INFLUENCE OF CULTIVATION METHODS ON THE FORMATION OF INDIVIDUAL PRODUCTIVITY OF AMARANTH Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Ключевые слова
amaranth / linear growth / density / yield / variety / individual performance.

Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Pelech L.

Today we can say that amaranth is a valuable fodder, food and medicinal plant, the green mass of which can be used in livestock production both in fresh form and for the preparation of silage and protein-vitamin concentrate. In terms of amino acid balance, green mass of amaranth is of the same quality as alfalfa, but compared with other legumes has a higher lysine content. For pigs, the protein of green mass of amaranth is close to the ideal. Amaranth seeds have high nutritional value and contain oil, which has bactericidal activity and anticancer effect. Compared to other agricultural plants, amaranth spends two to three times less water to form a unit of organic matter. However, the introduction of amaranth into culture in Ukraine requires determining its appropriate place in the structure of fodder and food resources, justification of agroecological and technological bases of cultivation, identification of species with high adaptive potential and high ability to realize productivity, creation of varieties of appropriate directions of use, development of cultivation technology. No less important is the economic efficiency of amaranth production.

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15. Притуленко О.В., Батюшевський Ю.Н., Братушко H.I. Комбiкорми з цшим зерном злако-вих в годiвлi курей-несучок.// Птахiвництво. 2004. Вип. 54. С. 79 - 83.

16. Оничко B.I. Вплив сортових особливостей та агротехнiчних заходiв на врожайшсть зерна кор-мових бобiв в умовах Пiвнiчно-схiдного Лiсостецу Украши. Корми i кормовиробництво. 2010. № 67. С. 51 - 58.

17. Скрипник О.В., Сорока И.С., Кубышкин В.П. Технология регулирования водного режима осушаемых земель. / Киев: Урожай. 1992. -168 с.

18. Цюпа М.Г., Бистрицький В.С., Слюсар I.T. Землеробство на осушених землях. / Кшв: Урожай. 1990. -183 с.

19. Готовцев А. В. Об одном методе расчета водопотребления сельскохозяйственных культур. // Гидротехника и мелиорация. 1986. № 5. С. 30-33.

20. Лихацевич А. П. Оценка факторов, формирующих неустойчивую влагообеспеченность сельскохозяйственных культур в гумидной зоне (на примере Беларуси, Центрального и Волго-Вятского регионов Российской Федерации) / А. П. Лихацевич, Е. А. Стельмах. Минск: ООО «Белпринт». 2002. - 212 с.

21. Яцик М. В. Управлшня вологозабезпечень стю сшьськогосподарських культур на мелюрова-них землях з врахуванням закономiрностей погли-нання вологи коренями рослин / М. В. Яцик, Г. В. Воропай // Зб. матер. 23-1 Свропейсько! регюналь-но! конференцп "Прогресивш методи управлшня водними ресурсами для альськогосподарського ви-робництва та розвитку сiльських територш", 17-24 травня 2009 р., м. Львiв. С. 47.



Pelech L.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, seniorlecturer Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


Today we can say that amaranth is a valuable fodder, food and medicinal plant, the green mass of which can be used in livestock production both in fresh form and for the preparation of silage and protein-vitamin concentrate. In terms of amino acid balance, green mass of amaranth is of the same quality as alfalfa, but compared with other legumes has a higher lysine content. For pigs, the protein of green mass of amaranth is close to the ideal.

Amaranth seeds have high nutritional value and contain oil, which has bactericidal activity and anticancer effect. Compared to other agricultural plants, amaranth spends two to three times less water to form a unit of organic matter.

However, the introduction of amaranth into culture in Ukraine requires determining its appropriate place in the structure of fodder and food resources, justification of agroecological and technological bases of cultivation, identification of species with high adaptive potential and high ability to realize productivity, creation of varieties of appropriate directions of use, development of cultivation technology. No less important is the economic efficiency of amaranth production.

Keywords: amaranth, linear growth, density, yield, variety, individual performance.

Amaranth refers to crops of universal use. It is a food, fodder, medicinal, technical and ornamental plant. Prospective is the use of amaranth in medicine as an anti-inflammatory, styptic, diuretic, antibacterial agent, as well as in cancer. Amaranth is a source of valuable biologically active compounds that can be used in various areas of the economy [1, 2, 3].

