Научная статья на тему 'Individualization features in teaching a foreign language'

Individualization features in teaching a foreign language Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Rakhmetova Sh.

This article is devoted to the features of individualization of the process of teaching a foreign language. One of the topical problems of teaching foreign languages is an individual approach in teaching foreign languages. Individualization of teaching involves the phased nature of the learning process. The individualization of the future teacher's training at the university is a process aimed at a student's educating and positively changing his/her inner world in order to provide the basis for self-realization in teaching and life in general. Individualization, like any pedagogical process, is characterized by the correlation and interdependence of its external and internal sides. There is a real need to organize an individual approach in teaching, which is inseparably linked with the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the abilities of a particular student. The ability to learn a language develops during the learning process and allows a student more effectively and independently overcome difficulties encountered in the learning process, to know how to solve them and successfully use the available opportunities.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Individualization features in teaching a foreign language»

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7. Петрунько О. Медiасоцiалiзацiя, або соща-лiзацiя з медiа замiсть соцiалiзацiï з дорослими. Режим доступу: https://library.krok.edu.ua/media/library/category/statt i/petrunko_0003.pdf

8. Рижанова А.О. та iн. (2019) Трансформащя соцiальноï педагогiки та соцiальноï роботи в куль-турi iнформацiйного сустльства: колективна моно-графiя (до 90^ччя ХДАК) [Монографiя]. Харкав: ХДАК. 208 с.

9. Рижанова, А.О. (2004) Розвиток сощально1' педагопки в соцiокультурному контекстi: дис. ... доктора пед.наук. Луг. нац. пед. ушверситет iменi Тараса Шевченка, Луганськ.

10. Юрьева Л.Н., Больбот Т.Ю. (2006). Компьютерная зависимость: формирование, диагностика, коррекция и профилактика: Монография.— Днепропетровск: Пороги, 196 с.

11. Argyris V., Karapetsas A., Fotis J., Zygouri N. Adolescents And Internet Addiction: A Research Study Of The Occurrence

12. Beard, K.W. Internet addiction: Current status and implications for employees, Journal of Employment Counseling, 2002; 39: 2-11.

13. Beard, K.W. Internet addiction in children and adolescents. In C. B. Yarnall (Ed.). Computer science research trends, 2008: 59-70.

14. Davis, R. (2001). A cognitive - behavioral model of pathological Internet use (PIU). Computers in Human Behavior. 17, 187-195.

15. Kuss, D., J., Shorter, A., Griffiths, M., & others. (2013). Internet addiction in adolescents: Prevalence and risk factors. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(5), 1987-1996.

16. Morrison, C., & Gore, H. (2010). The Relationship between Excessive Internet Use and Depression: A Questionnaire-Based Study of 1319 Young People and Adults. Psychopathology, 43(2), 121-126.

17. Ryan T. Facebook Addiction: An Exploratory Study Using Mixed Methods

18. Social Network Словник Режим доступу: https ://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/social%20networks

19. Teens' Social Media Habits and Experiences. Режим доступу: https://www.pewresearch.org/internet/2018/11/28/teen s-social-media-habits-and-experiences/

20. The New Yorker, January 13, 1997 P. 28

21. Weinstein, A., Dorani, E., Rotem, B., Yarmulnik, A. (2015). Internet addiction is associated with social anxiety in young adults. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. Vol.27, No.1, 2-7.

22. Young, K. (1996). Internet addiction: The emergence of a new clinical disorder. CyberPsychology and Behavior, 1(3), 237-244.


Rakhmetova Sh.

The 2 year PhD student of speciality 6D011900 «Foreign language: two foreign languages», Kokshetau state university named after Sh. Ualikhanov, Kokshetau city, the Republic of Kazakhstan


This article is devoted to the features of individualization of the process of teaching a foreign language. One of the topical problems of teaching foreign languages is an individual approach in teaching foreign languages. Individualization of teaching involves the phased nature of the learning process. The individualization of the future teacher's training at the university is a process aimed at a student's educating and positively changing his/her inner world in order to provide the basis for self-realization in teaching and life in general. Individualization, like any pedagogical process, is characterized by the correlation and interdependence of its external and internal sides. There is a real need to organize an individual approach in teaching, which is inseparably linked with the identification of strengths and weaknesses of the abilities of a particular student. The ability to learn a language develops during the learning process and allows a student more effectively and independently overcome difficulties encountered in the learning process, to know how to solve them and successfully use the available opportunities.

