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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Halitsan O., Shchekotylina N.

The individual work of a physical education teacher with students in the conditions of inclusion is represented by the teacher's ability to develop an individual program of child development and an individual plan of physical education of a student with special educational needs. Individual development program represented as a document that algorithms the individualization of education of a child with special educational needs, regulates the list of necessary psychological, pedagogical, correctional, developmental and socializing influences for child development and adaptation and is developed by a group of specialists with the obligatory involvement of the child's parents in order to determine specific educational strategies. An individual plan of physical education is highlights as a personal trajectory of realization of personal potential of a child with special educational needs, constructed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivation, opportunities and experience, based on choice of types, means, forms and pace of physical development.

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Подальшi аспекти вивчення процесу самоменеджменту передбачають розробку технологш фор-мування майбутнього вчителя не лише як фах1вця, а й усшшного менеджера освiтнього процесу.

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Halitsan O.

PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Pedagogy State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky", Odesa, Ukraine

Shchekotylina N.

PhD, Department of Pedagogy State Institution "South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushynsky", Odesa, Ukraine


The individual work of a physical education teacher with students in the conditions of inclusion is represented by the teacher's ability to develop an individual program of child development and an individual plan of physical education of a student with special educational needs. Individual development program represented as a document that algorithms the individualization of education of a child with special educational needs, regulates the list of necessary psychological, pedagogical, correctional, developmental and socializing influences for child development and adaptation and is developed by a group of specialists with the obligatory involvement of the child's parents in order to determine specific educational strategies. An individual plan of physical education is highlights as a personal trajectory of realization of personal potential of a child with special educational needs, constructed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivation, opportunities and experience, based on choice of types, means, forms and pace of physical development.

Keywords: individual approach, individual work of a physical education teacher, individualization.

The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the individual approach, as a principle of education and upbringing of children has always been present in pedagogy, but its essence always remains an open question for further research. As a result, a misconception has spread in pedagogical practice that individualization in the context of public education is quite difficult. Meanwhile, modern concepts of upbringing children emphasize the importance of differentiation and individuali-zation of the educational process in accordance with the

individual abilities, inclinations, interests and needs of each child.

The foundation of the domestic system of physical training of youth was laid in the works of P. Blonsky, P. Lesgaft; described ways to optimize the system of training future specialists in physical culture and sports (O. Dubogai, A. Konokh, L. Sushchenko, O. Tymo-shenko, B. Shiyan, etc.); the peculiarities of the formation of the value attitude of youth to physical culture and sports by means of physical education are revealed

(O. Kruglyak, O. Smakula); the preparation of future teachers of physical culture for physical culture and health (L. Ivanov) and correctional and health (N. Den-isenko, S. Tokareva) work with students is studied; N. Bashavets, P. Dzhurynsky, R. Karpyuk, L. Serman, and I. Tkachuk studied the originality of professional training of future physical education teachers.

The individual approach in education became a subject of scientific interests in the XX century. Most scholars (O. Budarny, O. Kirsanov, I. Unt) interpret the concept of "individualization" either as a system (O. Kirsanov), or as a principle (N. Zavalko), or as a strategy (S. Korableva). In this context, we understand that we are talking about the didactic aspect of the problem.

In the 90s of the XX century the pedagogical context of the phenomenology of individualization through "personification" developed - the concept of "pedagogy of individuality" by O. Grebenyuk and T. Grebenyuk appeared.

The purpose of the study is to highlight the individual approach as a methodological and theoretical basis for preparing future physical education teachers to work individually with students in an inclusive environment.

The Law of Ukraine "On Education" (2017) clearly defines the ways of individualization of education and upbringing of students - formulates the content of the basic concepts "individual educational trajectory", "individual development program" and "individual curriculum". Moreover, the document specifies the level of subordination of each other.

The Law of Ukraine "On Education" contains the following definitions:

Individual educational trajectory is a personal way of realization of personal potential of the student, which is formed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivation, opportunities and experience, based on the choice by the student of types, forms and pace of education, subjects of educational activity and offered educational programs, academic disciplines and the level of their complexity, methods and means of teaching. An individual educational trajectory in an educational institution can be realized through an individual curriculum. Individual development program - a document that provides individualization of education of a person with special educational needs, establishes a list of necessary psychological, pedagogical, correctional needs / services for child development and is developed by a group of specialists with mandatory involvement of parents to determine specific learning strategies and approaches teaching. Individual curriculum - a document that determines the sequence, form and pace of mastering the educational components of the educational program in order to implement its individual educational trajectory and is developed by the educational institution in cooperation with the learner with the necessary resources.

