Научная статья на тему 'Innovative approaches то promoting healthy lifestyles'

Innovative approaches то promoting healthy lifestyles Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Sheremet I.V.

In the article a short outline of innovative pedagogical technologies for the healthy lifestyle formation is given, as well as the motivation for physical education classes and doing sports is outlined. The improvement of educational process, the use of new approaches for leading classes of physical education and trainings within a school timetable, the system of sport self training classes and technologies of coordinative work of school and family are analyzed. The necessity of radical change of physical education system, the implementation of innovative approaches and organizational pedagogical technologies are also examined in the article.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Innovative approaches то promoting healthy lifestyles»

5. Дичювська I. А. 1нновацшш педагопчш технологи: навч. поЫбник / I. А. Дичювська. - К.: Академвидав, 2004. - 352 с.

6. Журавська Л. М. Методичш рекомендаци з оргашзаци самостшно! роботи студентiв / Л. М. Журавська. - 1ртнь: 1ГУ, 1997. - 78 с.

7. Зубаренко О. В. Оргашзащя самостшно! роботи студентiв за умов модершзаци медично1 освiти / О. В. Зубаренко, Т. В. Соева, О. О. Портнова // Матерiали навчально-науково! конференци «1нтегращя укра!нсько1 медично! освгга в европейський та американський медичний простар». -Тернопiль, 2006. - С. 173-174.

8. Козаков В. А. Самостоятельная работа студентов и ее информационно-методическое обеспечение / В. А. Козаков - К.: Высшая школа, 1990. - 247 с.

9. Козаков В. А. Самостоятельная работа студентов: учеб. пособие / В. А. Козаков. - К.: Высшая школа, 1989. - 252 с.

10. Колкник Я. Оргашзащя самостшно! роботи студеилв в умовах кредитно-модульного навчання / Ярина Колкник, Богдан Цибуляк // Вкник Львiвського ушверситету. Серiя педагопчна. - 2009. -Вип. 25. Ч. 2. - С. 332-341.

11. Кучерява О. Ю. Форми та види позааудиторно! роботи з математики в педагопчному уншерситет / О. Ю. Кучерява // Дидактика математики: проблеми i дослщжения: мiж нар. збiр. наук. робгг. -Вип. 31. - Донецьк: Вид-во ДонНУ, 2009. - С. 79-83.

12. Мороз В. Д. Самостшна навчальна робота студенлв: монографiя / В. Д. Мороз. - Харюв: ХМК, 2003. - 64 с.

13. Нащональна доктрина розвитку освгги Укра!ни у XXI столгт // Освiта Укра!ни. - 2001. - 18 липня.

УДК 796.011.3+371.72



In the article a short outline of innovative pedagogical technologies for the healthy lifestyle formation is given, as well as the motivation for physical education classes and doing sports is outlined. The improvement of educational process, the use of new approaches for leading classes ofphysical education and trainings within a school timetable, the system of sport self training classes and technologies of coordinative work of school and family are analyzed. The necessity of radical change of physical education system, the implementation of innovative approaches and organizational pedagogical technologies are also examined in the article.

Keywords: physical activity, physical preparation, physical health, innovation, pedagogical technologies, the program for physical and improving health activities.



Наведено eidoMocmi про тновацшш nedaaoaium технологи, спрямоваш на формування здорового способу життя, мотиваци до занять фiзичнoю культурою i спортом, вдосконалення навчально-виховного процесу, нових niдхoдiв до проведення уроку фiзичнoi культури i фiзкультурнo-oздoрoвчих занять у рeжимi дня школи, системи самосттних занять фiзичними вправами, технологш взаемодп Ым 'i i школи. Розглянуто нeoбхiднiсть кaрдинaльнoi перебудови системи фiзичнoгo виховання, впровадження тновацшних niдхoдiв та сучасних neдaгoгiчних технологш оргатзацИ системи фiзичнoгo виховання.

Ключовi слова: рухова активтсть, фiзичнa тдготовлетсть, фiзичнe здоров'я, тноващя, neдaгoгiчнi технологи, фiзкультурнo-oздoрoвчa програма.




Приведены сведения об инновационных педагогических технологиях направленных на формирование здорового образа жизни, мотивации к занятиям физической культурой и спортом, совершенствования учебно-воспитательного процесса, новых подходов к проведению урока физической культуры и физкультурно-оздоровительных занятий в режиме дня школы, системы самостоятельных занятий физическими упражнениями, технологий взаимодействия семьи и школы. Рассмотрена необходимость кардинальной перестройки системы физического воспитания, внедрение инновационных подходов и современных педагогических технологий организации системы физического воспитания.

