Научная статья на тему 'Innovative development of BRICS countries'

Innovative development of BRICS countries Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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BRICS / innovation / development / GDP / The Global Innovation Index / digital economy / industrial revolution

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Kislinskaya M. V., Ilicheva N. M.

This article is devoted to the analysis of the urgent problem of building an innovative economy. This problem was analyzed using the example of the international organization of BRICS. Assessment of the BRICS countries as part of the innovative component of their development is the goal of this article. To write this article the authors used such general scientific methods as comparison, synthesis, analysis and analogy. In the article, the main macroeconomic indicators of the BRICS countries were analyzed, trends and achievements in the field of innovation were identified separately for the countries, which are included in BRICS and BRICS as it is. The authors outlined the main problems facing the brix on the path of their individual and joint innovative development in the framework of the fourth industrial revolution. The results of this article can be used to benchmark national innovation systems and transfer the Russian economy to an innovative path.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative development of BRICS countries»

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UDC: 334.02

Kislinskaya M. V.,

Candidate of Science (Economics), Docent, Associate Professor, Department of Economics of enterprises and organizations

Ilicheva N. M.

Candidate of Science (Economics), Docent, Associate Professor, Department of Economics of enterprises and organizations

Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (UNN) DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2019-11120 INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF BRICS COUNTRIES


This article is devoted to the analysis of the urgent problem of building an innovative economy. This problem was analyzed using the example of the international organization of BRICS. Assessment of the BRICS countries as part of the innovative component of their development is the goal of this article. To write this article the authors used such general scientific methods as comparison, synthesis, analysis and analogy. In the article, the main macroeconomic indicators of the BRICS countries were analyzed, trends and achievements in the field of innovation were identified separately for the countries, which are included in BRICS and BRICS as it is. The authors outlined the main problems facing the brix on the path of their individual and joint innovative development in the framework of the fourth industrial revolution. The results of this article can be used to benchmark national innovation systems and transfer the Russian economy to an innovative path.

Keywords: BRICS, innovation, development, GDP, The Global Innovation Index, digital economy, industrial revolution

Since the end of the XX century, the trends of At the beginning of the XXI century, a clear ten-

globalization and digitalization in all areas of the dency towards international interaction and integration

economy are increasingly manifested. However, the can be traced. One of the most significant events was

competitiveness of state economies is determined by the creation of the international organization BRICS.

their high level of innovative development. Interna- BRICS unites countries with completely different

tional cooperation and the creation of an effective in- economies, cultures, territories and conditions. How-

novation support infrastructure is acquiring strategic ever, these are states that are united by the availability

importance. This is one of the most important condi- of enormous resources and potential (table 1). tions for the economic, scientific and technological development of modern states.


The summary table of the main macroeconomic indicators of the BRICS countries _(Compiled by the authors based on sources [4], [9]). _

Countries Country Area Population GDP in US dollars

Place in the world rank Area, km2 Place in the world rank Population, thousand people Place in the world rank Value, billion dollars

Brazil 5 8 547 000 5 193 467 9 1 960

Russia 1 17 075 400 9 143 300 12 1 610

India 7 3 287 590 2 1 187 550 5 2 972

China 3 9 596 960 1 1 339 450 2 14 217

The Republic of South Africa 24 1 219 912 25 54 957 37 371

BRICS countries occupy more than 25% of the land, and their total population is 43% of the global total. In India and China alone, more than 35% of the world's population lives. The total gross domestic product of BRICS is 18.5% of world and almost 20% of world trade falls on these countries.

According to World Bank forecasts, by 2025 the size of the economies of the BRICS countries will be equivalent to half of the economies of the Big Six, and

by 2040 it will exceed them. Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, BRICS for short, are confidently moving to occupy half of the global economy [7].

Despite the economic downturn, in recent years, investments in innovation have been growing worldwide. This is confirmed by the size of investment countries. Global R&D spending is growing faster than the global economy. They have more than dou-


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bled between 1996-2016. In 2017, global government spending on R&D grew by about 5%. Moreover, the volume of expenses for these purposes in the business sector increased by 6.7% [6]. It is the largest increase since 2011.year.

To assess the innovative development of countries, you can use the Global Innovation Index. This index is the ratio of cost and effect. This allows you to objectively evaluate the effectiveness of efforts to develop innovation. The values of this index for brix are presented in table 2.


BRICS countries ratings in the Global Innovation Index

Countries Brazil Russia India China The Republic of South Africa

2019 66 46 52 14 63

Значение 33,8 37,6 36,6 54,8 34,0

Table-2 shows that China is certainly one of the most innovative countries in the world. In 2017, the State Council of China announced the "Next Generation Artificial Intelligence Development Plan". In fact, this plan suggests that China plans to become a world center of innovation by 2030. Now China is the world's largest country applying for patents, registration of trademarks and industrial designs," said F. Harry, the General Director of the World Intellectual Property Organization. From all international applications for patents, the number of applications from China has grown over the year by 44% [3]. Among the "new four great inventions of China," we can include high-speed rail, Allipay electronic payment system, online shopping and bicycle sharing.

Naturally, not only the amount of innovation costs, but also the quality of innovative achievements form an innovation policy. That is what has become the universal task of the BRICS community.

When comparing the levels of innovation with the level of economic development for the ninth consecutive year (a kind of record) in terms of innovation in relation to GDP, India stands out.

Since 2011, it has invariably been the most innovative country in Central and South Asia. In addition, India stands out in the ranking of the world's leading scientific and technical clusters. Bengaluru, Mumbai and New Delhi are prominent among the 100 leading clusters in the world.

Deli aims to make a "knowledge revolution" and become a "superpower of knowledge". India is able to do this, as it has skilled workers, as well as a tendency to increase their numbers in the coming years.

