INNOVATION OF THE BASIS OF DEVELOPMENT OF THE ECONOMY OF UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Jamaldinova A.

This article describes the modern scientific and theoretical developments of economy. So innovation policy that allows us to formulate the conceptual foundations of innovation and investment strategy for the development of a new economy based on knowledge and innovative developments.

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classroom can be carried out using information and communication technologies, using an interactive whiteboard or video projector.

Thus, the use of charts and tables in English lessons - the key to the successful development of language competence of students. Maximum use of reference charts and tables in foreign language classes allows students and students to lead the process of learning, to take an active part in it, gives the opportunity for self-development and self-expression. They can be used at any stage of the lesson (activation of knowledge or introduction of new material, consolidation or control of knowledge) and they are the best tool for the development of pronunciation, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. Communicative schemes and tables are one of the main means of formation and development of language competence, i.e. pronunciation, lexical and grammatical aspects of speech. They allow to individualize and activate the process of formation and development of skills of all types of speech activity.


1. Ryabtseva L.A. The Use of schemes and tables in English lessons as a key to the successful development of language competence of students.// URL http: //www.allbest.ru/

2. Uzluksiz TA'lim.Ilmiy-uslubiy jurnal. No. 2. Toshkent, 2002.

3. Фарходжонова Н. Ф. ПРОБЛЕМЫ ПРИМЕНЕНИЯ ИННОВАЦИОННЫХ ТЕХНОЛОГИЙ В ОБРАЗОВАТЕЛЬНОМ ПРОЦЕССЕ НА МЕЖДУНАРОДНОМ УРОВНЕ //Инновационные тенденции, социально-экономические и правовые проблемы взаимодействия в международном пространстве. - 2016. - С. 58-61.

UDK 33

Jamaldinova A. teacher

Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city


OF UZBEKISTAN Annotation: This article describes the modern scientific and theoretical developments of economy. So innovation policy that allows us to formulate the conceptual foundations of innovation and investment strategy for the development of a new economy based on knowledge and innovative developments.

Keywords: innovation, science, innovation path, investments, national market, innovations, scientific and technical potential.

World experience convincingly proves that innovative technologies have become the most important effective means and condition for the development of modern production and the economic potential of the state. They combine the advanced achievements of science, the possibility of implementing the latest engineering solutions and modernizing production, mastering the production of

new types of products, its mass distribution and market sales.In order to ensure the competitiveness of products, the modern economies of the world make a decisive bet on the transformation of scientific knowledge into new consumer value, which has qualitatively higher properties compared to its counterparts on the world market. That is why innovation is an important factor in the development of the national economy. Today, as world experience shows, there is no alternative to the innovative path of development. The creation, introduction and wide distribution of new products, services of technological processes are becoming key factors of economic growth, increase of economic efficiency and competitiveness of enterprises.

The Republic of Uzbekistan, occupying a favorable transit economic and geographical position within Central Asia, plays an important role in the integration processes in this region. At the same time, our country has rich natural resources, which give great opportunities for the development of a diversified economy. First of all, the mineral potential of Uzbekistan deserves special attention. In total, 2,700 deposits of about 120 types of minerals have been discovered in the territory of the Republic. In particular, Uzbekistan is among the countries ranked by reserves of gold fourth place, uranium reserves - the seventh, the reserves of molybdenum - eighth, zapasam of copper - tenth. Among the fuel resources of Uzbekistan, natural gas reserves are of paramount importance - 14th place in the world. Also, our country occupies a leading position in the world in reserves of non-metallic minerals such as potassium salts and phosphates. The largest deposits of various minerals are mainly located on the territory of Navoi, Tashkent, Kashkadarya regions and the Republic of Karakalpakstan. Thus, large reserves of mineral resources of our country provide ample opportunities for the development of non-ferrous metallurgy, fuel, chemical and construction industries.

The Republic has rich agro-climatic resources, favorable for the development of agriculture. The long growing season and the abundance of warm Sunny days provide an opportunity for intensive development in Uzbekistan of such highly profitable sectors of agriculture as cotton growing, horticulture, viticulture, vegetable growing, melon growing. However, due to the development of mainly irrigated agriculture of the Republic is highly dependent on water resources. The territories of Tashkent, Andijan, Surkhandarya and Samarkand regions are best provided with this type of resources. At the same time, the Republic of Karakalpakstan, located in the desert Western part of the country of Bukhara, Navoi regions, has developed a very difficult situation in this regard. Despite the difficulties in providing water to some regions, Uzbekistan ranks 11th in the world in terms of irrigated land area.

