INCREASING THE EFFICIENCY OF COTTON TEXTILE INDUSTRY ENTERPRISES Текст научной статьи по специальности «Прочие сельскохозяйственные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по прочим сельскохозяйственным наукам, автор научной работы — Khalikov T.L.

Cotton mills were established as separate independent enterprises. Their products are used as raw materials in other textile factories or other industries. The capacity of cotton-spinning factories is determined by the number of chambers and the amount of products produced.

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Khalikov T.L. assistant

«Other in networks Bugalteriya account and audit» department

Samarkand economy and service Institute



Abstract. Cotton mills were established as separate independent enterprises. Their products are used as raw materials in other textile factories or other industries. The capacity of cotton-spinning factories is determined by the number of chambers and the amount ofproducts produced.

Key words: textile industry, cotton, production planning, raw materials.

In the last 15-20 years, there have been significant changes in the development of the textile industry in the world. During the globalization of the world economy, the center of textile production was moved from Europe and the USA to the developing countries of South America, Southeast and Central Asia 13. In most developing countries with low per capita GDP, the textile industry is growing rapidly. Middle-income countries supply themselves as well as nearby regional markets with textiles. In developed countries, except for technical fabrics, almost no textile products are produced. Demand for consumer goods is mainly met by imports. In Europe, the establishment of subsidiary textile enterprises is advanced, and this leads to an increase in the textile trade balance. Countries with large reserves of raw materials also import textile products.

Today, in the world, scientific research is being conducted in innovative directions based on the organization of production of textile products, its consumption, quality improvement, export level. Organization of the production of high-performance synthetic fibers and textile fabrics in modern conditions, as well as the production of "smart" textile fabrics, electronic textile fabrics, active fabrics, as well as anti-microbial fabrics and ready-made clothes for the innovative development of the knitting and sewing industry. research is being conducted.

In Uzbekistan, special attention is being paid to the economic modernization of such important sectors as knitting, silk and tailoring, as well as the organization of the production of exportable, high-quality products, and the organization of the production of competitive textile products. Today, the priority tasks facing textile enterprises are "To deepen product quality, create favorable conditions for rapid development and diversification of the industry, advanced processing of semi-finished products, and increase investments in the export of finished textile products. " is The introduction of continuous forms of


production organization should become the most important condition and source of development of the textile industry in our country. The availability of a raw material base for textile production should be the basis for the development of the cotton fiber processing textile industry of Uzbekistan.

It is appropriate that the implementation of the quality management system based on the process approach has shown its effectiveness in many local and foreign enterprises and is becoming increasingly important as one of the important directions of increasing the competitiveness of the enterprises of the textile industry of the republic. Expanding the field of scientific research on the introduction of a technological approach to management in the organization of the activities of enterprises producing high-quality textile products in changing market conditions.

One of the important aspects of ensuring the competitiveness of textile products in today's changing market conditions is to increase the level of product quality.

Product quality management is a set of actions to implement, ensure and maintain the required level of product quality during design, production and use. The introduction of the required quality level is carried out on the basis of the analysis of the most advanced scientific and technical achievements in our country and abroad at the stage of designing textile products.

According to the article, the main stages of introducing, maintaining and ensuring the necessary level of quality of textile products by introducing a quality management system based on a technological approach are based on the following:

- anticipating the demand for textile products and their quality;

- formation of quality level, preparation of regulatory and technical documents taking into account the achievements of scientific and technical development;

- analysis of the company's capabilities;

- material and technical provision with high-quality materials;

- technical preparation of production, development of technological processes, provision of machines and equipment;

- provision of leasing services in accordance with relevant regulatory and technical documents and standards;

- determining the quality of manufactured textile products;

- warehousing, transportation and sale of the quality of the shipped products;

- determining and evaluating the level of satisfaction of users and consumers with product quality.

Taking into account the order, the production program can be created in two stages. At the same time, in the first stage, the optimization criterion is to reduce the time of order or production cycle, and in the second stage, to maximize the profit obtained during the production cycle. Both criteria do not

negate each other, i.e. time and money criteria. In particular, achieving high efficiency with efficient use of time is the main criterion. At the same time, efficiency is mainly achieved by optimizing the relationship between these two indicators.

The production program for an enterprise can also be planned in natural units of measurement:

Z = Tor.oy. • L / t or.. ±10% Here: Z is the total volume of the order (thousand m); T or.o.y - average monthly working hours; L is the average number of employees (people); t or.. -average labor costs per unit of production according to the order (man-hour / product unit).

The minimum order quantity that must be in the production program is determined:

Z min = T place/month • L / t place. - 10%

t = Zj

_ J Bj

where: j is the serial number of each type of product; Z j is the order quantity for each type of product.

At the same time, certain types of products are not set for each specific time period, but are calculated. A production cycle is defined for each manufactured order. The company plans to produce other types of products during the reporting period. At the same time, it is desirable to determine indicators such as material and labor resources per product unit, as well as product cost and price. However, the level of spending of these funds is limited. Because exceeding consumption standards will harm the enterprise.

It is necessary to plan the volume of production for each type of product for the planned period in the enterprise using economic and mathematical models:

L (x) = X C} • X j ^ ma x X a ij • Xj < b i xj> 0 (j = 1,2, ... n) where: X j - production volume of j -th type in the planned period; n is the number of determined indicators; C j is the value of the indicators of the objective function coming to the unit of arguments of the j -th type; aij -resource costs of the i -type corresponding to the j -type argument unit; b i -having the i-type resource size in the enterprise; m - the number of types of resources used.

Based on the above, it is necessary to solve the following tasks when organizing the production of export-oriented textile products based on the requirements of the foreign market:

- strengthening economic incentives, improving and diversifying the mechanism of support for export producers;

- reorganization of the existing standardization and certification system, introduction of the ISO 9000 quality management system based on international quality standards;

- updating and expanding the assortment, development of design work;

- increase the effectiveness of marketing research in international commodity markets by creating an infrastructure suitable for target markets;

- to support the producers of export products by providing them with the necessary information for their activities;

- creating favorable conditions for attracting foreign capital.

In the conditions of changing market demands, it is advisable to constantly plan the production program in the organization of export-oriented production in textile enterprises. Continuous planning in the enterprise with the help of economic-mathematical models helps to determine the volume of production of each type of product in the planned period, to use all available resources of the enterprise effectively, as well as to deliver products to customers on time.


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