Научная статья на тему 'Influence of Anxiety on Texts Retelling in Adolescents'

Influence of Anxiety on Texts Retelling in Adolescents Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
anxiety / text retellings / adolescents / ontogenesis / propositions / semantic roles / тревожность / пересказы текста / подростки / онтогенез / пропозиции / семантические роли

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Привалова Ирина Владимировна, Петрова Анна Александровна

The signs of anxiety in ontogeny have not yet been sufficiently studied, as well as the indicators of anxiety in a certain age group in speech ontogeny. The hypothesis about the influence of schoolchildren’s anxiety on the text retelling process is set forth. Examining transcripts of oral retelling evidence that psychological conditions of adolescents affect their speech production. The material for this study was collected according to mass experiments, which were conducted in several secondary schools of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2020–2021. All in all, there were interviewed 458 students of the 5th grade aged from 11 to 12 years. Boys and girls were interviewed in almost equal proportions what allows speaking about gender representativeness. In order to design socio-psychological portraits of the respondents, there have been conducted a number of supplementary tests preceding the main interviews: the general awareness test, the anxiety test, the test on concentration and attention span, the Russian language test. Our research of anxiety of adolescents is based on the Integrative Anxiety Test which followed the Encyclopedia of Psychodiagnostics (ed. D. Raigorodsky). The main target of the experiment is to explore the alterations in the propositional structures integrity in text retelling that may happen as a result of anxiety influence. Having analyzed more than 300 text retellings, we have concluded that psychological factors may affect the mechanisms of information processing and verbalization. There are two types of anxiety manifestations in text retellings in adolescents. First, manifestations of anxiety on the superficial level which is revealed in alterations in the sound and lexical matter. Second, typical are the manifestations of anxiety on the deep level of propositions with complete change of semantic roles, appearance of additional propositional elements or fragmentation of existing propositions

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Влияние фактора тревожности на пересказ текстов подростками

Признаки тревожности в онтогенезе еще недостаточно изучены. Также малоисследованными остаются такие показатели как индикаторы тревожности в определенной возрастной группе в речевом онтогенезе. Авторами данной статьи выдвинута гипотеза о влиянии фактора тревожности у школьников на процесс пересказа ими учебных текстов. Изучение транскриптов устных пересказов свидетельствует о том, что психологические состояния подростков влияют на процесс речепроизводства. Материал для данного исследования был собран в ходе массовых экспериментов, которые проводились в 2020–2021 гг. на базе нескольких общеобразовательных школ Республики Татарстан. Всего было опрошено 458 учащихся 5-х классов в возрасте от 11 до 12 лет, которые нами относятся к младшему подростковому возрасту. Мальчики и девочки были опрошены практически в равных пропорциях, что позволяет говорить о гендерной репрезентативности полученных данных. Для построения социально-психологических портретов респондентов был проведен ряд тестов, предшествующих основному интервью: тест общей осведомленности; тест на тревожность; тест на концентрацию и объем внимания; тест по русскому языку. Наше исследование тревожности у подростков основано на интегративном тесте тревожности, взятом из электронного варианта Энциклопедии психодиагностики под редакцией Д.Я. Райгородского. Основной целью эксперимента является изучение изменений целостности пропозиций при пересказах текстов, которые могут происходить в результате действия фактора тревожности. Проанализировав более 300 пересказов текстов, мы пришли к выводу, что психологические факторы могут влиять на процесс обработки информации и ее дальнейшую вербализацию. Нами были выделены два типа проявлений тревожности при пересказах текстов у детей младшего подросткового возраста. Во-первых, проявления тревожности на поверхностном уровне, которые отмечаются в изменениях звукового и лексического материала. Во-вторых, проявления тревожности на глубинном уровне пропозиций, связанные с полной сменой смысловых ролей, возникновением дополнительных препозиционных элементов или дроблением существующих пропозиций.

Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of Anxiety on Texts Retelling in Adolescents»


RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics

2313-2299 (print), ISSN 2411-1236 (online)

Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: ТЕОРИЯ ЯЗЫКА. СЕМИОТИКА. СЕМАНТИКА

2023 Vol. 14 No. 4 1091-1106


DOI: 10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-4-1091-1106


UDC 81'233-053.6:159.922

Research article / Научная статья

Influence of Anxiety on Texts Retelling in Adolescents

Irina V. Privalova ID 0, Anna A. Petrova D

Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, Kazan, Russian Federation, 0 ivprivalova@mail.ru

