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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Nezamova Olga Alekseevna, Olentsova Julia Anatolievna

The article considers the sales promotion system and the possibilities of its development and improvement through the use of progressive, digital marketing technologies on the example of the agro-industrial complex of the Krasnoyarsk region. This problem is particularly relevant in times of crisis, because it is very difficult to sell products in the required volumes without competent sales promotion, with the use of the most advanced technologies. The factors influencing the dynamics of consumer behavior are considered. Analyzing the sales policy of enterprises, it is advisable to consider separately two components of the process, this is the movement of goods and, directly, the process of selling products. Digital technologies can be applied in each of them, but the approaches differ significantly. This study analyzes the new opportunities offered by digital marketing. The process of marketing communications through the use of modern marketing techniques helps to view marketing communications to a new level, that is particularly relevant in times of crisis, as the incomes of the population decreased substantially and push them to buy becomes difficult. At the present stage, it seems appropriate to consider what advanced technologies are ripe for the application in the Krasnoyarsk region.

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Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление.

2021. Т.10 №3(36)p-ISSN: 2309-1762; e-ISSN: 2712-8482


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© Автор(ы) 2021 SPIN: 6708-5470 AuthorID: 891756 ORCID: 0000-0001-8072-1091 ScopusID: 57216610320

НЕЗАМОВА Ольга Алексеевна, доцент, кандидат экономических наук, доцент кафедры «Логистики и

маркетинга в АПК»

Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, проспект Мира, 90, e-mail: 2127769@mail.ru)

SPIN: 2775-1664 AuthorID: 829280 ORCID: 0000-0002-6640-9656 ScopusID: 57211156075

ОЛЕНЦОВА Юлия Анатольевна, старший преподаватель кафедры «Иностранный язык» Красноярский государственный аграрный университет (660049, Россия, Красноярск, проспект Мира, 90, e-mail: tutor.eng@yandex.ru) Аннотация. В статье рассмотрена система стимулирования сбыта и возможности ее развития и совершенствования благодаря применению прогрессивных, цифровых маркетинговых технологий на примере предприятия АПК Красноярского края. Эта проблема приобретает особую актуальность в кризисные периоды, т.к. без грамотного стимулирования сбыта, с применением самых прогрессивных технологий, очень затруднительно реализовывать продукцию в необходимых объемах. Рассмотрены факторы, влияющие на динамику потребительского поведения. Анализируя сбытовую политику предприятий целесообразно рассмотреть отдельно две составляющие части процесса, это товародвижение и, непосредственно процесс реализации продукции. Цифровые технологии могут быть применены в каждой из них, но подходы существенно различаются. В данном исследовании проанализированы новые возможности, которые дает цифровой маркетинг. Процесс маркетинговых коммуникаций, благодаря применению современных маркетинговых технологий позволяет вывести маркетинговые коммуникации на новый уровень, что имеет особую актуальность в период кризиса, поскольку доходы населения в этот период заметно снижаются и подтолкнуть их к покупке становится труднее. На настоящем этапе представляется целесообразным рассмотреть для применения каких прогрессивных технологий в Красноярском крае созрели условия.

Ключевые слова: товародвижение, агропродовольственный рынок, инфраструктура, цифровой маркетинг, цифровые технологии, исследование, традиционный маркетинг, клиентская база, факторы, оптимизация, адаптация, актуальность, консалтинговое агентство, воронка продаж, поисковая система, эффективность продаж, преимущества, интерактивный маркетинг, таргетированная реклама.


© The Author(s) 2021

NEZAMOVA Olga Alekseevna, associate professor, candidate of economic sciences, associate professor of the

department «Logistics and marketing at agribusiness» Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira, 90, e-mail: 2127769@mail.ru) OLENtSOVA Julia Anatolievna, senior teacher of the department « Foreign language» Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University (660049, Russia, Krasnoyarsk, prospect Mira, 90, e-mail: tutor.eng@yandex.ru) Abstract. The article considers the sales promotion system and the possibilities of its development and improvement through the use of progressive, digital marketing technologies on the example of the agro-industrial complex of the Krasnoyarsk region. This problem is particularly relevant in times of crisis, because it is very difficult to sell products in the required volumes without competent sales promotion, with the use of the most advanced technologies. The factors influencing the dynamics of consumer behavior are considered. Analyzing the sales policy of enterprises, it is advisable to consider separately two components of the process, this is the movement of goods and, directly, the process of selling products. Digital technologies can be applied in each of them, but the approaches differ significantly. This study analyzes the new opportunities offered by digital marketing. The process of marketing communications through the use of modern marketing techniques helps to view marketing communications to a new level, that is particularly relevant in times of crisis, as the incomes of the population decreased substantially and push them to buy becomes difficult. At the present stage, it seems appropriate to consider what advanced technologies are ripe for the application in the Krasnoyarsk region.