Juan Manuel Vargas López, a researcher from the University of Sonora (Mexico), recalls Spanish chronicles of the time, indicate that Aztec territory of over 5,000 hectares was planted with amaranth and yielded 1.5 to 2 tons of grain per year, giving it the third largest area occupied, after corn and beans [4].

The U.S. government funds special programs on amaranth. All this made it possible to begin industrial production of amaranth products. Now on the shelves of diet stores in the U.S. you can see up to 30 items of products with amaranth additives from bread and candy to meat grown on amaranth fodder, which costs 25% more than conventional [5].

In Ukraine, amaranth spread in 1989 - 1992. However, the lack of high-yielding varieties, failure to comply with agricultural practices of cultivation did not allow to fully realize the potential of this crop. At farms Mironovsky, Boguslavsky districts of Kyiv region, Gaisin district of Vinnitsa region amaranth yield reached 800-1020 kg / ha of green mass.

This culture provides a high yield of not only green mass, but also grain. In the Polissya zone amaranth is harvested at an average yield of 20-25 kg / ha, and in the south of Ukraine - more than 40 kg / ha of grain. Amaranth reproduction rate through fractional seeds and low seeding rate (1.5-2 kg / ha) is high. Thus, one amaranth plant provides from 300 to 600 thousand seeds, which is enough for seeding on the area of 0.10.2 ha [6-7].

A characteristic feature of amaranth leaf mass can be considered a relatively high content of monosaccharides (65.6-96.5% of reduced), high concentrations of ash (16-24%) and fiber (25.7%). Green mass of amaranth can become not only one of the main sources of

high-protein vegetable products, but also a protein component of livestock rations, including as a raw material for the preparation of silage mixed with green mass of high-sugar crops [8-9].

The oil also contains tocopherols (2%), phytoster-ols (2%), phospholipids (10%) and other biologically active substances. The unique biochemical composition of amaranth oil (comparable to sea buckthorn oil) determines its wide application, for example, as an anti-burn and healing agent. Amaranth grain contains on average 8% or more oil in which up to 20% squalene was found [10, 11, 12].

Amaranth belongs to the high-protein crops. Thus, the yield of protein per hectare of the crop on average is about 200 kg, while that of barley and wheat is an order of magnitude lower than that of amaranth. If we estimate conditionally protein quality as 100 points, amaranth protein has 75-82, cowpea - 72, soybean - 68, wheat - 57, corn - 44 points. The high quality of protein is due to the fact that most of the seeds occupy the germ contains all the essential amino acids. The total protein content in the seeds of different amaranth species varies from 17.8 to 13.7% [13].

Due to studies [14], four main phenophases are distinguished: branching, budding, flowering, and fruiting. The vegetative phase begins from seed germination to the formation of generative organs. On average, it lasts 48 days in A. caudatus and A. emeritus, 93 days in A. hybrids, and 71 days in A. mantegarzianus. The onset of the following phenophases in different species and cultivars is observed at different times: the earliest formation of inflorescences is in A. corruptus, A. ca-datus on 37-44 days, in A. mantegarzianus - on 59 days. Later in A. haberdus - 69 days.

Flowering occurs in A. cruentus and A. caudatus on 47-58 days, in A. haberidus on 98 days. The beginning of fruiting on day 69-75 is observed in A. cruentus, A. caudatus, and A. mantegarzianus, A. haberidus on day 120-140. The budding phase is short (28 days); the flowering phase is the longest during the growing season [15].

An important biological feature of amaranth is its ecological plasticity, which manifests itself in good adaptability to different soil and climatic conditions. It should be noted that the significant advantages of amaranth include high drought tolerance, responds well to agrotechnics and fertilizers, high reproduction rate and low seed rate, resistance to pests [15-16].

Pre-cultivars. Amaranth is placed in forage and field crop rotations. It may be preceded by annual and perennial grasses, cereals and legumes, potatoes, fodder beets and other row crops. The best predecessors for amaranth are those that release the field early. After them it is possible to qualitatively clear the soil of weeds.

