Научная статья на тему 'Information Technologes and the methods of acoustomicroscopе defectoscopy for analysis of processes in metal materials caused by presence of hydrogen'

Information Technologes and the methods of acoustomicroscopе defectoscopy for analysis of processes in metal materials caused by presence of hydrogen Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Кустов А.И., Мигель И.А.

В статье рассмотрены информационные технологии и методы для анализа процессов в металлических материалах с присутствием водорода. Авторами проведен тщательный анализ данных процессов и разработан алгоритм работы данных принципов.

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The article deals with information technologies and methods for the analysis of processes in metallic materials with the presence of hydrogen. The authors conducted a thorough analysis of these processes and the algorithm of work of these principles.

Текст научной работы на тему «Information Technologes and the methods of acoustomicroscopе defectoscopy for analysis of processes in metal materials caused by presence of hydrogen»

Список литературы

1. Гражданский кодекс Российской Федерации (часть первая) от 30 ноября 1994 г. № 51-ФЗ. - Статья 18 // Собр. Законодательства Рос. Федерации. 1994. № 32. Ст. 3301.

2. Дрогунова А.С. Особенности предпринимательской деятельности гражданина // Вестник СамГУ. 2007. № 1(51).

3. Каширина Ю.П. Экономико-правовые особенности предпринимательской деятельности индивидуальных предпринимателей// Территория науки. 2012. № 1. С. 54-62.

4. Каширина Ю.П. Понятие предпринимательской деятельности в гражданском праве России // Современное право. 2012. № 5. С. 87-89.

5. Каширина Ю.П. О структуре гражданско-правового статуса физических и юридических лиц // Право и государство: теория и практика. 2012. № 4. С. 63.

Кустов А.И., Мигель И.А.



Воронежский государственный педагогический университет, Военный авиационный инженерный университет

Ключевые слова: физические свойства, металлы, водород, информационные технологии.

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены информационные технологии и методы для анализа процессов в металлических материалах с присутствием водорода. Авторами проведен тщательный анализ данных процессов и разработан алгоритм работы данных принципов.

Keywords: physical properties, metal materials, hydrogen, information technology.

Abstract: The article deals with information technologies and methods for the analysis of processes in metallic materials with the presence of hydrogen. The authors conducted a thorough analysis of these processes and the algorithm of work of these principles.

Introduction. Metal materials remain the basis of various industries. For giving them required physical and structural parameters it is

necessary to have a set of objective and complementary control methods. The methods should provide analysis of structure dynamics and properties of the investigated materials. Methods of acoustomicroscope defectoscopy (AMD) allow to get high level of learning efficiency of such processes in metal materials including processes caused by presence of hydrogen .

Our paper deals with the problem of hydrogen influence on metal materials structure first of all steels. AMD-methods allow directly without any additional chemical effect to visualize material microstructure, to determine the size of the grain (d3), as average, as real and local.

Presence of hydrogen in any form leads to a structural changes that is fixed directly by visualizing with the help of the scanning acoustic microscope (SAM). Grain size and form transformation enables to evaluate values of a number of physical parameters [4], for example, u» AV/V%, E,G. The data are confirmed by the experiments based on the analysis of V(Z)-curves dependences received for investigated materials.

The purpose of our work is to prove that the use of our methods AMD allows to evaluate the effect of hydrogen on the level of properties of metal materials, and propose criteria such evaluations and confirm their reliability experimentally.

1. Materials and methods. In this paper, the objects of the study were metals (nickel, copper) and steel (18XrHBA, 15X2HMOA etc). The former was used as a model objects demonstrating the possibility of SAM on visualization of the material microstructure the calculation of the level of attenuation along the chosen direction, the definition of the velocity of SAW in the sample and its dispersion. The latter was real objects, for which the developed evaluation parameters of properties were important characteristics as for the selected local region, and f or the material as a whole.