The service sector in India has taken a dominant position in the structure of GDP. Its rapid development may become a prerequisite for creating an economy based mainly on knowledge.

In recent decades, startups and incubators have been growing rapidly in Brazil. Most of incubators work as accelerators. At a rapid pace, venture financing is evolving.

Brazil has made great strides in areas such as bioengineering, medicine for beauty and health, agriculture, marine research, design and advertising, the development of products and services that are comfortable for people, and the development of low-cost, scalable technologies for socially disadvantaged groups.

In recent years, the Republic of South Africa has shown itself to be the best in terms of the ratio of innovation and level of development. Of the 18 dynamic innovators noted in the 2019 Global Innovation Index, six (more than in any other region) are located in sub-Saharan Africa.

In general, all BRICS countries strive to develop innovation and act in this direction together. Between 2006 and 2018, Brazil's commodity exports to BRICS partners grew 5 times, China and South Africa - 4 times, Russia - 3.4 times, India - 2.1 times. This is significantly higher than world export growth rates [2].

The eleventh BRICS summit was held on November 14, 2019. Its motto was the statement: "BRICS: Economic Growth for an Innovative Future" [1].

BRICS created the Network of Innovative Research, and also adopted the concept of "The New BRICS Architecture in Science, Technology and Innovation". Countries within the organization seek to create an open, secure, peaceful and accessible environment for the use of information and communication technologies.

All BRICS countries recognize the onset of the IV industrial revolution. It can be noted that this revolution is capable of giving a significant impetus to innovative development. At the Johannesburg Summit, a decision on full-scale cooperation on this issue, as well as in the framework of digitalization of state economies, the creation of joint industrial and scientific parks, business incubators, innovation centers and a network of commercial innovative enterprises.

Among the problems that impede the development of innovations in the BRICS countries, the authors single out the following: inflation, unemployment, demographic problems, corruption, underdevelopment of the financial sector and infrastructure.

If the BRICS countries solve these problems, then by 2050 they may well replace the leaders of the G7, ahead of them in terms of their level of development. "By this time, BRICS will be the most influential organization with world geopolitical power, with economic power that is difficult to compare with the rest of the world" [8].

The upcoming 2020 can give Russia a lot of opportunities, because Russia will chair this influential organization. We already know the BRICS motto for

2020: "The BRICS partnership for global stability, shared security and innovative growth."

Thus, it is BRICS that can ensure fair globalization, which will be realized in the interests of the whole world. Since this organization builds its relations on the principles of equality and cooperation. The overall development strategy of the BRICS countries is soft and harmonious. It is aimed at improving the forces of all participating countries, as well as maintaining peace throughout the world.

List of references

1. Brasilia Declaration following the XI Summit of the BRICS Member States. URL: http://kremlin. ru/supplement/5458

2. BRICS Summit focuses on innovations. URL: http://www.ng.ru/dipkurer/2019-11-10/9_7722_brasil. html

3. Chinese innovation has become the new driving force of world progress. URL:

http ://russian. china.org.cn/exclusive/txt/2017-10/21/content_41770242.htm

4. Geographic reference "About the countries". URL: http ://o stranah. ru/_lists/population.php

5. Global Innovation Index. URL: http ://www. globalinnovationindex. org/

6. Global Innovation Index 2019. URL: https://www.wipo.int/edocs/pubdocs/ru/ wipo_pub_gii_2019_keyfindings.pdf

7. National BRICS Research Committee, Russia. URL: http://www.nkibrics.ru/posts/show/5dce45026272694 7a1b40000

8. Sadovnichy V.A., Yakovets Yu.V., Akayev A.A. Prospects and strategic priorities of the BRICS climb. - M., 2014. - 236 p.

9. The World countries ranking of GDP in 2019. Statistics. URL: https://knoema.ru/nwnfkne/

УДК 330.322.012

Алахкулиев Давуд Арифови ч,

студент 4 курса профиля «Финансы и кредит» Экономического фак-та Дагестанского государственного

университета, г. Махачкала Научный руководитель: Филина Марина Алияровна

к.э.н., доцент Дагестанского государственного университета, г. Махачкала DOI: 10.24411/2520-6990-2019-11121 ВЛИЯНИЕ МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫХ ИНВЕСТИЦИЙ НА ЭКОНОМИКУ НА ПРИМЕРЕ


Alakhkuliev Davud Arifovic,

4th year student of the profile "Finance and credit» The economic faculty of DSU, Makhachkala Supervisor: Filina Marina Aliyarova

Ph. D., associate Professor of DSU, Makhachkala




Целью работы является определение основных факторов развития экономики развивающихся стран, последующего за инвестиционным ростом. Актуальность заключается в способности международных инвестиций положительно влиять на экономическое положение как на уровне отдельных государств, так и на мировом рынке. В данной статье приведено определение понятия «международные инвестиции». Рассмотрены основные факторы развития компаний на международных фондовых рынках. Определены причины стремительного развития китайских компаний. Изучено влияние государства и международных организаций на рынок инвестиций и экономику в целом.


The aim of the work is to determine the main factors of economic development of developing countries, following the investment growth. The relevance lies in the ability of international investments to positively influence the economic situation both at the level of individual states and on the world market. This article provides a definition of "international investment". The main factors of development of companies in the international stock markets are considered. The reasons for the rapid development of Chinese companies are determined. The influence of the state and international organizations on the investment market and the economy as a whole is studied.

Ключевые слова: инвестиции, развивающиеся страны, глобализация, экономическая политика, китайские фирмы.

Keywords: investments, developing countries, globalization, economic policy, Chinese firms.

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