INFLUENCE OF ALCOHOL ON THE HUMAN ORGANISM Текст научной статьи по специальности «Клиническая медицина»

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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
alcohol / human body / family / алкоголь / организм человека / семья

Аннотация научной статьи по клинической медицине, автор научной работы — Biduchak А.S.

Many people do not see anything wrong with consuming alcohol in the evening, on weekends or on holidays. But few people have a sense of proportion and willpower. And innocuous, at first glance, the hobby turns into a bad habit. This article considers the harm of alcohol and its effect on the human body.

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Многие люди не видят ничего плохого в том, чтобы употреблять алкоголь вечером, в выходные дни или в праздники. Но мало у кого есть чувство меры и сила воли. И безобидное, на первый взгляд, увлечение превращается во вредную привычку. В данной статье рассматривается вред алкоголя и его влияние на организм человека.




Бидучак А.С.

кандидат медичних наук, асистент кафедры социальной медицины и организации охраны здоровья ВГНУ Украины «Буковинський государственный медицинский университет»


Biduchak A.S.

PhD, assistant of the Department of Social Medicine and Organization of Health Care of Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine

«Bukovinian State Medical University»,


Многие люди не видят ничего плохого в том, чтобы употреблять алкоголь вечером, в выходные дни или в праздники. Но мало у кого есть чувство меры и сила воли. И безобидное, на первый взгляд, увлечение превращается во вредную привычку. В данной статье рассматривается вред алкоголя и его влияние на организм человека.


Many people do not see anything wrong with consuming alcohol in the evening, on weekends or on holidays. But few people have a sense of proportion and willpower. And innocuous, at first glance, the hobby turns into a bad habit. This article considers the harm of alcohol and its effect on the human body.

Ключевые слова: алкоголь, организм человека, семья.

Keywords: alcohol, human body, family.

Alcohol abuse is one of the urgent problems of our country. Wide sale and advertising of alcoholic beverages, social, economic and psychological tensions, disorganization of leisure and recreation contribute to alcoholization of the population, including students.

Esophagus, stomach and duodenum are organs that are directly exposed to alcohol. Approximately 20% of alcohol consumed is absorbed by the stomach. The remaining 80% are sent to the small intestine. How quickly alcohol is absorbed depends on its concentration in the drink. The higher it is, the faster will be intoxication. Vodka, for example, will be assimilated much faster than beer. A full stomach also slows down absorption and the appearance of an intoxicating effect.

Alcohol, as is known, kills microorganisms and is an excellent disinfectant and therefore direct contact with fairly concentrated solutions can not go unpunished for the tissue cells of the digestive organs themselves.

Almost all alcoholics suffer from antacid gastritis, which indicates the complete death of glandular cells of the gastric mucosa that produce gastric juice.

The mucous membrane of the digestive tract has a very good regenerative capacity. However, the constant effect of alcohol leads to the fact that it does not have time to recover and is gradually washed away, hence gastritis, ulcer, and stomach cancer. Degenerative changes in organs are determined by the total amount of alcohol taken.

Under the influence of alcohol, normal liver activity is disturbed, which plays an important role in maintaining the hormonal balance in the body. This is the main "chemical laboratory" of the body, which performs an antitoxic function, participates in almost all types of metabolism: protein, fat, carbohydrate, water.

Under the influence of alcohol, liver function is violated, which can lead to cirrhosis (degeneration) of the liver.

In most patients with alcoholism, the excretory function of the kidneys is impaired. There are failures in the work of the entire hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal system, therefore, the regulation of kidney activity is disturbed. The alcohol affects the tender kidney epithelium (a protective tissue lining the inner surface of hollow organs), this significantly disrupts the kidneys.

Alcoholism reveals a wide variety of mental abnormalities - hallucinations, numbness of body parts, muscle cramps, sometimes severe weakness in the limbs ("cotton feet"). Paralysis of separate groups of muscles, mainly lower limbs, often develops. With abstinence from alcohol, these symptoms can pass.