Abstract. The signs of anxiety in ontogeny have not yet been sufficiently studied, as well as the indicators of anxiety in a certain age group in speech ontogeny. The hypothesis about the influence of schoolchildren's anxiety on the text retelling process is set forth. Examining transcripts of oral retelling evidence that psychological conditions of adolescents affect their speech production. The material for this study was collected according to mass experiments, which were conducted in several secondary schools of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2020-2021. All in all, there were interviewed 458 students of the 5th grade aged from 11 to 12 years. Boys and girls were interviewed in almost equal proportions what allows speaking about gender representativeness. In order to design socio-psychological portraits of the respondents, there have been conducted a number of supplementary tests preceding the main interviews: the general awareness test, the anxiety test, the test on concentration and attention span, the Russian language test. Our research of anxiety of adolescents is based on the Integrative Anxiety Test which followed the Encyclopedia of Psychodiagnostics (ed. D. Raigorodsky). The main target of the experiment is to explore the alterations in the propositional structures integrity in text retelling that may happen as a result of anxiety influence. Having analyzed more than 300 text retellings, we have concluded that psychological factors may affect the mechanisms of information processing and verbalization. There are two types of anxiety manifestations in text retellings in adolescents. First, manifestations of anxiety on the superficial level which is revealed in alterations in the sound and lexical matter. Second, typical are the manifestations of anxiety on the deep level of propositions with complete change of semantic roles, appearance of additional propositional elements or fragmentation of existing propositions.

Keywords: anxiety, text retellings, adolescents, ontogenesis, propositions, semantic roles

Article history:

Received: 23.05.2023 Accepted: 15.09.2023

For citation:

Privalova, I.V. & Petrova, A.A. (2023). Influence of Anxiety on Texts Retelling in Adolescents. RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics, 14 (4), 1091-1106. https://doi. org/10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-4-1091-1106

© Privalova I.V., Petrova A.A., 2023

| | This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License I_I https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/legalcode

Влияние фактора тревожности на пересказ текстов подростками

И.В. Привалова , А.А. Петрова ©

Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет, Казань, Российская Федерация,

И ivptivalova@mail.ru

Аннотация. Признаки тревожности в онтогенезе еще недостаточно изучены. Также малоисследованными остаются такие показатели как индикаторы тревожности в определенной возрастной группе в речевом онтогенезе. Авторами данной статьи выдвинута гипотеза о влиянии фактора тревожности у школьников на процесс пересказа ими учебных текстов. Изучение транскриптов устных пересказов свидетельствует о том, что психологические состояния подростков влияют на процесс речепроизводства. Материал для данного исследования был собран в ходе массовых экспериментов, которые проводились в 2020-2021 гг. на базе нескольких общеобразовательных школ Республики Татарстан. Всего было опрошено 458 учащихся 5-х классов в возрасте от 11 до 12 лет, которые нами относятся к младшему подростковому возрасту. Мальчики и девочки были опрошены практически в равных пропорциях, что позволяет говорить о гендерной репрезентативности полученных данных. Для построения социально-психологических портретов респондентов был проведен ряд тестов, предшествующих основному интервью: тест общей осведомленности; тест на тревожность; тест на концентрацию и объем внимания; тест по русскому языку. Наше исследование тревожности у подростков основано на интегративном тесте тревожности, взятом из электронного варианта Энциклопедии психодиагностики под редакцией Д.Я. Райгородского. Основной целью эксперимента является изучение изменений целостности пропозиций при пересказах текстов, которые могут происходить в результате действия фактора тревожности. Проанализировав более 300 пересказов текстов, мы пришли к выводу, что психологические факторы могут влиять на процесс обработки информации и ее дальнейшую вербализацию. Нами были выделены два типа проявлений тревожности при пересказах текстов у детей младшего подросткового возраста. Во-первых, проявления тревожности на поверхностном уровне, которые отмечаются в изменениях звукового и лексического материала. Во-вторых, проявления тревожности на глубинном уровне пропозиций, связанные с полной сменой смысловых ролей, возникновением дополнительных препозиционных элементов или дроблением существующих пропозиций.

