently, read, master, think and defend his or her thoughts. At the same time, the education model should be avoided. The education model can be divided into 3 categories:

1. Passive learning. The teacher is mainly employed, so the teacher is active, the student is passive (80/20);

2. Active learning. The teacher and the student (50/50) work equally;

3. Interactive learning. Student and student. Student active. At the same time, the teacher is only a manager.

Thus, interactive education is now an effective type of education. In interactive teaching, teacher is an active organizer of learning activities, and the reader is the subject of this activity. Interactive methods help not only students to gain information, creativity, independence in the process of gaining information, but also to make their learning objectives fuller.

The use of nontraditional methods such as discussion, learning, discussion, debate, dialogue, brainwashing, problem solving, problem solving, role-playing

"MnpoBaH HayKa" №3(36) 2020 science-j.com

games improves the quality of the lesson and teaches students to think independently.

Education technology assures effective outcomes and achievement of educational objectives and identifies the universal system of modern information and pedagogical technologies. Education technology provides optimal ways and means of utilizing human resources and technical resources to achieve educational goals, power and time consuming. If knowledge is taught through the use of traditional teaching methods, it is impossible to remember more than a quarter of a quarter after three days. If the lecture is based on the use of visual aids and presentations through presentation presentations, using visual aids and discussion on the subject, it is possible to remember more than half of the three-day trainings. Optimal use of pedagogical and information technologies, which is a pragmatic element of innovative education technologies in the field of higher education, is an important factor in increasing the effectiveness of teaching are considered. In addition, innovative technology-based exercises enable young people to strive to motivate their attitudes towards important life-saving achievements and problems, and to build on their own ideas. In today's innovative processes, people need independent, self-reliant individuals capable of developing new information and independently evaluating their knowledge to address the challenges facing the education system. That is why the role of modern teaching methods - interactive methods, innovative technologies in the educational process of educational institutions is immense. Therefore, today's teaching and educational process of all educational institutions is characterized by the teacher's professional skills, experience, modern teaching methods, interactive methods, and the role and importance of innovative technologies.

Sources used:

1. Акуленко, В.Л. Формирование ИКТ-компетентности учителя-предметника в системе повышения квалификации [Текст] / В.Л.Акуленко // Применение новых технологий в образовании: Материалы XV Междунар. конф., 29-30 июня 2004 г., г.Троицк Московской обл.: Изд-во "Тровант", 2004. - С.344-346.

2. Околелов О.П. Педагогика. - 2001.

"Мировая наука" №3(36) 2020


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