INFORMATION RESOURCES FOR THE POPULARIZATION OF SCIENCE: CURRENT PROJECTS Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Samsonova A.S.

The paper presents a description of some Russian science popularization projects that exist on the Internet. In the work there is an author's classification of forms of electronic information resources for the popularization of science in Russia

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Samsonova A.S.

Junior Researcher of Department of Research Scientific Information Works of All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Russian Academy of Sciences (VINITI RAS) graduate student (VINITI RAS) (Russian Federation, Moscow)



Abstract: the paper presents a description of some Russian science popularization projects that exist on the Internet. In the work there is an author's classification of forms of electronic information resources for the popularization of science in Russia.

Keywords: popularization of science, information resource, Internet, forms of popularization of science.

The purpose of the work is to present the result of the practical work of the study of existing information resources for the popularization of science. Digital information resources for the popularization of science are electronic versions of traditional types of scientific communications (information resources for the popularization of science), which were formed for a long time before the digital revolution.

Among the properties of this type of information resources for the popularization of science can be distinguished: interactivity, communicativeness, variability of qualitative composition, the ability to clone, dynamism, constant volume

growth, the continuity of the unity of the elements of the resources of society, the possibility of remote control.

Of course, modern high-quality digital information resources for the popularization of science are becoming more in demand due to the constant change, the development of information technologies (and the importance of having such resources for education and science), and the demands of society.

If we consider specific electronic information resources for the popularization of science (taking into account the classification presented above), the following can be distinguished: Internet sites (a certain group of independent resources with many modifications and varieties) in the form of popular science projects of different content and topics; computer programs (simulators that have applied scientific and educational value) in the form of an independent online workshops (platforms for demonstrating scientific achievements) in the form of online exhibitions, online festivals, online museums; interactive projects for the development of scientific communications.

I would like to give examples of some of the projects that have been reviewed.

When searching for information resources for the popularization of science on the Internet, you can find different projects. They can be either «standalone portals» or «separate pages». I would like to give a little example of some of them and show the possibilities and diversity of such information resources for popularizing science on the Internet.

Lecture hall «15*4 Talks», project «Set Up» (general partner mail.ru; cooperation with MSU), «Science Slam», «ARCHE» - examples of projects, lecture halls and communities of young scientists and science fans. Interactive events that are broadcast on the Internet (and actively discussed in social networks) are aimed at developing the scientific self-awareness of modern youth. Participation in such projects helps to «feel» part of science.

Electronic portals and online TV with popular science communities (for example, such as the «All-Russian Association of Science Popularizers», «Scientific Russia», «N+1», «Science Pro») allow you to find like-minded people in the field of

scientific interests and act as excellent means of propaganda and education of people of different ages.

Due to scientific and technological progress, periodicals have also become part of the «Internet space» and you can find popular science magazines on the Internet (some printed periodicals began to create electronic versions, some magazines were created at the request of society), for example, Scientific American, Science, popular science editorial board of TASS «The Attic», «Schrodinger's Cat», «Around the World».

Information and digital technologies have made interactive computer programs available to the general public. These are projects that combine many areas of scientific knowledge, as well as point industry portals - «Molview» (you can try to create or consider formulas and structures of molecules), «Stellarium» (an interactive computer program for exploring the solar system; will form an idea of the starry sky from the point of view of different peoples).

When searching for electronic information resources, you can find recordings of lectures, online speakers, pages of journalists and popularizing scientists (for example, V. Egorov is a popularizer on space topics, maintains pages on social networks, invites scientists and cosmonauts to meetings, talks about space in simple language; S. Dobryshevsky is an associate professor of the Department of Anthropology of the Faculty of Biology of the Moscow State University. Lomonosov, is the scientific editor of the portal antropogenez.ru Markov A.V. - Doctor of Biological Sciences, leading researcher at the Paleontological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, popularizer of biological scientific knowledge).

Of course, in the brief review above, electronic libraries, recordings of lectures in various forms (audio, video, texts), educational portals (independent and within universities), Internet shows, platforms for organizing online conferences, animated interactive Internet projects are not considered. The number of such portals is huge.

The examples above show both independent popular science portals and individual Internet pages within social networks or other Internet platforms.

Thus, based on the consideration of more than 140 electronic information resources for the popularization of science in Russia, the following forms of popularization of science on the Internet are proposed: popular science interactive projects, electronic libraries, computer programs, mobile applications, popular science projects, popular science television, educational portals, educational portals, blogs (personal pages of popularizers science, scientists), popular science communication platforms.

The following grounds are proposed for differentiating information resources for the popularization of science on the Internet: the type of information resource (according to the source of funding - state, commercial, public), the autonomy of information resources, the purpose of scientific and educational activities, the target audience, the language of the information resource.

Of course, this is not the only basis for classifying the forms of scientific popularization and the grounds for differentiating information resources for the popularization of science. At the moment, research in this area is continuing.


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