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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nazarov Ilya Ivanovich

The article presents the author’s position on the meaning and importance of strategic planning in public administration. The work analyzes various definitions of strategic planning and proposes considering state strategic planning in both narrow and broad sense. The author formulated definitions of strategic planning and its manifestations - state strategic planning. The article discusses the relationship between program-targeted and project-based approaches to strategic planning and determines their advantages and disadvantages. The author pays attention to some problems in the existing legislation, where two parallel systems of regulation of strategic planning coexist: one system provided by the Law on Strategic Planning and the other by subordinate legislation. During the study, a number of other problems concerning strategic planning were identified: the absence of strategic planning documents from among those provided for in the Law on Strategic Planning; the delayed adoption of planning documents, indicating a lack of consciousness of the value of the temporary resource; insufficient level of transparency in strategic planning (numerous acts are not published); an excessive amount of programming and design documents, many of which contradict or duplicate each other, resulting in bureaucratization; violation of the unity in strategic planning, when regional and municipal strategic planning documents do not consider the goals and objectives of national development; non-compliance with municipal specifics in regional strategic planning documents. The author offers recommendations for solving the identified problems.

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Совершенствование системы стратегического планирования национального развития в Российской Федерации


а Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации

DOI: 10.22394/2070-8378-2022-24-6-73-81

Аннотация: В статье изложена авторская позиция по вопросу о сущности и значении стратегического планирования в государственном управлении. Проанализированы различные дефиниции такого планирования, предложено различать государственное стратегическое планирование в узком и широком смыслах. Выработаны определения стратегического планирования и его разновидности - государственного стратегического планирования. Автор рассмотрел соотношение программно-целевого и проектного подходов к стратегическому планированию, отметил их достоинства и недостатки. В работе обращается внимание на сложившуюся негативную ситуацию, когда сосуществуют две параллельные системы регулирования стратегического планирования: одна система предусмотрена Законом о стратегическом планировании, другая - подзаконными актами. Выявлен ряд иных проблем стратегического планирования: отсутствие многих документов из числа предусмотренных Законом о стратегическом планировании; запаздывающее принятие документов планирования, что указывает на недостаточное осознание ценности временного ресурса; недостаточный уровень открытости (многие документы не опубликованы); перенасыщение программирования и проектирования различными документами, многие из которых противоречат или дублируют друг друга, что приводит к бюрократизации; нарушение единства стратегического планирования, когда документы регионального и муниципального уровней не учитывают целей и задач национального развития; игнорирование муниципальной специфики в региональных документах стратегического планирования. Автором предложены общие рекомендации по решению выявленных проблем.

Ключевые слова: государственное управление, стратегическое планирование, программно-целевой подход, проектный подход, государственные программы, национальные проекты Дата поступления статьи в редакцию: 26 октября 2022 года.

Improving the system of strategic planning for national development

in the russian federation research article


а Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration

Abstract: The article presents the author's position on the meaning and importance of strategic planning in public administration. The work analyzes various definitions of strategic planning and proposes considering state strategic planning in both narrow and broad sense. The author formulated definitions of strategic planning and its manifestations - state strategic planning. The article discusses the relationship between program-targeted and project-based approaches to strategic planning and determines their advantages and disadvantages. The author pays attention to some problems in the existing legislation, where two parallel systems of regulation of strategic planning coexist: one system provided by the Law on Strategic Planning and the other by subordinate legislation. During the study, a number of other problems concerning strategic planning were identified: the absence of strategic planning documents from among those provided for in the Law on Strategic Planning; the delayed adoption of planning documents, indicating a lack of consciousness of the value of the temporary resource; insufficient level of transparency in strategic planning (numerous acts are not published); an excessive amount of programming and design documents, many of which contradict or duplicate each other, resulting in bureaucratization; violation of the unity in strategic planning, when regional and municipal strategic planning documents do not consider the goals and objectives of national development; non-compliance with municipal specifics in regional strategic planning documents. The author offers recommendations for solving the identified problems.

Keywords: public administration, strategic planning, program-targeted approach, project-based approach, state programs, national projects Received: October 26, 2022.


Today, the functioning of all social institutions, including the state, is characterized by unpredictability and instability. The influence of many factors causes it to have different nature of their emergence and ambivalently influences social processes, which only increases the uncertainty. Since the second half of the 20th century, many national governments have been searching for a new model of public administration capable of countering a wide range of challenges and threats and of consolidating and directing national resources toward specific goals of high social significance [Broadberry, O'Rourke, 2010. P. 267-295]. Such a model was obtained by integrating strategic planning into the public administration system.

