INNOVATIVE APPROACH TO TEACHING MEDICAL TERMS FOR ESP STUDENTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Abidova M.I.

This article discusses reconsidering the approaches that have been used so far in the search for innovative methods.

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UDK: 13.00.08

Abidova M.I. senior teacher

of the department "Pedagogy and Psychology "




Annotation: This article discusses reconsidering the approaches that have been used so far in the search for innovative methods.

Key words: Ibn Sina, the book "Canon", term, medical terminology, innovative approach, language learning tools

The new conditions of the socio-political system and the new requirements for the development of society demanded certain changes and new decisions related to foreign languages. Sustainability of useful English, knowledge of English is important. Many students want to continue their studies abroad at universities and colleges, as it is now possible to pursue higher education abroad. At a time when new ideas in science and medicine are emerging so fast, not everything can be translated into different languages. Many articles are published in English.

The use of terminology and professional discourse used by the same professionals working in the same field is socially limited. Terms and professional skills are marked with a "special" sign in understandable dictionaries, sometimes indicating the field of application of one or another term: physicist, medical, mathematician, astronomer and so on. Each field of knowledge has its own terminology.

The study of medical terminology, like all other fields, is currently undergoing a process of reviewing the goals, methods and materials. In modern society, foreign languages are an accelerator of scientific and technological progress and a direct way of international cooperation. This is the key to successful business relations in the context of the restoration of business and economic cooperation.

Medicine is one of the oldest branches of human activity, so the terminology of medicine has long been used and is a constantly evolving term. Many new scientific concepts and terms appear in medicine, and many ancient ones undergo certain changes, which give rise to development trends and methods of their formation, as well as the laws governing the naming of languages according to the materials of English medical terminology.

The Х-Х1 centuries are truly considered to be the period of Central Asia in the history of world science. The great group of scholars who worked in Maverannahr (between the Amu Darya and the Syr Darya) had a great influence

on human development. One of the most important of these was Abu Ali Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn Sina, known in Europe as Avicenna (August 16, 0980 - June 18, 1037).

The son of the saint of Bukhara and the tax collector, later a minister, a statesman, he authored more than 450 works, of which only 274 have survived, but Avicenna's eternal fame is preserved in the 15th century. In the West, too, it was the main medical guide.

In less than 57 years, Avicenna has excelled in 29 fields of study, and his contribution to the development of medicine is hard to overestimate. According to media reports, the term "medicine" is derived from the Latin word -mad Sina (translated from the Sinai) or the abbreviated "method Sina".

Ibn Sina considers the experimental way of testing the effect of drugs to be the most reliable and offers "conditions" ensuring "purity of the experiment". His great book "Canon of Medicine" contains indications of the need to identify side effects of drugs, the presence of mutual enhancement of theirs and mutual weakening of the effect of drugs when they are administered together.

The book first outlines the theoretical foundations of medicine and the general provisions of practical medicine. It defines the concept of medicine, reveals the tasks of this science, gives the doctrine of juices and nature (temperament), a compressed anatomical sketch of the so-called "simple" organs of the human body - bones, cartilage, nerves, arteries, veins, tendons, ligaments and muscles.

Terms are words or phrases called special concepts of any special field of science, technology, art. Each term is based on a definition of the truth it defines, and its terms are a clear and concise description of the object or event. Each science works with its own term, which is the essence of the terminology of the science.

The lexical dictionary of languages is constantly updated and expanded. Various processes are observed: not only the appearance of new words, but also obsolescence. As a result, some words are transformed from a combination of active vocabulary into passive vocabulary, and vice versa. These processes contribute to the development of various fields of science, the emergence of various new objects, events, movements. The new terms here complement the limited usage phrases.

Medical terminology is a language used to communicate with physicians in a variety of medical fields. The peculiarity of the term is that it has a meaning clearly defined in its field of science, logistics semantics, the conscious agreement used, and is a member of the system of terms.

The basis of medical terminology is Greek-Latin words or terms artificially created from Greek-Latin terms; Terms are very motivational and semantically transparent.

The term should be open to readers and listeners. The best thing about medical terminology is to take into account words that are accepted by most

experts, that are understandable to everyone, and that reflect the nature of the event or object. In medicine, the semantic meaning of terms becomes the property of a science that is defined only by explicit terms. As an example:

Abdomen - a belly.

