Научная статья на тему 'Innovative development of agriculture: ground resources'

Innovative development of agriculture: ground resources Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Tadjbaev Zakir Malikovich

At the heart of steady and effective development of agriculture the balanced system of resources and their organization lies: ground resources a manpower the basic means of production. Therefore they (innovations) first of all are connected with them. Thus in sphere of innovations basic value for agriculture has innovations in sphere of ground resources: they are both object of innovations, and a spatially-resource basis for an innovation of other factors of manufacture and processes. The Earth plays exclusively large role in the organization of agriculture and on that, its innovative development is based on suitability of the earth for introduction of new technologies, grades of plants, breeds of animals. Ground resources should have corresponding properties and the organization of their use применительно for each kind of innovations. Therefore land management is the necessary mechanism on maintenance of successful and effective innovations in agrarian sector.

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в основе устойчивого и эффективного развития сельского хозяйства лежит сбалансированная система ресурсов и их организации: земельные ресурсы трудовые ресурсы основные средства производства. Поэтому они (инновации), в первую очередь, связаны с ними. При этом в сфере инноваций основополагающее значение для сельского хозяйства имеют инновации в сфере земельных ресурсов: они являются как объектом инноваций, так и пространственно-ресурсной основой для инновации других факторов производства и процессов. Земля играет исключительно большую роль в организации сельского хозяйства и потому его инновационное развитие основывается на пригодности земли для внедрения новых технологий, сортов растений, пород животных. Земельные ресурсы должны иметь соответствующие свойства и организацию их использования применительно для каждого вида инноваций. Поэтому землеустройство является необходимым механизмом по обеспечению успешных и эффективных инноваций в аграрном секторе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative development of agriculture: ground resources»

INNOVATIVE DEVELOPMENT OF AGRICULTURE: GROUND RESOURCES Tadjibaev Z.M. (Republic of Uzbekistan) Email: Tadjibaev451@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: at the heart of steady and effective development of agriculture the balanced system of resources and their organization lies: ground resources - a manpower - the basic means of production. Therefore they (innovations) first of all are connected with them. Thus in sphere of innovations basic value for agriculture has innovations in sphere of ground resources: they are both object of innovations, and a spatially-resource basis for an innovation of other factors of manufacture and processes. The Earth plays exclusively large role in the organization of agriculture and on that, its innovative development is based on suitability of the earth for introduction of new technologies, grades of plants, breeds of animals. Ground resources should have corresponding properties and the organization of their use применительно for each kind of innovations. Therefore land management is the necessary mechanism on maintenance of successful and effective innovations in agrarian sector. Keywords: innovations, innovative development of land resources, land management ensuring innovative development of agriculture.


Таджибаев Закир Маликович - кандидат экономических наук, доцент, кафедра экономики и сервиса, факультет экономики, Ферганский государственный университет, г. Фергана, Республика Узбекистан

Aннотация: в основе устойчивого и эффективного развития сельского хозяйства лежит сбалансированная система ресурсов и их организации: земельные ресурсы - трудовые ресурсы - основные средства производства. Поэтому они (инновации), в первую очередь, связаны с ними. При этом в сфере инноваций основополагающее значение для сельского хозяйства имеют инновации в сфере земельных ресурсов: они являются как объектом инноваций, так и пространственно-ресурсной основой для инновации других факторов производства и процессов. Земля играет исключительно большую роль в организации сельского хозяйства и потому его инновационное развитие основывается на пригодности земли для внедрения новых технологий, сортов растений, пород животных. Земельные ресурсы должны иметь соответствующие свойства и организацию их использования применительно для каждого вида инноваций. Поэтому землеустройство является необходимым механизмом по обеспечению успешных и эффективных инноваций в аграрном секторе.

Ключевые слова: инновации, инновационное развитие земельных ресурсов, землеустроительное обеспечение инновационного развития сельского хозяйства.

Innovations can be successful when it creates corresponding conditions, in turn these conditions include as an important component resources, actions of legal and organizational