The issue of individualization is reflected in the scientific research of scientists in the context of the professional activities of physical education teachers and education.

Thus, in 2002 Oleksandr Mytchyk studied the problem of individualization of physical education of

adolescents in secondary school. According to the author, the purpose of physical education is the diverse development of personality, education of individual abilities of students. As in the process of physical education among students there are significant differences in interests, abilities, motives, knowledge, training, the author emphasizes, the tasks they will perform should be different. In particular, continues O. Mytchyk, from the psychological and pedagogical point of view, indi-vidualization creates optimal conditions for identifying the inclinations, development of interests and abilities of each student. From a social point of view, the researcher emphasizes, it is a purposeful action on the formation of creative, intellectual, professional potential of society. At the same time, according to O. Mytchyk, the methodological one is the solution of the problem of mass schooling by creating a new methodological base on a fundamentally new motivational basis. Individualization of physical education in secondary school involves the organization of the educational process, in which the choice of methods, tools, techniques, methods, forms and pace of learning takes into account the individual differences of students, their level of physical development, physical fitness and health.

We consider productive in the context of our study the opinion of Irina Kozhurina (2017) , who thoroughly highlighted the role and importance of individual approach in the context of physical education of schoolchildren. Scientists distinguish between an individual approach as a theoretical basis for the organization of the educational process and as a principle of learning. At the same time, I. Kozhurina defines the principle of individual approach to learning as the study and consideration in the educational process of individual characteristics of each individual in order to maximize the development of positive and overcome negative individual characteristics, ensuring on this basis to improve the quality of its educational work.

We support this opinion, because we consider the maximum disclosure of the individual potential of each child's individuality and overcoming the negative features of development to be the global goal of introducing inclusion in secondary school and the direction of improving the training of future physical education teachers.

Based on the results of the analysis of scientific sources on the issues of individual approach to physical education of youth, we will formulate intermediate conclusions.

Individual in a person is called that special that distinguishes him from other people, and individuality - a pronounced set of features inherent in an individual, which are inherent in nature or acquired by him in individual experience. Intellectual, volitional, moral, social and other personality traits can be special. Individual features include the originality of perception, thinking, memory, imagination, interests, inclinations, abilities, physical capabilities, features of psycho-physiological development. Individuality of the personality largely determines the process of learning, the formation of all personality traits.

Deep knowledge of the individual characteristics of the student is necessary for the teacher to solve two interrelated tasks: individualization, as support and development of a single, special, unique as a potential individual; socialization, as adaptation in the social environment and self-realization of the individual in it.

Individualization of learning is a system of tools that helps students realize their strengths and weaknesses in learning, support and development of identity in order to independently choose their own meanings of learning. Individualization promotes the development of self-awareness, independence and responsibility.

The essence of an individual approach to learning is to manage the development of the student, based on a deep knowledge of his personality traits and living conditions. Pedagogy of individual approach involves the adaptation of forms and methods of pedagogical influence to the individual characteristics of the student in order to ensure the projected level of personality development.

Under differentiation we understand this form of individualization, when students, similar in certain individual characteristics (physical, emotional, psychological, psycho-physiological), are combined into groups for separate learning.

Individual work is carried out mostly with the help of differentiated tasks that take into account the characteristics of the student's personality. Individual education in the system of general secondary education is organized in order to create optimal conditions for citizens to obtain a certain level of education or complete general secondary education in accordance with personal needs, individual abilities, capabilities, health, development, inclinations, talents.

Let's fix the basic concepts of individual approach in the context of training future physical education teachers in the context of inclusion.

Conclusions from the study. Individual work in the context of professional activity of a physical education teacher in the conditions of inclusion is understood as a type of professional and pedagogical activity of a physical education teacher, which is occasionally used to individualize the system of physical development of students (support and development of individual, special and unique potential of the individual; awareness of the identity and uniqueness of each subject) and is optimal for working in an inclusive environment.

The individual work of a physical education teacher with students in the conditions of inclusion is represented by the teacher's ability to develop an individual program of child development and an individual plan of physical education of a student with special educational needs. Individual development program - a document that algorithms the individualization of edu-

cation of a child with special educational needs, regulates the list of necessary psychological, pedagogical, correctional, developmental and socializing influences for child development and adaptation and is developed by a group of specialists with the obligatory involvement of the child's parents in order to determine specific educational strategies. An individual plan of physical education is a personal trajectory of realization of personal potential of a child with special educational needs, constructed taking into account his abilities, interests, needs, motivation, opportunities and experience, based on choice of types, means, forms and pace of physical development.


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