In Russia, strategic planning is of considerable importance. In 2014, the system of strategic planning was improved dramatically and aimed at ensuring comprehensive, stable and progressive development, the transfer of authorities toward working within the framework of goal-setting, forecasting, planning, and programming. Strategic planning requires constant analysis to find and eliminate contradictions. Strategic planning promotes sustainable national development even during unforeseen crises.

The significance of strategic planning in public administration

It is necessary to add that a reassessment of the state's role is required during the transition of state management to the strategic level. A retrospective analysis of the state mechanism indicates its complex and comprehensive evolution, involving the transformation of the essence of the state itself. The concept of the state and its purpose for society was changing under the influence of the works of philosophers, politicians, historians, economists, sociologists, and other scientists and thinkers, as well as scientific and technological progress. Initially, public authority and the state were perceived as an opposition to society, as a punitive apparatus forcing people to a particular behavior model; as for today, the state is a potential partner for individuals, public associations, and businesses.

The key result of transforming the state mechanism was its democratization and the recognition of the individual as the highest value for the state [Mau, 2016. P. 74-84]. This means that the purpose of the state is to preserve and increase human capital. Here we can see the reasoning for the introduction of strategic planning in public administration: the structure of government functions gradually expanded along with social functions, and the state mechanism became more responsive to the people. Accordingly, the state was obliged to create conditions for sustainable and dynamic national development and to optimize and oversee the spending of budgetary funds. These conditions could only be achieved by implementing strategic planning.

Man, society, and the state have long known strategic approaches to achieve their goals. The word «strategy» is made of two ancient Greek words: «stratos» ("something widespread", for example, in the army) and «argos» ("lead-

ership") [Mulgan, 2009. P. 19]. The term «strategos» means «reign of the warlord» or «governing of military operations»1. Previously, the strategy was associated only with the military field. However, strategic approaches have shifted more and more from the military to the civilian sphere to corporate management. At the end of the first half of the twentieth century, strategic planning started to take shape. During this period, large companies analyze the functions of the management corps and restructure it fundamentally, adapting it to modern challenges and threats. This results in the emergence of strategic governance.

In the second half of the twentieth century, strategic approaches began to emerge in the authorities' activities. Moreover, directive planning methods are recognized as ineffective, as they excessively expand the state's participation in the economy and bureaucratize management processes. Today, strategic planning is one of the instruments to ensure sustainable development, allowing to consider a set of different multidirectional interests, identify issues of territorial development, form a long-term vision of the goals and objectives of the country's development, develop methods, programs, and development projects based on existing interests and long-term strategy [Soltangazinov, Si-monov, Amirova, Kaidarova, Karimbergenova, 2019. P. 199].

In the literature, you can find many interpretations of strategic planning. B.A. Raizberg understands strategic planning as a goal-oriented planning in the form of plans, programs, and projects at the state, corporate, and industry levels that implement the provisions of development strategies in the long term [Raizberg, Lozovsky, Starodubtseva, 2015. P. 309].

B.N. Kuzyk, V.I. Kushlin, and Y.V. Yakovets believe that strategic planning is a stage of management where prerequisites are formed and guide the progress of the social and economic system in the desired direction [Kuzyk, Kushlin, Yakovets, 2011. P. 93].

A.L. Gaponenko and M.V. Savelyeva see strategic planning as an integral element of strategic management on a par with goal realization and strategic control [Gaponen-ko, Savelyeva, 2022. P. 225]. They believe that strategic planning defines the organization's mission, its internal strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats to set goals and objectives for company expansion and strategy development (on a variable basis). The authors outline the following elements of strategic planning:

• goal-setting (defining the organization's mission, setting goals, and objectives);

• forecasting (analyzing the internal and external environment, threats, and opportunities);

• planning (designing documents revealing the goals and objectives for further development and ways to achieve and solve them).

According to J. Bryson and B. George, strategic planning is a thoughtful and deliberate approach to strategy formulation including (a) analyzing existing goals, mission, values; (b) formulating new goals, mission, values; (c) analyzing

1 Military strategy. https://bigenc.ru/military_science/text/4168138

the internal and external environment to identify strategic problems; (d) formulating practical and feasible strategies to address issues [Bryson, George, 2020. P. 7-8].