Ключевые слова: двигательная активность, физическая подготовленность, физическое здоровье, инновация, педагогические технологии, физкультурно-оздоровительная программа.

Consolidation of universal values and preserving health of the citizens of Ukraine is an urgent problem of the present time. Today the world community refers to the problem of health as to the global problem, its solving stipulating the further existence of humanity (H. Apanasenko, Ye. Vilchakovskyi, V. Zavatskyi).

The analysis of the development of modern school education system in Ukraine shows that, despite the avalanche of novelties in the system of teaching and education, they barely have something to do with the sphere of physical education. Teaching and educational process in the comprehensive school is being more and more overloaded with subjects, which develop only mental activity, and the decrease in the physical development level of modern children and worsening of their health are not taken into account at all. At the same time, the deviation from the purpose of physical education in the school practice and its reducing to a normative approach only (observed during the recent years) does not only contradict the idea of all-round development of the personality, but does also intensify the critical state of pupils' health (V. Platonov).

It is generally known that the main risk factor for morbidity is one's lifestyle which defines for 51 % the state of one's health. Forming a proper attitude to one's health is a necessary condition for society improvement. It is important that creating such an attitude should begin in kindergarten and in school, as it is the only establishment all population of the country goes through, the teaching and educational process there being purposeful and systematic, so that proper conditions for preserving and improving children's health may be created with its help (H. Reshetneva).

Crucial role in solving the mentioned problem belongs to the modern system of physical education, which is gradually becoming an integral part of the lifestyle, greatly influencing on education, upbringing and health of a person (M. Dutchak).

Unfortunately, the efficiency of forming a healthy lifestyle is unsatisfactory and cannot meet the needs and interests of the population. In the last 5 years the amount of school youth rated to СМГ has increased by 41%. The risk group among its most active part has increased as well, causing the raise in the amount of criminally-responsible juvenile to 63%. The amount of drug-abusing juvenile has increased by 60% (O. Lytvyn, 2005).

The research shows that 36,4% of pupils have a low health level, 33,5% - below average, 22,6% - average, 6,7% - above average, and only 0.8% of pupils have a high health level (O. Lytvyn).

The scientific research held by the Institute of Pediatrics, Obstetrics and Gynecology of National Academy of Medical Science of Ukraine has proven that only 30% of children are able to perform qualifying standards during the lessons of physical education. And the processes of restoring the functional state of the organism after performing qualifying standards with no harm to health are possible only among 18-24% of children (http://www.gov.ua/main.php).

A special place in the system of school education is given to the junior pupils, as it is the main period for obtaining social experience, i.e. the interests and needs are intensively formed, and the cognitive capacity of a child increases (Z. Istomina, O. Kibalnyk, O. Tomenko, A. Venher, H. Zuckerman).

It should be mentioned that the specialists pay attention to the need for an overall reorganization of the teaching and educational process in the comprehensive educational establishments, and put

emphasis on the introduction of innovative approaches into the system of education, taking into consideration the psycho-physiological patterns of child's development.

General theoretical basis of the innovative activity of the comprehensive educational establishments is presented in the works of L. Danylenko, V. Lazarev, T. Syrotenko, and L. Vashchenko. New educational technologies in the primary school are offered in the works of Sh. Amonashvili, V. Davydov, D. Elkonin, V. Shapovalov, and L. Zankov.

That is why the methodology and the specific ways of increasing efficiency of the system of pupils' physical education are held according to one of the following directions: improvement of the normative basis (I. Bakiko, M. Bulatova, T. Krutsevych, A. Lytvyn); reconsideration of the criteria of the system of physical education efficiency (O. Kuts, V. Platonov); development of the conception of the system of physical education (V. Balsevych, M. Bokarev, O. Dubohai, Yu. Kopylov, L. Lubysheva, V. Lukyanenko, T. Meyson); improvement of the system of physical preparation estimation (V. Biletska, O. Davydenko, T. Krutsevych, I. Tiuh); argumentation of the physical education and therapeutic physical training lessons contents (O. Dubohai, N. Karachevska, O. Kruhliak, V. Semenenko, O. Shyian, A. Vindiuk, O. Vlasiuk, I. Vovchenko); organizational and methodical support of the physical education and therapeutic physical training lessons (N. Honcharova, V. Kashuba, I. Kohut).

