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The Scientific Heritage
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Ключевые слова
analysis / efficiency / sales channels / commodity market / price / profitability / profit / effect / аналіз / ефективність / канали збуту / товарорух / ціна / рентабельність / прибуток / ефект

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Lishenko M.A.

In the article the questions of efficiency of sales of crop production on different channels are considered. A comparative analysis of prices for sales of products in commercial organizations and processing enterprises is made. The basic indicators of efficiency of certain types of products are calculated. The optimal distribution channel of grain and soya in the farm is determined.

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У статті розглянуто питання ефективності збуту продукції рослинництва за різними каналами. Зроблено порівняльний аналіз цін при реалізації продукції в комерційних організаціях та переробних підприємствах. Розраховано основні показники ефективності окремих видів продукції. Визначено оптимальний канал розподілу зернових та сої в фермерському господарстві.


The scientific heritage No 18 (18),2017


5. Государственная программа Челябинской области «Развитие здравоохранения Челябинской области» на 2015 - 2017 гг. // Официальный портал Министерства здравоохранения Челябинской области . - URL: http://www.zdrav74.ru/zakon/263/6018 (дата обращения 10.09.2017 г.)

6. Сыстерова А.А., Е. Г. Тоцкая Внедрение инноваций в здравоохранении // Проблемы социальной гигиены, здравоохранения и истории медицины. - 2012. - № 5.- С. 17-18.

7. Тюмина О.В. Региональная система управления инновационной деятельностью по разработке и внедрению клеточных и лабораторных технологий // Фундаментальные исследования. - 2013. - №11. - С. 85 - 99.

8. Финочка И. Бережливая поликлиника: как Минздрав РФ планирует сэкономить время пациентам и врачам. // ТАСС: Информационное агентство России. - URL: http://tass.rU/obschestvo/4150972http://tass.ru/obsches tvo/4 (дата обращения 10.09.2017 г.)


Лишенко М.О.

к.е.н., доцент, 3aeidyea4 кафедри статистики , АГДта маркетингу Сумський нацюнальний аграрний yнiвеpситет



Lishenko M.A.

Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Statistics and Marketing

Sumy National Agrarian University


У статп розглянуто питання ефективносп збуту продукци рослинництва за рiзними каналами. Зроб-лено порiвняльний аналiз цш при реалiзацil продукци в комерцшних оргашзащях та переробних тдпри-емствах. Розраховано основш показники ефективносп окремих видiв продукци. Визначено оптимальний канал розподшу зернових та со! в фермерському господарствг


In the article the questions of efficiency of sales of crop production on different channels are considered. A comparative analysis of prices for sales of products in commercial organizations and processing enterprises is made. The basic indicators of efficiency of certain types of products are calculated. The optimal distribution channel of grain and soya in the farm is determined.

Ключовi слова: аналiз, ефектившсть, канали збуту, товарорух, цша, рентабельшсть, прибуток, ефект.

Keywords: analysis, efficiency, sales channels, commodity market, price, profitability, profit, effect.

Formulation of the problem. Effective marketing of agricultural products today is one of the most problematic issues in the agro-industrial complex. The system of organization of commodity rotute ultimately transforms the manufactured product into a commodity, through its transfer through the exchange of those who will consume it. As one of the most important elements of the marketing infrastructure of the enterprise, the system of commodity goods should cover a significant area of market activity, which begins with the finished product and ends at the places of sale and consumption of manufactured goods. AHam3 ocraHHix gocmg^eHb i nyômKaum.

The research of the problems of the development of the grain market and the study of the optimal channels of agricultural production of crop production, in particular grains and methods for increasing the efficiency of grain marketing, are devoted to the work of many scientists, in particular: VI Boyko, Sabluk, VA, Mesel-Veselyak V.Ya., Andriychuk V.G., Lopatina O.F., Gutorova K.P., Oliynyk O., Oliynyk T.I., Lobasa M.G., Ulyanchenko O.V., Ivashchenko O.V., Lagotskaya N. Z., Maslak O.M. etc.

Setting objectives. The purpose of the study is to study the distribution channels of crop production in agricultural holdings, in particular grains and legumes, and to find the most effective channels of implementation.