Tillage. The main task of tillage for amaranth is to control weeds, its leveling, fertilizing. After stubble predecessors, the first stubble shallowage is carried out in two tracks to a depth of 6-8 cm. On clogged plots in 10-12 days after the first one, the second shallowing on a depth of 10-12 cm is carried out. In autumn, winter plowing is carried out.

In spring, close the moisture with heavy harrows in two trails. Before sowing, the soil is carefully leveled, brought to a fine state, and rolled. The first spring cultivation is carried out at a depth of 8-10 cm, the second - 6-8, pre-sowing - 3-5 cm.

The timely and qualitative soil preparation allows the seeds to be uniformly sown and ensures favorable sprouts [17, 18].

Fertilizers. Amaranth responds well to mineral fertilizers, increasing the crop yield. Complete mineral fertilizer (Nrk) on soils with low potassium content should be applied in a ratio of 1: 1:

2. 2. In experiments conducted in the 1990s in RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Agriculture," the highest yield of amaranth was obtained when using fertilizers at a dose of N90-120P60K90; it was 281-295 kg / ha of green mass. When only nitrogen fertilizers (N90) were applied, the yield decreased by 15% compared to the same dose on the background P60K90 [3, 17, 13, 19].

Amaranth should be sown when the weather is constantly warm and the soil warms up to 8-10°C. At the same time, good results are also obtained by sowing amaranth in June, but always in moist soil. In three-year studies conducted by RUE "Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus on Agriculture", no definite dependence between the timing of sowing amaranth and its yields was established. Analysis of yield structure showed that from early to late sowing dates the proportion of leaves increased from 27 to 34%, and protein content in plants increased from 16.0% at sowing on April 26 to 19.9% at sowing on May 24. At early sowing dates, amaranth sprouts appear in 19-20 days, at later dates - in 8-10 days [20].

It is preferable to sow amaranth early for silage in the first decade of June. The depth of seed embedding into the soil should be 0,5-1,5 cm. Deviation from these parameters leads to prolongation of mass appearance of seedlings due to uneven germination, to their weakening and liquefaction [21].

Seeding rates of amaranth depend on the width of row-spacing and vary from 0.8 to 3 kg / ha. In experiments conducted by NPC on agriculture, it was found that with a row spacing of 60 cm it is 0.8-1 kg of seeds per hectare, with 45 cm - 1.2-1.4 kg / ha, with 15 cm -2.5-3 kg / ha of seeds. In wide-row sowing (60 cm) with an increase of seeding rate from 0.5 to 1500000. Seeds per 1 ha yield of green mass of amaranth increased from 237 to 286 kg / ha. A further increase in seeding rate did not lead to a significant change in yield. When determining seeding rates, it should be taken into account that, despite the high laboratory germination (95%), amaranth seeds provide a fairly low field germination (about 35%) even under relatively favorable conditions [22].

Amaranth can be sown both in wide rows and in continuous rows. Seeding with a row spacing of 45 cm is considered optimal. At this inter-row width, 12-row beet seeders can be used for sowing, and then inter-row tillage can be used for weed control.

The environment is characterized by a diverse combination of conditions for the existence of plants. Very often plants are affected by adverse environmental factors, under certain conditions can be life-threatening or cause deviations in the course of physiological processes. Plants have to constantly adapt to a complex of factors changing environment in different climatic zones and maintain a relatively stable equilibrium of

physiological processes. Of the unfavorable factors, the most common are: ground and atmospheric drought, high and low temperature, excess salts and lack of oxygen in the soil, the effects of harmful gases, dust and heavy metals in the air. In particular, all these factors affect the safety (survival) of amaranth plants by the time of harvesting (Table 1).

Table 1

Standing density and survival rate of amaranth plants depending on variety and sowing method

Method of sowing Sort Plant density, pcs / m2 Plant survival,%

in the germination phase before harvesting

2019 2020 cep. 2019 2020 cep. 2019 2020 cep.

Linear, 15 cm Ultra 89 85 87 52 43 48 58 51 55

Lera 90 88 89 54 48 51 60 55 57

Helios 91 88 90 56 40 48 62 45 53

Wide row, 45 cm Ultra 75 71 73 68 52 60 90 73 82

Lera 73 72 72 64 55 60 88 76 82

Helios 74 74 74 72 62 67 97 84 90

Wide row, 70 cm Ultra 56 55 56 53 44 49 95 80 87

Lera 54 54 54 49 43 46 91 80 85

Helios 56,4 55 56 54 50 52 96 91 93

Thus, on average for two years, the higher percentage of preservation of amaranth plants was noted in the variant with a row spacing of 70 cm, which is explained by more favorable conditions for growth and development of amaranth due to inter-row tillage in this variant.

