Научная статья на тему 'Information and diagnostic competence as a part of professional competence of the future form master'

Information and diagnostic competence as a part of professional competence of the future form master Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Mikhaylova D.I.

In the article the analysis of the concept “professional competence of the teacher” is made, the concept “information and diagnostic competence of the future form master” is specified, the components of information-diagnostic competence are singled out. The author suggests ways offorming information and diagnostic competence of the future form master.

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В статье произведен анализ понятия «профессиональная компетентность педагога», уточнено понятие «информационно-диагностическая компетентность будущего классного руководителя», выделены компоненты информационно-диагностической компетентности. Автором предложены способы формирования информационнодиагностической компетентности классных руководителей в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе.

Текст научной работы на тему «Information and diagnostic competence as a part of professional competence of the future form master»


УДК 37.013.42 МИХАЙЛОВА Д.И.

кандидат педагогических наук, старший преподаватель, кафедра педагогики, Белгородский государственный национальный исследовательский университет E-mail: mikhailova_d@bsu.edu.ru


PhD (Education), Senior Lecturer, Pedagogy Department, Belgorod National Research University E-mail: mikhailova_d@bsu.edu.ru



В статье произведен анализ понятия «профессиональная компетентность педагога», уточнено понятие «информационно-диагностическая компетентность будущего классного руководителя», выделены компоненты информационно-диагностической компетентности. Автором предложены способы формирования информационно-диагностической компетентности классных руководителей в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе.

Ключевые слова: компетентность, диагностика, профессиональная компетентность, информационно-диагностическая компетентность, будущий классный руководитель, профессиональная подготовка в вузе.

In the article the analysis of the concept "professional competence of the teacher" is made, the concept "information and diagnostic competence of the future form master" is specified, the components of information-diagnostic competence are singled out. The author suggests ways offorming information and diagnostic competence of the future form master.

Keywords: competence, diagnostics, professional competence, information and diagnostic competence, future form master, training at the university.

Nowadays the focus on professional competence is becoming the most important task of modern education. Consequently, the study of the professional competence of the teacher is one of the main directions of research activities of scientists and educators. It has always been recognized that the competence of the subject of pedagogical education, is interpreted as: a component of pedagogical culture (E.V. Bondarevskaya, I.F. Isaev, N. Rozov, etc.); area of professional activity (N.V. Kuzmina, A.K. Markov, etc.); level of specialist education (B.S. Gershunsky, A.D. Shchekatunova, etc.); system of knowledge, skills, professionally significant qualities of personality (T.G. Brazhe, N.I. Zaprudsky, etc.); form of professional activity (E.M. Pavlyuchenkov, A.I. Piskunov); characteristics of the teacher's personality (R.Kh. Shakurov, etc.).

The study of the concept of "professional competence of the teacher" allows us to talk about the complexity of this concept. Initially, we should pay attention to professional competence of the teacher. For example, the professional competence of the teacher, according to G.S. Sukhobskaya, is "a system of knowledge and skills of the teacher, which manifests itself in the solution of pedagogical problems arising in practice". P.V. Simonov, M.A. Choshanov believe that the professional competence of the teacher is "a combination of meaningful (knowledge) and procedural (ability) components as a potential willingness to solve professional problems with knowledge of the case". The concept of the professional competence of the teacher expresses the unity of his theoretical and practical readiness for the implementation of pedagogical activity and

characterizes his professionalism.

The first thing to be noticed is that: the majority of researchers (P.V. Simonov, G.S. Suhobskaya, M.A, Choshanov and others) agree that the content of the teacher's competence includes a totality of professional knowledge and the skills necessary for a teacher of high culture for the successful performance of pedagogical tasks [1, p. 32].

A detailed study of the concept of "professional-pedagogical competence" allows us to look at its structure. Such researchers as A.S. Belkin, L.M. Mitin, V.V. Nesterov, V.A. Slastenin, N.N. Hridina and others emphasize the components of professional-pedagogical competence. Many experts are coming to believe that in the structure of competence may be distinguish the following components: 1) value-motivational, which refers to the totality of value orientations, motives adequate to the goals and objectives of the activity, ideological position; 2) cognitive, which includes a body of knowledge of the subject area, resulting in the formation of competence; 3) activity (practical experience); 4) operational and technological, characterized by a combination of skills and practical solutions to problems; 5) personal, which is understood as the totality of individual psychological qualities important for the given subject area and abilities; 6) reflexive, by which one understands the ability to evaluate activity, its results, creativity [2, p. 38].