Ключевые слова: тревожность, пересказы текста, подростки, онтогенез, пропозиции, семантические роли

История статьи:

Дата поступления: 23.05.2023 Дата приема в печать: 15.09.2023

Для цитирования:

Privalova I.V., Petrova A.A. Influence of Anxiety on Texts Retelling in Adolescents // Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Теория языка. Семиотика. Семантика. 2023. Т. 14. № 4. С. 1091-1106. https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-2299-2023-14-4-1091-1106


Text retelling is the process of secondary information production under special conditions of speech functioning. The process of thought "clothing" into verbal matter has not been thoroughly studied yet. There are various hypotheses concerning the ways of thoughts taking shape into the language code. Among

them, the hypothesis of [1] about "the universal subject code" and the hypothesis of [2] about the "syncoping" character of inner speech compared to external speech. Any speech generation model is thought to be a sophisticated cognitive complex. Speech activity development goes hand in hand with subj ect-cognitive mechanisms development. Logical comprehension of reality contributes to the genesis of speech production skills. Meanwhile, active acknowledgement of the surrounding world refines the ability to clearly and figuratively express one's thoughts, to describe sensations and emotions. Admittedly, the number of adolescents with inconsistent skills in presenting their own thoughts and in retelling texts is constantly growing. It happens due to the fact that modern adolescents acquire more image information than text information. Failures in subject-cognitive activity do not allow mental images be shaped consistently. (The term "mental image" stands for a set of conceptual and perceptual ideas about the real world). In modern children, the primary introduction to new objects occurs not through visual perception rather through pure visualization. As a result, the balance in the chain 'mental image — verbal sign — individualized parameters associated with a verbal sign' gets disturbed. Absence of subject-cognitive activity negatively affects images formation and consolidation of a verbal-nominative complex. All this cannot but negatively influences the ability to retell texts that a teenager has just read.

Text retelling is a consecutive production of utterances that are united by the given topic. There are a number of peculiarities typical to the utterance generation mechanism. For example, speech genres specify the type of an utterance: monologue utterances are not similar to dialogues and friendly conversations are unlike discussions. Messages presented in a written way is more carefully thought out and arranged according to the rules of grammar and syntax. While as oral communication, the rules of syntax are often neglected. In spoken narratives, individual characteristics of a speaker are manifested, such as age, education, social environment, professional occupation, and psychological state. Furthermore, the sound design of spoken narratives is full of segmented units of spontaneous speech: hesitations, pauses, linking words, repetitions in the form of clarifying words, and so on. It is obvious that utterances production in text retellings differs from utterances production in dialogues. Various situations involve different ways of unfolding thoughts into words and a speaker is bound to change strategies of speech behavior depending on the targets.

Apart from the above described characteristic features of text retellings, there are some psychological issues that have to be considered in a more detailed way. At this certain point, one has to dwell upon the importance of the phenomenon of anxiety that comes to fore.

In view with the said above, the purpose of our research is to demonstrate how anxiety affects the surface structure of narrations in text retellings by adolescents. However, it is planned to consider the types of deep transformations on the level of key propositions, which also spring up as the result of anxiety.

Our hypothesis is that there are two levels on which anxiety effect is revealed. The effect of anxiety can manifest itself in text retellings in adolescents on the superficial level through the choice of particular sound and lexical matter. As well, it can also manifest itself on the deep level and affect the structure of certain propositions.

Methodological Considerations

In our studies, we have put forth the idea about the relationship between anxiety among schoolchildren and the process of text retellings. In broad words, the attempt was made to establish how the psychological condition of adolescents affects speech production.

As far as the term "anxiety" is concerned, there is no scientific disagreement regarding it. Almost all scientists are unanimous about the fact that the word "anxiety" is used to describe different psychological and emotional deviations. Still the degree and severity of these deviations might vary. Tackling the issue of emotions is not easy either since "we can only generalize with caution regarding emotives and emotions because it is not easy to know for sure what members of a specific speech community really feel or want to express" [3. P. 38].

There are scientists who qualify anxiety as mental disorder [4]. The range of anxiety disorders is rather multifarious since it includes panic disorder, agoraphobia, generalized anxiety disorder, specific phobia, social phobia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, acute stress disorder, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Anxiety affects the stability of mood and emotional tone. What is important for us is the fact that anxiety and speech production are closely connected. It is obvious that anxiety may influence thinking and cognitive functions: "The anxiety disorders are the most common mental disorders. It is manifest by disturbances of mood, as well as of thinking, behaviour, and physiological activity" [5. P. 80].

Anxiety is a widespread phenomenon, which popularity is regretfully increasing worldwide. Yuan Xi argues that "anxiety is very common because the social environment is consistently changing and the pace of modern life is soaring. Statistics indicate that there are considerable number of people who are experiencing anxiety all over the world, and the number keeps growing" [6. P. 9]. Anxiety, as social phenomenon, has become a highly demanded issue for research [7-9].