To measure velocity of uSAW = uR on the screen display the image of V (Z) - curve was received. Using the image and with the help of sensors of precision displacements of lens along the Z axis we defined

the value AZ N with accuracy of no more than 0,5 10 m. Then based on the conditions of the ray model we calculated values uR . It should be mentioned that the advantage of the method V (Z) - curves to determine uR was the possibility of measuring on the local areas of small size of solid materials. The calculation of the minimum diameter dm of the area required for measurements in the case of materials characterized by

velocities in the range (2'5 _ 9'0)'10 m / sec was based on geometric


A Zw =

2 • f 1 - - sin 2 0R 2 • f • u

R 1 - cos 0 R

u R • sin 0 R

1 + cos 0 ,

XR 1 + cos 0R

2 • f (1 - cos 0R )•( + cos 0R ) 2

2 — UR

2 —-

R f

sin 0


Taking into consideration that J , we could express the

relationship of the minimum diameter of the area for measurement dm and the corresponding displacement of the sample to the acoustic lens

1,5 •AZn + N •AZN — Zm —


2 • tgeR


Then we could calculate dm on the definite length of SAW of the Rayleigh type (2nAB= 2R ) for the material and the corresponding Rayleigh angle for the studied material 0R:

dm — 2 • tg 0R • Zm — 2 • tg 0R (N + 1,5 )AZn (3)

Since the minimum value of N = 1, the final calculation could be performed according to the formula:

dm — 2,52HAB (sec 0R + 1) (4)

However, for measurements with the developed SAM with working frequencies of the order of 0,5 GHz is sufficient an area of diameter 25 -70 micrometers. The calculation results were confirmed by experimental measurements.

The experimental procedure of the study was to determine such parameters of characterizing the process of hydrogen diffusion in metal as velocity of surface acoustic waves (SAW), the number of microcracks of the flakens type in the raster, the level of attenuation of the SAW and the analysis of acoustic micrographs structure of the real objects.

2. Results. As a result of the experimental study of several model of materials, as well as steel (18XrHBA,15X2HM0A, 55XH etc) using SAM of the reflection type (with an operating frequency ~ 0,5 GHz), we obtained the characteristic acoustic-microscopy images of [7] of their microstruc-ture. Analysis of the images revealed the thickness of the layers with modified properties.

Due to the interference pattern formed in the direct and reflected from the surface layers of samples of acoustic waves, the value of the




V , ■ V



characteristic parameter (AZN) was determined. By the magnitude of this important material parameter we calculated uR of surface acoustic wave (SAW) of the Rayleigh type. SAW velocity was sensitive to the concentration of hydrogen in the material to its characteristic structure.

Figure 1 shows the obtained for steel (18 XHBA) dependence of SAW velocity on the distance to the object surface. Steel was kept in an atmosphere of hydrogen at temperatures of ~ 1600C within 42 hours. In this case, the saturation of the surface of hydrogen led to higher values uR by 12%. The dependence is exponential and it demonstrates that when h >60 micrometers uR = const. This fact means that the penetration of the layer is ~ 60 micrometers.

Figure 2 shows the results of studies of samples of the same material on changed levels of attenuation (V / V%) SAW depending on the depth of penetration. Approximately up to depths of 50 micrometers we noticed rise of V / V%, which is a proof of distortion of the material lattice . However, with further increase of h a decline level to ~ 36% was observed. In our view, this process is associated with evolution of hydrogen and formation of micro- or even nanoihomogeneities.

To better understand the process of diffusion in the studied steel dependences of acoustic characteristics on the concentration of hydrogen and processing time of surface (at constant concentration) were of interest. It was found that at saturation of surface with hydrogen, uR increased fairly good in accordance with the polynomials of the second degree (Fig. 3). However, for values above (10-12)10-5 m3/kg there is a plateau, and decrease of SAW velocity is possible. In our opinion, the same mechanism has the effect that leads to the transformation of V / V% (Fig. 2). Figure 4 shows the dependence uR obtained experimentally on the time of the diffusion process (x). It shows the velocity growth of SAW with increasing exposure time.

Figure 5 presents the results of analysis of acoustic images of microinhomogeneities of flakens type. During our experiments the average size of detected defects was determined . To a concentration of ~ 410-5 m3/kg the average size is zero, but it is connected with the limitations of the method AMD. It is interesting to consider the behavior of the material at concentrations above 1210-5 M3/kg. The process of hydrogen release in the body of steel samples is ambiguous. It leads to a change of V/ V% from x to extreme dependence. After ~ 60 hours there are microinhomogeneities and consequently the level of attenuation values fall.