As it is generally known, one of the first-priority tasks for the system of physical education is the implementation of the personality-oriented model of forming children's knowledge and skills for the healthy lifestyle, i.e. a realized attitude towards health preserving. The works of O. Dubohai, O. Kolomiets, T. Krutsevych, A. Kucherov, D. Solopchuk, and M. Zubal are dedicated to this problem.

The existing tendencies in forming theoretical knowledge on healthy lifestyle basics do not always take into account the psycho-physiological peculiarities of the development as well as the interests of the primary school age children though. That is why finding modern innovative approaches to the formation of theoretical knowledge is a needed component of physical education (L. Lubysheva), which influences greatly on the children's attraction to physical education lessons.

The analysis of the scientific research concerning forming healthy lifestyles has shown the absence of a complex approach to the development of innovative approaches and modern pedagogical technologies for the organization of the system of physical education. That is why solving this problem has both theoretical and practical significance for the improvement of the system of physical education.

The aim of this article is to discover the peculiarities of using innovative pedagogical technologies in the process of preserving reproductive health of the young.

Comprehensive educational establishments' operational experience shows that the success in forming conscious attitude of the young to preserving reproductive health depends not only on pupils' mastering of the educational material, rules, abilities and skills of living a healthy lifestyle, but also on the organization of health-improving preventing work at school, in the class and in the family.

The practice of the comprehensive educational establishments, however, still operates with a belief that the educative activity in this sphere is highly efficient. In the vast majority of the educational establishments, the issues of preserving and promoting health, relationship with the opposite sex, preparation to family life are optional or not considered at all. As the result of such an approach senior pupils have a certain amount of knowledge but do not apply it in practice. In our opinion, the reason is an unformed conscious need to preserve and to prevent one's health and the absence of positive motivation to live a healthy lifestyle.

The National Doctrine of Education Development emphasizes that the most important task of modern school education is forming motivation for preserving and promoting of the health of a person. The school should teach pupils to use reserve capacities of their organisms and the important skills of a healthy and safe conduct; to communicate with people; to foresee the consequences of their conduct and to be able to make proper decisions; to form values and beliefs which help make a conscious decision of a healthy conduct and an intention to keep to it all life long [4, p. 5].

The analysis of the comprehensive educational establishments' practical experience proves that success in forming conscious attitudes to preserving and promoting of the health of senior pupils depends considerably on the level of the teacher's grasp of the innovative teaching and educational

technologies and their implementation into the daily practice of the comprehensive educational establishments.

Innovation (Latin innovatio - renewal, change) is something new, a change, a renewal; a new approach, creation of something new, or usage of something already known to achieve new aims. Sometimes an innovation is the usage of something already known but with a little modification. Innovations are the subject of activity of the people who are not satisfied with the traditional circumstances, methods, ways, and try not only to renew the content of their activity, but also to achieve essentially new results. In the postindustrial society the first place belongs to the innovative activity in the social sphere, which is personality-oriented. It concerns education, medicine, and health-improving issues.

The term 'innovation' was first used more than a century ago in cultural studies and linguistics to denote a process of transfer (Latin transfero - I carry, I move), i.e. penetration of the elements of one culture into another one, and their acquisition of essentially new qualities.

I. Pidlasyi and A. Pidlasyi describe innovations as the ideas, processes, means and results, taken together to improve the quality of pedagogical system [7, p. 3]. "Regulations of the procedure of innovative educational activity realization" interpret innovations as the created, improved or firstly-used teaching, didactic, educational and management systems, their components, which improve greatly the results of educational activity [8, p. 7]. Russian scholars V. Onushkin and Ye. Oharev understand innovations as the process of partial changes leading to the modification of the specific educational aims or the means and ways of their achievement [5, p. 65]. V. Palamarchuk describes a novelty as a result of the creative search of a person or a group of people, discovering something new in science and in practice, and an innovation - as a result of creating, forming and implementing of the new ideas. The implementation of the new ideas is a distinguishing feature for innovations and novelties. A pedagogue discovering something new is a novelty-maker, a pedagogue transforming a scientific idea in practice is an innovator.

