INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES: INFORMATION EDUCATION AND INFORMATICS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Karimov A., Muxammadjonov X.

The article deals with the role and features of the use of information in the scientific, educational and social spheres. It is noted that the management of the processes of creating and applying information technologies should be based on principles other than hierarchical ones.

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UDK 004.02:004.5:004.9

Karimov A. assistant Muxammadjonov X.


TUIT Fergana branch Uzbekistan, Fergana city



Annotation: The article deals with the role and features of the use of information in the scientific, educational and social spheres. It is noted that the management of the processes of creating and applying information technologies should be based on principles other than hierarchical ones.

Keywords: information, information technologies, education, social systems.

The information sphere is a constantly expanding area of human activity associated with the production of new information products, services and technologies. Today, the information sphere includes not only research and information centers, networks, libraries and archives, but also office systems, mass media, educational, electoral and information technologies, which generally form the industry of creating, storing, processing and distributing information in all areas of human activity.

This is also confirmed by the trend of formation of the information society - a society whose members interact with each other and with the environment mainly through highly specialized communication channels, the purpose of which is data transmission.

Informatization has gained a completely new scale and has led to the emergence of not only new tools and technologies, but also created new problems, including social ones; information technologies have appeared and are being successfully applied to influence human consciousness and behavior. In this sense, we can say that the most dangerous factor for a person in the modern information society is the extensive component of informatization - an exorbitant increase in the volume of information flows and the number of channels that use a person primarily as a passive receiver of information. The person himself is practically unable to make a reasonable choice of channels and an adequate assessment of information, even if only because of inability (information "illiteracy") and limited resources (first of all, time). Information processes as a component of any activity take place in an environment that includes not only sources of information, methods and means of access to it, but also available

knowledge and everyday experience. In today's computer science, the engineering satellite has an overwhelming superiority.

Global communication and microelectronics technologies combined with the universality of numerical representations have created a practical opportunity for automation (almost robotization) of any human activity. Humanity has come to another "crisis of power" - the information field. It is obvious that scientific and technological progress, which generates a crisis, allows it to be overcome, in this case, by changing the biology of the person himself in order to eliminate the "natural imperfection".

It should be noted that modern information technologies and software products are often and mostly a combination of computer and information technologies. This combination, however, only confirms that computer and information technologies are a single complex of modern high technology associated with the creation of the latest tool for automated information processing - information systems with intellectual properties. Although in fact, modern processes of intellectualization of information systems are a synthesis of mathematics and semantics, theory and practice of creating and using distributed information resources, making optimal decisions when solving problems in the subject area.

Information is an operational object in information technology. However, the terms "information" and "technology" in the modern world have become so commonly used and popular that they almost no longer reflect the specifics of any object or means. Therefore, these concepts (as well as any other) must be considered on the basis that the definition of any scientific concept is a working model of the object under study, reflecting its basic properties, structure and relationships. Perceived and fixed (i.e. the signals of the surrounding world that are transformed into another form are objectively existing data.

In this context, we can say that information exists as a real object of the process of transmission, storage or processing only in the form of data, and the main difference between these concepts is that data, once it appears, exists regardless of where and how it will be used.

Information defined as data content always requires specifying the meaning of this data by specifying the context of its appearance or use, and specifying the method of its semantic processing. The information that appears when using data in the process of solving specific tasks forms new knowledge, the physical carrier of which is the subject's consciousness.

Such knowledge is already alienated from the subject that formed it, and is usually presented in the form of documents and messages, which, in turn, can be considered as objectively existing data that can initiate the generation of information. Whether the data becomes information depends on whether the method for converting (reflecting) the data into new or already known concepts is known. In other words, to extract information from the data, you must have a method that is adequate to the form of data representation. In the terminology of

systems theory, we can say that data is elementary, and information is systematic: data is concrete, and information can be both concrete and abstract objects. In the terminology of the object-oriented approach, information is an analogy of an object: a container that links data and methods, which can exist either as an instance (a set of specific data values and updated methods), or as an abstract class (interfaces - declarations of data types and methods).

In recent years, a lot of attention has been paid (and a lot of resources have been invested) to the introduction of computer technology and information technology in education processes. Information technologies, whether we notice them or not, are an integral and defining part of the life of any society, just because the Foundation of the organization and development of society is management, where information acts as almost the only operational component. Management begins with information (obtaining data about the state of the subject area and the system that change the state of our knowledge, create a problem situation and allow us to develop the expected control effect) and ends with information (obtaining data about the result of the control effect that changes our knowledge about its effectiveness). Information, such as an assessment of management effectiveness, will allow you to adjust the management system itself, among other things.

Today, education, as in almost any field of human activity, is widely represented by unified and/or special information systems and technologies used by them to solve various tasks in specific areas and activities. And almost always there is a demand for effective use of it, which is clearly associated with the principles and methods inherent in the exact sciences, based on strict formalization - the methodological basis of quantitative assessments, evidence and inference of solutions.

The educational process is the formation of knowledge in the subject area, the development of mental abilities, skills and abilities to work with knowledge and information, as well as the development of personal qualities that initiate and regulate the cognitive process: cognitive, creative, reflexive, evaluative, organizational. Moreover, as knowledge grows and the ability to process it develops, the management functions move from the trainee to the trainee and may reach a state where the former trainee masters the management functions of another trainee.

Thus, the effectiveness of working with information resources and, consequently, with information is determined by:

- knowledge and ability to systematize ideas about the object of search (research) within a specific field of knowledge, including the vision of possible associative relationships;

- knowledge of ways to systematize and organize information, including the purpose and organization of reference information arrays, classification systems, and linguistic support;

- ability to recognize and reconstruct the goals and objectives set by the author of the received message, both in the process of research and in the preparation of informational messages;

- knowledge of the principles of organization of information arrays and architecture of information systems, which makes it possible to level out the features of specific ICT implementations.


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