Научная статья на тему 'Innovative development at poultry enterprises in conditions of globalization of agricultural markets in Uzbekistan'

Innovative development at poultry enterprises in conditions of globalization of agricultural markets in Uzbekistan Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Rakhmatullaev M.

The increase of economic efficiency of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of production of poultry farming on the basis of introduction of innovative technologies is considered, the methodology of management of the innovative development of a poultry farm adapted to branch features is developed. The proposed model for the organization of innovation activity provides for systematic monitoring of the R & D industry market, the implementation of a preliminary assessment of innovation in terms of its scientific and technical viability, efficiency and feasibility, the formation of a database of sectoral innovations, the coordination of the analyzed innovation project with the enterprise strategy and its inclusion in the innovative program of the poultry farm. Proposals on improving the organizational structure of poultry enterprises are presented.

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Инновационное развитие на птицеводческих предприятиях в условиях глобализации аграрного рынка Узбекистана

Рассматривается повышение экономической эффективности предпринимательской деятельности в сфере производства продукции птицеводства на основе внедрения инновационных технологий. Разработана адаптированная к отраслевым особенностям методика управления инновационным развитием птицефабрики. Предлагаемая модель организации инновационной деятельности предусматривает систематический мониторинг рынка научно-исследовательской отрасли, проведение предварительной оценки инноваций с точки зрения его научно-технической жизнеспособности, эффективности и осуществимости, формирование базы данных отраслевых инноваций, координация анализируемого инновационного проекта с корпоративной стратегией и его включение в инновационную программу птицефабрики. Представлены предложения по совершенствованию организационной структуры птицеводческих предприятий.

Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative development at poultry enterprises in conditions of globalization of agricultural markets in Uzbekistan»

UDC 334.021.1

AGRIS: A01; E20

JEL classification: J80; L11; O32


©Rakhmatullaev M., Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


©Рахматуллаев М. Э., Ташкентский институт инженеров ирригации и механизации сельского хозяйства, г. Ташкент, Узбекистан

Abstract. The increase of economic efficiency of entrepreneurial activity in the sphere of production of poultry farming on the basis of introduction of innovative technologies is considered, the methodology of management of the innovative development of a poultry farm adapted to branch features is developed.

The proposed model for the organization of innovation activity provides for systematic monitoring of the R & D industry market, the implementation of a preliminary assessment of innovation in terms of its scientific and technical viability, efficiency and feasibility, the formation of a database of sectoral innovations, the coordination of the analyzed innovation project with the enterprise strategy and its inclusion in the innovative program of the poultry farm.

Proposals on improving the organizational structure of poultry enterprises are presented.

Аннотация. Рассматривается повышение экономической эффективности предпринимательской деятельности в сфере производства продукции птицеводства на основе внедрения инновационных технологий. Разработана адаптированная к отраслевым особенностям методика управления инновационным развитием птицефабрики.

Предлагаемая модель организации инновационной деятельности предусматривает систематический мониторинг рынка научно-исследовательской отрасли, проведение предварительной оценки инноваций с точки зрения его научно-технической жизнеспособности, эффективности и осуществимости, формирование базы данных отраслевых инноваций, координация анализируемого инновационного проекта с корпоративной стратегией и его включение в инновационную программу птицефабрики.

Представлены предложения по совершенствованию организационной структуры птицеводческих предприятий.

Keywords: innovative development, globalization of agrarian markets, efficiency of entrepreneurial activity, introduction of innovative technologies.

Ключевые слова: инновационное развитие, глобализация аграрных рынков, эффективность предпринимательской деятельности, внедрение инновационных технологий.

Poultry farming is one of the most important branches of agriculture, significantly affecting its economy. The highly innovative activity of the poultry product sub-complex is largely due to the

intensive scientific and technological development of the enterprises of material, technical and breeding-breeding support for poultry farming. Factors contributing to the deepening and acceleration of innovative processes in poultry farming, scientists are relatively rapid genetic progress, a good adaptive ability of the bird, as well as a higher level of trans-nationalization of the industry.