Modernization of the economy, declared one of the main objectives of the macroeconomic policy of our state, involves overcoming the country's accelerating technological lag behind world innovation leaders. Innovation is becoming an inherent characteristic of the modern economy, it applies equally to states and their communities, and to individual companies. Innovative orientation is an imperative not only of today, but also of the near future of human activity in

any sphere.For our country today, the transition to an innovative type of economic development, which requires the full disclosure of the national scientific and technical potential, is particularly relevant. The goal, objectives of the state policy in the field of development of the innovation system of the country, the mechanisms and main measures for its implementation are currently defined in the main directions of the innovation policy in the field of development of the innovation system, considered as a set of subjects and objects of innovation activity that interact in the process of creating and implementing innovation products and carrying out their activities in the framework of the state policy on the development of the innovation system - the state scientific-technical and industrial policy. It is a complex of social and economic measures implemented by the state, aimed at creating conditions for developing the production of competitive innovative products based on advanced achievements of science, technology, technology and increasing the share of such products in the production structure, as well as promoting and selling products and services in the domestic and global markets. The policy of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the field of the development of the innovation system is based on an equal public-private partnership and is aimed at combining the efforts and resources of the state and the country's entrepreneurs to step up innovation activities. Analysis of literature on the topic over the past decades in the global economy, the role of human capital, science, knowledge and highly qualified personnel among the factors of economic growth has been steadily growing and, as a result, an increase in the share of hightech, knowledge-intensive industries in the structure of industrial production is observed. Countries are embarking on an innovative path of development, and the processes of globalization of the world economy have determined the conditions for this transition: an innovative path of development is available for countries with macroeconomic and political stability and a developed competitive environment, with high scientific and technical potential and an effective national innovation system; for economies with a high degree of industrialization and developed export-import relations.

Our domestic scientists Gulyamov S.S., Abdullaev A.M. also fruitfully deal with the development of issues related to the peculiarities of the innovation development of the economy. They paid special attention to the managerial aspects and techniques of state regulation of the innovation potential of the Republic of Uzbekistan. They developed conceptual approaches to the assessment of innovation and investment, business methodology, competitiveness, financing innovation, innovative entrepreneurship and the implementation of the innovation policy of enterprises under uncertainty of risk. They also formulated strategic priorities for the development of an innovative economy in the Republic of Uzbekistan for the long-term perspective in accordance with globalization, the promising goals of the socio-economic development of our country. Despite the availability of extensive economic literature devoted to the consideration of various aspects of the innovation path of economic development, a number of problems need further research. Differences in interpretations of its categorical

concepts, quantitative and qualitative composition of factors hindering the transition of Uzbekistan to this path of development persist.

The method of abstracting obtained conclusions about the features of the use of innovations as an indicator of investment policy. The generalization method revealed trends in conducting and making decisions of the investment policy, characteristic of developing countries, as well as new phenomena of the country's innovative development path. Statistical data was obtained from the State Committee on Statistics of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the work of representatives of classical, neoclassical and institutional economic theories. Its informational and empirical base was the materials of monographs, articles of modern domestic and foreign economists; the results of scientific and practical conferences. In the course of the study, formal-logical, systemic, deductive, inductive, and economic-statistical methods, comparisons and analogies were used to describe economic phenomena and their properties. Analysis and results In the framework of the innovation and investment strategy, a purposeful, intensive and large-scale implementation of the most important tasks lies ahead:

• Accelerated formation of a national science and innovation system, the core of which should be fundamental science, and the core frame - science and innovation cycles for the development of priority critical technologies;

• Providing free of charge to all segments of the population universal universal secondary and vocational education, allowing them to independently carry out the search for knowledge and improve their cultural level;

• providing all interested citizens who have the ability to independent scientific and innovative creativity, social and legal prerequisites for obtaining higher and postgraduate education mostly free of charge;

• organization of a legally organized different environment and infrastructure in the republic market and stimulation of access to world markets with inventions, discoveries. The innovation system of the Republic of Uzbekistan currently includes:

1) the reproduction of knowledge, by conducting fundamental and exploratory research in the Republican Academy of Sciences, other academies of science with state status, as well as in universities of the country;

2) carrying out applied research and technological developments in state scientific centers of the country and scientific organizations of industry; introduction of scientific and technical results in production;

3) industrial and agricultural production of competitive innovative products;

4) training in organization and management in the field of innovation.