The term 'pedagogical technology' is quite a new one. Englishman James Sally first used it in 1886 regarding the teaching process. In Ukraine the terms 'pedagogical technology' and 'pedagogical technique' first appeared in the works of V. Bekhterev, I. Pavlov, S. Shatskyi, A. Ukhtomskyi [9, p. 15]. The discussion about the existence of the pedagogical technology as an instrument for teaching and education that every pedagogue should master is still active though. After the pedagogical technology started to be considered as an important factor of the teaching and educational process, there were a lot of attempts to examine its essence and peculiarities. On the one hand, it was caused by the intensification of scientific and practical interest to the pedagogical technologies as a means of increasing efficiency of the teaching and educational process. On the other hand, it was caused by the development of the specific pedagogical technologies, in the process of which their new universal qualities were discovered.

The approaches of the scholars to the definition of the term 'pedagogical technology' are quite different. B. Likhachov describes it as a totality of psychological and pedagogical guidelines defining the special set and combination of forms, methods, ways, devices and educational means of the teaching process; organizational and methodical toolset of the pedagogical process [3, p. 34]. I. Volkov interprets it as a description of the teacher's and pupils' system of activities, performing of which will realize the teaching process optimally. P. Moskalenko believes this phenomenon is a consecutive set of guidelines, activities and operations of modeling, realization, diagnostics of the efficiency, and correction of the process of teaching and education [2, p. 56-59]. V. Bespalko defines pedagogical technology as a project of a certain practical pedagogical system, as a meaningful technique of the teaching and educational process [1, p. 25].

US Association for Educational Communications and Technology describes it as a complex integrated process including people, ideas, means and ways of organization of the activity for the analysis of the problems which embrace the main aspects of knowledge mastering. UNESCO Glossary of Educational Technology Terms defines this term as a system method of creation, use and identification of the overall process of teaching and learning, taking into account technical and human resource and their interaction, the aim of which is the education forms optimization. V. Slastyonin considers it as a naturally-determined pedagogical activity which realizes a scientifically grounded

project of the didactic process and has a higher level of efficiency, security, and a guaranteed result unlike traditional methods [6, p. 89].

What is common in all the definitions is the direction of the pedagogical technology to the increase of the efficiency of the teaching process which guarantees achieving planned results of the education. As a rule, creation of a new technology is a result of unsatisfactory teaching and education results, and inefficiency of the pedagogical activity as a professional impromptu. An essential peculiarity of the pedagogical technology is its ability to contrast spontaneous actions with strict algorithmic instructions, a system of logically-motivated actions, and a successive move from one element to another.

Hereby we may ascertain that technology is a certain complex consisting of planned results, means of the estimation for correcting and choosing methods and ways of education, which are optimal for an every single situation, and also consisting of the set of education models developed by the teacher on this basis.

Regulatory influence of the technology in the process of realization of senior pupils' reproductive health-preserving content may be used in the following ways: search for the reason of the activity effectiveness; mobilization of progressive scientific and practical advancements to guarantee the achievement of the result; structuring the activity on intensive, not extensive basis; concentration of attention on the foreseeing of the activity to prevent its projection during its fulfillment; extensive use of modern information technologies, maximum automation of routine operations etc.

In this sense the structural connection of the technologies will be as follows: activity - need -purpose - motive - motivation - task - means - action - operation - result. Technology is a totality of modes aimed at mastering of the system of knowledge, experience, skills and practical work of the subjects of reproductive health preserving.

While choosing the technologies, forms and methods of reproductive health preserving, it is important to use psychological and pedagogical resources to develop cognitive interests of the senior pupils. We are talking about the educative activity. Here the great role is given to the content which is rich in exercises that activate such higher mental functions as thinking and imagination, based on feeling and perception. For the senior pupils, lectures and seminars help realize communicative and perceptive function, whereas the interactive function of education is first-priority during practical lessons, role plays, and trainings. Cognitive reserve of such activities (defined as active methods and forms in the diagnostic literature) is connected with the fact that some beliefs are formed during certain exercises on the basis of content and set goals (operational directions).

The most efficient and complex innovative technologies are interactive ones. We should mention that the term 'interactive pedagogics' is quite new: as a scientific term, it was first used by a German scholar Fritz in 1975. The researches of this scholar define the purpose of the interactive process: change and improvement of the conduct models of its participants. Analyzing his/her own reactions and the reactions of the partner, the participant changes his/her conduct model and adopts it consciously. This allows us to speak about the interactive methods as the process of interactive education [9, p. 7].