Particularly, if in the period of complete sprouts density of plants per square unit was by 16-33 plants/m2 higher in the variant with line sowing due to the higher seeding rate (100-110 thousands seeds/ha), by the period of harvesting the number of amaranth plants in the variant with line sowing was 14 plants/m2 lower (average by years and varieties) compared with inter-row sowing, i.e. plants survived by 30-34% less here. The highest density before harvesting was noted in amaranth sowing with 45 cm row spacing, which in 2020 and 2019 conditions was 52 and 68 pcs/m2 respectively at the time of harvesting of plants, that is, in 2020 plant survival was lower by 14%, which is associated with harsher agrometeorological conditions of amaranth growing season, which were in this year.

We also noted a tendency of changing the coefficient of plant survival depending on the variety. Thus, on average by sowing method for the variety Ultra, this indicator was 68 and 81% in 2020 and 2019, respectively, for the variety Lera - 70 and 80% for the variety Helios - 73 and 85%.

On average for two years, the highest survival rate of amaranth plants was observed in the variant with seeding at 70 cm for the variety Helios - 93%, which is 6-8% higher than the variety Ultra and Lera.

The juvenile age state of plants in amaranth is specific, since hidden growth is observed. A week or two after germination, depending on the timing of sowing, growth of the above-ground part slows down and within 3-4 weeks there is intensive development of only the root system. It is during this period, careful weeding

of young plants is necessary, otherwise they will be choked by weeds, which, in turn, will affect the productivity of the crop. Thus, on average, for two years the lowest level of weed infestation was observed when sowing with a row spacing of 70 cm. And at the beginning of the crop vegetation, the total number of weeds in the experimental variants was from 5.5 to 10.8 pcs. / M2 depending on the method of seeding. The greatest number of weeds was observed when using row cropping method - 10.8 pcs./M2 .

At the time of harvesting amaranth weed infestation of crops decreased by 2.9-4.5 times, but the general trend remained: crops with row spacing of 70 cm had 30% less weed infestation compared to other variants of the experiment (the average for 2019-2020). Thus, due to the possibility of inter-row cultivation in the crops with row spacing of 70 cm, the weed infestation of the stem was less. Due to the greater number of plants in this variant increased the competitiveness of such crops in the fight against weeds, there was inhibition of growth and development of the latter.

Weed infestation was also determined by weather conditions of individual years. Thus, in 2019 we observed a lag in the development of not only cultivated plants, but also weeds. Compared with 2020, the number of weeds in amaranth crops was 7-18% lower at the beginning of the growing season and 14-18% lower before harvesting the crop.

One of the main features characterizing the rate of growth and development of cultivated plants is the height of the central stem. Weather conditions of growing years, as well as different spatial placement of plants in the crop influenced the growth of amaranth plants. Table 2 shows the results of plant height accounting depending on the width of the row spacing and variety.

Table 2

The height of amaranth grain plants depending on the variety and method of sowing

Method of sowing Sort 2019 2020. Average for 2019-2020.

Linear, 15 cm Ultra 139 132 136

Lera 140 124 132

Helios 133 126 130

Wide row, 45 cm Ultra 117 108 113

Lera 116 106 111

Helios 115 102 109

Wide row, 70 cm Ultra 105 92 99

Lera 105 92 99

Helios 101 90 96

In particular, it should be noted that in more favorable on moisture availability in 2019, the height of amaranth plants was greater in crops with a row spacing of 15 cm - 137 cm, and in crops with a row spacing of 45 and 70 cm - it was 21-34 cm less. A similar pattern was observed in 2020. Linear growth rates in 2019. were also slightly higher than 2019 (Figures 3.2, 3.3).