Besides, it is important to distinguish between such phenomena as "anxiety" as mental illness and "anxiety" as psycho-emotional condition. Mental illness is referred to by the medical term "generalized anxiety disorder". E. Schweizer suggests that generalized anxiety disorder may occur without a co-morbid psychiatric disorder, with a patient experiencing consistent worry over multiple areas of his/her life for at least six months [10. P. 843]. Psychologists compare depression and anxiety and notice some important similarities and discrepancies between them [11; 12]. L.A. Clark and D. Watson assert that "anxiety and depression can be reliably and

validly assessed; moreover, although these disorders share a substantial component of general affective distress, they can be differentiated on the basis of factors specific to each syndrome" [13. P. 316].

Noteworthy, we study anxiety not as a disease or a clinical case rather as the psycho-emotional condition that is recorded in adolescents over a certain period of time (from several minutes to several hours). It manifests itself as a condition of restlessness, agitation, distraction of attention, mild stress. This condition can arise under the influence of certain circumstances — in our case, this may be a new situation, an unusual task, an unfamiliar environment, unknown teachers, etc. Anxiety in schoolchildren can be caused by concern for the result or the desire to do the best job and get the highest score.

Anxiety disorders are not a rare thing among adolescents. It has been found out that more than 20 % of children suffer from emotional health problems. Adolescent anxiety affects daily influences and are risk factors for severe psychiatric disorders in adolescence. Early adolescence happens to be the most sensitive period for anxiety development, and "...some (vulnerability) factors may have a decisive influence on individual's brain plasticity towards the emergence or exacerbation of anxiety symptoms" [14. P. 528].

Anxiety has proven to be the most common and serious problem for school and college students, especially female students. Interestingly enough, the mild cases of anxiety are more typical to girls, whereas an increasing prevalence of depression has been found among male students during school years. Most scientists agree that it is important to adopt school and collegial policies that reflect gender, social and age differences (see among them: [15; 16]. Jose García-Fernández and his co-authors have arrived to conclusion that there is a correlated three-factor structure related to school situations (Anxiety about Aggression, Anxiety about Social Evaluation, and Anxiety about Academic Failure) and a three-factor structure related to the response systems of anxiety (Physiological Anxiety, Cognitive Anxiety, and Behavioral Anxiety) [17. P. 286]

The topic that has a primary importance for us is anxiety in ontogenesis within a special emphasis on anxiety in a particular age group and in speech ontogenesis. There have been made several attempts to study anxiety, which is revealed in the process of speech formation in ontogenesis. Thus, T.A. Ratanova, E.V. Likhacheva have studied correlation of school anxiety with cognitive peculiarities of junior schoolchildren and have suggested a triple approach to anxiety as 1) a psychological condition; 2) a personality trait; 3) a processes of personal characteristics conditioning [18. P. 39]. They have studied school anxiety in terms of its connection with the cognitive and personal characteristics of primary schoolchildren. 103 schoolchildren of the 4th grade of secondary schools in Komi Republic took part in the experiment. The results of the test have demonstrated the predominance of non-verbal intellectual indicators over verbal-logical ones. In particular, it has been found that anxiety of schoolchildren negatively correlates with indicators

of academic performance and intelligence. More anxious teenagers have lower academic performance and intellectual development than their less anxious classmates. Non-agitated schoolchildren experience less difficulty when completing tasks based on their knowledge, on the ability to operate with numbers and establish the sequence of depicted events. They less successfully cope with tasks requiring analysis, synthesis and on finding out identities-differences. As well, schoolchildren spend a good deal of their time to perform differentiations. It is in correlation with academic performance, with indicators of general, verbal and non-verbal intelligence, and with most of the verbal and non-verbal subtests of the Wechsler test [18. P. 43]. In brief, there were more difficulties in semantic information processing than in sensory-perceptual information processing.

All adolescents that participated in our experiments had an increased level of anxiety and all anxiety factors. With a higher level of anxiety, there is a greater severity of anxiety factors, what indicates the presence of school fears and problems. According to A.M. Prikhozhan, by adolescence, a teenager accumulates a lot of experience in living through agitated emotional conditions. Anxiety becomes a stable personality trait. The analysis of the anxiety dynamics among students throughout schooling makes it possible to identify age-related "peaks of anxiety", which fall upon 1, 5, 7, 9, and 11 grades [19. P. 102]. As seen, schoolchildren of our control group belong to the "peak of anxiety".

Objective anxiety assessment tools have been developed, among which the most famous is the DASS test (Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale). The traditional questionnaire contains 46 items, each of which describes a specific negative symptom. Each item is scored on a four-point Likert scale from 0 to 3, where 0 is a symptom not related to the respondent and 3 is a symptom that occurs all the time or most of the time. P.F. Lovibond and S.H. Lovibond did not only design but also refined DASS test in such a way that it became possible to develop self-report anxiety and depression scales that cover the full range of core symptoms of anxiety and depression, meet high psychometric standards, and provide maximum discrimination between several scales [20. P. 335]. Currently, the DASS test is widely used and gets modified based on the specific situations and characteristics of the respondents. On top of that, the number of parameters has become a flexible category and is altered according to the specificity of the scientific target (see in: [21; 22]).