Despite the difficult situation that has developed in the scientific field, the

domestic scientific and technical potential remains quite powerful. And only with the effective use of this potential, the restructuring of the sphere of science, it will be possible to carry out adequate scientific support for the innovative activities of industrial enterprises, which will lead to an increase in the competitiveness of domestic products in international markets and economic growth.

The problems of interaction between large corporations and the state and issues relating to the study of mechanisms governing capital flow processes have not been sufficiently developed. A number of issues of a conceptual and methodological nature remain unresolved, including those related to the need to substantiate the intended directions for the formation of an innovative way of economic development. It is necessary to carry out a structural and investment maneuver in order to create prerequisites for the transition to an innovative economy and the development of knowledge-intensive industries.

To achieve the goals set, socio-economic prerequisites and mechanisms should be created for solving the following main tasks:

1) ensuring the priority development of basic science, the most important applied research and development;

2) the provision of state program funding for research;

3) improving the regulatory framework of scientific, scientific and technological and innovation activities;

4) improvement of the system of training highly qualified scientific and engineering personnel in the field of science and technology;

5) development and modernization of defense innovations;

6) increase of economic and innovation security in the country. Economists' research has shown that innovation is a key source of economic

growth today and is an important factor for enterprises, regions, and national economy competitiveness. According to experts from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), economic growth in the next two decades is directly related to innovations.

In general, we can conclude that Uzbekistan has the basic conditions for the transition to an innovative type of economic development, the necessary elements of the national innovation system have been formed. A powerful impetus for the development of innovation activity in the republic can be the involvement of private, corporate and foreign capital in this area.Innovations are not the only advantages for only the scientific sectors of the economy. Innovative activity is important and is currently being implemented in the sectors of industry, services, and the public sector of the economy, including public administration.


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2. Abdullaev A.M. and others. Sustainable economic development of Uzbekistan inconditions of globalization. - T .: Science and technology, 2016 - 280 p.

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4. Baldina K.V. Investments: system analysis and management. - M .:Dashkov& Co. Corporation. 2012-288 p.

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7. iqtisodiyot.uz

UDK 808.3

Mamadayupova S. senior teacher Tashkent Institute of Finance Uzbekistan, Tashkent city FEATURES OF STYLISTIC TECHNIQUES IN ENGLISH

Annotation: In this article highlights of features of stylistic techniques in English and importance in grammar English language.

Key words: English language, grammar, teaching, learning, stylistic techniques.

The idea is to take different types of selection as criteria for outstanding styles, as represented by a single sound. This puts the whole problem on a solid basis of objective criteria, intervention of additional and mandatory functions. There is no point in quoting other definitions of style. There are too many of them and they are too heterogeneous to fall under a more or less satisfactory single concept. Undoubtedly, all these differences in the understanding of the word "style" stem from its ambiguity. But until now, all these different definitions leave the impression that, by and large, they all have something in common.

All point to some integral meaning, namely that style is a set of characteristics by which we distinguish one author from another or members of one subclass from members of other subclasses, all of which are members of the same General class. What are these sets of characteristics typical of a writer or of a subclass of the literary language will be seen in the analysis of language means of a given writer and of the subclasses of the General literary standard. Another point: the above quotes have in common that they all concentrate on the form of expression almost to the detriment of the content. In other words, style is seen as something that belongs exclusively to the plane of expression, not in terms of content. Such an opinion mainly concerns the correspondence of the writer's intention, whoever he is - a writer, the author of a diplomatic document, an article in a newspaper or a scientific treatise, the effect is always achieved.

The assessment is also based on whether the choice of language corresponds to the most General scheme of the given type of text - novel, poem, letter, document, article, essay and so on. It should be noted that the hard and fast distinction between logical and emotional accent can color the pronunciation with emotional elements, thus causing a kind of expressiveness that affects the consistency and coloring of the pronunciation. However, the extremes are clearly set against each other. The idea of individual style creates a problem of correspondence between thought and expression.

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