On average, however, the following trend was observed over the two years: as plants densified on 1 hectare and with row spacing narrowed to 15 cm, amaranth plant height increased, and by a significant amount (2235 cm). This can be explained by the fact that in plots with 15 cm row-spacing the plants competed with each other more strongly by clustering in rows, so in the struggle for light and nutrients they actively increased the height compared to the variant where the width of the row-spacing was 45-70 cm. The growth rate of plants in the initial period was largely determined by varietal characteristics. In the first one to one and a half months of the growing season, most of the varieties studied in 2020 had a height of 26 cm in the variety

Helios to 27 cm in Ultra and Lera, and in 2019 from 31 cm in Ultra and Helios to 32 cm in Lera varieties.

From the second month of vegetation comes a period of intense growth and after 50 days, the difference in plant height ranges from 54 to 60 cm in all varieties studied.

In the variety Ultra, plant height was the least variable over the years of cultivation - 111-118 cm. Apparently, plants of this variety are more resistant to low precipitation deficit compared to Lera and Ultra varieties, and therefore, they differed in greater plant height uniformity within the variety. However, it was still noted that in 2020 with lower precipitation compared to 2019, amaranth plants of all varieties studied differed in height between 7% and 12%.

A great role for the formation of a high yield of amaranth is played by biological features of varieties and the complex of economically useful traits associated with them. Our studies found that the value of the elements of amaranth yield structure differed depending on the variety and method of sowing (Table 3).

Table 3

Elements of amaranth yield structure de pending on the variety and method of sowing

Sowing method, Row spacing Sort lenght of panicle Chick weight, g Weight of a plant, g Weight of 1000 seeds, g


Linear, 15 cm Ultra 52,4 78,4 157 0,67

Lera 62,6 85,7 171 0,69

Helios 63,3 95,2 190 0,69

Wide row, 45 cm Ultra 56,1 81,8 164 0,70

Lera 66,2 91,8 184 0,70

Helios 69,2 93,5 187 0,70

Wide row, 70 cm Ultra 58,0 85,1 170 0,72

Lera 69,9 98,6 197 0,72

Helios 69,5 100,6 201 0,73


Linear, 15 cm Ultra 45,6 70,0 140 0,60

Lera 54,4 76,5 153 0,62

Helios 55,0 85,0 170 0,62

Wide row, 45 cm Ultra 48,8 73,0 146 0,63

Lera 57,6 82,0 164 0,63

Helios 60,2 83,5 167 0,63

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Wide row, 70 cm Ultra 50,4 76,0 152 0,65

Lera 60,8 88,0 176 0,65

Helios 60,4 89,8 180 0,66

Average for 2019-2020

Ultra 49,0 74,2 148 0,64

Linear, 15 cm Lera 58,5 81,1 162 0,66

Helios 59,1 90,1 180 0,66

Ultra 52,5 77,4 155 0,67

Wide row, 45 cm Lera 61,9 86,9 174 0,67

Helios 64,7 88,5 177 0,67

Ultra 54,2 80,6 161 0,68

Wide row, 70 cm Lera 65,4 93,3 187 0,68

Helios 64,9 95,2 190 0,69

First, it was determined that the varieties differed in the length of the panicle. The longest tassel was formed in the variety Helios - 63 cm on average over two years, while the length of the panicle of Lera and Ultra was 62 and 52 cm respectively, which is 2-21% less than in the variety Helios (average by method of sowing). Secondly, the varieties differed from each other by such an important indicator as 1000 seed weight. The lowest weight of 1000 seeds was formed in variety Ultra - 0.64-0.68 g on average for two years. Other varieties exceeded this indicator by 0,1-0,2 g. Thus, it was determined that the weight of 1000 seeds of early maturing varieties of amaranth Ultra was the lowest.

Melon weight is a derivative of the number of seeds in the panicle and the weight of 1000 seeds. In different varieties of amaranth it varied in the range 74,2 -95,2 g, the lowest its weight was recorded in varieties Lera and Ultra, the highest - in the variety Helios. This means that the grain variety Helios was larger and more weighty. This is evidenced by the higher weight of 1000 grains of this variety. In our experiments, the variety Helios formed the largest mass of grain per plant - 183 g, which is 5-18% more than for other varieties. Higher coarseness of the Helios variety ensured the highest seed yield compared to the other studied varieties.