3. Discussion. Our results suggest that the developed acoustomicroscopy methods are effective in the study of interaction of

metal materials with hydrogen. Velocity of SAW, the level of absorption AW V/ V% and dispersion of the parameters are proposed as criteria for characterizing the interactions of processes. Now, the spatial resolution of the selected features is equal to a few micrometers to several tens of micrometers. The achieved level does not allow fully to use the developed methods for the characterization of objects of size less than 1 micron. However, this restriction is not essential and it is easy to eliminate at the transition to higher operating frequencies (1 GHz or higher). Several parameters suggested as criteria for assessing the

diffusion processes (°R , AV/V%, Qn ) are certainly useful and can be used for wide range of materials.


1. The methods of determining the depth of penetration of hydrogen into the material are proposed. It allows to calculate the depth by dispersion curves uR . The relative values of deviations uR are 11-34%, which is far beyond the experimental error. For the developed installation of depth studies are 20 - 90 micrometers.

2. Model experiments to determine the depth of the layers with modified properties by using the developed method SAM by acoustic imaging and V (Z)-curves were made. The accuracy for the first parameter was 2-5 micrometers, the second one was 0,2 - 0,4 micrometers.

3. It was shown with the help of the experiment that value difference of the characterizing parameters V / V% and uR can reach up to 15-36% in the studied materials and it can easily be discovered by the methods of AMD.

4. It makes sense to conduct further studies that will help to connect the received dependencies with the characteristics of the samples and the processes.

5. The experimental V (Z)-curves are allowed to calculate the local and integral values uR , as well as elastic moduli and damping coefficients of SAW. The deep layers with modified properties of the materials are obtained, dependences on the depth of penetration of hydrogen and the time of the process of its diffusion were received.

Список литературы

1. Кустов А.И. Информационные технологии управления, составления и оптимизации расписания // Системы управления и информационные технологии. 2010. Т. 39. № 1.2. С. 248-251.

2. Клименко С.Г., Корчагин А.С. Автоматизация проектирования и верификации компонент программной системы


электронного документооборота на основе автоматного подхода // Системы управления и информационные технологии. 2009. Т. 36. № 2.1. С. 136-140.

3. Петрова Л.П. Три представления систем с диодными нелинейностями // Территория науки. 2007. № 1. С. 81-84.

4. Степанова Г.В., Авсеева О.В. Разработка компонент подсистемы принятия решений на основе нейросетевых технологий // Территория науки. 2007. № 3. С. 354-364.

Лунёва Н. А.


Воронежский экономико-правовой институт

Ключевые слова: туризм, рекреационные услуги, туристическая отрасль, развитие туризма.

Аннотация: в статье рассмотрены существующие проблемы в туристической отрасли, автором проведен сравнительный анализ и разработаны пути преодоления данных проблем.

Keywords: tourism, recreational services, tourism industry, tourism development.

Abstract: The article deals with the current problems in the tourism industry, the author of a comparative analysis and developed ways to overcome these problems.

В настоящее время туристическая отрасль стремительно развивается и занимает более важное место в мировой экономике. В 2010 году эта индустрия обеспечила 2,8% мирового ВВП и принесла 1,85 трлн.долларов. По прогнозу, через 10 лет сумма вырастет до 2,86 триллиона. Туризм обеспечивает 8,8% всех рабочих мест в мире (258 млн. человек). Для многих государств туризм является значительным источником дохода. Например, Мальта и Кипр зарабатывают на туризме по 17% ВВП, а Ливан-27% [1]. На этом фоне РФ занимает очень скромное место. Туристический доход российских территорий укладывается в скромные 2-5% валового регионального продукта. В Иркутской области он составляет 0,5%, на Алтае-1% ВРП, а в Краснодарском крае вклад туриндустрии достигает 15% ВРП. Черноморские курорты РФ принимают почти столько же туристов, сколько остальные регионы вместе взятые. Между регионами происходит переток туристов. Поэтому по некоторым направлениям отмечается

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