I.O. Ugboro, K. Obeng, and O. Spann give the similar definition: it is a process where long-term development directions are defined and consolidated, strategies are formulated and implemented to achieve goals considering internal and external factors. This process involves a set of organizational activities, from defining the organization's mission, developing goals and strategic documents, and ending with the development of the action plan to ensure the implementation of strategies. This process also includes identifying future opportunities and threats, assessing the organization's strengths and weaknesses, as well as creating oversight systems to ensure that the organization remains focused on the desired path [Ugboro, Obeng, Spann, 2011. P. 3].

According to I. Bordean, A. Raileanu, and A.G. Turturea-nu, strategic planning includes:

1) the mission of the state (the reason for the existence of a particular state);

2) fundamental goals (concerning the activities of the state: economic, social, cultural, demographic, etc.);

3) development options (possible ways to achieve the goals);

4) resources (sources to achieve the goals: financial, human, information, time, etc.);

5) timescale (the period for implementing the development options, should be efficient and realistic);

6) new competitive advantages, which the realization of development options should bring to society [Bordean, Raileanu, Turtureanu, 2009. P. 143-144].

In the provisions of the Law on Strategic Planning, strategic planning refers to the activities of officials, public authorities, and organizations whose function is to determine goals and priorities, develop forecasts, plans, and state and municipal programs for:

• social and economic development;

• development of individual sectors of the economy and

areas of public administration;

• national security.

According to A.S. Domchenko, state strategic planning is a form of state administrative policy. At first, the Law on Strategic Planning is a source of administrative law itself. Secondly, the functions of planning and forecasting, which are the core of strategic planning, are also characteristic of administrative law. Thirdly, most participants in strategic planning are subjects of administrative law. Fourthly, strategic planning documents are the basis for choosing the methods of administrative-legal regulation [Domchenko, 2022. P. 35-39]. In other words, state strategic planning may be considered a part of the state administrative policy.

L.R. Batukova offers the following definition of state strategic planning: a meta-institution allowing for the interaction of a state and system-forming institutions of civil society on the choice of society development strategy by economic and managerial methods [Batukova, 2020. P. 470].

State strategic planning may be considered in both a narrow and a broad sense. In the narrow sense, it is sup-

Table. The concept of strategic planning and state strategic planning

Strategic planning State strategic planning

Setting goals and objectives for the sustainable development of the subject and object of management in the short, medium, and long term, as well as an analysis of the internal and external environment to: 1) account for and consolidate the available resources; 2) recognize opportunities, strengths, and weaknesses; 3) identify potential threats and issues to be addressed. The activity of officials, public authorities, and organizations in interaction with citizens, representatives of business, public, scientific, and expert organizations to identify goals, objectives, promising areas, possibilities, issues, and threats to national development, including state development.

posed to create a strategy for the development of the state as an institution, to improve the mechanisms of public administration. Only the state is recognized as the object of planning. In a broad sense, it should be understood as a strategy for developing the state and all spheres of public administration. State strategic planning is the activity of actors in determining the goals, objectives, promising directions, possibilities, issues, and threats to national development. In this case, the object of strategic planning is national development (including the development of the state as an institution). Summarizing the definitions, we can give the following definitions of the main terms (Table).

State strategic planning was actively implemented during the Soviet era2. However, due to the administrative-command type of economy, it took a politicized-di-rective form and lost its positive effect. In modern Russia, since the early 1990s, a completely new legal framework for strategic planning was formed and designed to ensure its stability and effectiveness.

Elements of state strategic planning

Strategic planning has four stages:

1) goal-setting;

2) forecasting;

3) planning;

4) programming.

The sequence of these stages is not defined precisely. In the definition given in paragraph 1, Article 3 of the Law on Strategic Planning, goal-setting is presented as the first stage of strategic planning. However, according to paragraphs 19-21 of the Fundamentals of State Policy in Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation, approved by Presidential Decree of 08.11.2021 No. 633, the first stage of strategic planning is forecasting.

We believe that the wording of the Presidential Decree of 08.11.2021 No. 633 will be more appropriate. Forecasting is the process of forming a forecast. Forecast, in turn, is a prediction of the development or results of events

2 In 1920, Soviet Russia designed and adopted its first strategic planning document, assuming comprehensive electrification of the

country and modernization of the economy - the State Plan of Electrification of the RSFSR, shortly referred to as GOELRO.

based on available information3; scientific prediction of the course and results of events, activities, and processes4; expectational assessment of the state of the phenomenon in the future5.