The wide-row method of sowing created better conditions for the formation of elements of the yield structure of amaranth plants. For example, such an important indicator as weight of 1000 seeds decreased with narrowing of row-spacing in the crops. Thus, the highest this indicator was noted in wide-row crops with row spacing of 70 cm - 2.05 g, and the lowest - in row crops (1.96 g).

Plants in wide-row crops (45 and 70 cm) exceeded plants in row crops by 8-11% in panicle length, by 310% in panicle weight, by 3-10% in plant weight.

Weight of grains per plant is determined primarily by the number of mature panicles and the weight of 1000 seeds. On average for two years, when sowing the variety Helios wide-row method (70 cm) formed the most productive plants on such indicators as the weight of 1000 seeds - 0.69 g and the highest weight of the panicle - 95.2 g.

Weather conditions also influenced the elements of the yield structure of amaranth plants - better indicators were noted in growing varieties in 2019 compared

with the more arid year 2020. For example, while in 2019 the 1000 seed mass for amaranth varieties was 0.67-0.73 g, in 2020 the average was 0.7 g less, ranging from 0.60 to 0.66 g. The length of the panicle was also lower, an average of 15% compared to 2019. While in 2019 the weight of the panicle per plant reached 140180 g, in 2020 this figure dropped to 78-101 g per plant. So, in an insufficiently favorable 2019, the individual productivity of the plant was lower than in 2020, which also caused a lower seed yield.

Taking into account the prospects of amaranth use, the following directions of its improvement are possible: creation of varieties for use as seeds, fodder, oil and for landscaping.

Varieties for seeds - low plants (up to 110 cm), un-branched, with a large dense or nepivshchilnuyu panicles, with a high percentage of female flowers, rapid maturation, seeds of white, golden or pink, with 1 g weight of 1000 seeds, with a crude protein content of 18.0-19.0%, starch - 58.0-59%, the yield to 30 kg / ha, fit for mechanized harvesting.

The main indicator of the economic value of grain amaranth varieties is their seed yield, which is measured in quintals or tons per unit area.

Optimization of sowing methods of plants is an important issue in agrotechnics of culture. The choice of sowing method should be determined primarily by the peculiarities of the variety and the architectonics of the plant. The area of plant nutrition, which is determined by density and method of sowing, depends on the provision of light, moisture and nutrients to plants, affects photosynthesis, seed formation and individual plant productivity. In the thickened crops, the competition of plants for moisture, nutrients and deteriorates the light regime of the leaves of the lower and middle tiers, causes a decrease in yields. Thickened crops have poor competition with weeds, which also reduces the yield of the crop.

Yield records of varieties by years of research are shown in Table 3.6. As evidenced by the above data, the level of grain amaranth yield was influenced by the studied factors (variety and method of sowing), as well as agrometeorological conditions of the year of cultivation. Thus, as noted in the previous section, 2019 was more favorable in terms of rainfall, temperature and relative humidity during the growing season.

Table 3.6

Yields of grain amaranth varieties depending on the method of sowing, cwt/ha

Sowing method (A), Row spacing Sort B) 2019. 2020 Average for 2019-2020

Linear, 15 cm Ultra 22,2 6,3 14,3

Lera 23,4 6,2 14,8

Helios 24,9 7,1 16,0

Wide row, 45 cm Ultra 36,2 9,3 22,8

Lera 27,7 7,5 17,6

Helios 32,5 8,8 20,7

Wide row, 70 cm Ultra 35,8 9,1 22,5

Lera 32,5 9,1 20,8

Helios 40,2 12,2 26,2

Average for 2019-2020 pp. 30,6 8,4

HIP05, c / ha (2019 ): A - 0,31; B - 0,31; AB - 0,54, HIP05C / ha (2020 ): A - 0,10; B - 0,10; AB - 0,17.

At the same time, the yield of varieties averaged 30.6 kg / ha, which is 3.6 times higher than in 2020 (8.4 kg / ha average of varieties). Low level of amaranth yield in 2020 is due to the lack of moisture during the growing season of plants.

The results show that all varieties formed an average yield for two years at the level of 19.5 kg / ha. The highest yield of amaranth was obtained in the variety Helios - 21.0 kg / ha, which is 1.2 kg / ha or 6% more compared to the variety Ultra, and by 3.3 kg / ha or 18% more than the variety Lera (Fig .3.8).

