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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Zinina Olga Viacheslavna, Olentsova Julia Anatolievna

The transition to an innovative economy has changed the role of higher education and introduced new quality requirements. At this stage, the world's leading countries attach particular importance to the formation and accumulation of human capital. Its level determines the intellectual potential of the nation. In addition, the effective use of accumulated scientific and educational potential is essential to socio-economic and social stability. The higher education system in the Russian Federation is in the process of reforming, the main purpose of which is to create a mechanism for sustainable development and to ensure high quality training of specialists in accordance with international standards. In this regard, in industrialized countries, the priority area of investment in education is not only national policy, but also the policy of private enterprises. Financial resources in higher education are limited, which, of course, leads to the need to assess the effectiveness of investments in new educational technologies. This situation determines the relevance of the study.

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педагогические науки

Зинина Ольга Вячеславна, Оленцова Юлия Анатольевна ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ В СФЕРЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ...

УДК 378.147

DOI: 10.26140/bgz3-2020-0903-0019


© 2020

SPIN-код: 7811-2171

AuthorlD: 789674

Зинина Ольга Вячеславна, доцент, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Менеджмент в АПК»

SPIN-код: 2775-1664

AuthorlD: 829280

Scopus Author ID: 57211156075

Оленцова Юлия Анатольевна, старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранного языка» Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, проспект Мира, 90, e-mail: tutor.eng@yandex.ru

Аннотация. Переход к инновационной экономике изменил роль высшего образования и ввел новые требования к его качеству. На данном этапе ведущие страны мира придают особое значение формированию и накоплению человеческого капитала. Его уровень определяет интеллектуальный потенциал нации. Кроме того, эффективное использование накопленного научно-образовательного потенциала является важнейшим условием социально-экономической и социальной стабильности. Система высшего образования в Российской Федерации в процессе реформирования, основная цель которого создание механизма устойчивого развития и обеспечения высокого качества подготовки специалистов в соответствии с международными стандартами. В этой связи в промышленно развитых странах приоритетным направлением инвестиций в образование является не только национальная политика, но и политика частных предприятий. Финансовые ресурсы в высшем образовании остаются ограниченными, что, конечно, приводит к необходимости оценки эффективности инвестиций в новые образовательные технологии. Эта ситуация определяет актуальность исследования.

Ключевые слова: образование, новые технологии, эффективность, инновационный процесс, качество подготовки.


© 2020

Zinina Olga Viacheslavna, associate professor, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the department of «Management in agriculture» Olentsova Julia Anatolievna, senior teacher of the department of « Foreign language» Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira, 90, e-mail: tutor.eng@yandex.ru) Abstract. The transition to an innovative economy has changed the role of higher education and introduced new quality requirements. At this stage, the world's leading countries attach particular importance to the formation and accumulation of human capital. Its level determines the intellectual potential of the nation. In addition, the effective use of accumulated scientific and educational potential is essential to socio-economic and social stability. The higher education system in the Russian Federation is in the process of reforming, the main purpose of which is to create a mechanism for sustainable development and to ensure high quality training of specialists in accordance with international standards. In this regard, in industrialized countries, the priority area of investment in education is not only national policy, but also the policy of private enterprises. Financial resources in higher education are limited, which, of course, leads to the need to assess the effectiveness of investments in new educational technologies. This situation determines the relevance of the study. Keywords: education, new technologies, efficiency, innovation process, quality of training.

Problem definition in general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. Studies of investments in innovative educational technologies show that currently the following problems remain: determining the structure of the innovative educational process, assessing the costs of innovations and evaluating the results of introducing innovative educational technologies [1,2].

Analysis of recent researches and publications. In domestic literature, the main problems of innovation management are considered in the works of V.Ya. Gorfinkel, S.D. Ildemenov, N.I. Lapin, R.A. Fathutdinov and others. J. Schumpeter and M. Blaug defined the basic concept of innovation. The author's approaches to the classification of innovations and innovative activities are based on the features proposed in the works of P.N. Zavlin, A.I. Prigogme.

However, these changes are mainly associated with innovations in the manufacturing sector, and the specific details of innovation processes in the social sphere are not fully reflected.

Formation of the article goals. The methodological basis of this work is based on the methods of general scientific researches, namely, systematic, logical and comparative analysis, mathematical methods of statistics [3]. The practical significance of this work lies in the possibility of using materials, conclusions and recommendations for improving

innovative educational technologies [4].

The study goals:

• to clarify the content of the innovation concept in relation to the activities of educational institutions transformation in the learning process (organization of training, etc.), leading to an increase in the quality of education as an effective result from the introduction of innovation [5,6];

• the stages of the innovation process in the field of education have been identified [7].

Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results. In the modern global economic literature, innovation is interpreted as the transformation of a potential scientific and technical progress (STP) into a real one. The systematic description of innovations in a market economy is based on international standards, and the recommendations of these standards were adopted in Oslo in 1992. This is called "the Oslo Manual". According to these standards, innovation is defined as the end result of innovation reflected in the form of new or improved products introduced to the market, in practice, or used in new methods of social services.

