INFLUENCE OF IRRATIONAL SELF-ASSESSMENT ON THE PROCESS OF INTIUTIVE AND HEURISTIC KNOWLEDGE Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
overestimated / underestimated self-esteem / adjustments / consequences.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Yusupov A.R.

The article highlights the need for rational self-assessment for a creative person.

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УДК: 17

Yusupov A.R., candidate of technical sciences

associate professor

department of production of building materials, products and designs

Fergana Polytechnic Institute




Abstract. The article highlights the need for rational self-assessment for a creative person.

Key words: overestimated, underestimated self-esteem, adjustments, consequences.


One of the main obstacles to personal success is considered to be low self-esteem. However, overestimated self-esteem can cause even more harm, preventing a person from adequately evaluating himself and his capabilities, as well as having a destructive effect on his relationships with other people [1].

Overestimated self-esteem is an unjustified overestimation by an individual of his knowledge, talents, abilities, achievements, social status and other advantages, accompanied by a complete unwillingness to admit his shortcomings.

Overestimated self-esteem is equally common in both women and men, but it can manifest itself in different ways for different sexes.

Because people with high self-esteem consider themselves special, they usually behave too self-confident and arrogant. And when they don't like what others are saying or doing, they may even start behaving aggressively to stop the behavior they don't like.

Such people are also characterized by excessive self-confidence. They are confident that they can handle any task better than anyone else [2].

A characteristic feature of overestimated self-esteem is that it manifests itself in a much more diverse way than underestimated. Everything strongly depends on the specific situation and the person, but most often there are such manifestations as: complete confidence in one's rightness, even if the opposite point of view is well and logically reasoned; emotional (often aggressive) reaction to constructive criticism; unwillingness to recognize the validity of someone else's opinion; frequent use of the pronoun "I"; the desire to keep the last word in any dispute or conflict (even if the statement turns out to be inappropriate); confidence in the wrongness of someone else's point of view, which persists even if necessary to agree with the fairness of individual statements; shifting one's guilt to others and circumstances; inability to apologize; attempts to prove one's case in a dispute

through denial of the opponent's competence (usually in a derogatory tone); the desire to be perfect and always do everything right the first time; the tendency to defiantly teach others about life (emphasizing that the "trainee" allegedly does not understand basic things); a painful reaction to their mistakes and mistakes when they are too obvious and there is no way to shift the blame to someone or justify themselves by circumstances; fear of appearing weak, defenseless, not knowing something, not controlling the situation or unsure of himself; showing arrogance in any communication; a tendency to interrupt the interlocutor.

Materials and methods

This includes empirical methods such as modeling, fact-finding, experiment, description and observation, as well as theoretical methods such as logical and historical methods, abstraction, deduction, induction, synthesis and analysis, as well as methods of heuristic strategies. The research materials are: scientific facts, the results of previous observations, surveys, experiments and tests; means of idealization and rationalization of the scientific approach.

It is worth recognizing that overestimated self-esteem is often useful. In particular, it gives a person such advantages as: determination and perseverance; self-confidence and self-reliance; the ability to ignore criticism; the ability to inspire confidence; rapid career growth; increased attractiveness to the opposite sex.

And yet there is more harm than good. People who tend to overestimate themselves usually face such problems as: underestimating the real complexity of tasks; lack of interest in self-improvement; deadlines and other failures due to incorrect assessment of their strengths; frequent careless statements insulting other people; arrogance and egocentrism; inability to adequately perceive criticism; painful reaction to serious failures.

One of the main problems of people with unreasonably high self-esteem is an inadequate perception of reality [3]. In other words, they themselves do not understand that they often look stupid, whereas they themselves think that others admire them.

Results and discussion:

The idea of oneself and one's abilities is formed in a person as they grow up, although it can change significantly in adulthood. If we talk specifically about overestimated self-esteem, then such factors as academic and life success have the greatest influence on its formation and consolidation [4]. This allows people to consider themselves special and forms an inadequate self-perception in them, which persists into adulthood; attractiveness. People who are lucky with their appearance usually believe that attractiveness makes them special; having talents. Very often, such people think that they are talented in everything and in any profession they will be able to surpass experienced professionals quite quickly; prosperity, security. People who have managed to get a well-paid job are often confident in their talent and exclusivity.

If there is such a person among your friends, you probably know that it is not easy to communicate with him constructively and conflict-free without following the following rules: do not make excuses. If you start looking for excuses, instead of just rejecting all the accusations, consider that you have already lost the argument; do not succumb to manipulation. As a rule, people with high self-esteem are skillful manipulators. They know how to present a situation in such a way as to present themselves in a favorable light, appropriating someone else's merits or shifting their blame to someone else; do not praise or criticize him.. If you praise him, he will demand praise from you next time. And he takes criticism painfully, and if you don't want to confront him, you don't need to criticize him either. You should communicate with such a person as neutrally as possible; do not argue with him. A person with high self-esteem will never let you win an argument. He will defend his case, even when all the facts will indicate that he is wrong. And the weaker his arguments are, the more aggressive he will behave; do not share personal information with him. Such people like to brag that they are supposedly strongly trusted by all their friends. It is better not to say anything superfluous to such a person, even at those moments when it seems to you that you can trust him; do not try to reform him. Overestimated self-esteem is a problem that a person must realize for himself. There is no point in putting pressure on him and trying to fix him; don't demand a different attitude from him. It also makes no sense to explain to him that he should restrain his ego in communicating with you. If you want to continue communicating with this person, just accept him for who he is. Conclusion:

Anyone who realizes that he has problems with an adequate perception of himself should try to fix it. If overestimated self-esteem is not corrected in time [6], it will last for a long time, leads to the degradation of a person as a creative person [5] and can lead to disastrous consequences [7].


1. Чалдини Р., Кенрик Д., Нейберг С. Социальная психология. Пойми других, чтобы понять себя! Прайм-Еврознак. 2002. 256 с.

2. Щербатых Ю. В. Общая психология. Завтра экзамен. — СПб.: Питер, 2008. — 272 с.: ил. — (Серия «Завтра экзамен»). 18ВМ 978-5-388-00230-3.

3. Юсупов А.Р. Эвристические стратегии интеллектуального образования. "Экономика и социум" №11(102) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

4. Юсупов А.Р. Альтернативные стратегии самостоятельного образования студентов. "Экономика и социум" №12(103) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

5. ЮСУПОВ А.Р. Критерия и этапы решения творческой технической или управленческой проблемы с применением эвристических стратегий. "Экономика и социум" №12(103) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

6. ЮСУПОВ А.Р. Оптимизация процесса математического и иного моделирования строительных конструкций, зданий и сооружений "Экономика и социум" №11(103) 2022. www.iupr.ru.

7. htts://ra.wikipedia.org/wiki/ Хронология изобретений человечества.

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