Methods of Research and Material

The material for this study was collected in course of mass experiments, which were conducted in several secondary schools of the Republic of Tatarstan in 2020-2021. The participants were school students not only from such a big megapolis like Kazan, but also from the schools located in the near-by rural areas. So, the social representativeness of the respondents was rather high. All in all, there were interviews with 458 students of the 5th grade aged from 11 to 12 years. Boys

and girls were interviewed in almost equal proportions what allows speaking about gender representativeness.

The main target of the experiment is to explore the changes in the propositional structures integrity in text retellings that may happen as a result of anxiety influence.

For this purpose, two types of source texts were used. One text was the original taken without any changes from the school textbook. And the second text was a modified version of the original text. Based on the assumption that the psychology of schoolchildren's development and their cognitive-speech skills have not been shaped yet, the original texts were simplified according to the methodology of [23]. Thus, one of the approaches for modification was the substitution of nouns for infinitives: N ^ VInf. For instance: The animal always performs the same actions necessary for its life : searching for food, pursuing prey, preparing food ^ The animal always performs the same actions necessary for its life : it looks for food, pursues prey, prepares food.

To assess the perception of the original and modified texts, all schoolchildren were divided into two subgroups. Each of the respondents had to read only one version of the text no more than twice and then he/she had to retell it immediately after reading. The assessment of the quality of the reproduced information was made through counting the main propositions and subpropositions in the retellings and their subsequent comparison with the text proposed for reading. The identification of the main propositions and subpropositions was carried out on the basis of the methodology by Ch. Fillmore [24; 25] for the English language. The version of this methodology was developed taking into account the specifics of the Russian language by A. Mustajoki [26], E.V. Kashkin, O.N. Lyashevskaya [27], and further refined by M.I. Solnyshkina, E.V. Martynova, M.I. Andreeva [28].

In order to design socio-psychological portraits of the respondents, there have been conducted a number of tests preceding the main study. Among them were the general awareness test (WISC), the anxiety test, the test for concentration and attention span, the Russian language test. The results of the general awareness test (WISC), test for concentration and attention span and the Russian language test can be called intellectual tests since they reflect the cognitive abilities of the respondents. It is obvious that the cognitive abilities of respondents affect the text retelling skills and minimize the influence of distorting factors, so they cannot be ignored. All participants of our experiments have successfully passed all three the above-mentioned tests. This fact can be treated as an indicator that the schoolchildren's cognitive abilities were at approximately the same level. No significant deviations were recorded. Therefore, we can say that the indicator of the cognitive functions happened to be not so critical for the representativeness of the data obtained. No doubt, it would be interesting to trace the correlation between the proportion of successful test retellings and the assessment of the level

of respondents' cognitive abilities. And this may be the next step forward in our further investigations on speech ontogenesis.

Our research of anxiety in adolescents was based on Integrative Anxiety Test which was taken from the Encyclopedia of Psychodiagnostics1. There have been worked out a special gradation according to the degree / scale of anxiety (from 0 to 35). Thus, up to 10 were 35 % of all text retellings; from 10 to 20-35 % of retellings; from 20 to 30-23 0% of retellings; from 30 and above — up to 7 0% of retellings.

A few words should be said about speech ontogeny peculiarities of the adolescents, who have comprised the control group of our respondents. Speech development of the group of our subjects (age 11-12) is characterized by a number of features: "On the phonological level, the formation of the phonetic apparatus and the awareness of articulatory actions are noted. The active individual vocabulary is compiled and it varies from 10,000 to 15,000 units. However, there is a significant discrepancy between the number of actively used lexical units and those of the passive dictionary since many units are understood but are not actively used in speech. There is grammatical patterning and self-correction of "incorrect" grammatical forms. Children at this age have difficulty with correct syntactic constructions, especially word order. The ongoing explains some uniformity, similarity and primitivism of the text derivatives produced by them" [29. P. 138].