Presenting main material. The effectiveness of the organization of commodity movement, first of all, depends on the markets, which, in turn, affects sales, average prices, revenue from sales of products, the amount of profit [1] and is directly related to management. This area includes the activities of enterprises and organizations that carry out freight forwarding operations, a network of various intermediaries, including the last link - retail trade, which provides direct contact with buyers, as well as relevant structural units of commodity producers.

The system of commodity turnover covers the sphere of warehouse management, which acts as a damping element in the conditions of rapid change of market conditions, fluctuations of demand and supply. Thus, the structure of the commodity wheel system includes elements that relate to both the internal and external marketing environment of the enterprise. The elements of the internal environment can include the

structural divisions of the enterprise, which: - provide processing of orders for consumers; - control the products received from external suppliers and send them to the appropriate warehouses; - carry out the assembly of batches of goods in accordance with the orders of consumers; - pack the goods in accordance with the requirements of transport services; - execute customs and insurance documents; - carry out shipment and control of movement of cargoes [3].

The elements that form the external environment of the enterprise include: - firms and organizations that carry out freight forwarding operations; - independent intermediaries with the network of warehouses, which carry out wholesale trade; - intermediaries engaged in retail trade.

Depending on the type of product, market situation and other factors, the items listed above may be added to the list, which correspond to the specificity of the commodity market in a specific market, since the market economy is characterized by the fact that production and consumption do not match both in place and in time. The solution of the problems arising in consequence of this requires, in modern conditions, significant expenditures from Ukrainian commodity producers, which in some cases exceed half the retail price of goods [4]. In order to control the effectiveness of the system of commodity routing in the enterprise, we are invited to use a formula that defines the total cost of product promotion:

B = T + C + 3 + r, ge B - the amount of expenses on commodities; T - transportation costs; C - constant warehouse expenses; 3 - variable warehouse costs; r - the cost of orders not executed in the guaranteed terms.

For a more precise assessment in the formula should include the costs borne by the enterprise when sorting and selecting the consignments of goods at the request of consumers, for additional packaging, related to ensuring the preservation of goods, payment of commission intermediaries, the registration of customs documents and customs duties. The management of the enterprise, choosing one or another variant of the commodity movement, should strive to minimize the total amount of costs, which essentially depends on the modes of transportation, the distance from the place of production to the place of consumption of the goods, the number of intermediaries, the location of warehouses and other factors [5].

Thus, taking into account the expenses for the activity of internal and external elements of the commodity structure system, the formula for determining the cost of commodity turnover should be as follows:

B = T + C + 3 = BBe + B3e + BH, (2) ge BBe - the amount of expenses related to the activity of internal elements of the system of commodity wheel; B3e - amount of expenses related to the activity of external elements of the system of commodity wheel; Bh - the sum of unpredictable expenses, which include the replacement of the spoiled goods, fines for late delivery, other expenses.

In modern conditions, the process of organizing commodity turnover should consist of the following

The scientific heritage No 18 (18),2017 stages: - choice of storage place of finished goods and organization of the warehouse system; - definition of the system of movement of goods from the manufacturer to the warehouses of wholesale trade enterprises; - introduction of an automated system of inventory management in warehouses; - introduction of automated order processing system; - the choice of the best ways and routes of transportation of goods to their place of sale; - choice of place and organization of sale of goods; - organization after sales service.

The transition in the conditions of the formation of market relations to the organization of marketing activities based on a marketing approach has two interrelated aspects. First, when focusing on the principles of marketing, the most important elements of sales management should include planning and management of trading operations. These elements include forecasting the volumes of sales of specific types of products and individual products, developing cost estimates for commodities, market segmentation, compilation and implementation of a sales plan, and determining, on its basis, tasks for enterprises, organizing information and communication with intermediaries, keeping records and statistics of sales operations with the following analysis of the data received, assessment of the efficiency of sales staff.

Secondly, the functions of the sales department should radically change, which from the executor of the orders in essence with the status of the warehouse should become a responsible coordinator and consultant of production and design and technological services of the enterprise, on the one hand, and resellers - on the other [4]. The tasks of the sales department should include informing the employees of the company on the conformity of products produced to market demands and the needs of the population, the need to improve products in terms of its functional parameters, as well as design, packaging, price level, service complex. From the position of sales organization, these changes involve the closest cooperation with resellers on the basis of long-term business relationships and the exchange of information, the implementation of concerted market research, demand formation and sales promotion [2].

