Научная статья на тему 'Influence of alyumosilicate clays on ecological condition of Apsheron lands'

Influence of alyumosilicate clays on ecological condition of Apsheron lands Текст научной статьи по специальности «Сельское хозяйство, лесное хозяйство, рыбное хозяйство»

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Аннотация научной статьи по сельскому хозяйству, лесному хозяйству, рыбному хозяйству, автор научной работы — Agayeva Z.R., Mammadova B.G., Kazimova E.M., Talibli I.A., Efendiyeva S.G.

The article presents the results of the joint application of bentonite clay and mineral fertilizers to the soil in order to improve the ecological condition of the soil environment and increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers. In addition to reducing soil degradation and improving the productivity of plants, bento-nite also has a significant impact on improving water, physical and agrochemical conditions of the soil and creates favorable conditions for strengthening plant growth and increasing the amount of phosphorus absorbed by the soil.

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В статье с целью улучшения экологической среды почвы и повышения эффективности внесения в нее минеральных удобрений используется бентонитовая глина, нанесенная на фон минеральных удобрений. Снижение деградации почв, помимо повышения продуктивности растений, также оказывает существенное влияние на оздоровление водно-физического и агрохимическое состояние почвы и создает благоприятные условия для улучшения роста растений и количества поглощенного фосфора в почве.

Текст научной работы на тему «Influence of alyumosilicate clays on ecological condition of Apsheron lands»



ISSN 2522-1841 (Online) ISSN 0005-2531 (Print)

UDC 541.64+543.226



Z.R.Agayeva, B.G.Mammadova*, E.M.Kazimova**, I.A.Talibli, S.G.Efendiyeva,


M.Nagiyev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry NAS of Azerbaijan * Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry NAS of Azerbaijan **Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction


Received 02.07.2019 Accepted 10.10.2019

The article presents the results of the joint application of bentonite clay and mineral fertilizers to the soil in order to improve the ecological condition of the soil environment and increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers. In addition to reducing soil degradation and improving the productivity of plants, bento-nite also has a significant impact on improving water, physical and agrochemical conditions of the soil and creates favorable conditions for strengthening plant growth and increasing the amount of phosphorus absorbed by the soil.

Keywords: grey-brown soil, rocks, montmorillonite, bentonite clay, eggplant.


Increased development of industry, separate branches of mechanical engineering and power engineering, intensive extraction of minerals resulted in large-scale pollution of the environment: air, water and soil. In such cases the soil acts as a receiver of pollutants under conditions of anthropogenic impact on the ecosystem. The problem of soil treatment is one of the most important and at the same time difficult to solve. Despite the intensive efforts of scientists and entrepreneurs, who conducted research in this field, this problem still has no concrete solution. This problem, which consists in cleaning up the soil, including oil contaminated land, and restoring its original structure, is still in demand and requires a separate concrete completion. Among the many proposed solutions to address these negative phenomena, there is obviously preference for the use of inorganic sorbents of natural origin. It should be noted that the territory of the Absheron peninsula is subject to the greatest pollution. At the same time, there is a need for constant control over oil pollution of the land and Caspian oil and gas sector, as it is directly related to industrial ecology and safety of living organisms.

According to the monitoring data, significant amounts of iron (up to 0.140-0.178 mg/l),

zinc (0.126-0.166 mg/l), as well as several trans-boundary concentrations of heavy metals in soil: iron (10.6 g/kg) were found in samples of Caspian Sea water tests soil), nickel (up to 0.756 g/kg of soil) and copper (up to 0.068 g/kg of soil).

In order to develop the above mentioned task and check profitability, we studied clay rocks of the Absheronskoye deposit to use them as sorbents. At study of chemical and mineral composition of these rocks it has been established that these rocks contain, unlike bentonite rocks other deposits (Dash-Salakhly, Khizy, Alibayramly etc.), insignificant amount of montmorillonite - 10 % [1-2].

At a choice of effective sorbents it was also considered that natural clay minerals possess property of considerable swelling during hydration, that was of great scientific and practical interest for the further use of the specified clay minerals in the specified purposes [3].

At the same time, in the space limited for free swelling in the presence of water, a dense gel is formed, which prevents further penetration of moisture as well its evaporation at high ambient temperatures. Such clay minerals, when added to the "light" soil as a reclamation sorbent, improve the soil structure and increase its fertility.

Energy heterogeneity of the surface of mineral particles leads to differences in adsorption activity and selectivity of filling certain areas of the surface. On the surface of mineral particles of soil the active areas form mosaic patterns of hydrophilic and hydrophobic sites, where selective sorption occurs. Due to the irreversibility of the process, the soil loses its ability to retain moisture for vegetation, and the process of biomass multiplication is disrupted. It has been established that the introduction of clay minerals into the soil improves the water regime of dry suspended soil.