Atrium - an upper part of the heart .

Bowels - intestines.

Cardiovascular - heart and vascular.

Gullet - esophagus.

Paralysis - a condition when muscles cannot stretch or contract

Pericardium - membrane that surrounds and supports the heart

Trunk - a body.

Vascular - referring to vessels

ventricle - a lower part of the heart, and so on.

Given the development of foreign language teaching and science and technology, it is necessary to reconsider the approaches that have been used so far in the search for innovative methods. Based on the teachers' explanations, they use multimedia and Internet technologies along with the new teaching models to avoid the previously used models. In addition, emphasis is placed on students learning a common language with the help of a computer. However, it should be borne in mind that multimedia technologies have certain shortcomings, and that the use of multimedia requires additional skills and abilities from the teacher. Otherwise, it will have low results.

Nowadays, we can see the rapid development of technology, first of all, the computer. This, in turn, leads to better understanding and assimilation of new medical information by modern students through communication with computer sources. The use of computer technology in the process of learning a foreign language facilitates this process for students and creates a familiar environment for them. It also allows medical students to diversify their work and make it more interesting. Thanks to multimedia resources, the process of learning a foreign language can be carried out outside the classroom on a regular basis. In some cases, it is possible to learn a language and use these resources (meet online with local people, watch programs and watch movies) in a foreign language, use a variety of sites that require knowledge of a foreign language.

Learning a foreign language using computer technology includes:

- video clips, flash animation, websites, news, etc. such as authentic language materials;

- an online environment where students can meet with local speakers in an electronic environment, text-based computer editing, social media, voice or video conferencing;

- Language learning tools (online programs and manuals) for phonetics, pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar and sentence analysis, text-to-speech exercises, speech recognition, interactive and controlled tasks;

- An online environment that allows teachers and students to communicate with each other;

- Game forms.

There are a variety of specialized tools and manuals that provide the use of computer technology for teaching foreign languages.

The following are used in foreign language teaching: course management systems (MS); interactive whiteboards; Portfolio (digital archive of students created by students); corpus (authentic language collections in oral, written, or both forms); electronic dictionaries; electronic comments (word or sentence levels, contextual translations or descriptive information); intelligent tutoring systems; grammar test programs; automatic speech recognition (ASR) and phonetic programs; virtual games; Conversations (synchronous computer communication: text or audio); social networks; blogs; Internet forums or notifications.

Computer pronunciation interpretation (CPI), or automatic speech recognition (ASR), accelerates speech improvement and provides more effective control than a teacher can do. This program can help students as they practice and prepare other students and teachers to pronounce new words.

Chat improves the ability to speak, expands the conversation, develops attention (in order to achieve results, students need to pay attention to what they do not know, or they know only partially), and the task of concentrating and concentrating (language).

Electronic dictionaries help students complete tasks faster and increase the number of dictionary views. It may not be important for the development of powers, but it speeds up understanding.

The advantage of online audio and video multimedia resources is that the student has the right to enter extracurricular classes, which expands the study time and creates opportunities for practice and independent work. Students can work on learning materials and work for them at the appropriate time. This will help them to improve their ability to listen without fear of making mistakes and to complete assignments.

You need motivation and self-confidence to achieve the benefits of using computer technology.

1. Choose topics and listen to audio lessons.

2. Watch videos

3. Listen to songs in English

4. We deal with special programs. We learn grammar.

5. We test our knowledge

In any test and online exercise, we provide a unique opportunity to test ourselves and discover weaknesses in grammar. Students should use these resources on a regular basis, test their knowledge, and be guided to action.

We can conclude that with the help of computer-based education, students demonstrate achievements in speech, reading, comprehension, conversation,

grammar. In addition, they provide better monitoring and evaluation of the work of medical students who are computer students.

The list of used literature:

1. Rojdestvenskaya S.V. Dissertation work of c.ph.s. Pyatigorsk, 2009

2. Abidova M.I. Study of Ibn Sina medical terms. Экономика и социум №4 (59). 2019.

3. Abramenko L.A. Reading medical literature in English. Moscow, 2000

4. Netter.F. Human anatomy. MediMedia USA Company 2008

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