Научная статья на тему 'Influence of biorhythms on studying foreign students at a medical universety'

Influence of biorhythms on studying foreign students at a medical universety Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Yoltukhivskyy Mykhaylo, Nikolaenko Oksana, Boreyko Tatiana, Dovgan Alexandr, Lesya Kostyk

The article deals with the manifestations of daily fluctuations in mental and physiological functions and their use in labor, educational and other fields of foreign student’s activity in the medical university.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of biorhythms on studying foreign students at a medical universety»

Yoltukhivskyy Mykhaylo, Ph D., in Medicine, prof E-mail: yoltukh@vnmu.edu.ua Nikolaenko Oksana, Ph D., in Biology, docent E-mail: oksnikolaienko@gmail.com Boreyko Tatiana, Ph D., in Medicine, docent E-mail: Tanja.bor@mail ru Dovgan Alexandr, Ph D., in Medicine, docent E-mail: alexandr.d1980@gmail.com

Lesya Kostyk, associate professor, Department of Normal physiology, Vinnitsia national Pirogov' memorial medical university, Ukraine E-mail: koctyklesya@ukr.net


Abstract: The article deals with the manifestations of daily fluctuations in mental and physiological functions and their use in labor, educational and other fields of foreign student's activity in the medical university.

Keywords: biorhythms, learning process, working capacity of foreign students.

The vital activity of all biological systems on Earth is prone to cycle. And man is no exception. Our organism continuously interacts with the surrounding world, exchanges energy and information with it. Due to the constant interaction of human biological rhythm adapts to the environment biorhythms. The received information from sensory organs, the CNS regulates the release ofvarious hormones, activating or inhibiting the work of the whole organism, therefore the biological rhythms of man and the world are intertwined and proceed in the same order [1, 30-50].

Between biorhythms and working capacity there is a thin link. The efficiency increases with optimal coordination of the human life's rhythm with its individual biorhythm. Indicators of the functional state of the circulatory, endocrine, and other systems ofthe body have allowed suggesting assumptions about different types of human capacity. As a result of many scientific studies scientists from different countries have been able to prove that some people experience the same fluctuations in the level of physiological abilities course ofduring the day. Famous Russian chronobiologists V. O. Doskin and N. O. Lavrentiev found that most people experience rhythmic variations in performance:

41% prefer to work in the early hours;

30% prefer working at night or at night;

29% can work equally well during wakefulness.

Figure 1.

German researcher G. Hump found that the representatives of the early type -mostly belong to employees, the evening-people of mental work, arrhythmics - persons engaged in physical activity [7, 56-70].

The student's ability to work depends largely on the schedule of the day, how many hours a day he spends on classes, and

Section 7. Medicine

how much to rest, in particular, sleep and other activities. All this basically depends on the biological rhythms [8, 93-99].

Table 1. - Depending on the ability to work people are divided into:

«larks» «turtledoves» «owls»

Women 25% 50% 25%

Men 50% - 50%

In our work, we decided to conduct a study to determine the daily human chronotype and to determine the biorhyth-mological organization of functions. The research was conducted with the help of questionnaires and observations.

Among our foreign students, we found individuals with a persistent stereotype of disability, as well as arrhythmias. Students attributed to the earliest type-"larks" - get up early, cheerful, cheerful, keep an uplifting mood in the daytime; The highest working capacity is kept at them from 9 to 14 hours; in the evening their efficiency is noticeably reduced. This type of students is most adapted to the mode of study, since their biological rhythm coincides with the social rhythm at our university. Unfortunately, there are so few foreign students who come to us from different countries of Africa, Asia, the Middle East, India, Latin America and European countries [4, 7-9].

Students of the evening type - "owls" - have the greatest capacity from 18 to 24 hours; late go to bed often do not fall asleep, usually late for classes; in the first half of the day are slowed down, so they are in less favorable conditions, especially when there are practical or final classes in the morning. Unfortunately, there are a lot of them among our foreigners.

First of all it is connected with climatic, and secondly - social conditions in which they have grown up. The heat is in the daytime, siesta and rest, and the most activity in the evening and at night, when the heat is slightly reduced.

The period of decline in the ability to work for both types of students should be used for rest and lunch, and if you need to study, then the best is the least complex disciplines. For "owls" it is advisable to arrange consultations and prepare for practical lessons from the most difficult sections of the program and disciplines from 18 hours, and students - "larks" to prepare for practical lessons better in the morning.

Based on the questionnaire we conducted students from African countries and India in most "larks" and prefer to get up 5-6 hours in the morning and prepare for practical classes, while those from Asia and the Middle East will love to sleep in the morning and stay up late tonight.

Our observations have shown that in students- "larks" 1.5 times more often there is hypertension than in the group "owls". This is explained by the fact that in the "larks" in the morning the body faster and more actively thrown into the blood adrenaline and norepinephrine, which increase blood pressure. In students- "owls", internal mechanisms that influence pressure increase work slowly. The third group of students - arrhythmics - is an intermediate between "larks" and "owls", but closer to "larks". They turned out to be the least among our surveyed ones. These are mostly African-speaking people who lived for some time or were born and raised in European countries. In addition, they adapt quickly enough to change the biological clock.

An analysis of the actual data on the livelihoods of students suggests its disorderly and chaotic organization. Violations of the biological rhythms of the basic physiological functions are manifested in all: untimely feeding, systematic lack of sleep, violations of the training and rest regimen, activity and sleep, etc. Therefore, for a period of studying at a university, a healthy student worsens his health quickly. And

Figure 2.

health 60-70% depends on lifestyle. It is necessary to have sufficient intelligence, special knowledge and will power to withstand self-destruction. And here the important place is the knowledge and the help provided by our faculty during classes and curators of academic groups outside of classroom to foreign students [5, 153; 6, 39].

On the dynamics of labor productivity is influenced by biological laws, environmental conditions and production activities, as well as a number of subjective factors. On working productivity in a descending order affect the duration of the working period, the experience of this work, the level of motivation, the predominance of elements of accuracy or speed, the influence of factors of the environment (noise, temperature, etc.). In the daily rhythm of efficiency, the whole hierarchy of many of the rhythms of the human body, in particular, the rhythm and state of the central nervous system, the system of analyzers, the motor apparatus, the etching, etc., is manifested.

After analyzing the data we can choose the right methods of work during the educational process, paying attention to the study of various topics of the course for alternation and rest during the study of higher nervous activity, give recommendations on the methods of memorization in learning memory, pay attention to motor processes in the sections "CNS" and "Cardiovascular system", give appropriate recommendations for nutrition and the regime of the day when passing the section "Digestion", while studying the topic "Breathing" to recommend preventive measures with colds and diseases of the upper respiratory tract. We discuss the issue of adaptation in

the topic of "Endocrine system" and "Digestion", as well as "CNS".

It is useful to know the individual rhythm of working capacity for every person, and especially the student, as this knowledge will help in preparation for practical classes, especially during the preparation for the final sessions and session exams.

In the individual system of healthy lifestyles and maintenance of working capacity, self-control is crucial, which is accustomed primarily to active observation of their physiological state. Such systematic monitoring of the indicators of the basic systems of the organism and their constant analysis will provide important assistance to students in planning their workloads, working week, will allow more rational use of time and realize their capabilities to solve their tasks: to find time for learning, and for physical development, and for recreation.

The study of biorhythms of the human body makes it possible to scientifically approach the health of students for the comprehensive and harmonious development of their physical and spiritual qualities, as well as to improve the organization of all life processes. The interaction of the body, of feelings and of the spirit leads to the interaction between them and from this point of view, each individual is individual.


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