At present, various agro-technical, reclamation measures are being implemented in Azerbaijan to improve the ecological environment of cultivated lands used in agriculture, to obtain clean and abundant crops from plants. One of the most important of these measures is the use of organic and mineral fertilizers, as well as the use of natural minerals to improve the microstructure of the soil. It is known that 75-85% of crop needs are covered by land resources. The main environmental problem is to compensate for the lack of nutrients with mineral fertilizers. Therefore, it is crucial to reduce soil degradation as well as to increase plant productivity.

The use of non-traditional soil condition improvers has a significant impact on improving the water-physical and agrobiological regime of the soil. Such non-traditional mineral resources can be represented by bentonite, zeolite, perlite, serpentinite, etc. Earlier serpentin-ite, one of the unconventional soil condition improvers, was found in herbaceous and grey grey soils in the Kura-Araz, Shirvan, Mil, Mugan and Karabakh pastures, which were used for cotton planting [4].

Extensive studies of bentonite clay are currently being conducted in many countries. It is of extreme interest to use bentonite clay containing calcium, magnesium, potassium and other trace elements to improve physical, chemical, and ag-

rochemical properties of soil [5]. The results of a number of studies have shown that the use of ben-tonite clay in different types of soils had a good influence on crop growth [6, 7]. On the example of planting of broom plants on chernozem for three years it was found that the use of montmo-rillonite bentonite clay improves the physical, chemical and agrochemical properties of soil, simultaneously affecting its prolificacy, it increased by 0.61 t/h , i.e. 16% [8, 9]. Taking into account the said above these studies, we have sought to investigate the use of bentonite clay for the agricultural sector in our country.

Results and discussion

The physical and chemical properties of bentonite clay and the influence of its under agricultural crops on the agrochemical and chemical properties of soil have been studied. Their influence on the improvement of the ecological condition of crops has been studied. Bentonite rocks are widely spread on the territory of Dash Salakhli village of Gazakh region and Guzdek village on Absheron peninsula of Azerbaijan Republic. Bentonite clay on the Absheron Peninsula is located at the depth of 5 m below carbonate rocks in the village of Guzdek. The ben-tonite clay was taken from this area.

The aim of the study was to conduct experiments to improve the ecological condition of the soil, to increase the efficiency of mineral fertilizers in the soil, as well as to study the impact of bentonite clay on the growth of agricultural plants and the amount of phosphorus applied to the soil, to obtain more improved crops. An experimental site of the Agricultural Institute located on the Absheron Peninsula was chosen as a pilot site and soil samples were taken. The initial data and coordinates of the cuttings are given in Table 1.

Samples of field cuts taken at pilot plots of the Institute of Agriculture were examined for soil moisture and are shown in Table 2.

Table 1. Characteristics of the cuttings

Cut Parameters of cuts

k-1 400311 49.4 "N 490 511 39.3 "E Poor nutrition of the grain 22-28 cm.

k-2 400311 48.5 "N 490 511 39.2 "E Average yield of grain is 32-37 cm

k-3 400311 47.3 "N 490 511 42.2 "E Very poor output of grain is 15-20 cm

k-4 400311 51.9 "N 490 511 54.6 "E The best output of the grain is 112-128 cm.

Table 2. Ground-brown soil condition of the Absheron region

Weight of bucks Medium loss

N tests le s p te «3 £ Depth, cm Number of bucks empty with ground with dry ground loss Clean dry land s m iu lan id l M rd S s

1 le H a orf 0-27 202 016 365 22.5491 21.6803 21.9793 36.5385 36.2984 36.2104 35.2612 34.7072 34.6737 1.28 1.59 1.54 1.47 13.99 14.62 14.84 14.29 10.29

2 27-61 153 345 178 21.2731 22.3476 21.9648 34.7765 33.0938 33.5253 33.1812 31.6710 32.2272 1.60 1.43 1.30 1.45 13.46 10.75 11.56 11.93 12.15

3 f o le "a 61-139 203 384 204 21.8908 21.8911 22.1565 30.3720 32.8886 33.7366 29.3649 31.7252 32.3549 1.01 1.17 1.39 1.19 8.49 11.0 11.5 10.33 11.52

4 139-186 391 218 098 22.3590 22.7610 20.9774 35.4916 37.4133 33.4894 34.0092 35.7720 32.1087 1.49 1.65 1.29 1.48 13.14 14.66 12.52 13.44 11.01

Table 3. Compared with the bentonite clay superphosphate

Scheme of carrying cut the tests 21.05 19.05 06.05 13.05 20.06

Control sample 8.5 9.6 11.2 12.8 13.2

100qt + background (0.5g /f) 9.2 10.5 12.8 13.3 14.6

100qt + background + 2g bentonite clay 9.9 10.8 13.9 14.4 16.7

100qt + 2g bentonite clay 8.1 9.5 12.1 12.9 13.9

Soil samples taken from the experimental areas of the Institute of Agriculture were placed in containers for experiments in laboratory conditions and experiments under 2 repeated eggplant plants. Scheme of experiments

1. Control option

2. Background (100 g soil + 0.5 g superphosphate)

3. Background + 2 g bentonite clay

4. 100 g soil + 2 g bentonite clay

The results of the study showed that the presence of bentonite clay against the background of mineral fertilizers creates a favorable water-resistant unit in the soil, reduces the ability of soil to swell, improves dehydration, and also affects the absorption of superphosphate in the soil. In general, bentonite clays influence the background of mineral fertilizers applied to the soil not only during the vegetation period, but even after the end of vegetation.