Keywords: commodity movement, agri-food market, infrastructure, digital marketing, digital technologies, research, traditional marketing, customer base, factors, optimization, adaptation, relevance, consulting agency, sales funnel, search engine, sales efficiency, advantages, interactive marketing, targeted advertising.


Problem definition in general form and its connection with important scientific and practical tasks. One of the key challenges of effective development for the agro-industrial complex (AIC) is the organization of the sales process in agricultural enterprises with minimal loss, as in this period they are large enough. The solution to this problem will help identify the factors that most significantly affect the optimization of the sales process, offer tools for adapting to modern

market conditions using advanced digital marketing technologies, and analyze the possibilities of using digital marketing [1-3].

In the modern market economy, no commodity market is able to do without a developed and effective system of commodity movement. This is even more relevant for the agri-food market, since this market deals with perishable products, the need to store them in special conditions, requires a high speed of turnover and the presence of transport and

NEZAMOVA Olga Alekseevna and others


Azimut of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration. 2021. T.10. №3(36)p-ISSN: 2309-1762; e-ISSN: 2712-8482

distribution centers. The process of product distribution has a significant impact on the formation of the final price of the product. In developed countries the cost of goods movement accounts for 25-35% of total costs. According to some enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk region, this figure reaches 50%. Therefore, the rationalization of these costs will reduce the final price of food products and make them more accessible to the consumer. Despite the conducted research, there are a number of unresolved problems in the issues of commodity distribution for agricultural products [4-7].

In the period of digitalization of the national economy, the merger of traditional marketing technologies and new trends in the development of digital (electronic) marketing becomes particularly relevant.

Analysis of recent researches and publications. This problem, due to its relevance, practical significance and lack of elaboration, was given a lot of attention by Russian scientists. This problem was given special attention in the works of N. D. Avarsky, E. V. Anisimov, E. V. Vasiliev, M. M. Ishmuratov, S. V. Koteev, K. V Kulagin, V. V. Lavrikov, S. U. Nuraliev, A. N. Osipov, N. A. Prolygina. The problems of development, improvement and functioning of the agri-food market are revealed in the works of such scientists as A. I. Altukhova, N. A. Borkhunov, A. P. Zinchenko, G. A. Polunin, A. E. Romanov, A. F. Serkov and a number of other scientists.

As a methodological basis for the study, the works of foreign scientists on the problems of improving the system of commodity movement in the agro-industrial complex were also used [8-11].

Methods of statistical, economic and logical analysis, methods of economic comparison were used in the work. The analytical materials of individual agricultural enterprises, scientific works of research institutions and materials of scientific conferences and seminars served as the information base of the study.


Formation of the article goals. The purpose of this study is to analyze the possibilities of using digital marketing in the organization of the sales process at agricultural enterprises, which has developed for this period in the Krasnoyarsk region, to identify the factors that most significantly affect its optimization, to offer tools for adapting to modern market conditions using advanced digital marketing technologies that will significantly improve communication with the consumer.

Methods, techniques, and technologies used in the study.

As a methodological basis for the study, the works of foreign scientists on the problems of improving the system of product distribution in the agro-industrial complex were also used. Methods of statistical, economic and logical analysis, methods of economic comparison were used in the work on the article. The analytical materials of individual agricultural enterprises, scientific works of research institutions and materials of scientific conferences and seminars served as the information base of the study.


Presentation of the main research material with full justification of the scientific results. Marketing activities at agricultural enterprises combine two heterogeneous processes: commodity movement and direct sale of agri-food products. At the current stage of development, both of these processes require the use of digital marketing, but the approach to its application will be different.

In the modern market economy, no commodity market is able to do without a developed and effective system of commodity movement. This is even more relevant for the agri-food market, since this market deals with perishable products, the need to store them in special conditions, requires a high speed of turnover and the presence of transport and distribution centers [12-14].

The process of product distribution has a significant impact on the formation of the final price for the product. In developed countries, the cost of goods movement accounts for

about 30 % of total costs. According to some enterprises of the Krasnoyarsk region, this figure is even higher. Therefore, the rationalization of these costs will reduce the final price of food products and make them more accessible to the consumer. The formation of effective commodity distribution systems makes it possible to increase the level of service, reduce transport costs, and minimize inventory. In addition, the acceleration of the commodity movement process accelerates the turnover of agricultural products, which help to keep the quality of agricultural products higher.