We should mention that the matter of the interactive education is also the co-education, or inter-education (collective, group, cooperative), where the pupil and the teacher are enjoying equal rights and are the equivalent subjects of education. In the process of such interactive education there can be no domination of one participant over the other, of one thought over the other, and the pupils learn to be democratic, to think critically, to make reasonable decisions, and to communicate with other people.

Interactivity in the education may be explained as an ability to cooperate, to study in a form of a conversation, a dialogue, an action. Literally speaking, the interactive method is the one where the person studying is a participant, i.e. he/she does something: speaks, manages, models, writes, draws etc. He/she is not only a listener, an observer, but takes an active part in everything what is going on, creating the phenomenon itself. That is why the use of the interactive educational technologies in the process of reproductive health preserving contributes to better workout and maintaining of conduct models by the senior pupils, helping them to preserve and to promote their own health.

The educational technologies are conducted with the help of pupils' active cooperation in the process of education may also be defined as interactive. They make it possible to gain new knowledge

and organize collective activity, beginning with a single interaction to a wide cooperation, thanks to individual contributions of everyone. Unlike active methods of education, which are based on one-way communication (organized and constantly stimulated by the teacher), interactive methods fundamentally change the pattern of communication in the process of education. Interactive methods are oriented at the realization of personality's cognitive interests and needs that is why a lot of attention is paid to the organization of effective communication process, where the participants of the cooperation process are more mobile, open and active.

The basis for the interaction is a principle of multivariant communication which is characterized by the absence of polarity and minimum focus on the teacher's point of view. According to O. Pometun and L. Pyrozhenko, the efficiency of any technology depends greatly on the choice of the way of interaction, and the form of communication of the educational process participants. In the present-day educational system the most popular form of communication is usually a monologue. First, the teacher shares his/her knowledge with the students in a form of monologue, then the students report on the gained knowledge, also in a form of monologue answers. The position of the teacher should be a certain pole around which all the communication of the educational process participants concentrates. That is how the model of one-way communication is realized in practice [9, p. 29].

The most important is the fact that participation in the interaction promotes formation and development of cooperative skills among students. Human as a social being continuously functions in a group that is why the ability to adjust oneself to different groups, to orient oneself in life situations is one of the conditions of a successful self-realization of a personality. Moreover, taking part in the interaction, pupils attain an active life position in the education, and become the subjects of the educational process. Well-organized interaction allows to attract all the pupils in the classroom to work simultaneously, reduces the possibility of children's passiveness and their non-participation in the work. Creation of a needed atmosphere for interaction during the lesson helps pupils overcome their uncertainty in themselves, the fear before the dialogue with the teacher and the classmates; it gives a possibility to the pupils who are usually unsuccessful in the individual work to realize themselves in the interactive exercises if their group partners support them. The use of interactive technologies during the lesson increases the efficiency of information mastering, develops communicative skills of the pupils, allows them to learn preventing conflicts and overcoming conflict situations successfully, makes pupils more interested in the process of studying, teaches children to search information by themselves, and demands their creative approach to problem solving.

One of the advantages of the training method as one of the interactive technologies is the fact that it provides a unique possibility to learn complex and emotionally-important issues in a safe atmosphere of a training, and not in a real life with all its threats and risks. Training teaches how to perceive without worrying the unpleasant results which may occur when making a wrong decision.

Didactic peculiarities of such educational forms display themselves in crashing of the wrong stereotypes about the bad habits, trying to excite interest in senior pupils, prompting their independent search and active cognitive activity, and helping to make a transition from the theoretical level to the applied knowledge.

Innovative approaches to promoting healthy lifestyles include taking into account general principles of physical education theory: harmonious development of a personality; connection to life; health-promoting direction; and also general methodological principles of conscience, activeness and individualization.

Promoting a healthy lifestyle may be defined as a process of quality change in the components forming it, and also in its structure, as a result of which the ability to achieve higher results is acquired.

Thus, the innovative process determines the changes which have novelty and potential to increase the efficiency of the process in general or some other factors, and are also able to produce long-lasting useful effect and correlation with other innovations.

Conducted theoretical analysis of promoting healthy lifestyles and the experience in organization and realization of educative actions with use of the interactive technologies allows to confirm that the efficient interactive technologies have enough possibilities and a formed authoritative position in preserving of the reproductive health of the young. It is important to remember that modern interactive educational technologies aimed at strengthening of physical, psychical, social and of course

spiritual health should be based on stimulating a positive feeling of success, optimism, and faith in one's own abilities and resources.


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