The results of experiments have been analyzed as follows:

1. During the experiment, the height of the plants was monitored and measured once a week.

2. Determination of hygroscopic moisture in soil samples taken from plants at the end of the experiment

3. Determination of pH

4. Determination of the amount of volatile phosphorus in the soil by the technique of migration.

The influence of bentonite clay on eggplant growth is shown in Table 3.

When comparing the results of the experiments, the advantage of the joint action of ben-tonite clay and superphosphate in the dynamics of plant growth is obvious. For example, if the growth size of the eggplants plant in the control version was 13.2 cm, then in the bentonite clay variant with superphosphate the height of the eggplants plant was 16.7 cm. Comparison of plant growth shows that application of bentonite clay to soil creates favorable conditions for plant growth.

The obtained results show the advantage of superphosphate supply together with benton-ite clay in the ratio of soil hygroscopicity. Thus, if in the control version the hygroscopicity value was 1.30%, in the case of bentonitic clay with superphosphate it was already 1.38%, and in the case of fertilization only - 1.39%.

As can be seen from the results, the amount of P2O5 compared to the control version was 26.67 mg/kg, and for superphosphate in the experiment with 2 g of bentonite clay - 140.34 mg/kg.

Table 4. Determination of the gray-brown soil's hychroscopic moisture in the Absheron region

Experience scheme N of bucks Weight of bucks Clean dry land % Medium %

empty with ground with dry ground loss

1 348 329 22.9658 23.1423 32.4244 33.8218 32.3038 33.6820 0.1207 0.1398 9.3380 10.5397 1.29 1.32 1.30

2 373 327 22.9000 22.8659 34.2749 34.7694 34.1308 34.6167 0.1441 0.1527 11.2308 11.7508 1.28 1.29 1.28

3 375 309 23.2277 24.0046 34.0137 33.7764 33.8667 33.6428 0.1470 0. 1336 10.6390 9.6382 1.38 1.38 1.38

4 400 333 22.8578 22.9621 32.0759 31.6048 31.9596 31.4858 0.1263 0.1190 9.1018 8.5237 1.39 1.39 1.39

The results obtained show the influence of bentonite clay on the amount of phosphorus in the soil under the influence of bentonite clay pH of alkaline soil environment has not changed significantly.


The use of non-traditional soil improvers has a significant impact on the water-physical and agroecological condition of the soil, on decrease in the rate of degradation, as well as on increasing plant productivity.

It has been established that bentonitic clay consisting of calcium, magnesium, potassium and other microelements. in combination with superphosphate, has a beneficial effect on the physicochemical and agrochemical properties of gray-brown soil in the Absheron region and plant growth.


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Z.R.Agayeva, B.G.Mammadova, E.M.Kazimova, LO.Tahbh, S.G.Efendiyeva, C-M-Sabanova

Maqalada torpagin ekoloji muhitini saglamla§dirmaq, torpaga verilan mineral gubralarin samaraliliyini artirmaq ugun mineral gubra fonunda torpaga verilan bentonit gilinin istifada edilir. Torpaqlann deqradasiyala§masinin suratini azaltmaq, elacada, bitkilarin mahsuldarligini artirmaqla yana§i, hamginin torpagin su-fiziki va aqrofiziki rejimina da ahamiyyatli tasir gostarir. Torpagin su-fiziki, aqrokimyavi xususiyyatlarina va ekoloji muhitin saglamla§masina alveri§li §arait yaradir ki, bu da bitkilarin boy artimini va torpaqda mutahharrik fosforun miqdarini yax§ila§dmr.

Agar sozlar: boz-qonur torpaq, suxur, montmorilonit, bentonit gili, badimcan bitkisi.



З.Р.Агаева, Б.Г.Мамедова, Э.М.Кязимова, И.А.Талыблы, С.Г.Эфендиева, Ч.М.Шабанова

В статье с целью улучшения экологической среды почвы и повышения эффективности внесения в нее минеральных удобрений используется бентонитовая глина, нанесенная на фон минеральных удобрений. Снижение деградации почв, помимо повышения продуктивности растений, также оказывает существенное влияние на оздоровление водно-физического и агрохимическое состояние почвы и создает благоприятные условия для улучшения роста растений и количества поглощенного фосфора в почве.

Ключевые слова: серо-коричневая почва, горные породы, монтмориллонит, бентонитовая глина, сельскохозяйственная продукция баклажан.

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