The changes that have taken place over the past 10 years in product sales and marketing have shown a gradual transition from the administrative economy to the market. Considering state purchases of grain as the basis of political and socio-economic stability, the state controlled the process of realization of this type of products for a long time, namely grain, dictated to the peasant the conditions of sale at the same time tried to interest the producer with an interest-free loan; logistics, stimulation of sales of grain exceeds the level of government procurement, the level of procurement price, which is considered a low limit for purchases by enterprises of bakery products. The implementation of grain is carried out on different channels, according to which there is a fluctuation of implementation prices. Starting from 2001, agricultural enterprises, in particular farms, are characterized by an increase in the share of grain in other distribution channels. In the conditions of a market economy system, the need to

The scientific heritage No 18 (18),2017 formulate and implement competitive strategies in agricultural production is urgently needed, which should increase its efficiency. This can be achieved through optimal use of a system of factors and effective strategic management, designed to ensure the efficient functioning of enterprises not only today but also in the future.

It is well-known that the effectiveness of the implementation of competitive strategies is determined by many factors, which differ in nature and nature and degree of action. Variety of factors influencing the level of efficiency of competitive strategies, their lack of evaluation and forecasting often accompanied by negative consequences associated with the destruction of the production and economic system. In connection with this, there is a need to diagnose and systematize the factors affecting the competitiveness of agrarian enterprises and the effectiveness of their competitive strategies [5]. Considering the structure of the sale of crop production in the agricultural enterprise, it can be noted that in realizing the grain itself, the farmer most cooperates with grain traders, which in the structure of sales channels are referred to as "commercial organizations".

According to the research conducted, then the company analyzes the realization of its products through commercial structures, and only spring barley goes on to calculate shareholdings. The largest share in the structure of sales channels is occupied by intermediaries, which account for 96% of sales in 2015, while in 2013 this share amounted to 62% of the total for the company. Proceeding from the demand for soy, production channels are formed. All seeds from the enterprise are sold to commercial structures - 100%, in particular LLC "Newsfera" for further sale in the domestic and foreign markets. According to official statistics, commercial enterprises sold 93.5%, while processing enterprises - 5.2%, local markets - 1.3%. Taking into account domestic product flows of this product, two thirds of the cultivated crop are found by their end consumers outside Ukraine. The rest of the products are processed in fat-and-vegetable plants and feed mills. Thus, the main consumers of commodity soybean are commercial enterprises, which form their own pricing policy, based on the price situation of the world market.

Investigating the prices of sales channels, we can state that the highest price is observed in commercial organizations. Changes that took place in the market under the influence of market transformations are reflected in the channels and volumes of sales of cereals and soy. Under the laws of market relations, agricultural commodity producers prefer the implementation channel, which allows the highest economic efficiency. The peculiarity of the formation of the market is that agriculture more than any other industry depends on other market structures, and the food market is most vulnerable, because its development is related to the standard of living [2]. Average production costs indicate that each year the competitiveness reserve is reduced due to the high production capacity and capital intensity, so agrarian enterprises receive a minimum profit. The situation in


the market is such that the consumer is not able to offer the price adequate to the necessary profits, so the focus should be on minimizing the socially necessary costs of living and settled labor.

Assessing the competitiveness of crop production in an agricultural enterprise from the point of view of pricing, it should be noted that the decisive indicator of its assessment is the economic efficiency of production.

Estimates have shown that in 2015, the performance of winter wheat sales to commercial structures improved compared to previous years. So sales revenue in 2015 compared to 2013 has increased 9 times. This led to a 1 cent increase in profit of 120.2 UAH. in and in 2015 amounted to 82.6 UAH. for 1 ts, whereas in 2014 the company suffered a loss of 1 ts -31.3 UAH. This was due to the fact that the selling price increased by 97%, while the full cost of 1 ts by 17%. That is, the growth rate of the price has exceeded the growth rate of cost, and as a result the company has a profitability level of 36%[7].

