INFORMATIZING SOCIETY AS ONE OF THE REASONS FOR CREATING A GLOBAL SOCIETY Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Aripova Z.S., Aysachev A.A.

The article discusses the philosophical problems of globalization. In the article, the author analyzes the informatization of society as one of the main factors of globalization.

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УДК 339

Aripova Z.S.

Andijan Machine-building institute Uzbekistan, Andijan Aysachev A.A.

Tashkent State Technical University Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Abstract: The article discusses the philosophical problems of globalization. In the article, the author analyzes the informatization of society as one of the main factors of globalization.

Key words: globalization, society, information, politics, economics

Globalization should be understood as the pulling of most of humanity into a single system of financial, economic, socio-political and cultural ties based on the latest telecommunications and information technologies.

The prerequisite for the emergence of the phenomenon of globalization was the consequence of the processes of human cognition: the development of scientific and technical knowledge, the development of technology, which made it possible for an individual to perceive objects located in different parts of the earth with the senses and enter into relations with them, as well as naturally perceive, realize the very fact of these relationship.

Globalization is a set of complex integration processes that gradually cover (or have they already covered?) All spheres of human society. By itself, this process is objective, historically conditioned by the entire development of human civilization. On the other hand, its current stage is largely determined by the subjective interests of some countries and transnational corporations. With the strengthening of this complex of processes, the question arises about the management and control of their development, about the reasonable organization of the processes of globalization, in view of its absolutely ambiguous influence on ethnic groups, cultures and states.

Globalization became possible thanks to the worldwide expansion of Western civilization, the spread of the values and institutions of the latter to other parts of the world. In addition, globalization is associated with transformations within the Western society itself, in its economy, politics, ideology, which have taken place over the past half century.

Information globalization leads to the emergence of the phenomenon of the "global information community". This term is quite broad and includes, first of all, the global unified information industry, which is developing against the background of the continuously increasing role of information and knowledge in the economic and socio-political context. This concept assumes that information becomes in

society a quantity that determines all other life dimensions. Indeed, the ongoing information and communication revolution is forcing a rethinking of the attitude towards such fundamental concepts as space, time and action. After all, globalization can be characterized as a process of compression of temporal and spatial distances. Time compression is the flip side of space compression. The time required for complex spatial actions is reduced. Accordingly, each unit of time is condensed, filled with an amount of activity that is many times greater than that which could have been done ever before. When time becomes the decisive condition for many other events that follow a certain action, the value of time increases significantly.

The foregoing allows us to understand that space and time are not compressed by themselves, but within the framework of complex - spatially and temporally divorced - actions. The essence of innovation lies in the possibility of effective management of space and time on a global scale: combining a mass of events at different times and on different parts of the earth into a single cycle. In this coordinated chain of events, movements, transactions, each individual element acquires significance for the possibility of the whole.

The reasons for globalization in the economic sphere include the following:

1. Increasing the communicative connectivity of the world. It is associated with both the development of transport and the development of communication means.

The development of transport communications is associated with scientific and technological progress, which led to the creation of fast and reliable vehicles, which caused an increase in world trade.

The development of communication technologies has led to the fact that the transfer of information now takes a split second. In the economic sphere, this is expressed in the instant transfer of managerial decisions to the parent organization, in an increase in the speed of solving crisis problems (now it depends only on the speed of comprehension of this situation, and not on the speed of data transfer).

2. Production going beyond national boundaries. The production of goods began to gradually lose its purely national, state localization and was distributed among those economic zones where any intermediate operation was cheaper. Now the management company can be located in one place, the designing organization -in a completely different place, the production of initial parts - in the third, fourth and fifth, assembly and debugging of the product - in the sixth and seventh, design - developed in the eighth place, and the sale of finished products - in the tenth, thirteenth, twenty-first, thirty-fourth ...

The current stage of globalization in the development of the economic sphere is characterized by:

1. Formation of huge transnational corporations (TNCs), which largely freed themselves from the control of a particular state. They themselves began to represent states - only states not "geographic", but "economic", based not so much on territory, nationality and culture, but on certain sectors of the world economy.

2. The emergence of non-state funding sources: the International Monetary Fund, the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and others. These already purely "financial states" are focused not on production, but exclusively on cash flows. The budgets of these non-state societies are often many times higher than the budgets of small and medium-sized countries. These "new states" are today the main unifying force of reality: any country striving to be included in world economic processes is forced to accept the principles that they establish. It entails the reorganization of the local economy, social reorganization, the opening of economic borders, the coordination of tariffs and prices with those established in the global market, and so on.

3. Formation of a global elite - a very narrow circle of people who really influence large-scale economic and political processes. This is due to the recruiting of senior managers around the world.

4. Imports of low-skilled labor from the poorest, but richest in human reserves of the Third World countries to Europe and the United States, where there is a demographic decline.

5. Continuous mixing of "national realities". The world acquires the features of fractality: between any two of its points belonging to one set (to one economy, to one national culture), one can always place a third one, belonging to another set (another economy, another national culture). This is due to the fact that there are two counter streams along the "road of globalization": Westernization - the introduction of Western patterns (life patterns) to the South and East, and Orientalization - the introduction of the patterns of the East and South into Western civilization.

6. Non-Western areas of mankind are becoming objects of economic globalization; many states at the same time lose a significant part of their sovereignty, especially in relation to the implementation of the economic function, while being "nothing more than instruments for the advancement of global capitalism." Many of them bear the costs of economic globalization, which is becoming asymmetric, when wealth is concentrated to an unprecedented degree at one pole, and poverty at the other.

The economy, thus, becomes the leading sphere of globalization, starting from which it inevitably spreads to other spheres of society, causing far-reaching social, socio-cultural and political changes beyond the focus of their origin.


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