Despite the conducted research, there are a number of unresolved problems in the issues of commodity distribution of agricultural products. The process of product distribution requires further development and improvement.

The process of commodity movement for agricultural products is even more complex than the commodity movement of industrial products due to certain features. For example, agricultural products have large physical volumes, the production of these products depends on the climatic conditions, the production cycle is quite long, the products have a pronounced seasonality, which entails uneven sales, sharp seasonal price fluctuations, short shelf life of products [15-17].

As one of the problems of organizing the goods movement, we can note the lack of marketing activity. In our opinion, not enough attention is paid to the use of advanced digital marketing tools in the process of product distribution to form the market of goods, form a customer base, first familiarize potential buyers with the product, provide customers with information about the product, the place and conditions of purchase, and a number of other issues.

Digital marketing contributes to the effective promotion of products and businesses through digital channels, which significantly increases the targeting of marketing activities, expands the reach of consumers and at the same time saves the budget and helps to adapt advertising to a specific consumer. This area of marketing is often referred to as digital marketing.

The most common channels of digital promotion are considered to be search engines, websites, social networks, e-mail, and various mobile offers. Such digital promotion channels as digital television, game consoles, interactive screens are currently not very actively used, but they are in constant development. In the United States and several other developed countries in Europe, digital advertising costs exceed TV advertising costs, since 2017, in some industries, up to 40% of the advertising budget is spent on digital advertising. In Russia, this figure is much lower and not all enterprises actively use digital marketing technologies, but their development is accelerating [18-20].

The market economy involves complex multi-sided competitive relations. This is not only a question of the competitiveness for the companies or products that it produces, but also competition in the coverage of the market, in mastering a larger share of it, in forming a larger customer base, in using the most effective means of communication, in shaping the image of the company. Almost all of these tasks are most effectively solved with the help of digital marketing. Digital marketing has to constantly be in touch with target audience, maintain long-term relationships with them, form and increase consumer loyalty to the brand and increase sales of products.

The main factors that contribute to the development of digital technologies are:

- the availability of large data sets and the ability to process them quickly;

- the ability to build long-term relationships with customers, which can be built on a large number of channels;

- the ability to quickly receive feedback from the consumer and adjust advertising activities.

It is advisable to create an effective sales system, without losses, by building a sales funnel. It makes it possible to understand what the client wants and to build a benevolent and long-term relationship with him. The sales funnel represents

Азимут научных исследований: экономика и управление.

2021. Т.10 №3(36)p-ISSN: 2309-1762; e-ISSN: 2712-8482


the customer's path from the first click to making a purchase, it is a sequence of stages that the customer goes through before making a purchase. Digital marketing helps to go this way as comfortably as possible [21,22].

Until now, most marketers have used the sales funnel as a reporting element. However, it has a powerful potential as a tool for increasing profits. Since the sales funnel involves leading the customer from the moment of his first response to advertising, the appearance of the first interest in the product until the moment of making a purchase, there are opportunities to clearly structure marketing activities and qualitatively segment the market.

LLC "Iskra" is currently working on creating a sales funnel using digital marketing to improve the effectiveness of promoting its products. The classic model includes 4 steps or stages that correspond to the consumer's thinking. They are usually referred to by the abbreviation AIDA, which reveals the sequence of the client's thinking: Attention, Interest, Desire, Action.

The second stage assumes that the customer is interested in the product and needs to help them compare their products with similar ones, make them think about buying, but not offer it too aggressively, which can scare the customer away. At this stage, the customer needs to offer additional information about their product in an interesting way.

At the third stage, it is necessary to encourage the customer to make a purchase. It is proposed to develop methodological recommendations for the employee in charge of digital-marketing activities, with a selection of very interesting content that does not sell, but helps to choose a product, data from product quality studies, inform the consumer about discounts, bonuses, preferential delivery, and various guarantees. It is necessary to understand that it is during this period that the consumer compares various product options and bonuses with the products and bonuses of competitors, so the product must be presented in the most favourable light and speed up the decision to purchase. These offers should be very tempting and time-limited, and should encourage quick decision-making.

The fourth stage involves the customer's action to make a purchase. Thus, the client reaches the bottom of the funnel, but this does not mean that the work with him is finished. It should be remembered that a lot of work has been done with the client and it will be much easier to persuade him to repurchase than initially because he already trusts the company to some extent, knows about the company and is ready to cooperate. You need to continue working with this client, push him to further purchases and make efforts to retain the client.