Goal-setting is the specification of a goal as the desired state of an object. Goal-setting includes goal-forming and goal-realization, i.e., implementing the goal in the objective-real result of the activity6. The process of goal formation should include objective factors, possible changes in the future, and their impact on achieving the goal. In this sense, goal-setting is impossible without forecasting. A goal formulated without a forecast may not meet the achievement criterion. The more correct is the following sequence: forecasting, goal-setting, planning, and programming. As authors of this article, we believe that this sequence is correct.

The strategic planning process should begin with forecasting since goal-setting needs to be based on objective and scientifically sound predictions of the future state of all spheres of society [Dobkin, 2021. P. 74-76]. Otherwise, the goal should have been recognized as primary over the prediction.

At the forecast stage, there is a comprehensive analysis of the external and internal conditions. Forecast participants monitor national development and justify its risks, threats, directions, results, and indicators using scientific research methods.

The second stage is goal-setting. It consists of setting goals and objectives for national development and expressing the authorities' activities in interaction with civil society to define goals, objectives, priorities, and development directions. As E.V. Okhotsky noted, a goal is a mental anticipation of the result of human activity; an ideal image of the desired state of a system, phenomenon, or process [Okhotsky, 2022. P. 108]. At the stage of goal-setting, the development perspective is defined in all spheres: demography, health care, education, science, culture, labor market and employment, housing policy, urban development, road and transport infrastructure, ecology, industries, digital economy, state support for small and medium-sized businesses, international cooperation. At the federal level, goal-setting is carried out according to sectoral and territorial principles.

The third stage is planning. At this stage, the authorities formulate their action plans and other schemes for specific areas of development. The plan is a document consistently combining activities to achieve the goals and objectives of national development. In public administration, planning is essential to ensure federal and regional executive branch activities have a targeted character.

3 Dictionary by Ephremova. https://gufo.me/dict/efremova/npo-


4 Dictionary by Kuznetsov. https://gufo.me/dict/kuznetsov/nporHo3

5 The Modern Dictionary of Philosophy. https://gufo.me/dict/philos-


6 Sociological Dictionary. https://gufo.me/dict/sorial/^.EnO.A-


The final stage of strategic planning is programming, which consists of developing the state programs, i.e., documents that consolidate the activities necessary to achieve the goals. Programs are designed to coordinate activities by tasks, timing, resources, and actors. Programs include a system of state policy instruments ensuring the implementation of the basic functions of the state (political, economic, social, cultural, etc.).

Goal-setting and programming constitute a program-targeted approach (PTA) in public administration. Its essence lies in two aspects:

• clear targeting of planned measures;

• systematization of measures and their direct

subordination to a certain logic, connecting them in

space and time [Raizberg, 2017. P. 8].

The PTA allows the authorities to focus on priority areas of development and serves as the basis for the state's transition from process management to results management. The PTA optimizes the budgetary process, stimulates research and development, reduces bureaucracy in public administration, promotes the economy's transition to an innovative type of development, and improves the quality of resource management to promote sustainable development.

In Russian practice, the PTA is represented by:

1) state programs;

2) federal targeted programs;

3) departmental targeted programs;

4) federal targeted investment programs;

5) regional programs;

6) municipal programs.

Another technology is the project-based (or project) approach. Since the mid-twentieth century, the project approach has been actively spreading in the international business environment and applied in corporate management; a bit later, it started to be implemented in public governance as well [Harold, 2019. P. 19]. The project approach is based on the project - a set of interrelated and consistently implemented activities aiming to achieve the goals and objectives within a certain period, given the limited resources [Charkina, 2017. P. 9]. The introduction of the project approach in public administration is due to strategic planning, which imposes the obligation to seek different ways and technologies to achieve goals. The project approach consists of authorities' activities reorienting from process management to the management of results characterized by their novelty and high social effect.

In Russia, the project approach was first used in the 1990s. In 2005, the national priority projects "Health", "Education", "Housing", and "Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex" (implemented in 2006-2018) were approved7. Since 2016, the project approach has been

7 Speech at a meeting with the Government members, the leaders of the Federal Assembly, and members of the Presidium of the State Council. http://kremlin.ru/events/president/transcripts/23157

implemented in the Government8. In 2018, the project approach entered into its active phase: the goals and objectives of national development outlined in the Presidential Decree of May 7, 2018, No. 204, "On national goals and strategic development objectives of the Russian Federation for the period until 2024" are expected to be achieved through national, federal, and regional projects9. In 2020, this decree was substituted by Presidential Decree of July 21, 2020, No. 474, "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the time period until 2030", changing the target indicators of the national development goals in terms of timing: many objectives were now planned to be achieved by 203010.

