Научная статья на тему 'Improving translator`s workplace based on electronic intellectual specialized dictionaries'

Improving translator`s workplace based on electronic intellectual specialized dictionaries Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Bolshakova M. A.

Prospects of creation of electronic intelligent German-Russian industrial dictionary of modernization of automatic workplace of the interpreter. The area covers the new dictionary terminology of robotics and mechatronics. The architecture of automated intelligent German-Russian dictionary industry is introduced.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving translator`s workplace based on electronic intellectual specialized dictionaries»

УДК 81.32


Рассматривается создание электронного интеллектуального немецко-русского отраслевого словаря для модернизации автоматического рабочего места переводчика. Предметная область создаваемого словаря включает терминологию робототехники и мехатроники. Предложена архитектура автоматизированного интеллектуального немецко-русского отраслевого словаря.

Образовательный процесс, автоматическое рабочее место, электронный словарь, робототехника, мехатроника


Prospects of creation of electronic intelligent German-Russian industrial dictionary of modernization of automatic workplace of the interpreter. The area covers the new dictionary terminology of robotics and mechatronics. The architecture of automated intelligent German-Russian dictionary industry is introduced.

Educational process, translator's workplace, electronic dictionary, robotics, mechatronics


Currently, interpreters in the professional field widely use computer programs, such as the work with the terminology, create their own dictionaries and glossaries, index and frequency studies, and program development and search databases of previously translated texts, the so-called translation memory system. Usually, these tools are collected in one workstation (AWS) interpreter, which offers assistance to the implementation of the terminology.

An especially useful dictionary for translators working in the field of science and technology, as the complexity of the terminology and the abundance of stable combinations increases the work with texts [1].

Modern information technologies, artificial intelligence techniques enable to create a new type of electronic dictionaries, which will have a wider variety of features simplify the work of translators greatly, especially in science and technology. In this regard, the creation of software, electronic intelligent industry-specific German-Russian dictionary, as part of an automatic translation workplace is an important task. The subject area, which is developing the dictionary includes the terminology of Robotics and Mechatronics. This is explained by the fact that in many countries, including Germany there is an active development of the scientific and technical direction. Many scientific articles and other documents related to the field of robotics and other sciences, so as a

subject categories include: electronics, theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, automatic control, artificial intelligence techniques, software, mechanics, navigation, algorithmic support, and classification by A.E. Korbinskij [2].

The setting oft he goals

Difference of the proposed electronic dictionary from existing is that it must contain the knowledge base, which contains information about the terms of their phrases, grammatical categories, based on the knowledge representation methods of artificial intelligence. Proper system of sectoral dictionary should consist of the two parts: the variability and invariant. The variable part is responsible for the content, depending on the subject area. Invariant part of the system forms a shell contains, in particular, to test the knowledge of the content on its face when analyzing the data base (DB) dictionary for consistency, for the organization predictive etc.

Thus, the goal of creating an electronic dictionary is its application in the linguistic aspect as a part of the language processor, and the methodical - Knowledge of terms and phrases in the robotics industry to improve the efficiency of the interpreter.

To achieve this goal in the design of a dictionary it is necessary to provide the following functions: integrity of the component; augmentable component; internal structured to work with databases.

Under the component integrity means its independent use in the formation translator's workplace. Dictionary has to be relevant, it needs to provide the function of updating the knowledge base, which can be implemented by the translator. For that end by the translator should be a special functionality, on which he used the necessary forms, upgrading content dictionary. Changes made to a translator, are distributed data cell so that the internal structuring of the database.

To achieve this goal it is necessary to solve the following problems:

1. To create the architecture of the German-Russian intelligent industrial vocabulary.

2. To select a model presentation and storage of data and knowledge.

3. To build the selection of information from different sources to form a corpus of texts in the field of robotics and mechatronics with the existing classification in the subject area.

4. To generate a data file (in the Exel-format) with a structure that reflects the particular corpus for German-Russian electronic dictionary.

5. To implement the intelligent German-Russian dictionary in the selected branch instrumental platform.

6. To formulate the rules validation database content on the basis of morphology and semantics of the German language and to formalize them by the methods of knowledge representation.

7. Filling the knowledge base to implement the invariant part of the database formalized rules of morphological and semantic validation.

8. Perform data entry corpus of Robotics and Mechatronics of an Exel-file in the variability of the database of the electronic dictionary.

9. Conduct testing of the functionality of automated intelligent German-Russian dictionary for the industry to improve translator's workhlace.

The following is a description of the architecture and platform of the developed product.