I.N. Gorelov and K.F. Sedov argue that while growing up, a child masters a variety of psycholinguistic strategies and tactics for unfolding an idea into speech [30. P. 83]. The older a teenager becomes, the more speech generation models and strategies he or she develops. As adolescents mature and develop their language skills, more diverse speech generation patterns and strategies are likely to emerge. The arsenal of models for generating statements is expanded thanks to the participation in various communicative situations. Speech abilities development is associated with the physiological development of an individual. "Dynamics of the language development fit in the period up to 12 years — the features of individual articulation are eliminated, the correct use of antonyms is mastered, there is an understanding of ambiguous words and idioms that have both concrete and socio-psychological meaning" [31. P. 41].

Results and Discussion

Having analyzed more than 300 text retellings, we have noticed some universal tendencies in anxiety manifestation in the speech of adolescents. All of them can be split into two big groups: 1) manifestations of anxiety on the superficial level that is revealed in the sound and lexical matter; 2) manifestations of anxiety on the deep level of propositions.

1 Integrative Anxiety Test. URL: https://psylab.info/Integrative_Anxiety_Test (accessed: 23.01.2023).

Manifestations of anxiety on the superficial level that is revealed in alterations in the sound and lexical matter

The sample of the text retelling № 1.

(K5P06 T — 31 S — 6 W)2 " ...imagine such a scene // animal / bird flies / across the sea and / probably / it it is looking for /food for chicks / / that is / it / goes to do work // but is it true//no, this reasoning would be wrong//only a person can work /because the bird does not achieve any of its goals//the bird does the same thing/the animal does the same thing/every day//it gets food/hunts /and/feeds his chicks//only a person can achieve his goals// and one more/position that makes a person (...) that makes a person work (...) a working person//this is that a person sometimes improves his achievements goals//' (end of retelling)

In this retelling, one can notice many self-interruptions, attempts of autocorrection, searching for the right word or its replacement, what causes occasional failures. A teenager seems feverishly try to build a sentence at the surface level and structure it according to the purpose of the statement. Meanwhile, because of a certain deal of anxiety he/she cannot build the correct logical connection (animal — bird — it). As a result, the statement is interrupted and the repeated use of the personal pronoun "it" turns it into one of the pause fillers. Such fillers are common in colloquial speech when an attempt is made to retrieve a suitable word from memory. This is also true about for the verbal lexemes "flying — looking for — going"; in other words, a "verbal pun" is created with logical and grammatical inconsistencies, such as "work is going to be gone". The logical imbalance is also revealed in the statement "only a man can work / because the bird does not achieve any of its goals".

The sample of the text retelling № 2.

(К5А02 T — 35 s — 4 M) 30 i "... imagine / that you are lying in a meadow and see wildlife / how a bird flies to its chicks with food / how a squirrel jumps from branch to branch //probably /animals can't ... can't do what we do // they do it from that that one must live... (remark in the transcript *Inaudible further*) but a person can (remark in the transcript *Inaudible *) a person can work and..." // (end of retelling)

There is a sudden stop in the retelling, which is followed by some attempts to continue it. Increased anxiety primarily leads to a sharp reduction in the intensity (loudness) in articulation of phrases and a gradual transition to a whisper, and

2 The response of every participant of the experiment was assigned a special code. The first digits indicate the serial number, and the letter A stands for "anxiety", S — Social desirability, and the last one denotes gender — either M or W.

finally to a complete cessation of retelling. Anxiety has created such a situation which resulted in a complete paralysis of memory and motor skills of speech. Such behavior reaction can be termed as "stupor".

All retellings of schoolchildren with increased anxiety are characterized by two trends.. In a fairly large group of retellings, there is an apparent completeness of presentation, which is expressed in a large number of statements without long pauses and without pronunciation intensity reduction. However, careful cognitive analysis demonstrates that new information is not transmitted in such narrations, and schoolchildren repeat the same things in different variations with a pile of new lexemes. There are unsuccessful attempts to logically compare the presented ideas. This technique of narration could be termed "feverish speaking". The second part of the retellings is characterized by a minimal piling up of statements after unsuccessful attempts to extract the necessary concept from memory and a refusal to continue the retelling. Adolescents have difficulties in finding the right word and in putting words together into phrases. After several failures to continue the retelling, all attempts are stopped and a teenager falls silent. "This type of retelling could be labeled as a "narrative stupor". It is impossible to cope with a stressful situation without psychological defense mechanisms, the role of which is to reduce and overcome the state of anxiety. There are three forms of behavioral reactions that manifest themselves in a situation of danger: flight, aggression, stupor" [32. P. 21].

The sample of the text retelling № 3.

