INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES IN EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Tulakova S., Muxammadjonov X.

The article presents an innovative approach to the information environment of educational process development.

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UDK 37.02

Tulakova S. assistant Muxammadjonov X.


TUIT Fergana branch Uzbekistan, Fergana city


Abstract: The article presents an innovative approach to the information environment of educational process development.

Keywords: computing, automation, information, ICT.

There is no doubt that almost every field has developed significantly over the past few decades and it is visable in the field of information technology. It is clearly seen from the recent figures that World Wild Web namely internet and other communication systems by email have developed and spread sharply in many countries around the globe and also even in poor societies.

First of all, no one can deny that technology has a great role in our life development. Due to nowadays, people's requirements for IT are increasing sharply and uxexpectedly. However, as many scientists have mentioned that development of IT are likely to have more drawbacks rather than benefits in the future life. Moreover, the main advantages of of technology are getting feedback and communication system. For instance, everybody can easily echieve and get information about every field of the world such us, wheather, world news, TV programs or economy by internet.

The modern period of society development is characterized by a strong influence of computer technologies, which penetrate into all spheres of human activity, ensure the spread of information flows in society, forming a global information space. Computerization of education is an integral and important part of these processes. Computer technologies are intended to become an integral part of the whole educational process, which significantly increases its effectiveness, rather than an additional "extra weight" in training. Information technology is a process that uses a set of tools and methods for collecting, processing, and transmitting data (primary information) to obtain new quality information about the state of an object, process, or phenomenon (information product) [1].

Currently, it is customary to distinguish the following main directions of computer technology implementation in education:

- use of computer technology as a teaching tool that improves the teaching process, improves its quality and effectiveness;

- use of computer technologies as tools for learning, self-knowledge and reality;

- consideration of the computer and other modern means of information technologies as objects of study;

- use of new information technologies as a means of creative development of the student;

- use of computer technology as a means of automating the processes of control, correction, testing and psychodiagnostics;

- organization of communications based on the use of information technology tools for the purpose of transferring and acquiring pedagogical experience, methodological and educational literature;

- use of modern information technologies to organize intellectual leisure;

- intensification and improvement of management of educational institutions and educational process based on the use of modern information technology system [2].

The capabilities of modern computer technology are largely adequate to the organizational, pedagogical and methodological needs of education:

- computing - fast and accurate conversion of any type of information (numeric, text, graphic, audio, etc.);

- transducers - the ability of a computer to receive and output information in a variety of forms (if appropriate devices are available);

- combinatorial - the ability to remember, save, structure, sort large amounts of information, quickly find the necessary information;

- graphic-presentation of the results of your work in a clear visual form (text, sound, drawings, etc.);

- modeling - building information models (including dynamic ones) of real objects and phenomena [3].

Information educational technologies arise when using information and computer technology. The educational environment in which educational information technologies are implemented is determined by the components that work with it:

- technical (type of computer equipment and communication equipment


- software and technical (software tools to support the implemented learning technology);

- organizational and methodological (instructions to students and teachers, organization of the educational process).

Information technologies bring opportunity and need of change of the model of the educational process: the transition from reproductive training -"overflow" of knowledge from one head to another, from teacher to students - to creative model (when in the classroom with the new technological and technical support of simulated life situation or process, studying under the guidance of a teacher needs to apply their knowledge, to be creative to analyze the simulated situation and work out solutions to the assigned tasks). Training programs - a textbook that is intended for independent work of the student. Training programs

allow you to manage your learning activities, and can also increase the activity of the student.

These programs must be linked to the curriculum and meet its requirements. Most often, such programs are used for visualization of the educational process, independent work, use as reference books and as tools to help expand the horizons of students. The most popular training programs are various foreign language courses and various multimedia encyclopedias. The use of information technologies has many possibilities in research activities.

In the lessons of generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity, students can perform project and creative work using Internet resources. This type of work develops students' creative and research abilities, increases their activity, creates conditions for students' self-expression, allows them to intensify the educational process, activate cognitive activity and increase the effectiveness of classes.

Thus, the use of information technology in education has a high degree of importance in education. The constant growth of technology in the computer industry leads to an increase in potential opportunities for educational purposes, which in turn are implemented and used in practice. Also, information technologies significantly increase the motivation of people to study, conduct various research works, experiments, and create innovative projects and articles. I believe that in our twenty-first century of computers, the use of information technologies in education is a necessity that can prepare students for life and work in the modern information society.


1.Glossary. [Electronic resource]. Access mode: /http://www.glossary.ru/cgibin/gl_sch2.cgi?RIttuig.outt:l!yl/ (accessed 01.07.2018).

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4. Muminjon N., Dilshodjonugli N. S. Improvement of transformer protection elements //ACADEMICIA: An International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. - 2020. - Т. 10. - №. 6. - С. 394-398.


6. Farxodjonova N. F. MODERNIZATION AND INTEGRATION: SOCIAL-PHILOSOPHICAL ANALYSIS //Роль науки в формировании современной виртуальной реальности. - 2019. - С. 10-12.

"Экономика и социум" №8(75) 2020



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