character. At the heart of steady and effective development of agriculture the balanced system of resources and their organization lies: ground resources - manpower - the basic means of production. Innovations are first of all are connected with them. Thus in sphere of innovations basic value for agriculture has innovations in sphere of ground resources: they are both object of innovations, and a spatially-resource basis for an innovation of other factors of manufacture and processes. As it is known, fertility of soil is characterized by a point of fertility or a point бонитета. This key parameter of quality standard of the earth depends first of all on indicators of economic fertility. Economic fertility of the earth represents symbiosis of natural soil indicators and anthropogenous activity. This indicator is influenced by qualitative soil characteristics such, as the maintenance гумуса, гранулометрический structure, the maintenance of fraction of physical clay, acidity, rockiness, soils and other properties of soils. Nevertheless from all listed factors influencing on бонитировку, the most significant can consider of humus's soils [1]. The maintenance of humus in soil is defined not only natural indicators, but also strongly depends on economic activities of the person. Irrational use of farmlands, infringement of the basic receptions of technology leads to prompt process of loss гумуса. As it is known, disintegration process гумуса occurs much faster, than its accumulation. Therefore in the Fergana area as any other sphere, land tenure demands innovative decisions. Immediate development of the earth as manufacture factor (especially in connection with formation of uniform object of real estate) control systems of ground resources - the account not only as spaces (on categories and grounds, but also as object of property relations, the goods), an estimation not only as object of the taxation, but also object of managing, credit relations, property turn Is required. Considerable innovations in the maintenance of active management methods - land management, forecasting, planning are necessary. Without of these innovations agricultural land tenure changes and will change chaotically enough, and the main thing - becomes a brake of development of agricultural production. New qualitative changes of certain properties of the earth as power basis of manufacture are required. At natural properties of the earth the main line - spatiality, and is necessary for functioning of processes of manufacture, buildings and constructions a certain part of ground space. Therefore innovative actions of all directions demand their spatial organization: site definition, an establishment of the necessary size and quality of grounds, configurations of a ground or economic site and its borders concretizing sphere of use of the earths and innovations. Land management is the - system of actions for regulation of ground relations and the organization of protection and earth use as means of production. Set of actions of land management provides the ordered land tenure. As a result of land management preconditions for introduction of scientifically well-founded systems of housekeeping [2] are created. For maintenance of efficiency of innovations it is necessary to establish the sites needing similar actions and creating sufficient effect from their realization. The qualities of the earths which are subject to change, preservation, restoration, are individual enough and connected with many other factors both on the given site, and on the adjoining. Therefore detailed and complex studying of a condition, dynamics of changes of properties of the earth and their processes transforming should precede their realization that allows to model possible consequences of innovations. In the presence of proponent properties on which actions for improvement of properties of the earth are directed, the greatest effect on unit of innovative investments is provided.

Anthropogenous influences without special support cannot keep long time the influence (arable land functioning). There is a necessity of new annual supporting investments. Their size depends of both at most initial influence, and at most occurring natural processes which are overcome or change the given actions. Improvements of the first sort are closely connected both with natural processes, and with manufacture development. The greatest effect is reached, if changes of a condition of the earth are supported by highly effective economic processes and are as though their component. In this case support of transformations of natural properties can be carried out not in the form of the additional

isolated investments, and at the expense of the general economic results of manufacture. Innovative actions of the second kind are directed on creation of buildings and constructions that provides change of economic properties of the earth. They do not create additional quantity of a product, but promote quantitative and its qualitative preservation, decrease in annual expenses of manufacture. Therefore their arrangement in territory depends mainly not on placing of natural processes, the phenomena, properties of the earth, and from placing (actual or assumed) industrial activity. At the same time, productivity and efficiency of functioning of buildings and the constructions connected with consumption of natural resources and properties of the earth, in certain degree depends on their qualities shown in territory. Constant innovative support of functioning of the earth as property and object of long rent is objective necessity of realization of manufacture. Thus for separate spheres of manufacture and a recreation the ground area is time object of innovations - initial arrangement of territory, building of buildings and the constructions which have been not connected with use of natural properties the earths (natural resources). For certain spheres of manufacture and a recreation there is a constant requirement for preservation, improvement and restoration of natural properties of the earth. In this case the earth is constant object of influence. On the purposes, object and the maintenance in agriculture sphere it is possible to allocate four types of innovations: biological, technic - technological; organizational-administrative and economic. Thus ground resources are a basis of all productions and the relations which are subject to innovative development. Especially the close connection of ground resources and agriculture innovations should be noted in sphere of plant growing [3]. Ground resources in the Fergana area, as well as in other zones, differ on the qualities, therefore innovations should be not as a whole for region, and with reference to conditions of the concrete ground area. The new or modified grades and technologies of their cultivation should be adhered to the grounds providing sufficient efficiency of their manufacture. In limits even one nature-agricultural zone of area of a variation of properties of soils (on size of natural and economic fertility) in the Fergana area are various that provide considerably differing productivity. It can as to support effect from plant growing innovations so actually to bring it to naught.

References / Список литературы

1. Berezko O.V, Kochubey S.A. Main factors of formation of steady land tenure of the agricultural organizations. // Young scientist, 2016. № 6. 3, 7-10 p.

2. Guliaev R.A, Lugachev A.E., Usmanov H.S. Current state of manufacture, processing, consumption and quality of cotton production in leaders cotton growing the world countries. Tashkent: «Cotton manufacture / Scientific Center», 2017. 171 p.

3. LosevK.S. For a way to steady development // Green world, 2005. № 17. 8-10 p.

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