Conclusions from the conducted research. It was found out that the sales activity of agricultural commodity producers is carried out in difficult conditions, caused by a large monopolization of the market, the lack of marketing services and the dominance of intermediary structures. For a quantitative assessment of the efficiency of sales activities of an agricultural enterprise and the identification of reserves for its improvement and efficiency improvement, assessment and promotion of the work of sales personnel, a set of indicators is used. At the same time, devaluation and inflation processes are strongly influenced by the efficiency of sales. Thus, an increase in the price of grade 3 wheat by 47% led to a decrease in its dollar equivalent of 41%. In increasing the efficiency of sales policy of agrarian enterprises, procurement and marketing cooperatives, farmer and wholesale markets, commodity exchanges, Internet sales, virtual agrarian markets and internet sites for the conclusion of purchase and sale agreements, joint sales activities on the bases of outsourcing play an important role. , as well as contracting with solid and floating price, which includes adjusting the base price, reducing transaction costs, to determine which developed a methodology based on operational data analytical and synthetic accounting, the scheme of construction of the general structure of the integrated logistics system is proposed. The ways of increasing the sales efficiency of agricultural enterprises are determined.


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The scientific heritage No 18 (18),2017

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4. Lagotskaya N.Z. Clarification of the content and current principles of marketing policy of the enterprise / NZ Lagotskaya // Business-inform. - 2014.

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5. Mesel-Veselyak V.Ya. Forms of management in agriculture of Ukraine (results, problems, solutions)

/ V.Ya. Mesel-Veselyak // Economy of the agroindustrial complex. - 2012. - No. 1. - P. 13.

6. Maslak O.M. Soybean harvest 2015. / O. Maslak // Agribusiness Today. - 2015. - №20 (315), October 2015. Access mode: http://www.agro-business.com.ua/ekonomichnyi-gektar/3917-soievi-zhnyva-2015.html.

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Лыскова И.Е.

кандидат исторических наук, доцент, доцент кафедры экономики и менеджмента Коми республиканской академии государственной службы и управления, г. Сыктывкар, Россия



Lyskova I.E.

Candidate of historical sciences, associate professor of the economics and management department of the

Komi Republican Academy of State Service and Administration,

Syktyvkar, Russia


В статье обосновывается значимость социокультурных проблем современной организации, раскрывается сущность организационной культуры в аспекте бизнес-процессов, актуализируется роль миссии, философии и стратегии организации.


The article is devoted to the main sociocultural problems of modern organization, it is characterized the essence of corporate culture in the aspect of business processes and it is paid attention to the role of mission, philosophy and strategy of organization.

Ключевые слова: организация, бизнес-процессы, организационная культура, миссия, философия, стратегия организации.

Keywords: organization, business processes, corporate culture, mission, philosophy and strategy of organization.

Организационная (корпоративная) культура определяется как комплексная характеристика, включающая в себя совокупность ценностей, убеждений, норм, правил, моделей поведения, которые принимаются и разделяются большинством членов коллектива. Организационная культура рассматривается как мощный стратегический фактор, обеспечивающий ориентацию коллектива на сплочение для эффективного решения общих задач и достижение поставленных целей, а также обеспечивающий мобилизацию энергии и инициативы сотрудников в процессе совместной деятельности, формирование слаженной и результативной системы коммуникаций в организации [15, с. 31-32].

Процесс формирования организационной культуры в аспекте управления человеческими ресурсами предусматривает следующие подходы:

- внутриорганизационный, характеризующийся разработкой миссии, философии, целей ор-

ганизации, которые соотносятся с социально значимыми аспектами жизнедеятельности организации, определяют стратегические перспективы организации и направленность организационной культуры на удовлетворение социальных интересов и потребностей (потребителей, клиентов, покупателей и т.д.), а также реализацию определённой модели кадровой политики в области подбора персонала, его оценки, обучении, вознаграждении.

- когнитивный (познавательный), ориентированный на создание необходимых условий для непрерывного профессионального развития, повышения квалификации, проявления инициативы, закрепление ценности инновационных подходов к управлению персоналом.

- мотивационный, направленный на формирование мощной системы мотивации сотрудников, удовлетворения широкого спектра потребностей, реализуемых в сфере профессиональной деятельно-

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