When choosing the method of sowing, it is necessary to take into account the high demand of amaranth to the feeding area, as well as the peculiarities of the cultivar being grown. In our experiments, the highest grain yield was obtained when sowing amaranth by wide-row method at 70 cm - 23.2 kg / ha (the average for varieties).

But in the context of varieties there were some differences. Thus, the highest yield of seeds of variety Ultra was formed when sowing in broad strokes as at 45 cm and at 70 cm (between these options was no significant difference) - 22.5-22.8 kg / ha, which is by 8.2-8 5 kg / ha higher than for the row method of sowing.

In the variety Helios and Lera high yield was obtained when sowing broad-band method at 70 cm, with the variety Helios in this variant noted the maximum yield - 26.2 kg / ha, which is by 3,8-5,4 t / ha higher than in other varieties.

Thus, the method of sowing had a great influence on the formation of amaranth seed yield, the best conditions for growth and development of plants were created by sowing in wide rows. In these variants and were obtained high values of yield.


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Shcatula Y.

Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor of agriculture, soil science and agrochemistry department Vinnytsia National Agrarian University


One of the most pressing problems in the development of domestic agriculture is the significant weeding of crops, including soybeans. Soil and climatic conditions of Ukraine mainly contribute to the cultivation of this crop.

At the beginning of the growing season, soybeans grow relatively slowly, and weeds compete with them for moisture, nutrients, light use, and so on. This results in low crop competitiveness compared to weeds. Yield losses from weeds can average 30 to 50%, and sometimes they can die completely.

To control weeds in soybean crops should use soil herbicide Frontier® Optima k.e., 1,0 l/ha + in phase 5 trifoliate soybean leaves post-emergence herbicide Korum p. K., 1,5 l/ha + South Africa Metholate, 1,0 l/ha + in the phase of the beginning of soybean budding foliar application of the microfertilizer Quantum - Molybdenum Chelate (Mo), 0,5 l/ha, as a result of which it is possible to obtain soybean seed yield at the level of 2,94 t/ha.

Keywords: Soy, agrocenosis, technology, weeds, herbicides, seeds, yield.

Formulation of the problem.

Soybeans are a universal legume and oilseed, the seeds of which are used for food, fodder and technical purposes. Among annual cereals and legumes in terms of protein content and quality, it ranks first, and the amount of oil is second only to peanuts. In the group of field oilseeds, soybeans provide the highest yield of cake and meal.

The production of this culture at the global level is growing rapidly, it largely depends on the food security of civilization. It is grown in major agricultural regions in 90 countries. World production of this crop has reached 253 million tons. Its crops absorb 20 million tons of biological nitrogen. Due to it, the world economy receives more than 128 billion dollars a year [1].

High yields, extreme stress resistance, powerful return of each sown hectare at low production costs can not leave indifferent any farmer. No other crop is able to ensure the accumulation of such an amount of protein and oil, even with very high soil fertility, sufficient levels of headlights and intensive watering. Under favorable weather conditions in 2018, the gross harvest of soybeans in Ukraine reached 4,3 million tons, which brought our country to 8th place among its world producers. However, the potential of the crop is much higher: in Europe, one hectare produces an average of 3-4 tons of grain, while in Ukraine only 2 tons. The

main reason is high weediness and insufficiently effective protection of soybean crops [10].

With the development of intensive technologies for growing crops, scientists Zabolotny O.I., Zabolotna A.V., [4] state that to reduce the negative impact of herbicides on cultivated plants, it is advisable to combine their use with biological drugs, under the influence of which metabolic processes increase plants, develops a stronger aboveground and underground mass, the optimal photosynthetic apparatus is formed, which in general ensures the growth of crop productivity.

Therefore, the development of the most efficient, least economically and environmentally friendly weed control system using chemical plant protection products for growing soybeans in different farming systems is an extremely important element of innovative development in crop production.

Analysis of recent research and publications.

Glycine max (L.) Merrill is the main legume in the world. It belongs to the strategic cultures and meets the most basic needs of mankind.

Soybeans are a very popular type of legume that is used in many areas of food and industrial production. These products are in demand in the wholesale market, so it makes sense for farms to work towards soybean production. Interest in growing this crop continues to grow as new opportunities open up for its marketing

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