The system of state strategic planning includes two subsystems: a subsystem of state programming and a subsystem of state planning. The programming subsystem provides a classic program-targeted approach. At the same time, forecasting, goal-setting, and planning are implicated in the programming process. Both approaches coexist within strategic planning and bring their advantages to it. The program-targeted approach addresses long-term, stretched-in-time, strategic tasks of socio-economic development. The project-based approach allows concentrating resources on solving a particular task requiring considerable costs, thereby providing an additional positive socio-economic effect.

Prospects for improving the strategic planning system

Despite the established organizational and legal foundations of the state strategic planning system in Russia and its eight-year functioning in the updated format (since 2014), this system has a range of particular problems [Afinogenov, Kochemasova, Silvestrov, 2019. P. 23-25].

The Law on Strategic Planning provided for the formation of a complete set of state strategic planning documents by January 1, 2019. However, some of the documents were developed with a delay, and some were not adopted at all. Thus, there is no strategy for socioeconomic development and strategic forecast for the Russian Federation [Lenchuk, 2020. P. 24-28]. The Governmental Automated Information System "Governance" (GAIS), on the platform of which the Federal Information System of Strategic Planning (FISSP) was created, does not publish

8 Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 15, 2016, No. 1050, «On the organization of project activities in the Government of the Russian Federation» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2016. No. 43. Art. 6028.

9 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018, No. 204, «On the national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2018. No. 20. Art. 2817.

10 Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of July 21, 2020, No. 474, «On the national development goals of the Russian Federation for the time period until 2030» // Collection of Legislation of the Russian Federation. 2020. No. 30. Art. 4884.

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several strategic planning documents. The development of FISSP and GAIS "Governance" was the first step in realizing the principle of transparency of official data; however, incomplete information can mislead the citizen.

The fundamental theoretical and practical issue is the ratio of centralization and decentralization of strategic planning. At the normative level, centralization is expressed in a principle of strategic planning as unity and cohesion (part 2 of Article 7 of the Law on Strategic Planning). Paragraph 3, Article 7 of the Law on Strategic Planning enshrines the principle of delimiting authority among the different levels of government vertical.

Currently, these two principles are in contradiction with each other. Programming and planning are overloaded with types of documents, some of which duplicate each other in terms of content. This situation bureaucratizes the strategic planning system as well as blurs national development goals and strategic objectives. Regional and municipal strategic planning documents may not reflect national development goals and even contradict them. In practice, regional strategic planning documents are almost devoid of any consideration of municipal specifics.

It seems that the source of this negative situation is the principle of decentralization. In our opinion, strategic planning should be based on the principle of centralization. Strategic planning documents can be effectively implemented if their system is organized according to the principle of the "tree of goals", where the top of the tree is the head document defining the general strategic goals in all spheres of national development. Next, the general goal is divided into sub-goals, all of which are specified in lower-level strategic planning documents. Then, each sub-goal is split into more specific tasks, fixed in the documents of the next level, and so on. Such a pyramidal structure is more transparent for ordinary citizens as well as for the authorities and officials themselves.

This pyramid should be topped by a document such as a long-term federal strategy for national development (10 years or more). It could become the primary goal-setting document in the country. Each sub-goal should be dedicated to a particular strategy. The pyramid base should include programs containing specific activities to address the tasks specified by resources and timelines. To organize federal documents at the forecasting level, the forecast of scientific and technological development, the strategic forecast, and the forecast of socioeconomic development for the medium term should be combined into a single prediction of national development for the long term (10 years and more). All documents in the field of goal-setting should be based on a single forecast.

However, we should not assume that centralization in the strategic planning sphere means the imposition of strategic goals and objectives by the federal government on the rest of the public and legal entities. The setting of goals should proceed in a democratic procedure involving regional and municipal interests of the population and definitely should be the result of a consensus of the federal state, regional government, municipal government, civil so-

' Compiled by the author

ciety, and business. In determining the strategic goals of development, the decentralization principle has a negative effect since it leads to the archaic nature of strategic planning. As we said earlier, Russian officials have developed thousands of documents without systemic links; strategic planning is haphazard and self-contained. Strategic planning should be part of strategic governance. Strategic planning is the analytical stage of strategic governance. In addition to planning, organizational and methodological support systems must also be established to ensure these goals, objectives, activities, control systems, feedback systems, etc.

