Научная статья на тему 'Influence of moistening of wheat grain in aqueous fertilizer solution on the yield of flour'

Influence of moistening of wheat grain in aqueous fertilizer solution on the yield of flour Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Jabborova Dilafruz Raupovna, Majidov Kakhramon Halimovich

The effect of hydrothermal treatment on the quality indicator and the yield of flour during the processing of wheat grains of various grades is researched. Hydrothermal treatment carried out with sodium bicarbonate solutions of different concentrations. It has been established that 1.0% aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate provides improved quality and high yield of flour during processing the wheat grains of various grades.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of moistening of wheat grain in aqueous fertilizer solution on the yield of flour»

Section 3. Technical sciences

Jabborova Dilafruz Raupovna, Majidov Kakhramon Halimovich, Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute E-mail: zhabborova84@inbox.ru


Abstract. The effect of hydrothermal treatment on the quality indicator and the yield of flour during the processing of wheat grains of various grades is researched. Hydrothermal treatment carried out with sodium bicarbonate solutions of different concentrations. It has been established that 1.0% aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate provides improved quality and high yield of flour during processing the wheat grains of various grades.

Keywords: Grain of different grades, moisture and grain yield, hydrothermal treatment, technological indicators.

The selection of mineral fertilizers in the agro-technical processing of wheat grain grown in the field conditions on the yield obtained from these grain products is important. In the literature there is evidence of work performed in this area [1,4]. However, in the well-known research, not enough attention was paid to the influence of the selection of target fertilizers on the process of obtaining flour and product yield. In this regard, this work is aimed at studying the influence of the process of moistening of wheat grains in a water solution of fertilizers on the yield of flour.

The efficiency of grinding of grain and grain products on mills, in addition to the kinematic and geometric parameters of machine grinding, is also influenced by the methods of flour grinding, the technological properties of grain (humidity, glassiness and their uniformity) and the load on the surface of rollers of mill machines.

In the grinding process, the structural and mechanical properties of the grain (strength, hardness,

elasticity, and grinding properties) are also significant. According to the structural and mechanical properties, the grain is divided into soft and hard types [5]. Hard wheat grains are characterized by a high yield of intermediate products in the form of cereals and cereal flour, while soft wheat grains are characterized by a low cereal yield and soft flour.

Humidity of grain has a great technological importance for the formation of structural and mechanical properties (strength) of grain [6].

It has been experimentally proved that with an increase in grain moisture increases its resistance to separation and the energy consumption for its grinding, which was explained by an increase in the elasticity property of the grain. At the same time, according to the results of the experiments, the appearance of a largely elastic strain in the shell parts of the grain and their large resistance to grinding

For a full assessment of the effectiveness of the grinding process, an effectiveness criterion was adopted [7] that takes into account not only the overall

Section 3. Technical sciences

separation rate N (%), but also the decrease in the ash content of the ground products relative to the ash content of the products entering the grinding machine, which is expressed by following formula:

E = N-AZ = N


where: N - separation rate, %;

ZQ - ash content of the products entering the grinding machine,%;

Z1 - ash content of product separated after grind-

It was defined that the greater the value of the efficiency criterion, the higher the degree of the grinding process.

To research the effect of moistening on the flour yield, an experiment was conducted with the weighing of flour from a MLU-202 laboratory mill [8]. To determine the flour content of the grain, 2 kg of the sample from samples of the grain moistened with different methods was put inMLU-202 laboratory mill. The results of the experiment are shown in (table 1).

ing machine,%;

Table 1.- The influence of methods of moistening on the flour yield at grinding the graded flour (ash content of wheat grades 1.83 and 1.76% respectively)

Method of moistening the grain Grade of wheat grain Hydrothermal treatment time, hours Flour yield,% Ash content of flour,% Efficiency criterionЕ,%

Cold air conditioning Krasnodar-99 24 70.1 0.92 69.2

Starshina 24 70. 15 0.88 69.5

Aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, 0.5% Krasnodar-99 15.4 70.18 0.93 67.9

Starshina 15.4 70.14 0.91 65.5

Aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, 1.0% Krasnodar-99 15.4 71.08 0.91 71.9

Starshina 15.4 71.12 0.879 71.3

Aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate, 1.5% Krasnodar-99 15.4 70.4 0.91 71.2

Starshina 15.4 70.36 0.877 70.8

As we can see from the results of the experiment (Table 1), in the case of moistening with cold conditioning method and hydrothermal treatment for 24 hours, the efficiency criterion of flour yield in the Krasnodar-99 and Starshinagrades was 69.2-69.5%, respectively. At the moistening the grain in a 1.0% aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate and hydrothermal treatment for 15.4 hours, the flour yield ef-

ficiency criterion for the Krasnodar-99 and Starshinagrades was 71.9: 71.3%, respectively, and by comparison with the above results, it was determined experimentally the increase of efficiency criterion by 2.7: 1.8%, respectively. Comparison with the results of experiments using a 1.5% aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate showed an increase in the value of the efficiency criterion by 0.7-0.5%, respectively.


1. Egorov G. A. Control of technological properties of grain. VSU - Voronezh, 2009.- 348 p.

2. Egorov G. A. Technological properties of grain.- M: "Agropromizdat", 1985.- 334 p.

3. Naumov I. A. Improving the conditioning and grinding ofwheat and rye.- M: "Kolos", 1975.- 175 p.

4. Kozmina N. P. Grain and evaluation of its quality.- M.: Selxozizdat, 2012.- 427 p.

5. Kazakov E. D., Kretovich V. L. Biochemistry of grain and products of its processing - M.: "Agropromizdat", 1989-368 p.

6. Egorov G. A. Technology of grain processing. Textbook 2nded.- M.: Kolos, 1997.- 376 p.

7. Kurdin V. N., Lichko N. M. Practical training sessionon storage and processing of agricultural products. Textbook, 2nded., Revised and supplemented - M.: Kolos, 1992.- 176 p.

8. Kutyga O. N., Vostrikova O. V. Laboratory Workshop on Biochemistry.- Tutorial. - Volgograd, 2011.

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