^5G11 T — 9 S — 4 W) < 10: "...today we will talk about the work of an animal and a person // imagine you are lying in a clearing and watching the life of animals / / a birdflies to feed its chicks / a squirrel is looking for / nuts to prepare, uh, for the winter / / well, it turns out that animals also work //no/ this is not true// after all, animals do the same thing from mmm do something/ but that is, mmm they do not create something//and people do something new/ something unreleased/ then / what we don't know//that is, they invent something// thereby we learn to work// can animals really plan something?// no/ because aa/ only people can plan the goal of work/achievement/ what they have to do and the result itself//what can we find out/ that animals mmm can't work/because they don't know how/ to plan anything and do nothing//they only have reflexes//"

The above presented example is the retelling of an adolescent with reduced anxiety. It is characterized by completeness of presentation, logical interpretations and conclusions. The statements are structured in accordance with their goal. Above all, the retelling contains questions and answers to them, what testifies about the ability to reason, compare and generalize. Reduced anxiety does not block the connection in the development of the mental-verbal complex: a deep frame-concept is retrieved freely from memory, then, an adequate lexical unit springs up at the surface level, and motor skills of speech are launched. It seems that

a teenager freely argues with someone or auto-reflects on something. This just indicates the activation of the stage of ontogeny "I — concepts" in this age interval. These patterns of speech behavior correlate well with the age-related psychological characteristics of the adolescent period. At the age of 11—12, a child continues to develop mental and logical operations. He/she is able to classify objects, to draw analogies, to make generalizations and to draw conclusions. Skills of inferential knowledge and hypotheses are formed. There is planning in the long and short term. There is clarity in the presentation of unrealized thoughts and structured narratives. No wonder, since "the verbal product is considered by psycholinguists as an indicator of the work of thought processes" [33. P. 186]. Intellectual mechanisms as memory and attention become more sophisticated: "Children are developing their ability to concentrate for a long time on large volumes of the studied material, they can manage and control attention. Mechanical memory starts functioning along with intellectual memory. Teenagers actively master mnemonic techniques" [29. P. 139]. At the age of 11—12, abstract thinking is being shaped. Schoolchildren begin to think figuratively and understand such figures of speech as metaphors and idioms: "Starting from the age of 7—8, the ability of children to correctly interpret the chosen idioms progresses significantly. By age 12, they can correctly identify the idiomatic meaning of an expression 8 times out of 10" [34. P. 16].

Manifestations of anxiety on the deep level of propositions

The psychological factors may affect the process of structuring information. The anxiety factor is believed to disrupt the process of denunciation of thought into verbal matter. The most popular cases include (but are not limited to): the change of semantic roles, the appearance of additional propositional elements and the violation of the original propositional structure integrity, fragmentation of the deep propositions [35].

Complete change of semantic roles

The initial proposition in the source text is "A bird is flying to the nest to feed its chicks". In the secondary narration of test retelling, it has been modified to the variant: "... there are many birds carrying worms to their nests, they are ready tofeed the chicks'" (K6B23) — A (N)Ps Pr (Asp=PROC; short procedural / dynamic) A Cir (loc) 'to' A {A (N)Ps Pr A} A; {A (N)Ps Pr A}. In this oral secondary structure, one can notice the introduction of a new possessor of the beneficiary along with the change of the primary goal. The predicate "feed" is substituted for the predicate "carry". The replacement of the predicate of the semantic structure "to fly" ^ "to carry" implies the introduction of other actants associated with the new predicate. As a result, one can spot the generation of a new situation. The elimination of the predicate, the predicate specifier and its replacement by another predicate leads

to a crucial change in the deep semantic structure; hence, in contrast to the original, the situation itself has been changed.

In some text retellings, there was observed the substitution of a verb "to fly" for the verbal combination "to gather worms". The frame structure with the verb "to fly" has its own open positions for actants, which are determined by the valency structure of the verb. The concept and the situation are different in the text of the recall: not flight, but gathering. This semantic immersion is not observed in the first part of a similar unit of the primary text. However, the second propositional scheme with the meta-conjunction "to" is preserved, what means that the goal of the agent's actions remains unchanged. In this case, the place circ constant Cir (loc) "to" A "to the nest" is eliminated. It is probably important for the student to convey the actual state of affairs — "feeding the chicks".

Appearance of additional propositional elements

The appearance of additional elements in the text of the retelling, which are not in the original text, may evidence that a teenager seeks to individualize the presentation: "...there are many birds carrying worms to their nests, they are ready to feed the chicks'" (K6B23). Personal moments appear in his visual representation of the situation, what confirms the hypothesis about the development of "I — concepts" self-awareness. For example, in the original text there is no word "worms" and this is a teenager's fantasy that tells him about a cliché-image: "birds eat worms".

