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Ключевые слова
pedagogy / innovation / cluster / education / teaching / partnership

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Kudratbek Makhmudov

In the article, the model "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" (ICPE) presented by Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region is considered as a new innovative project that will allow to overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings in the education system. This project has been identified as a strategic research area of the institute, and more than thirty professors and teachers are currently conducting research to study this problem from a scientific point of view.

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Kudratbek Makhmudov

Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute k. maxmudo v@c spi. uz


In the article, the model "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" (ICPE) presented by Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region is considered as a new innovative project that will allow to overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings in the education system. This project has been identified as a strategic research area of the institute, and more than thirty professors and teachers are currently conducting research to study this problem from a scientific point of view.

Keywords: pedagogy, innovation, cluster, education, teaching, partnership.


The radical changes taking place in society, of course, also cover the field of education. If we look at the activities of the education system in the next quarter of a century, we can see that during the years of independence, a lot of positive work has been done in the field of education and training. At the same time, it should be noted that there were some shortcomings in ensuring communication and continuity between types of education, which, in turn, led to dispersion in goal setting and a decline in the quality of education. As a result of incomplete consideration of the socio-economic specifics and needs of the regions in the state policy on training, the lack of in-depth study of supply and demand in the labour market, there is an imbalance in the distribution of personnel by regions. As a result, the need for teaching staff in some areas has not been met for many years.

In order to address such shortcomings in the system, a number of presidential and government decisions have been taken over the past two years in the areas of education and training. In particular, on September 30, 2017 "On the Establishment of the Ministry Of Preschool Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan", August 8, 2017 "On Improving the Activities of the Ministry of Public Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan", March 14, 2017 "On Further Improving the Activities of Secondary Special, Vocational Education Institutions", to radically improve the quality of training in the Presidential Decrees of April 20, 2017 "On Measures to Further Develop the System of Higher Education", May 22, 2017 "On Measures to Further Improve the System of Postgraduate Education" in particular, serious

attention is paid to the application of the experience of developed foreign countries in the system. All of these documents, aimed at developing and improving the education system, have common aspects related to the introduction of innovations in the field, the adoption of foreign experience, support for creative approaches, strengthening the integration process between types of education.


The problem of staff shortages in the education system as a result of improper distribution of staff was caused by the lack of continuity, coherence and integration between the types of education provided for in the direct, continuing education system, the lack of long-term plans for staffing in the regions. In general, this problem is a comprehensive and multifaceted social issue, and its solution cannot be solved by satisfying one or two reasons. This issue can be resolved as a result of systematic work of territorial administrations and relevant departments under their jurisdiction on this issue. In turn, it is necessary to create a new mechanism in the system of pedagogical education, which would ensure both mutual control and competition between the types of education, as well as the satisfaction of interests.

The model "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" (ICPE) presented by Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent region is considered as a new innovative project that will allow to overcome the above-mentioned shortcomings in the education system. This project has been identified as a strategic research area of the institute, and more than thirty professors and teachers are currently conducting research to study this problem from a scientific point of view.

As a result of the implementation of the "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" model, the issues of eliminating the dispersion between the types of education that make up the system of continuing education, uniting them around a common goal, deciding on membership and continuity, creating an environment of competition and control, creating a system of effective succession will have a theoretically based and effective guaranteed solution.

"Innovative cluster of pedagogical education" is a mimetic method, which involves the application of a cluster model in the educational process, which is considered effective in the manufacturing sectors of the economy. Indeed, there is a sequence of raw materials, products and demand in the manufacturing sectors, and this sequence is also present in the pedagogical education system in the form of human capital. This shows that the introduction of a cluster model in the education system, which is effective in production, is theoretically sound. In general, due to the high social significance of pedagogical education in the sustainable development of society, modern requirements, problems in the system and the fragmentation between

science and education in solving them today necessitate the transition of continuous pedagogical education to a cluster development model.

The innovative cluster of pedagogical education is the integrity of all types of education, research institutes and centres, practice bases, scientific and scientific-methodological structures in the system of continuing education, and their jointly distributed activities allow to raise the system of pedagogical education to a qualitatively new level. Therefore, the main goal of the cluster is to combine the educational-scientific-innovative potential of the cluster not only with a high level of civic and professional competence, but also to train modern educators with competitiveness, ability to accept innovations, design and implement new educational programs and technologies.


The cluster model of pedagogical education development works in general areas related to teaching, creation of educational literature, increase of scientific potential of pedagogical staff, integration of education and upbringing. This shows that the problem has a general methodological character. At the same time, these general directions are privatized in such areas as management and organization of education, types and directions of education, ensuring membership and integration, teaching methods and tools.