Architecture design and the choice of platform for the software implementation of the dictionary

For a software implementation of any electronic system to determine the scope and impact of its operation. In our case it is necessary to develop a cross-platform, scalable, accessible and bilingual with simplified access to a standard of its functional parts. Because of the academic nature of the project and of the arrangement of most of the initial information on the Internet to fill a database of information special role choice of tools implementing the system. To ensure the entry requirements to develop a system suitable as an Internet-service with the access to it in WEB-interface. For implementation to use free

software, for which the user has rights to unlimited installation, startup, and free to use, study, dissemination and change legally protected by copyright with free licenses.

The software system must include: a system and an application. In this case, system software contains the following software components: the software of the database server, including: operating system Linux CentOS 5.x or Windows Server DBMS MySQL v5, WEB-server Apache v2 supports PHP 5.1.

Server’s Web-part forms, returns an application page at the request of the user. These pages are created dynamically based on the information processed by the application. It is to create pages "on the fly" directed various extensions Web-server, for example, - CGI or ASP.

The software for monitoring, backup and recovery: cron, bash, mysql-tools, munin.

Workstation software, including operating system that is compatible with Microsoft Windows 2000/XP, Mac OS X or later, Linux, Android (Mobile), the client application Internet Browser (browser) to support javascript, which consistently requests pages from the server using Dynamic HTML management interface and partial processing of the information on user computer.

In summary one can highlight the main features of the architecture of the system:

- there is no need to use additional software on the client side that allows you to automatically implement the client side as a cross-platform;

- Scalability, i.e. the ability to connect an almost unlimited number of clients;

- Due to the unique location of data storage and the availability of a database management system provided the minimum requirements for maintaining data integrity;

- accessibility for server health and communication channels;

- on the amount of data - WEB-architecture systems has significant limitations.

Created data base contains the information about the terms, phrases and grammatical categories. A database management system provides the following functions of the elective part of it.

1. Entering information online.

2. Entering information in off-line mode of Excel-file with this format.

3. Output in Excel-file specified format.

4. Data storage.

5. Checking completeness.

6. Intelligent validation input.

7. Search noun in Robotics and Mechatronics at the German.

8. Conclusion given the information (on-screen and printed form): word found in German (infinitive, singular); translation (equivalent) in Russian;

More information: the article; the ending of nouns; the ending of adjectives; set phrases.

Original information for the variable part of the database we have chosen from a variety of sources, contains a record of more than 4000 words nouns from the field of robotics.

As a formalism for the presentation of information in the variable part of intellectual German-Russian dictionary industry selected Semantic Web, as the most suitable model for knowledge representation in the storage and processing of corpus in German for many technical domains. Knowledge base dictionary is based on the extended semantic network. Used advanced semantic network is represented in a tree- consists of ordinary graphs containing N vertices and N - 1 arcs [3].


As a result of the project proposed architecture, the chosen model presentation and storage of data and the formation content dictionary, implemented a system of intelligent German-Russian dictionary industry, created a fundamentally new product.

The proposed architecture of automated intelligent German-Russian dictionary industry provides adaptability, caliberity, "friendly" user interface and virtual, that is its undeniable advantage.

The shell of the electronic dictionary offers the opportunity to work with any subject area. This advantage can be used to improve the automatic translator’s workplace working in different subject areas, as an example, the article describes the ability to work in the field of robotics. The specialists create content, if it is necessary to upgrade it and to stuff the terms and phrases. The work of translation is facilitated by the standard forms for entering the data and intellectual procedure to populate a database on the basis of the rules to validate the data entered on formal grounds.

Thus, the proposed dictionary is built as an intelligent system that provides storage and the use of information about grammatical categories and the phrases with the search term. The translator receives a "full picture" of the term, and has the ability not only to ask for this information, but also to extend (update) it.


1. Русина Л. Технические средства в работе переводчика: сравнительная характеристика. - Материалы регионал. конф. ProZ.com (Харьков, 18-19 октября 2008 г.). http://www.proz.com/conference/68?page=schedule&mode=details&session_id=2144

2. Струтинский В.Б, Юмашев В.Е. Проблемы разработки классификации в робототехнике // Проблеми обчислюваноi механіки i міцності конструкцій. 2009. Вип.13.

3. Большакова М.А. Особенности формирования специального корпуса текстов в области робототехники на немецком языке // Г уманитарные исследования. Астраханский государственный университет. 2012. №2. С.12-19.

Большакова Мария Александровна -

преподаватель иностранного (немецкого) языка кафедры «Иностранные языки» Саратовского государственного агарного университета им. Н.И. Вавилова, соискатель Московского государственного лингвистического университета

Статья поступила в редакцию 5.03.12, принята к опубликованию 12.03.12

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