An interesting fact is that in Russia, at the legislative level, there is no definition of the "strategic governance" concept at all, nor is there any clarification regarding the strategic management system, the powers of public authorities in this area, etc. In other words, although strategic planning is institutionalized in Russia (including the dedicated federal law existence), strategic management as an institution that brings plans and programs to become operational is absent. This is another possible answer to the following question: why, in the presence of numerous strategic documents, plans, programs, and projects, the effectiveness of public administration remains low? Now we can see that there are justified doubts about the relevance of strategic planning in a situation where public administration is not strategic according to its essence.

Resolving the strategic planning issues should increase the culture of managerial activity based on professionalism and personal responsibility of officials at all levels of government. The development of strategic planning documents has not to be a formality. Strategic planning requires engagement, creativity, consistency, and continuity. We need to create advisory commissions in government bodies to coordinate strategic planning with the mandatory involvement from the representatives of business, scientific and expert organizations, and public associations. The purpose of the commissions should include the consideration of the successful experience in the implementation of departmental planning documents, the accumulation of proposals to improve the planning system, and the coordination of strategic documents relevant to the profile of the body's work.

We should also legally recognize the project approach. At the federal level, planning should be represented by national, federal, and departmental projects integrated

Figure. An alternative system for the federal documents of state strategic planning*

into state programs. The existing federal and departmental target programs should be included in national and departmental projects, and the practice of developing target programs should be terminated.

We need to consolidate the project approach in the authorities' activities. National projects should be developed every six years on the President's request by Federal Office project commissions formed by government representatives, federal, regional, municipal authorities, and civil society. If any unforeseen circumstances arise during the implementation of the national projects, the authorities should develop additional assignments on the project management principles. The same project activity structure can be applied at the regional and municipal levels:

• regional projects ensure the implementation of federal projects. Federal projects are part of national projects; in some cases, regional authorities may develop additional regional projects;

• municipal projects ensure the implementation of regional projects; in some cases, local authorities may develop and adopt additional municipal projects. Figure presents the example of an alternative system

for federal strategic planning documents.

According to Article 11 of the Law on Strategic Planning, during the goal-setting stage the following documents are developed:

• the President's annual message to the parliament;

• the strategy of socio-economic development;

• the national security strategy and other national security documents;

• the strategy of scientific and technological development. However, the national development goals enshrined

in the Presidential Decree of 21.07.2020, No. 474, "On the national development goals of the Russian Federation un-

til 2030", cannot be attributed to any of these documents. At the same time, the decree establishes the priority of the defined in it goals over other acts in the strategic planning area. In addition, the Law on Strategic Planning does not mention national projects in any way. The absence of reference to national projects can be explained by the following. Firstly, national projects must preserve the image of an innovative management element to which the state has a more responsible attitude. Secondly, there is the need to create a dynamic normative system for the timely updating of the National Projects legal framework, i.e., we should provide such conditions that would eliminate or reduce the delay in making rapid changes in normative acts regulating the implementation of the National Projects (it is easier to make changes in a subordinate document than in a federal law). And thirdly, the national projects shall be implemented within the framework of approbation; consequently, the legislative regulation of this sphere may be premature. In case of inefficient results of this experiment, it is easier to invalidate a subordinate document than a law.

The described situation may indicate either that the current system of strategic planning, established by the Law on Strategic Planning, has shown its ineffectiveness in practice and the President is trying to eliminate the gaps by a subordinate act, acting proactively, or it may mean that this decree is merely a political step intended to influence the electorate and keep it interested in the state's leadership. The second hypothesis may be questioned since the goals defined by the decree are supervised by the presidential administration rather than the implementation of strategic planning acts, and measures of political or even legal responsibility may be applied for the non-achievement of goals11. If national development goals were solely declarative, their realization would not be subject to such scrutiny.

Now we can see that there are two parallel systems of strategic planning in the state: one is based on the Law on Strategic Planning, and the other is based on subordinate acts. In this regard, we need to harmonize legislation on strategic planning with the established strategic planning system, whose central subject of goal-setting is the President: a decree on national development goals should be included in the list of goal-setting documents.