The educational environment is special for understanding innovation. The specialization of innovative educational technologies is that they are mostly applied, not fundamental research, so the result is important, not the process [8]. The

Zinina Olga Viacheslavna, Olentsova Julia Anatolievna pedagogical


main result, which is the goal of the entire process, is to improve the quality of education [9].

As for educational institutions, innovation is a change in the educational process (organization of training, etc.), which leads to an improvement in the quality of the educational process, and is the actual result of innovation.

To date, there are a large number of classifications of innovations related to the field of education on various grounds, many of which are duplicates. The author highlights the main issues in table 1.

Table 1 - Classification of innovations adapted to the field of education.

Features of classifications Typ es of innovations Example of an innovation in education

the degree of ra dicality {novelty, innovative p otential, originality of the technical solution) -radical(pioneer, basic,scientific) - ordinary (inventions, new technical solutions) -improving (upgrading) - distance learning (up to) - using it in the learning process [10] - electronic learning complex (ELC)

incentive for application (source) - innovations causedby the development of science and technology [11] - the needs of the production - market needs - informationtechnology [12] -new specialty -ELC

scale (comp etence) - complex (synthetic) - simple - Bologna process - programme development

user - manufa cturers - society at large -local market -ELC - Bologna process - distance learning

the principle of treating one's predecessor: - sub stitut e s (inste a d of obsolete) - cancellations (exclude operations without replacing it with a new one) - returnable (return to the predecessor) - opening (new, there are no analogues) -ELC - Institute of curatorship - classboard

effectiveness (goal) - pro duction efficiency - management efficiency -mprovement ofworking conditions, etc. -ELC -modularrating system

by type of novelty for the market - new in the world - new in the industry - new in the country - new in the organization - classboard - distance learning - Bologna process -ELC

by location in the organization's svstem - organizational andmanagerial - industrial-technological - financial, etc. -modularrating svstem -ELC

by the nature of needs satisfaction - existing needs -new need - education meets the classical human need to achieve knowledge

by the nature of public goals - economic,profit-oriented - economic,not profit-oriented - special (military, health, education) -special

by development goals and application areas - grocery - a process or process - market - scientific andpedagogical -new specialty -modularrating system - distance learning -ELC

by subj ect areas o f STP and social progress - satisfaction ofhumanvitalneeds [13], technological processes, chemistry, metallurgy, textiles and pap er, construction and mining, mechanics, physics, electricity - satisfaction ofvitalneeds

Based on the analysis of table 1, the most significant indicators in the field of education were selected from the set of proposed indicators.

The above-mentioned classification characteristics considered in innovative work should be attributed to simple technological innovations (educational technologies) using information technologies in full-time and distance education, which are being improved (non-fundamental research) in universities [14].

The new model of education development is mainly related to the transformation of the educational paradigm: from educational activities to self-education. The main conditions for this transformation are the creation of a well-functioning economy based on continuous innovation, mainly computer and information projects, active support of institutions by society and an effective social institute of education, as well as solving problems through various systems of additional professional education and distance education systems [15].

Educational services have a number of specific characteristics that distinguish them from other services, such as legal and audit services. Educational services are often understood as the amount of educational and scientific information, so the sum of general knowledge transmitted by a person during the course of a program, as well as the special nature and practical skills.

Special attention should be paid to such characteristics as the inseparability of educational services from their source (science and teachers, scientific and educational potential, material and technical base of universities and their financial


resources). Let's also explain the concept of "quality impermanence". This concept is related to the quality of the service, which determines the scientific and educational potential accumulated by colleges and universities. This may explain why the level of students' training in the same specialty at different universities differs [16].

The uniqueness of educational activities makes it difficult to assess the consumers characteristics of services provided. In any case, the effectiveness of educational services is influenced by a combination of indicators such as price and quality, which determine the demand for educational technologies and, consequently, the university's income [17].

Conclusions of the study and prospects for further research in this area. Information and communication tools of education, organization and management of higher education institutions have recently changed significantly. They provide open educational opportunities in all fields of activity. Along with the availability and variety of information, the very process of its submission and the possibilities of effective perception have also changed.

Information technology is changing the way of using information. The combined use of these tools allows you to establish a creative environment, optimize opportunities and expand the boundaries of open education.


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Baltic Humanitarian Journal. 2020. T. 9. № 3(32)

педагогические науки

Зинина Ольга Вячеславна, Оленцова Юлия Анатольевна ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ ДЕЯТЕЛЬНОСТЬ В СФЕРЕ ОБРАЗОВАНИЯ ...

factor in the formation of the export potential of the agro-industrial complex of the region. In IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science (Vol. 315, No. 2, p. 022072). IOP Publishing.

17. Khramtsova T. G. Methodological features of implementing IT-technologies in the educational process / Science and education: experience, problems, development prospects, materials of the international scientific and practical conference, Krasnoyarsk, 2016. С. 175-177.

Статья поступила в редакцию 07.04.2020 Статья принята к публикации 27.08.2020

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