One more example with some transformations of the following original sentence from the source text: "Here is a squirrel jumping from branch to branch — probably making supplies for the winter". It can be compared with the secondary texts of the retellings, in which additional elements appear: (K5P09) "I see a squirrel jumping from branch to branch, to branch, to branch". (COP 513) "Here's a squirrel jumping from branch to branch, gathering food for the winter". And in the following example, there are signs of a high degree of anxiety as hesitations and difficulty in structuring and verbalizing thoughts: (K5G11) " .. a squirrel is looking for uh / nuts to prepare uh for the winter."

Fragmentation of the deep propositions

The fragmentation of the deep proposition, is also observed in some cases. Let us take a look at the following example (K5A20): "The bird flies to the nest, feed its chicks" — A (N)Ps Pr (Asp=PROC; short procedural / dynamic state of affairs) Cir (loc) "to" A (X meta-conjunction G) Pr inf {A (N)Ps Pr A} A. The trend of adding and emphasizing at the deep level of the possessor is observed in more than two thirds of text retellings. For the fifth graders, it was important to emphasize that the bird feeds its own chicks but not someone else chicks.


Summing up, in ontogeny, the signs of anxiety as well as the indicators of anxiety in a certain age group in speech ontogeny is a very intriguing issue for investigation. Anxiety and speech production mechanisms are closely connected, more particularly, anxiety affects thinking and cognitive functions in a number of various ways. There are two types of anxiety — mental disorder and unstable psycho-emotional condition, which manifests itself as agitation, restlessness, absent-mindedness, etc. Such condition may arise in schoolchildren under the influence of certain circumstances like a new environment, a difficult task, a demanding teacher, a conflict with classmates, etc. Anxiety in adolescents may have a negative influence on their academic performance, social adaptation, and successful acquisitions of information. Among others, it influences the process of text derivatives generation. Adolescents are characterized by having inconsistent skills in presenting their own thoughts and in making text recalling. The inconsistency soars under the influence of anxiety factors. The examination of transcripts of the oral text retellings presented by adolescents has shown that anxiety effect is revealed in two ways. It can manifest itself on the superficial level through the choice of particular sounds and lexemes. As well, it can manifest itself on the deep level and affect the structure of certain propositions. The psychological factors may affect the process of information organization. The most popular cases include (but are not limited to): the change of semantic roles, the appearance of additional propositional elements and fragmentation of existing propositions. As a result, one can observe the violation of the original propositional structure integrity.

So, a preliminary pilot analysis of the anxiety factor influence on text retellings has demonstrated that less anxious children cope with retelling better than more anxious ones. We intend to retest this hypothesis in the future and take into account other data from psychological tests.


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Information about the authors:

Irina V. Privalova, D.Sc. in Philology, a Leading Research Fellow of the Research Laboratory "Text Analytics" at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (33, Tatarstan street 2, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420021); Research interests: psycholinguistics, intercultural and mass communication, as well as corpus linguistics; e-mail: ivprivalova@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0002-7740-2185; eLIBRARY SPIN-code: 9909-6839, Research ID: D-1768-2017; Scopus ID 57191959637

Anna A. Petrova, D.Sc. in Philology, a Leading Research Fellow of the Research Laboratory "Text Analytics" at the Institute of Philology and Intercultural Communication of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University (33, Tatarstan street 2, Kazan, Russian Federation, 420021); Research interests: psycholinguistics, language ontogenesis, multimodality in communication, and cognitive linguistics; e-mail: petrova16@mail.ru

ORCID: 0000-0003-4322-1324; eLIBRARY SPIN-code: 7184-4466; Research ID: E-1237-2015; Scopus ID 56241167000

Сведения об авторах:

Привалова Ирина Владимировна, доктор филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник НИЛ «Текстовая аналитика» Института филологии и межкультурной коммуникации, Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет (420021, Российская Федерация, г. Казань, ул. Татарстан 2, д. 33); Сфера научных интересов: психолингвистика, межкультурная и массовая коммуникация, корпусная лингвистика; e-mail: ivprivalova@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0002-7740-2185; eLIBRARY SPIN-код: 9909-6839; Research ID: D-1768-2017; Scopus ID 57191959637

Петрова Анна Александровна, доктор филологических наук, ведущий научный сотрудник НИЛ «Текстовая аналитика» Института филологии и межкультурной коммуникации Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет (420021, Российская Федерация, г. Казань, ул. Татарстан 2, д. 33); Сфера научных интересов: психолингвистика, языковой онтогенез, изучение проявления мультимодальности в процессе коммуникации, когнитивная лингвистика; e-mail: petroval6@mail.ru ORCID: 0000-0003-4322-1324

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