Keywords: individualization, individual approach, foreign language, learning process, features, discipline, ability.

At the beginning of the XXI century the higher school is tasked with integrating the Republic of Kazakhstan into the global educational space and meeting the current needs of the country's economy for qualified personnel.

The creation of optimal conditions for realizing each student's potential possibilities is achieved through individualization of instruction. Accordingly, the need to improve the quality of modern professional

education determines the importance of the organization of the educational process, taking into account students' individual characteristics [1, p. 359].

The transformation of the education paradigm, its humanization, entails a change in approaches to teaching academic disciplines in higher education.

In a variable social practice, the importance of an individual approach in teaching is increasing as a way for a person to master arbitrary higher forms of individual learning, in which a person is an active subject of social choice. The social need for the earliest possible introduction of each new member of society to the complex practice of individual instruction in the pedagogical system is growing. The problem of individual differences between students, their differentiated education is not only a pedagogical, but also a socio-psychological and philosophical problem.

Individualization of students' educational activities is based on pedagogical and psychological laws, determined by the content, methods, organization of the educational process, students' individual characteristics. And it is a combination of techniques, methods for their implementation, carried out at the stages of aim setting, motivation, determining the content, nature, degree of complexity of educational tasks, methods of action, control and self-control [2, p. 43].

Individualization of teaching involves the phased nature of the teaching process: from studying the student's personality through the person's awareness and correction, and it is based, fundamentally, on cognitive aspects, on the understanding that the person is the totality of all his/her mental characteristics that make up his/ her personality.

Individualization of students' educational activities is based on pedagogical and psychological regularity, determined by the content, methods, organization of the educational process, students' individual characteristics. And is a combination of techniques, methods for their implementation, carried out at the stages of aim setting, motivation, determining the content, nature, degree of complexity of educational tasks, methods of action, control and self-control [3, p.181].

One of the topical problems of teaching foreign languages is an individual approach to teaching foreign languages. This problem is not new, but probably the whole variety of its sides and all its significance in solving the problems of activating the teaching process are not fully disclosed.

Unlike other subjects, a foreign language is not just an academic discipline, but an entire educational industry, as it is a means of assimilation and reproduction of knowledge gained in the process of teaching other subjects, on the one hand, and a tool for understanding the realities of life of the countries of the language being studied, on the other hand, as well as one of the ways of personality formation. The range of topics studied in the foreign language classes includes almost all spheres of our life and work.

The problem of individualization of education was the subject of research by many teachers (A.G. As-molov, A.A. Budarnyi, M.V. Klarin, B.F. Lomov, V.S. Merlin, I.E. Unt). In their works, they considered the

possibility of creating conditions for the personal development of students in various types of activities. They consider the principle of an individual approach necessary and methodologists. G.V. Rogova writes: "One of the most important problems of teaching technology is the search for ways to make greater use of the individual capabilities of students both in conditions of group work in the classroom and independent work outside of class". Communicative teaching involves, first of all, the so-called personality individualization. Personalized individualization consists in teaching methods. These methods are correlated with the personal, subjective and individual characteristics of each student's personality. And these characteristics are taken into account when performing exercises and tasks [4, p. 44].

Students' individual characteristics and individu-alization

Individual characteristics are presented in the individuality in the form of a person's certain natural characteristics. The combination of these characteristics in a general form appears in the form of temperament, inclinations, organic needs, which make up the natural basis of individuality. In psychological science, it is now considered that any human ability is a synthesis of the innate and acquired in the process of individual development, and the basis of abilities. As S.L. Rubinstein notices, "The hereditary factors for their development lie in the form of abilities" [4, p. 332]. When mastering foreign language speech activity, the role of abilities is manifested in the fact that some students are more capable of performing some actions, other students are capable of performing other actions. Psychologists believe that any human ability is a synthesis of the innate and acquired. Consequently, such important abilities for mastering a foreign language as the ability to memorize, phonemic hearing, intonation abilities, speech-cognitive abilities can not only be inherited, in the form of makings, but also developed. It means only one thing: the teacher must be able to measure, take into account and develop these abilities [5, p. 74].

