INCREASING DEMAND FOR MEDIA EDUCATION IN THE PROCESS OF ONLINE EDUCATION IN UZBEKISTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «СМИ (медиа) и массовые коммуникации»

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Аннотация научной статьи по СМИ (медиа) и массовым коммуникациям, автор научной работы — Murtazoyeva H.S.

This article discusses the pandemic caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus around the world, the need for media education in distance education institutions, and the work done and to be done to develop media education in Uzbekistan.

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Murtazoyeva H.S.

2nd year master's student University of Journalism and Communications


Abstract: This article discusses the pandemic caused by the spread of the Covid-19 virus around the world, the need for media education in distance education institutions, and the work done and to be done to develop media education in Uzbekistan.

Keywords: Media education, Mass media, television, online education, offlineeducation, pandemic, textbook.

Unlike many industries affected by the Covid pandemic, which began in 2019, the education sector has been able to survive the situation due to the media. Television, online distance learning, and online classes have unequivocally demonstrated the importance of the media to education. In other words, the media has become a real hero of the education system. In addition to online classes, research papers, conferences, business trainings, and clubs were conducted remotely. However, it should be noted that, in contrast to developed countries, it has been difficult to adapt to this process in Central Asian countries, especially in Uzbekistan. Because, like all the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Central Asian states were based on the traditional education of the former USSR. In the process, the country's media education has not developed in the 21st century - the age of technology. An article published on Yoshlarovozi.uz on September 17, 2020 reads:

"Since online lessons in front of a computer or television have not yet become the norm, it is also the teacher's responsibility to monitor students' full observation of the lesson."4

According to the article, in some countries that are not adapted to distance learning, there are various shortcomings in conducting online classes in neighboring countries, such as Uzbekistan. Someone complained about the low speed of the internet, the inability to adapt to this type of lesson, while others laughed at some students or teachers who could not keep up with the times because they could not use a smartphone or computer, Zoom platform. Teachers had to speak in front of the camera during TV lessons. "Where can I turn on the sound, guys?", "Which screen should I place my presentation on?" The fact that teachers ask such questions to students shows that there is a great need for media education in Uzbekistan, especially among teachers. According to a survey conducted among universities on October 19-21, 2020, 82% of students wanted

4 http://yoshlarovozi.uz/2020/09/17/online-talim-osonmi-qiyinmi/

to study in the traditional way. Only 18 percent of students are distance learners. Also, on October 19, 2020 on the telegram channel Khushnudbek.uz "Survey for students and their parents: do you want to start traditional education in higher education?" Of the 222,552 people surveyed, 47 percent favored traditional education, while 21 percent of respondents supported hybrid lessons. 32% of participants voted for distance learning. In a similar survey conducted on August 18, 2021, 53 percent of 128,333 respondents chose traditional education. 38% of the votes went to distance learning. Also, 7 percent of respondents said it was not important, and 2 percent said they had not yet made a decision5. We must also recognize that the online format offers additional convenience. For example, you can show a short video on a topic between lessons. It is difficult for a teacher without media knowledge to do this. K.P. Abdurahmanov and S.S.Beknazarova presented their analysis of the history of media literacy education in Uzbekistan in 2010-2011, focusing on practical media education and the use of the media in the educational process. The work of these researchers is the process of developing an integrated media education approach in the study of a number of academic disciplines born after the creation of educational films and currently evolving, the integration of media literacy education not only in achieving the learning objectives of the material has also played an important role in proving its effectiveness in the development of information and communication competence. For example, the research of S.S.Beknazarova is devoted to the analysis of the introduction of elements of media education in the educational process. The author's integrated curriculum in the study of physics with students includes analysis of media-educational approaches in the pedagogical context and reviewing the best local and foreign media literacy teaching practices, working with the audience's media. focused on developing analytical skills. "In order for media education to be successful, that is, to achieve its goal and live in a new mediating society, it must first and foremost be used by generations. This applies to both professional and nonprofessional types", - Beknazarova said6. But has this recommendation been followed in our country? In Uzbekistan, for some reason, children were first told that they should be afraid of the media, not of making money from it. Similarly, a few years ago, in schools and other educational institutions, students were warned not to access the Internet, social networks, and to avoid them, using terms such as "O'rgimchak to'ri" and "Asr zavoli" Zamin.uz published in 2016 "Internet ikkinchi "uy" emas!" A number of films, such as "Odnoklasniki" and "O'rgimchak to'ri", shot by Uzbek artists, created a feeling of fear of the Internet in the minds of children. However, with the advent of the Internet in the media, children are now being taught to use it properly. For example, the 2020 version of the textbook "Informatics and Information Technology" for 8th grade will teach students in Chapter I social media marketing, opening a channel on

5 https://t. me/xushnudbek/7419

6 HxTHCOC^amraH ^ypHa^HCTHKa [Mara] IX TomKeHT. "Y36eKHCTOH" HMHy, 2019.

Youtube, access to modern networks such as Facebook, Telegram, Instagram, and so on7. They are taught to send for the purpose, for example, for profit. The 2015 version of the same textbook did not include such topics. The 2018 version of the textbook "Informatics and Information Technology" for 11th grade students focuses on security issues. Also, in the textbooks of the native language, students are taught to interpret the text, ideas, grammatical and methodological analysis of the text. Literature classes teach students the culture of expressive reading of the text, comprehension, comprehension of the content of the text. Additional (Russian, English, French, German, etc.) humanities also study the geographical origin, history, people, nation, culture of the foreign language being studied, for example, in combination with geography. largely reinforces student knowledge. This leads to the formula media culture + media literacy = media education. In this regard, it can be said that Uzbekistan continues to work on media education and media literacy in schools. "The media exists in many areas of life, so universities need to organize media education using different approaches and within different specializations. Ideally, it is necessary to establish cooperation between all structures - information and resource centers, libraries, experts, relevant departments of higher education. Youth centers and libraries can also provide sufficient resources for media education, which makes such partnerships very beneficial for students." 8If these problems are solved, Uzbekistan will be able to quickly get out of the pandemic and other situations.


1. Fayziyeva M. R. "Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari": umumiy o'rta ta'lim maktablarining 8-sinfi uchun darslik: M. R. Fayziyeva, D. M. Sayfurov. -Toshkent: "Tasvir", 2020.

2. New knowledge and the conservation of materials through the introduction and use of information-digital resources. // Materials of International scientific-practical conference "Studying, preservation and popularization of the intangible assets on a way of development of the Kazakhstan society of knowledge", December 11, 2013 - Almaty, 220 p. /128-130/

3. Ихтисослашган журналистика [Матн] IX жилд.- Тошкент. "Узбекистан" НМИУ, 2019.

4. Я. Маматова, С. Сулайманова, составители. Узбекистан по пути развития медиаобразования. Учебное пособие. - Т.: «Extremum-press», 2015. - С. 90

5. https://t.me/xushnudbek/7419

6. http://yoshlarovozi.uz/2020/09/17/online-talim-osonmi-qiyinmi/

7 Fayziyeva M. R. "Informatika va axborot texnologiyalari": umumiy o'rta ta'l im maktablarining 8-sinfi uchun darslik: M. R. Fayziyeva, D. M. Sayfurov. - Toshkent: "Tasvir", 2020.

8 Я. Маматова, С. Сулайманова, составители. Узбекистан по пути развития медиаобразования. Учебное пособие. - Т.: «Extremum-press», 2015. - С. 90

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