Научная статья на тему 'Improving the game with a fast breakthrough basketball players of 15-16 years'

Improving the game with a fast breakthrough basketball players of 15-16 years Текст научной статьи по специальности «Медицинские технологии»

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Аннотация научной статьи по медицинским технологиям, автор научной работы — Yarullin A.R., Danilova G.R.

The article tells about one of the most popular tactical interactions are the fast break system. It has many options, but the goal of all of them is the same the ball must be delivered under the opponent’s ring before the defense has time to organize. The author considers that a quick breakthrough is a well-designed and organized attack system. An attack can start from any place on the court, but very often the attack option depends on the place where a quick breakout starts. As a rule, long or short transmission, guidance or a combination of these techniques are used. The better a team is prepared, the better it will be able to identify and use attack methods.

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Совершенствование игры быстрым прорывом у баскетболистов 15-16 лет

Раскрывается один из самых популярных видов тактического взаимодействия система быстрого прорыва. Она имеет множество вариантов, но цель всегда одна мяч должен быть доставлен под кольцо противника прежде, чем защита успеет организоваться. Авторы утверждают, что быстрый прорыв это хорошо продуманная и организованная система нападения. Атака может начинаться с любого места площадки, но очень часто от места начала быстрого прорыва зависит вариант атаки. Исследуются техника длинной и короткой передачи, ведение или сочетание этих приёмов. Чем лучше подготовлена команда, тем лучше она сумеет определить и использовать методы атаки.

Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the game with a fast breakthrough basketball players of 15-16 years»

УДК 796.323 ББК 75.566


A.R. Yarullin, G.R. Danilova

Volga Region Academy of Physical Culture of Sport and Tourism, Kazan, Russia

The article tells about one of the most popular tactical interactions are the fast break system. It has many options, but the goal of all of them is the same — the ball must be delivered under the opponent's ring before the defense has time to organize. The author considers that a quick breakthrough is a well-designed and organized attack system. An attack can start from any place on the court, but very often the attack option depends on the place where a quick breakout starts. As a rule, long or short transmission, guidance or a combination of these techniques are used. The better a team is prepared, the better it will be able to identify and use attack methods.

Keywords: tactics, technique, young basketball players.

Introduction. Basketball is a team game, the result depends on the correct, rapid and accurate interaction of all players. Fast break is one of the main components of a successful team play. Particular attention in the development of the game with a quick rush should be paid at the age of 15-16 years old, since this age is important in the development of basic physical qualities that help to develop the game with a fast breakthrough [1].

Possessing high dynamism, emotionality, individualism and at the same time collectivism, basketball is one of the most effective factors for comprehensive physical development. Basketball-develops all the important physical qualities: speed, speed-strength, coordination abilities, flexibility and endurance. Almost all functional systems of the body and the main mechanisms of energy supply are involved in the work. The specifics of competitive basketball activities place highly depend on the development of speed and power abilities of players. The speed-strength qualities are characterized by unsaturated muscle tensions, manifested with the necessary, often maximum, power in exercises performed at a considerable speed, but not reaching, as a rule, the limiting barrier. They manifest themselves in motor actions, in which, along with considerable muscle strength, quickness of movements is also required. Thus, in a game activity, all these physical qualities manifest themselves in combination with each other. The majority of technical and tactical methods in the form and nature of the actions belong to the group of speed exercises. Requirements of the payers ability are in indicators: the height of jumps, the speed of performing various techniques, the speed of movement, the manifestations of dexterity and endurance [3].

The leading trend of modern basketball is the struggle not only for the speed of increasing the speed of jerks of individual movements, but also in the ability to quickly and accurately perform complex techniques at maximum speed of movement, the ability to perform and prevent the rapid development of attack and throw into the basket, the ability to withstand a high pace until the end games [2].

Purpose of the research. A theoretical basis, to develop and to determine the efficacy of a complex of exercises to improve the game fast break in basketball 15-16.

Research results and discussion. In our study, thanks to the methods of statistical processing of games, we removed the initial statistical data of competitive activity of the game with a fast break in the experimental and control groups of basketball players aged 15-16.

The program of the state standard approved the distribution of training hours for all types of training. Every coach develops lesson plans and training sessions. Therefore, it was not difficult to implement the developed set of exercises for improveing the game with a rapid breakthrough in the training process of the experimental group.

At the beginning of the study, tests were carried out, which revealed the initial performance of the game by a rapid breakthrough of basketball players 15-16 years in the control and experimental groups.

The test results showed that:

- «Interception of the ball» — the main indicator of the game in defense, and an integral part of it is the mastery of the technique of movement. In this game indicator, the experimental group loses the control, the average result of groups 10 and 11, respectively.

Improving the Game with a Fast Breakthrough Basketball Players of 15-16 Years

- «Implemented rapid breakthrough» average results in the experimental group 4 times, and in the control group 4.7 times.

-In the indicator «unrealized rapid breakthrough» in the control group 9 times, in the control 9.7 times.

After determining the baseline statistics of competitive activity of the game rapid breakthrough basketball players 15-16 years, we found that the results of the main average performance in the experimental and control groups are equal.

The experimental group is engaged in a micro cycle 5 times a week. At each training session, which usually lasts from 90 to 135 minutes, our set of exercises is performed from 10 to 15 minutes. The complex includes three groups of exercises that we use to improve the rapid breakthrough, include a breakthrough in threes, a breakthrough in the fives and what we call the exercise «beep-beep».