Students' subjective characteristics and individu-alization

Productivity of activity depends not only on abilities, but also on a certain system of techniques that characterizes each person's individual style of activity, that is "an individually-unique combination of techniques and methods of activity that ensure the best performance by a given person" (V.S. Merlin, Y.A Klimov). To master foreign language speaking, taking into account students' subjective characteristics is important because each student has his/her own methods of mastering knowledge; his/her own educational strategy. Each student, in his/her own way, is able to organize himself/herself to a foreign language lesson, mastered the pronunciation of sounds, words, reading techniques, in his/her own way mastered the ability to conduct a conversation, realize self-control, organize independent work at home, work with various models of utterance programme, in different conditions.

The specificity of subjective individualization in mastering foreign language speaking is that it should

provide for the simultaneous use of methodological materials of various forms (for example, models of utterance programme presence or absence), taking into account the peculiarity of the student's learning activities, but ultimately leading to the same results if possible for equal periods of time. Supplying students with a combination of rational teaching methods requires systematic and focused work. Therefore, alike with the individual, subjective individualization is also necessary.

Students' personal characteristics and individuali-zation

Very often, however, students show amazing passivity even when they perform possible speech tasks (students' individual characteristics and individualiza-tion) and if there is an indication of how to perform these tasks (students' subjective characteristics and individualization). The reason is that the students' personal characteristics of are not taken into account. The importance of individualization for mastering the ability to speak is determined by the fact that personal characteristics are closer than individual and subjective ones to speech activity through its social function. If a person's individual characteristics constitute the natural basis of individuality, then personal characteristics make up its essential side.

Individualization takes into account:

a) the context of student's activity;

b) students' life experience (their experience as readers, athletes, travelers, and so on);

c) the sphere of interests, desires, inclinations, spiritual needs;

d) worldview (outlook on life);

e) the emotional and sensual sphere (in the case of students' motivation to statements in defense of their favorite team, actor, book, profession);

f) the personality's status in the group: the student's popularity among groupmates, mutual sympathies for finding speech partners, the appointment of a leader in speech groups, and so on.

The importance of individualization is also confirmed in terms of value theory. Value is the significance of objects that they acquire for a person on the basis of practical activity, satisfying his/her needs. Social, universally valid values, in order to become incentives for action, must be realized by the personality as his/her own.

The practicability of individualization is also confirmed by the need to take into account the emotional factor in the learning process. Speech, feelings and thinking are one and interdependent. The degree to which emotions can be used in the learning process is determined by the nature of individual needs. This factor seems to be very important, since individualization allows you to take into account and to some extent predict the students' emotional state, as well as to form, to a certain extent, the students' attitude to study, increasing the intensity of learning [6, p. 78].

So, we can say that understanding individualiza-tion ideas opens up a wide field of activity: opportunities are established for the development of a creative, purposeful personality that is aware of the ultimate goal and specific learning objectives; the motivation of

learning is increasing, a new progressive pedagogical thinking is being formed. Individualization in teaching is based on the teacher's good knowledge of the students, what are the students 'natural data, the students' abilities, their interests, and friends. The need for indi-vidualization of teaching is caused by various reasons, and the main of them are: different level of students' knowledge when entering the university, students' various educational needs, and also the achievement of one of the most important tasks of education - the students' personal development.

Based on the aims of the individual aspect (to develop what plays the most important role for the processes of cognition, upbringing and learning), as well as on the essence of the process of person's development, it would be logical to consider that the objects of development should be abilities that would allow the successful functioning of the cognitive, emotionally-evaluative and activity-transforming areas of student's activity. It is precisely abilities that can develop from the inclinations available to the person, and they can develop only in activity.