Thus, we see that the sales funnel is a fairly effective means of improving the promotion of products and helps to form the market in the process of product movement. At the company LLC "Iskra", it was revealed that thanks to the sales funnel, it is possible to determine where our customers and consumers of products are from, which tools of influence are more preferable for them; to track where and why we lose customers, how this can be prevented, to predict the possibility of increasing profits and market coverage.

To form an effective sales funnel, the company carried out preparatory work to identify the target audience, to determine the strengths of the product and brand. Serious work was carried out on the formation of a unique trade offer, which was supposed to attract the attention of customers with the value of the product, show the profitability of the offer and emphasize its exclusivity and competitive advantages, inform about discounts [23,24].


Comparison of the results obtained with the results in other studies. Then, from the moment the first applications appear on the site, it is advisable to conduct an advertising campaign and start forming interest in the product among the target audience. It is necessary to consider both the strengths of the product being sold and the responses to possible objections from customers. The belief of the clients must be

tactful, unobtrusive.

The sales funnel, to increase its effectiveness, requires constant analysis and correction. At each stage, it is necessary to identify the reasons for the loss of customers and adjust the offer to minimize these losses.

The effectiveness of a sales funnel is determined using an indicator such as the conversion of the sales funnel, which is defined as the ratio of possible purchases to completed ones.

Despite the fact that the work on the application of digital marketing is still at the very beginning, however, it has already affected the expansion of the customer base and an increase in market share. The company also signed a number of contracts for the supply of meat, dairy, vegetable products and semi-finished products. Currently, work is underway to conclude contracts for the supply of products to cafes and restaurants. It is planned to expand trade from mobile counters, as this form of trade is well suited for perishable products.

New media, in comparison with traditional ones, have a number of advantages that are in demand by modern consumers. For example, they transmit content in a more diverse way. Such messages can use text, numbers, graphs, photos, videos, pictures, and other communication elements. However, the use of new media requires that employees have certain professional skills and have sophisticated technical equipment.

The new media can run 24/7/365, which is not available to employees, and is personalized because it focuses on customer feedback. Access to the information is round-the-clock, and the information is updated periodically. A significant advantage of digital marketing is a wider audience reach.

The number of people using various gadgets to get information, including advertising, is constantly increasing. Only 28% of respondents use the Internet, compared to 24% in 2020, these are usually young people. But in combination with other means of communication, the Internet is used by about 70% of respondents, compared to 67% in 2020. In in-depth interviews, people note that they have more confidence in the information received from the Internet than in the information received from television channels. In our opinion, it is the Internet information that is most appropriate to use for the formation of relations between the subjects of the food market. Today, an increasing number of customers prefer digital-marketing.


Conclusions of the study. In general, we can say that digital marketing globally changes the nature of the company's communications with customers and makes it possible to turn potential customers into real customers and for the long term. In the previous period, the main communication consisted of phone calls, advertising banners, flyers in mailboxes, etc. Moreover, when we called the client, we did not know whether he has time for a conversation, what his interests are at the moment, whether he wants to know something about our company, whether he is currently interested in the discounts offered and much more, but now the business is at arm's length and available, thanks to gadgets at any time of the day. Advertising banners can also go unnoticed, because the buyer is not currently looking for this information. People may also not look in their mailboxes for weeks, and our flyers will remain unclaimed.

We see a very different picture when using digital marketing. Here, a potential client has the opportunity to get any information that interests him on request, in the shortest possible time and with any degree of detail, ask additional questions and do it at any time convenient for themselves, at any time of the day. A potential client will be helped to choose an offer that will be suitable for him personally.

Prospects for further research in this area. Thus, we can say that the abundance of digital communications replaces the seller and leads the potential customer to buy. The use of digital technologies becomes a condition for the survival of the company in the market in times of crisis.

NEZAMOVA Olga Alekseevna and others


Traditional marketing techniques in these conditions are no longer enough, marketing should become more diverse, bright, interesting, comfortable, targeted. The use of digital tools makes it possible to increase the targeting of appeals, avoid spending on a useless audience and consider the characteristics of the individual, its interests and scope of activity. The formation of a sales funnel using digital marketing is the most promising in the current period and helps for an integrated approach to the promotion of products, including agri-food products. REFERENCES:

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24. Nezamova O. A. and Olentsova J A 2020 Monitoring Consumer Behaviour in the Food Market in the Krasnoyarsk Region of Russia International Conference on Efficient Production and Processing (ICEPP-2020) 161 01080

Azimut of Scientific Research: Economics and Administration. 2021. T.10. №3(36)p-ISSN: 2309-1762; e-ISSN: 2712-8482

Статья поступила в редакцию 06.03.2021 Статья принята к публикации 27.08.2021

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