Despite the ongoing research work, the national innovation system lags behind its foreign competitors. Institutional problems of poultry development during the transformation of the national economic system make it unlikely for domestic poultry enterprises to pursue an active innovative strategy in the form of technological leadership [1].

The actual state of the organization of innovation activities at the majority of poultry enterprises in the Surdarya region does not allow them to reach a modern level of susceptibility to innovation. The authors assessed the formalization of intra-firm mechanisms of innovative development based on the method of content analysis. The performed analysis shows that Surkhandarya poultry enterprises mainly implement imitation strategies, paying insufficient attention to R & D [2].

The proposed model for the organization of innovation activity provides for systematic monitoring of the R & D industry market, the implementation of a preliminary assessment of innovation in terms of its scientific and technical viability, efficiency and feasibility, the formation of a database of sectoral innovations, the coordination of the analyzed innovation project with the enterprise strategy and its inclusion in the innovative program of the poultry farm.

In conditions of intensive technical and technological development of production, the model of organization of innovation activity is a subsystem of the process of strategic management [3].

The author's model is oriented toward the analysis of feasibility, the evaluation of efficiency and the selection of innovative projects in order to form an innovative program of the enterprise.

Sectorial features of the innovative development of poultry enterprises require the adaptation of the system of economic analysis of innovations. Figure 1 suggests a system of indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of innovation, modified by incorporating performance indicators that take into account industry characteristics.

At the stage of preliminary assessment of the innovation project and analysis of scientific and technical solvency, commercial, production, organizational, managerial and financial feasibility, NTO staff calculates the integral performance indicators (indicators of the I-st group).

Based on the results of monitoring the industry innovation market, NTO selects and prioritizes innovations based on the I-th group of performance indicators, after which the head of NTO offers the company's management to carry out a comprehensive economic analysis of innovations in the working group.

The working group of experts in the process of evaluating sectoral performance indicators from the III group not only calculates the potential effect of innovation, but also analyzes the need for additional capital costs and changes in technical and technological conditions, and also makes a conclusion on the feasibility and feasibility of including the project in an innovative program (Figure 2).

Then follows the stage of implementation of innovation with the necessary current and retrospective analysis of costs and effects from the introduction of innovation in the enterprise. The natural result of innovation is the change in the position and potential of the poultry enterprise, as well as the adjustment of further goals and priorities for its innovative development.

Indicators for assessing the economic efficiency of innovations in poultry farming

Dynamic performance indicators

Equivalent annuity (EA)

The internal rate of return (IRR)

Return on Investment Index (PI)


► payback period


The total and average annual arrived (P)

Annual adjusted costs (C+Tn-K)

Return On Investment (ROI)

payback period (PP)

Net present

value of

investment лчттл

Enterprise valuation

Rating assessment

Financial indicators

Eggplant egg laying

Intensity of egg production

Average weight of eggs

Egg out by category

Gross production of eggs for 1 worker

Productivity of labor

Labor intensity of production

Rate of increase in

labor productivity

Production profitability

Coefficient of use of material resources

Feed costs per 10 eggs / 1 kg (feed payment)

Conversion of crude protein per 1 kg

Capital intensity (capital productivity

Material consumption (material output)

Energy intensity (energy output)

Egg quality indicators: index of shape, density of eggs, elastic deformation, units of HAU, caloric content, relative, protein

and gut

II. Private performance indicators

Risk assessment indicators


nts of liquidity

Coefficient of security own. means

Financial leverage

Break-even point / Expected integral effect

Analytical coefficients (safety factor elasticity, etc.)

Figurel. System of indicators of integrated assessment of the effectiveness of innovative projects at a poultry farm.


Monitoring of the market of innovations in poultry farming -development of susceptibility to innovation; -formation of relations with R&D organizations; - forecasting of innovative development.



Creation of a working group for the integrated economic analysis of the effectiveness of the project


Assessment of the change in productivity: the average egg lay of hens, the intensity of egg production, etc.