The subjects of the model "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" are:

S Preschool, general secondary, secondary special, higher and additional education institutions where students, masters and doctoral students undergo pedagogical practice, educational, research, innovative and design activities, which serve as an experimental base for teaching and practice;

S Institutions of additional education for adults in accordance with the updates at different levels of education, institutions for retraining and advanced training of teachers of preschool, general secondary, secondary special vocational education of children and adolescents;

S Scientific and scientific-methodical structures, centres, research institutes engaged in and defining joint research activities;

S Pedagogical communities, initiative groups, public associations, governmental and non-governmental organizations;

S Foreign higher education institutions and research centres.

The cluster model brings together entities that each operate separately around a common goal, and at the same time, each entity acts in a private interest based on a common goal. The subjects of the cluster model support and control each other, each

of which creates a spiritual and intellectual space of a separate cluster, expanding its social influence and importance.

The innovative cluster of pedagogical education is based on the principles of natural connection, membership, coherence, succession, modernity, orientation, common goal, specificity of interests, mutual control.

We consider it possible to dwell on some of these principles in more detail (Table 1):



Common Goals

Specificity of Interests

•this principle implies that the specific goals of the types of education are concentrated and become a common goal. Within the education cluster model, interrelated types of education form a single set. This is because the issue of staff training will be fulfilled as a result of the full implementation of the goals set by several interrelated entities. This is reflected in such common aspects as providing quality education on the basis of state educational standards, educating young people spiritually mature, physically strong, faithful to our national traditions and values, the formation of modern and non-standard thinking skills ^

•this principle means a process that occurs very naturally in the productive sectors of the economy. The proposed education cluster model is decided only when interests are privatized. Simply put, these actions are justified and sustained only if the cluster subjects benefit. The education cluster model should take into account the interests of each educational entity. The private interests of all subjects of education ultimately serve the common good

•this principle means that the activities of integrated educational entities within the cluster model are interdependent. An error or omission made in one entity affects the performance of the other entity. This means that within a cluster, educational entities with a specific area or interrelated activities form a reciprocal system.

Table 1. Principles oflCPE


The main objectives of the pedagogical education cluster are:

• Ensuring effective succession in the field of pedagogy and promotion of the best students in the pedagogical profession;

• Carrying out professional training of teachers based on practice and providing operational feedback from stakeholders;

• Creating an environment for training future education professionals on the basis of internships with innovative experience;

• Shortening the period of acquisition of professional skills by young professionals;

• Creating of a new generation of pedagogical, educational, methodological, scientific literature, tools and didactic materials in pedagogical education;

• Increasing the scientific, scientific and pedagogical potential of pedagogical education;

• Integrating intellectual resources around topical issues of pedagogical education development;

• Searching for and apply to education various forms and types of education, science and pedagogical practice;

• Improving mechanisms to ensure the continuity of education and upbringing;

• Creating opportunities for rapid interaction with preschool, secondary and higher education institutions and other applicants in the training of teachers;

• Scientifically substantiating the need for connection, connection and cooperation between the links of pedagogical education.

Based on these goals, the innovative cluster of pedagogical education performs the following tasks:

> Training of teachers with modern knowledge and skills for educational institutions in the region;

> Effectively using of innovative pedagogical technologies in improving the quality of education;

> Consistently organizing scientific activity in the field of pedagogy;

> Ensuring the continuity and continuity of the content of the main (textbook) and auxiliary means of education (dictionaries, encyclopedias, electronic sources, etc.) in terms of stages of education;

> Organizing periodic training courses in cooperation with the regional IEB in order to fill the gaps in the level of knowledge of teachers of educational institutions in the region;

> Organizing scientific-practical seminars in cooperation with the regional IEB in order to eliminate the problems associated with the teaching of subjects in secondary schools;

> Strengthening scientific cooperation with research institutes, research centers and basic higher education institutions in order to increase the scientific potential of professors and teachers of the institute;

> Involving teachers with the ability to conduct research in secondary schools in research work;

> Carrying out internships in leading foreign universities in order to master the best foreign practices in the field of pedagogy.


In general, the "Innovative Cluster of Pedagogical Education" aims to achieve efficiency as a result of the introduction of economic models in the field of pedagogy. This will ensure the connection and integration of educational entities in the field, the integration of types of education. The scientific description of the mechanisms, directions, principles, goals and objectives of its implementation is currently one of the most serious problems facing experts in the field. At a time when new innovative approaches are being applied to all sectors, existing views, concepts and attitudes are being re-examined with a developmental mirror and performance criteria, the presentation of an education cluster model demonstrates the rationale for the problem in terms of relevance and modernity.


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