Alcohol adversely affects the human immune system, disrupts hematopoiesis, reduces the production of lymphocytes, promotes the development of allergies. Drinking alcohol leaves a significant imprint on the activities of all internal organs, which means that we should give up a glass of dry wine, replacing it with a glass of juice or a few fruits.

The harmful effects of alcohol on the endocrine glands, especially the sex glands, experience the harmful effects of alcohol. Reduction of sexual function is observed in 1/3 of persons who abuse alcohol, and in patients with chronic alcoholism. In men, due to "alcohol impotence", various functional disorders of the central nervous system (neuroses, reactive depression, etc.) easily arise. In women under the influence of alcohol, menstruation stops early, the ability to bear birth is reduced, and the toxicosis of pregnancy is more frequent.

Chronic alcohol use often leads to weakening and exhaustion of muscles. Alcohol can damage the muscles directly. Poor nutrition is another possible cause of muscular dystrophy. In 30-50% of cases, alcohol abusers develop skin diseases. Skin lesions are the result of direct action of alcohol, impaired liver function and poor nutrition.

Systematic use of alcohol leads to premature old age, disability; the life expectancy of persons prone to alcoholism is 15-20 years shorter than the average statistical one. Chronic alcohol use often leads to weakening and exhaustion of muscles. Alcohol can damage the muscles directly. Poor nutrition is another possible cause of muscular dystrophy. In 30-50% of cases, alcohol abusers develop skin diseases. Skin lesions are the result of direct action of alcohol, impaired liver function and poor nutrition.

Systematic use of alcohol leads to premature old age, disability; the life expectancy of persons prone to alcoholism is 15-20 years shorter than the average statistical one.

Tobacco and alcoholic beverages are already harmful. Cigarettes in combination with alcohol bring colossal damage to the body. Nicotine and alcohol molecules are included in the circulatory system. They are absorbed by interacting with red blood cells. Ethyl alcohol destroys the protective shell of red blood cells. This removes the electrical voltage of the latter. They stick together, and with the quantity smoked and drunk their volumes grow. This entails vascular thrombi, a violation of the blood supply to individual parts of the brain and other important systems. The harm of alcohol and tobacco feeds each other. These two bad habits lead to the formation of malignant tumors in 40% of cases.

Drugs along with alcoholic drinks lead to dangerous consequences. This is literally a deadly combination. Often addicts, in order to increase pleasure, raise narcotic drugs in alcoholic beverages. As a rule, cocaine is combined with alcohol. Such a drink instantly kills brain cells. The body is immediately affected by two substances - stimulating and soothing, which are polar opposites.

Soothing components slow down the processes in the nervous system, it relaxes. Stimulant make her act more actively. In this cocktail, alcohol is responsible for relaxation. It suppresses the processes in the nervous system. At the same time, cocaine stimulates, stimulates cells. Very often such experiments result in a lethal outcome.

Harmfulness of alcohol for a pregnant woman is not even discussed. With the use of alcohol-containing beverages, irreversible processes appear for the development of the brain of the unborn child. Subsequently, this is expressed in the insufficient development of organs, the nervous system, and as a consequence, the psyche of the child.

If the mother systematically drank, fetal alcoholic fetal syndrome develops. These children have small arms and legs, the whole body is disproportionate. Compared with one-year period, it develops more slowly. These children hardly perceive information, adapt poorly and remember.

Such children have fewer brain cells and neurons than they need. Brain cells can not work adequately. This leads to psychological dysfunction. The child is not able to think logically and abstractly. He is aggressive; it is difficult for him to communicate. Often, these children themselves become alcoholics, since alcohol dependence is hereditary.