Assessment of the change in the use of material resources: feed costs per 10 eggs conversion of crude protein per kg, etc.

Assessment of the change in the use of labor resources: gross egg production per worker, labor intensity, etc.

Analysis of organizational and technological conditions and add. capital expenditures

Figure 2. Methods of managing innovation development in poultry enterprises.





A feature of world poultry farming is the pace of innovative development of the industry accelerated in relation to other branches of animal husbandry, which, along with the imitative nature of the innovative strategies of domestic poultry enterprises, makes it necessary to create in the industry developed mechanisms for the transfer of innovations.

The presented methodology for assessing the economic efficiency of sectorial innovations is based on the differentiated complex approach of the model of economic analysis and the author's system of performance indicators for egg production. [4, p. 91-113]

Using the methodology adapted to the specifics of the sub complex will increase the quality and speed of making managerial decisions in the field of innovation and investment.

The authors carried out an assessment of the economic efficiency of applying innovations in egg processing, poultry feeding, introduction of new crosses, and some other industry innovations [5] as tests of the third and fourth stages of the proposed methodology.

Thus, in order to increase the competitiveness and economic efficiency of the poultry product sub complex, it is recommended that the authors create scientific and technical subdivisions at poultry farms to strengthen the institutional framework and accelerate the innovative development of poultry production, and also use a system of indicators and an algorithm for assessing the economic efficiency of innovations at poultry farms to justify management decisions to include projects in the innovation program acceptance.


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2. Muminov, N. G. (2003). International Investments. Tashkent.

3. Gerasimov, A. N. (2011). Development of innovative activity in agriculture of the North-Caucasian Federal District. University Bulletin (State University of Management), (24). 116-118.

4. Taranov, P. M., & Gadaeva, V. Yu. (2010). Development of deep processing of eggs in Russia. Agrarian Scientific Journal, (8). 86-89.

5. Bannikova, N. V. (2005). Development of a strategy for the development of agricultural enterprises: methodological aspects. Economics of agricultural and processing enterprises, (5). 2630.

6. Taranov, P. M., & Gadaeva, V. Yu. (2013). The increase of economic efficiency of poultry products in a complex on the basis of innovative development. Moscow, Zernograd, FGBOU VPO ACHAA, 183.

7. Taranov, P. M., & Gadaeva, V. Yu. (2010). Increase of economic efficiency of Russian poultry farming in the complex due to deep processing of eggs. Proceedings of the Orenburg State Agrarian University, 3(27-1). 164-167.

Список литературы:

iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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4. Таранов П. М., Гадаева В. Ю. Развитие глубокой переработки яиц в России // Аграрный научный журнал. 2010. №8. С. 86-89.

5. Банникова Н. В. Разработка стратегии развития сельскохозяйственных предприятий: методологические аспекты // Экономика сельскохозяйственных и перерабатывающих предприятий. 2005. №5. С. 26-30.

6. Таранов П. М., Гадаева В. Ю. Повышение экономической эффективности продукции птицеводства в комплексе на основе инновационного развития. М.-Зерноград, ЛСНЛЛ, 2013. 183 с.

7. Таранов П. М., Гадаева В. Ю. Повышение экономической эффективности российского птицеводства в комплексе за счет глубокой переработки яиц // Труды Оренбургского государственного аграрного университета. 2010. Т. 3. №27-1. С. 164-167.

Работа поступила Принята к публикации

в редакцию 14.06.2018 г. 18.06.2018 г.

Cite as (APA):

Rakhmatullaev, M. (2018). Innovative development at poultry enterprises in conditions of globalization of agricultural markets in Uzbekistan. Bulletin of Science and Practice, 4(7), 264-269.

Ссылка для цитирования:

Rakhmatullaev M. Innovative development at poultry enterprises in conditions of globalization of agricultural markets in Uzbekistan // Бюллетень науки и практики. 2018. Т. 4. №7. С. 264-269. Режим доступа: http://www.bulletennauki.com/rakhmatullaev (дата обращения 15.07.2018).

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