After we determined the initial indicators of a rapid breakthrough, we decided to develop and implement a set of exercises in the training process of the experimental group.

1. Exercise in threes.

2. The passing game in the fives.

After the introduction of a set of exercises in the training process of the experimental group, the analysis of changes in the statistical data of competitive activity of the game by a rapid breakthrough at the end of the experiment was carried out.

For a more accurate and visual review of the statistics of competitive activity of the game by a rapid breakthrough, we have determined the increase in%, basketball players 15-16 years.

The increase in the indicator «Selection on the Board» was 4.7 % in the experimental group and 2.7 % in the control group.

«Interception of the ball» — an increase in the experimental group of 17 %, while the increase in the control group is less — 4.5 %.

«Implemented rapid breakthrough» average growth results in the experimental group of 25 %, and in the control group of 10.6 %.

In the indicator «unrealized rapid breakthrough» in the control group 11.1 %, in the control 8.2 % increase.

Thus, the test results showed that the set of exercises used by us contribute to the effective action of the game by a rapid breakthrough.

Поступила в редакцию 13 ноября 2018 г.


1. Having analyzed literary sources and improving the game features fast-break, based on the study of scientific and scientific — methodical literature identified the major components of the high-speed capabilities, also identified factors that curled result of the development of these abilities. Without a complete acquisition of the volume of knowledge and certain skills, it is impossible to train players in these game techniques with a fast-break.

2. In the initial statistics of the competitive activity of the game, a fast-break in the experimental and control groups of basketball players aged 15-16 revealed that the indicators of the experimental and control groups are equal and have no differences from each other.

3. The exercise complexes we proposed were compiled and implemented based on the analysis of the literature we studied. At each workout, which usually lasts from 90 to 115 minutes, our complex of exercises is performed from 10 to 15 minutes. The complex includes three exercises that we use to improve the game fast-break: break in threes, fives, and a breakthrough in what we call the exercise «beep-beep».

4. At the end of our experiment, the results of statistical data of competitive activity of the game were revealed by a quick breakthrough in the experimental and control groups of basketball players aged 15-16, who proved that the set of exercises we use contributes to the effective actions of the play fast-break.


1. Basketbol: nauchno-metodicheskiy vestnik: vy-pusk 1 [Basketball: methodological Bulletin: Issue 1]. St. Petersburg, 2006. 92 p. (In Russ.).

2. Krauze D.V., Meyer D., Meyer D. Basketbol — na-vyki i uprazhneniya [Basketball-skills and exercises]. Moscow, 2006. (In Russ.).

3. Nesterovskiy D.I. Basketbol: teoriya i metodika obucheniya [Basketball: theory and methods of teaching]. Moscow, 2007. 336 p. (In Russ.).

4. Lazunina I .V. Metodika sovershenstvovaniya takticheskoy podgotovki voleybolistok 15-16 let v uchebno-trenirovochnom protsesse [Methods of improvement of tactical training of volleyball players 1516 years in the training process]. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya [World of science, culture, education], 2017, no. 5 (66), pp. 164-165. (In Russ.).

Physical Culture. Sport. Tourism. Motor Recreation. 2018. Vol. 3, no. 4


A.R. Yarullin, G.R. Danilova

Для цитирования: Yarullin, A.R. Improving the Game with a Fast Breakthrough Basketball Players of 15-16 Years / A.R. Yarullin, G.R. Danilova // Физическая культура. Спорт. Туризм. Двигательная рекреация. — 2018. — Т. 3, № 4. — С. 78-80.

Совершенствование игры быстрым прорывом у баскетболистов 15-16 лет

Раскрывается один из самых популярных видов тактического взаимодействия — система быстрого прорыва. Она имеет множество вариантов, но цель всегда одна — мяч должен быть доставлен под кольцо противника прежде, чем защита успеет организоваться. Авторы утверждают, что быстрый прорыв — это хорошо продуманная и организованная система нападения. Атака может начинаться с любого места площадки, но очень часто от места начала быстрого прорыва зависит вариант атаки. Исследуются техника длинной и короткой передачи, ведение или сочетание этих приёмов. Чем лучше подготовлена команда, тем лучше она сумеет определить и использовать методы атаки.

Ключевые слова: тактика, техника, молодые баскетболисты.

Список литературы

1. Баскетбол : науч.-метод. вестн. Вып. 1. — СПб. : Олимп, 2006. — 92 с.

2. Краузе, Дж. В. Баскетбол — навыки и упражнения : пер. с англ. / Дж. В. Краузе, Д. Мейер, Дж. Мей-ер. — М. : АСТ ; Астраль, 2006. — С. 47-50.

3. Нестеровский, Д. И. Баскетбол: теория и мето-

дика обучения : учеб. пособие для студентов высш. пед. учеб. заведений / Д. И. Нестеровский. — М. : Академия, 2007. — 336 с.

4. Лазунина, И. В. Методика совершенствования тактической подготовки волейболисток 15-16 лет в учебно-тренировочном процессе / И. В. Лазунина // Мир науки, культуры, образования. — 2017. — №2 5 (66). — С. 164-165.

Сведения об авторах

Яруллин Анвар Равилевич — магистрант, Поволжская академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. anvik-96@yandex.ru

Данилова Галина Рауфовна — кандидат педагогических наук, доцент, Поволжская академия физической культуры, спорта и туризма. Казань, Россия. galinadan@inbox.ru

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