A.A. Leontyev reveals one of the interpretations of language abilities as follows: "Language abilities often mean differences in personality traits associated with communication. A child may experience difficulties not in the mastery of the language itself and not in the formation of foreign language, but in social and psychological relations with the tutor, school teacher, and other children. He/she would be happy to speak, but the "psychological barrier" interferes with him/her. By the way, this is a very frequent case in pedagogical practice, but such difficulties with the goodwill of an adult are quite superable. "Thus, according to A.A. Leontyev, abilities to language consist of many components, most often not specific. Therefore, it is possible and necessary to develop appropriate skills and abilities on various educational materials. Thus, the formation of communicative skills in the mother tongue removes the "psychological barrier".

The list of basic abilities:

1) Ability to cognitive activity.

2) Abilities for emotional and assessment activity.

3) Abilities necessary for the functioning of the activity-transforming sphere.

4) Ability to carry out reproductive speech actions (they correlate with the formation of speech skills).

5) Ability to carry out productive speech actions (they correlate with the development of speech skills) [7, p.24].

The problem of individualization in theoretical terms has not yet been fully disclosed: a detailed study of its pedagogical essence and structure is necessary to achieve the aims of professional training of future teachers. In addition, questions of creating an individu-alization technique, determining a strategy for its implementation in the system of higher pedagogical education, as well as issues of university teachers' targeted training to individualize students' vocational training, require solving.

The transition of higher professional education to state educational standards, which enable each student

to form an individual educational route when implementing the main educational programme, has increased the need to rethink the conceptual and methodological foundations of individualization and put scientists before the need to develop methods, technologies, techniques and tools for organizing individual educational activities for the future teachers.

The individualization of the future teacher's training at the university is a process aimed at educating the student and positively changing his/her inner world in order to provide the basis for self-realization in teaching and life in general. Individualization, like any pedagogical process, is characterized by the correlation and interdependence of its external and internal sides. The external side of individualization includes the adaptation of the content and forms of the educational process to the student's individual characteristics, the provision of pedagogical support in order to develop his/her personality. The inner side is the orientation of the future teacher to the deployment and implementation of individuality and the formation of an individual position relative to their professional activities.

So, the abovementioned confirms that there is a real need to organize an individual approach to learning, which is inseparably linked with identifying a particular student's strengths and weaknesses of the abilities, patiently overcoming various difficulties, relying on everything strong and progressive that is inherent in this person.

Thus, the ability to learn a language develops during the learning process and allows a student more effectively and independently overcome difficulties encountered in the learning process, to know how to solve them and successfully use the available opportunities.

The ability to learn in relation to language learning includes: understanding the mechanisms of the language and the communication process; general phonetic skills; training skills; heuristic skills. This disclosure of the content of the ability to learn foreign languages allows determining and developing ways to solve complex urgent problems of students developing language competence.


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2. Samoukina N. Personally-oriented education as an actual issue of modern education // Practical psychologist at school. Number 4, 2007. pp. 44-45.

3. Galskova N.D., Gez N.I. Theory of teaching foreign languages. Linguodidactics and methods. The 6th edition. M.: Publishing Center "Academy", 2009. -336 p.

4. Gordeyva N.N. Individualization of training: experience, realities, prospects // Pedagogy. 2002. Number 2. 145 p.

5. Passov Ye.I., Kuzovleva N.Ye. Foreign language lesson. M: Glossa- Press, 2010. - 640 p.

6. Leontyev A.A. Language and speech activity in general and educational psychology. M.: Publishing House of the Moscow Psychological and Social Institute; Voronezh: Publishing House "Modek", 2001. -448 p.

7. Burlakova T.V. Individualization of vocational training of students in a pedagogical university: conceptual foundations. Publishing house of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, 2008. - 179 p.



Киян М.Ш.,

ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет правосудия»

Крымский филиал, Симферополь, Россия Доцент кафедры «Теории и истории права и государства» Кандидат юридических наук, доцент Хутько Т.В.

ФГБОУ ВО «Российский государственный университет правосудия»

Крымский филиал, Симферополь, Россия Доцент кафедры, заместитель заведующего кафедрой «Общеобразовательных дисциплин»

Кандидат юридических наук, доцент



Kiyan M.,

Russian State University of Justice Crimean Branch, Simferopol, Russia Khutko T.

Russian State University of Justice Crimean Branch, Simferopol, Russia

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