An analysis of the Law on Strategic Planning shows that federal strategic planning is mainly concentrated in the executive branch. The powers of parliament are

11 Smolensk governor fired two deputies for the failure of national projects / RBC. https://www.rbc.ru/rbcfreenews/5d6cfb059a-7947fa1ed09921; In Chelyabinsk, officials put in pre-trial detention and dismissed for failing national projects / URA.RU. https://m.ura. news/articles/1036279317; The mayor of Sakha is facing resignation for the failure of national projects / Vesti. https://www.vesti. ru/article/2638059; Putin: Ministers will be held personal accountability for the failure of the national projects / MIR 24. https:// mir24-tv.turbopages.org/mir24.tv/s/news/16365869/putin-o-razvitii-tehnologii-tempy-dolzhny-byt-proryvnymi

limited only to discussing the strategy of socio-economic development of the key areas of the Government activity (and the mechanism of discussion itself is not defined by law). That is, the parliament is almost detached from strategic planning [Zolotareva, Sokolov, 2018. P. 8-23]. Accordingly, we should strengthen the position of the legislative branch in strategic planning, especially in terms of parliamentary control. It would be advisable to give Parliament the authority to approve the Federal Strategy of National Development and to review quarterly and annual reports on the implementation of state programs, including national, federal, and departmental projects.

It is necessary to actualize the FISSP by publishing all adopted strategic planning documents at the federal, regional, and municipal levels. This information system should represent a single platform for the interaction of participants of state strategic planning and contain intermediate (monthly, quarterly, six-month and annual) and final results of strategic planning documents, including national, federal, departmental, regional, and municipal projects, as well as to show the use of strategic planning documents in the development of managerial decisions.

Digitalization is the driving force behind the development of national economies in the world of today. Digitalization can be seen as a global process of societal transformation, which makes the processing and use of big data in the digital form an essential factor in its development, allowing for a significant increase in the efficiency of economic activity compared to traditional forms of its implementation.

One of the core directions of digital transformation is the development of Artificial Intelligence technologies, usually understood as some human intellectual activities imitation in electronic systems [Gorelov, 2019. P. 221].

Artificial Intelligence technology is increasingly becoming a part of different areas of human activity. And state strategic planning is not an exception. However, as we know, there are no digital issues in the digital world but humanitarian and legal ones. One cannot predict all the difficulties involved in introducing artificial intelligence into the strategic planning process. Firstly, it is the legal issue of qualifying artificial intelligence (AI) and its carrier. In Russia, this question has only been raised theoretically but not in legislative practice. There are three positions in the literature regarding this issue: the AI carrier is considered an object of law, a subject of law, and a unique legal category.

Numerous studies say that the AI carrier can only be an object, arguing that this is the current normative legal regulation. There is a wide range of opinions among these authors: some believe that an AI carrier is ordinary property, while others consider it an object of exclusive rights. Some studies also say that AI carriers are considered to be animals12. If we

12 The analytical report, «Legislative support for the development of the world economy in the XXI century. Trends, technologies, resources» / State Duma. http://duma.gov.ru/media/files/ wNM47vvmMYvmUfQ8ZD5ca8Vg1Syl6Jge.pdf

look at Article 137 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the general rules on a property must be applied to the AI carrier only because the law does not establish otherwise. In addition, cruel treatment of the AI carrier, which is against the principles of humanity, is not allowed.

We could cite videos that show Boston Dynamics testing their robots by kicking and pushing them, testing their ability to keep their balance in sudden situations13. The application of the legal regime of animals to AI carriers is justified by the fact that robots, like animals, belong to their owner, and the actions of both are autonomous; humans unable to control all of AI carriers' activities.

Nevertheless, one cannot apply the characteristics of animals to robots since most rules concerning animals are dictated either by the idea of them as living beings capable of experiencing emotions or by environmental considerations. Furthermore, the animal is not a human creation, unlike the AI. That is why this analogy has relatively limited regulatory potential.

Using the definition of AI given in subparagraph "a" of paragraph 5 of the "National Strategy for the Development of Artificial Intelligence for the period up to 2030", O.V. Sushkova concludes that artificial intelligence can be considered as an object of civil rights and further include it in Article 128 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation [Sushkova, 2019. P. 123].

Some authors believe that AI is a new category of objects of civil law. According to the judge of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation G.A. Gadzhiev, an AI-based robot is a new kind of thing14.

The author's position is that the qualification of an AI carrier as an object of law is justified only until better systems of general AI appear. Since the engineers do not put a comprehensive set of algorithms in them, such systems are capable of self-learning and autonomous operation. The consequences of such units are hard to foresee, forcing the legislator to substantially revise the current regulatory framework as soon as possible. To ensure that the legal framework is balanced, we need to be proactive: even now, legal scientists and legislators, with the involvement of engineers and neurophysiologists, must join efforts to create a regime of legal regulation in the AI field.