There is yet another component to bear in mind-information and diagnostic component. We strongly believe that information and diagnostic competence is the main components of professional and pedagogical competence.

© Михайлова Д.И. © Mikhaylova D.I.

Ученые записки Орловского государственного университета. №4 (81), 2018 г. Scientific notes of Orel State University. Vol. 4 - no. 81. 2018

The study of the essence of diagnostic competence, methods of its formation is carried out in the works of such researchers as: O.I. Dorofeeva, E.P. Ivutina, TV. Cote, A.V. Semchkina, ect. [1, 2, 3].

We give here only a few examples of diagnostic competence. Diagnostic competence O.I. Dorofeyeva understands as "the unity of the theoretical and practical readiness of teachers to carry out diagnostic activities to solve professional problems and problems arising in real situations of professional pedagogical activity". Here is one more example. A.V. Senichkina treats the diagnostic competence of the subject of continuous education as "his ability and readiness for diagnostic activities at various educational stages, expressed in a person-conscious positive attitude, in the presence of deep, sound diagnostic knowledge and skills aimed at solving diagnostic problems".

In this paper we shall try to illustrate the concept of «information and diagnostic competence of the future form master», single out components of information and diagnostic competence of the future form master.

So, we'll begin with a definition of "information and diagnostic competence of the future form master". Information and diagnostic competence of the future form master we understand as the theoretical and practical readiness of the future form masters for the implementation of diagnostic activities in the educational process of the school, formed in the educational process of the university. The content of the diagnostic competence of the future form master consists of the following components: diagnostic knowledge, diagnostic skills, knowledge of information and pedagogical technologies.

Then go on to a brief review of components of information and diagnostic competence of the future form master. The number of diagnostic knowledge we refer the knowledge of the theoretical bases of diagnostics and knowledge of the technology of diagnostic activity. The basis for the formation of diagnostic skills are the actions and operations of general pedagogical skills of the teacher. This conclusion allows us to distinguish the skills necessary in the diagnostic activity of the future form master: analytical skills, prognostic skills, organizational skills, gnostic skills, communicative skills, correctional skills, reflexive skills.

Thus, results from the experiment allows to state that the formation of information and diagnostic competence of future form master is possible as a result of the creation of new methodological and diagnostic tools, the use of the possibilities of pedagogical practice, research activities, the possibilities of the information and educational environment of the university.

Concluding what has been said above, we want to stress that as a result of the work, students have been educated in the field of pedagogical diagnostics and diagnostic activities. Here are some more examples of this work: 1) mastering the discipline "Diagnostic culture of the class teacher"; 2) performing diagnostic tasks in the process of passing the pedagogical practice (studying the children's collective and individual students); 3) students' presentations at scientific conferences; 4) implementation of the research work; 5) participation in the development of the electronic diagnostic tools of the form master and ect.

Библиографический список

1. Дорофеева О.И. Формирование диагностической компетентности педагогов : метод.пособие / О. И. Дорофеева ; под ред. И. Ю. Дробининой ; Департамент образования Вологод. обл., Вологод. ин-т развития образования. Вологда : ВИРО, 2006. 80 с.

2. ИвутинаЕ.П. Формирование диагностической компетентности у студентов педагогических специальностей в процессе профессиональной подготовки :дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.08. Киров, 2008. 172 с.

3. Сеничкина А.В. Реализация принципа преемственности в развитии диагностической компетентности субъекта непрерывного образования :автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.01. Череповец, 2006. 19 с.

4. МихайловаД.И. Формирование диагностической культуры классного руководителя в процессе профессиональной подготовки в вузе :автореф. дис. ... канд. пед. наук : 13.00.08. Белгород, 2016. 24 с.


1. Dorofeyeva O.I. Formation of diagnostic competence of teachers: manuals. Vologda:VIRO, 2006. 80p.

2. Ivutina E.P. Formation of diagnostic competence in students of pedagogical specialties in the process of vocational training. Candidate thesis in Pedagogy, Kirov, 2008.172p.

3. Senichkina A.V The realization of the principle of continuity in the development of the diagnostic competence of the subject of continuing education. Candidate thesis in Pedagogy, Cherepovets, 2006. 19p.

4. Mihaylova D.I. Formation of the diagnostic culture of the form master in the process of vocational training in the university. Candidate thesis in Pedagogy, Belgorod, 2016. 24p.

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