The harmful effect of alcohol on offspring depends not only on biological causes, but also on social factors. The unfavorable social influence of parents' alcoholism on the development of their children is associated with violations of psychological relationships between them. Any family member living next to a sick alcoholic is in a state of psychological stress. Particularly difficult psychological situation arises in a family where the mother is ill with alcoholism, although, of course, the alcoholism of the father also has an extremely unfavorable effect on the psychological development of the child.

Unfavorable conditions of education in the family of drinking parents cause the slow formation of communicative and cognitive activity of children at an early age. As a rule, such children experience severe difficulties in learning, which are due, on the one hand, to the pathological state of their nervous system, and, on the other hand, pedagogical neglect.

Beer is drunk, people drink everything and everywhere. Young and middle-aged, men and women, boys and girls, in the metro, at the station, on the street on the move, surprising foreigners with such indecency, drink bottles, cans of beer and gin and tonic. Beer boom, as always, subsequently leads to a burst of beer alcoholism.

Beer alcoholization creates a false impression of well-being. Beer in public opinion is almost not alcohol. Beer alcoholization for a long time is not characterized by alcoholic excesses with fights and sobering-up station. The need to drink beer does not cause such anxiety in a person as the need for vodka. Beer alcoholism develops more insinuatingly, insidiously, than vodka. But when it develops, it's a very heavy alcoholism.

In large quantities, beer proves to be a cellular poison, so when it is abused it is difficult to have physical consequences: myocardial dystrophy, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis, potency reduction, prostate adenoma (the beer contains a large amount of estrogen - female sex hormones, the excess of which causes an early reduction in sperm production, testosterone).

When beer alcoholization is heavier than with vodka, the brain cells are affected, so the intellect is disrupted more quickly, and severe psychopathic changes are found.

It is more difficult to struggle with the attraction to beer than with the attraction to vodka. This attraction is very intrusive and hard to let go. As a result, beer alcoholism is a difficult, hard-to-treat variant of alcoholism. The risk increases many times, with the early (under 18 years) beginning of alcoholization, with systematic use, with the habit of one-time consumption of more than a liter of beer.

Healthy alcoholics do not happen in nature - these are incompatible concepts. But what is interesting is

that in 90% of cases when a man dies before the age of 50, it's not bad health that is to blame, but alcohol as such: the car was hit, got in an accident, fell - broke his head, choked with vomit, quarreled with a drinking companion - was killed ... In general, in all cases, the tragedy occurred initially because he drank.

So, let's once again think over our life goals and goals, thereby allocating time to strengthen their health.

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Навчук 1.В.

кандидат медичних наук, доцент кафедри сощальног медицини та оргашзацИ охорони здоров'я ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний утверситет»

Навчук Г.В.

кандидат фшологгчних наук, доцент кафедри суспшьних наук та укра'шознавства ВДНЗ Украши «Буковинський державний медичний унгверситет»

Навчук Д.1.

лгкарчнтерн ОКУ « Чертвецька обласна клтчна л1карня»


Navchuk I. V. Navchuk G. V. Navchuk D.I.

Higher State Educational Institution of Ukraine «Bukovinian State Medical University»


Вивчено рiвень знань 586 сшьських жителiв, хворих на артерiальну гшертензш (АГ), п'яти райошв Чершвецько! обласп щодо профшактичних технологш цього захворювання та гх застосування. Виявлено, що втшення ними рекомендацш стосовно профшактики АГ е незадовшьним, що пов'язано з сощально -економiчними чинниками та людським фактором. Abstract

The level of knowledge of 586 rural residents, patients with arterial hypertension (AH), and five rayons of Chernivtsi oblast concerning preventive technologies of this disease and their application was studied. It was found that their recommendations on prevention of hypertension are unsatisfactory, which is due to socio-economic factors and human factors.

Ключов1 слова: сшьське населення, артерiальна гiпертензiя, профшактичш медичш технологи, рь вень знань.

Keywords: rural population, arterial hypertension, prophylactic medical technologies, level of knowledge.

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