In this regard, it seems promising to focus on the legal justification of granting legal personality to the AI carrier. The question of recognizing an AI unit as a bearer of rights and obligations comes from its increased independence in the decision-making process. Today, no jurisdiction recognizes AI as a subject of law. As the world moves toward creating self-learning AI technologies, with their evolution, the ability to predict robot behavior will decrease, and the risk of out-of-control behavior will

13 «They'll remember this»: bloggers accused Boston Dynamics of mistreating robots / TJournal. https://tjournal.ru/flood/23797-judgement-day

14 A judge of the Constitutional Court predicted the future of robots in

jurisprudence / RIA Novosti. https://ria.ru/20170515/1494332513. html

increase. Consequently, the question of recognizing an AI unit as a subject of law may arise.

We should admit that today, the idea of assigning a legal personality to a robot no longer sounds ridiculous. In particular, the European Parliament, in its Resolution "Civil law rules on robotics", referred to the possibility of granting autonomous robots the special legal status of "electronic person"15. The creators and owners of AI carriers are particularly interested in this.

For state strategic planning, the subjectivization of the AI carrier means that AI will participate in the creation of strategic planning documents, including developing a system of indicators and measures based on the analysis of big data sets. This leads to some problems. For example, according to part 7 of Article 7 of the Law on Strategic Planning, one of the principles of strategic planning is the responsibility of subjects of planning for the timely and quality development and adjustment of documents, implementation of measures to achieve development goals, for the effectiveness of solving development tasks. How can this principle be implemented if the AI carrier is mistaken when creating the strategic planning document? Who will be responsible for the harm caused by the robot's activities? If we mechanically extend property rules to AI, we should assign responsibility to humans. If we consider an AI developer to be responsible, it will undoubtedly slow down the further development of the AI industry. If we put the responsibility on the owner of the AI carrier, the demand for AI development will decrease. If no one is made responsible, it will violate the principle of the inevitability of punishment. Current Russian legislation cannot solve this problem adequately.

As long as the AI solves a limited range of tasks, we can propose as an interim measure the institution of strict liability: to impose responsibility on the right holder or developer of the AI to supervise the AI carrier to avoid the risk of damage caused by it.

Another option is to introduce a system of compulsory liability insurance for the damage caused by AI carriers, similar to the current mandatory automobile liability insurance system. Manufacturers or rights holders of AI robots should insure against the risks of potential harm caused by their creations. If the insurance does not cover all the damage caused, the remaining part will be paid from a special compensation fund. At the same time, if we do not want to suppress the development of AI technologies, the state should provide considerable support measures, for example, partial insurance at the expense of budgetary funds. Potential questions regarding the types of robot insurance, the limits of insurer liability, the compensation methods, the use of the compensation fund, the system of accounting and registration of AI units, etc., shall be the subject of a specialized scientific and legal study.

15 European Parliament Resolution of February 16, No. P8_

TA-PR0V(2017)0051, «Civil law rules on robotics» (together with the

Robotics Charter) 2017 / Research Center for Robotics and AI Control

Problems «Robopravo». http://robopravo.ru/riezoliutsiia_ies


In the Russian Federation, the state strategic planning system faces a complex set of problems, the solution of which must be systemic and involve improving the culture of managerial activity. It is necessary to strengthen the personal responsibility of officials, to transform (and simplify) the strategic planning system, to expand


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Информация об авторе:

ИЛЬЯ ИВАНОВИЧ НАЗАРОВ, член территориальной избирательной комиссии нагорного района, аспирант второго года обучения по специальности «Экономика и управление народным хозяйством» Российская академия народного хозяйства и государственной службы при Президенте Российской Федерации (Российская Федерация, 119606, Москва, проспект Вернадского, 84). E-mail: pa-journal@igsu.ranepa.ru

Для цитирования: Назаров И.И. Совершенствование системы стратегического планирования национального развития в Российской Федерации. Государственная служба. 2022. № б. С. 73-81.

Information about the author:

ILYA IVANOVICH NAZAROV, member of the Territorial Election Commission of the Nagorny District, 2nd year postgraduate student at the Department of Economics and Management of the National Economy Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (84, Vernadsky Prospekt, Moscow, 119606, Russian Federation). E-mail: pa-journal@igsu.ranepa.ru

For citation: Nazarov I.I. Improving the system of strategic planning for national development in the Russian Federation. Gosudarstvennaya sluzhba. 2022. No. б. P. 73-81.

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