INCREASING THE ROLE OF TAXES IN STABILIZING LOCAL BUDGET REVENUES Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Ключевые слова
local budget / income / cost / tax and tax types / local government.

Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Turayeva Kh.

this article discusses the essence of increasing the role of taxes in stabilizing local budget revenues, the structure and composition of local budgets in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the composition of income of local budgets, and its sources of income.

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Turayeva Kit.

1st year student

Department of economics of postgraduate evening education

Tashkent Financial Institute



Annotation: this article discusses the essence of increasing the role of taxes in stabilizing local budget revenues, the structure and composition of local budgets in the Republic of Uzbekistan, as well as the composition of income of local budgets, and its sources of income.

Keywords: local budget, income, cost, tax and tax types, local government.

The success of the economic reforms carried out in our country is due to the degree to which the issues of the formation of budget revenues at a priority level are established. The implementation of the effectiveness of economic reforms is also directly related to their financial justification. Currently, the importance of local budgets in ensuring the financial stability of the territories is growing even more, so it is important to strengthen the income of local budgets.

World experience shows that in most countries, the socio-economic development of regions, increasing investment activity, further improving existing infrastructure, creating new jobs, improving the quality of social services to the population are provided through local budgets.

Our president also said in this regard: it is necessary to expand the income base of the local budget at the expense of the proportional development of spheres and territories in the financial sphere. Most importantly, the expansion of local budgets in districts and cities should serve to raise the standard of living and living conditions of the population, stability and tranquility in general.

From the above definitions, which embody the essence of local budgets, it is possible to separately highlight the most important characteristic signs that are characteristic of local budgets.

- The first is that the local budget is aimed at meeting the socio - economic needs of the respective provinces, districts and cities.

- The second is that local budgets must have the amount of sources of income and receipts so that local authorities can carry out the tasks assigned to them.

- The third is the financing of enterprises, organizations and institutions subordinate to local authorities at the expense of local budgets. This refers to the lines of expenditure of funds allocated for specific purposes. It should be noted separately that only if all of the above characteristic signs inherent in local budgets are manifested at the same time, they serve to reveal the meaning and essence of local budgets.

Financing of measures related to important tasks such as ensuring the socioeconomic development of territories, improving existing infrastructure, social protection of the population, construction and improvement is carried out mainly at the expense of local budgets. Funds are used from the local budget to the areas of Education, Health, Social Security, Culture and communal services. The main tasks of local budgets are to finance the activities of local authorities and governing bodies, distribute funds to the branches of the local economy, finance and control the activities of enterprises, organizations and institutions under the local budget.

To assess the role of local taxes in the formation of local budget revenues, in our opinion, it is necessary, first of all, to get an idea of the composition of local budget revenues and what they will be classified depending on. In this regard, it should be noted that budget revenues have a complex composition and structural structure, which can be classified according to their sources, socio-economic character, form of ownership, type of taxes and payments, form of falling funds, methods for charging them to the budget, etc.

In ensuring the financial stability of local budgets, it is important, first of all, to develop complex measures for the formation mechanism of local budget revenues, analysis of the composition and share of local budget revenues, raising the economic potential of the regions and its rational use. The main purpose of the study is to give a broader understanding of local budget revenues, to shed light on what its sources consist of and to what extent the role of taxes in it is. The methodological basis of the study lies in the sum of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical positions of scientists. A theoretical analysis of literature and scientific articles on the issues of research, processing, systematization and presentation of data was carried out mainly.

As part of this paper, the case study was adopted as a qualitative research method for its implementation. In particular, quality interviews based on open-ended questions and providing quality information were used. Open-ended questions provide a number of advantages in the field of research, as they reduce the tension in the conversation, stimulate cooperation and establish communication between the researcher and the interlocutor.

In the Republic of Uzbekistan, local taxes and receipts attached to local budgets are created from income attached to local budgets by the state during the approval of the state budget for the new budget year in ham. Local budgets form an important component in the state budget of the Republic of Uzbekistan and are a financial resource in the activities of local government bodies.

As some common features inherent in local taxes, and in the Republican tax system, the fees can be noted:

- local taxes and fees are used for the needs of the territories of the local state, the jurisdiction of the authorities;

-the main part of them is introduced directly by the local state authorities themselves, while in their legal regulation, certain powers are assigned to local

state authorities, which require that they also be taken into account by Republican legislation, etc.

The following conclusions can be drawn from the study of the importance of taxes in the process of formation of the local budget and its sources of income, income, as well as from the analysis of the composition of the income of the local budget:

- At the initial stage of research on the issue of increasing the role of local taxes in the formation of local budget revenues, first of all, local.

- sources of budget revenues, it is necessary to determine the essence of the formation of budget revenues, and then formulate the principles for the formation of budget revenues. It does not have its own meaning to proceed to the solution of the above issue, without having a clear position in relation to these issues.

- In order for the main part of local budget revenues to be formed using taxes, the following principles should lie on their basis: budgeting taxes does not lead to the end of the sources of the country's national wealth; taxes are divided equally (fairly) between their payers; taxes do not affect the size of the revolving funds of producers; taxes are calculated.

- The principles of the formation of local budget revenues fully apply to all of its revenues, taxes that are a major part of them, and including local taxes.

As soon as we saw in the results of the above analysis that the share of taxes in the structure of the local budget income decreased, we found out that taxes the role of taxes is higher. For this reason, the tax burden should be reduced but it is necessary that it does not have its own impact on income. Great attention should be paid to solidarity.


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