Научная статья на тему 'Improving the efficiency of the coordinate measuring machine at the company OOO " Valeo Service "'

Improving the efficiency of the coordinate measuring machine at the company OOO " Valeo Service " Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Gudkova Svetlana Anatoliyevna, Bikina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Gusarova Anna Dmitrievna

The relevance of this article lies in the fact that the efficiency of equipment has a significant impact on the relevant indicators of the enterprise, such as the financial situation, the competitiveness of the market. Ensuring the smooth operation of the equipment is one of the most important tasks for any industrial enterprise. However, the equipment can’t function continuously, since it is under constraints increase the efficiency of its use. Even a small unscheduled stop industrial complex caused by a malfunction of equipment, can lead to significant financial costs. For a better understanding of the production process and identify the constraints that hinder its effectiveness, expect to measure overall equipment effectiveness, unifying production aspects of efficiency, output of products and quality. The article analyzes the loss in the operation of a coordinate measuring machine manually. Calculated indicators of the availability and the performance equipment, the quality of the production process. During the analysis it was decided to automate control of a coordinate measuring machine, which resulted in increased equipment operation efficiency. Therefore, with proper use of the indicator overall equipment effectiveness, the company will avoid losses of time, losses associated with the rate of production and loss of product quality.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the efficiency of the coordinate measuring machine at the company OOO " Valeo Service "»

экономические науки

Гудкова Светлана Анатольевна, Бикина Екатерина Александровна, Гусарова Анна Дмитриевна ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ РАБОТЫ КООРДИНАТНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНОЙ ...

УДК 65.011


© 2016

Гудкова Светлана Анатольевна, кандидат педагогических наук, доцент кафедры «Теория и практика перевода» Бикина Екатерина Александровна, студент Гусарова Анна Дмитриевна, студент

Тольяттинский государственный университет (445020, Россия, Тольятти, улица Белорусская, 14, e-mail: office@tltsu.ru)

Аннотация. Актуальность данной статьи заключается в том, что эффективность работы оборудования оказывает большое влияние на значимые показатели деятельности предприятия, такие как финансовое положение, конкурентоспособность на рынке. Обеспечение бесперебойной работы оборудования является одной из важнейших задач любого промышленного предприятия. Однако оборудование не может функционировать постоянно, так как находится в условиях ограничений, препятствующих повышению эффективности его использования. Даже небольшая внеплановая остановка производственного комплекса, вызванная сбоем в работе оборудования, может привести к существенным финансовым издержкам. Для лучшего понимания того, как протекает процесс производства и выявления ограничений, препятствующих повышению его эффективности, используется показатель Overall Equipment Effectiveness, который объединяет производственные аспекты эффективности, выход продукции и качество одним общим показателем. В статье проанализированы потери при эксплуатации координатно-измерительной машины вручную. Рассчитываются показатели готовности и производительности оборудования, а также качества производственного процесса. В ходе анализа было принято решение автоматизировать управление координатно-измерительной машиной, что повысило эффективность работы оборудования. Следовательно, при грамотном использовании показателя OEE предприятие сможет избежать потери во времени, потери, связанные со скорость производства, а также потери качества продукции.

Ключевые слова: общая эффективность оборудования, готовность оборудования, производительность оборудования, качество производственного процесса, координатно-измерительная машина.


© 2016

Gudkova Svetlana Anatoliyevna, Scientific leader, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, Associate Professor of Theory and Practice of Translation Bikina Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, student Gusarova Anna Dmitrievna, student Togliatti State University (445020, Russia, Togliatti, street Belorusskaya 14, e-mail: office@tltsu.ru)

Abstract. The relevance of this article lies in the fact that the efficiency of equipment has a significant impact on the relevant indicators of the enterprise, such as the financial situation, the competitiveness of the market. Ensuring the smooth operation of the equipment is one of the most important tasks for any industrial enterprise. However, the equipment can't function continuously, since it is under constraints increase the efficiency of its use. Even a small unscheduled stop industrial complex caused by a malfunction of equipment, can lead to significant financial costs. For a better understanding of the production process and identify the constraints that hinder its effectiveness, expect to measure overall equipment effectiveness, unifying production aspects of efficiency, output of products and quality. The article analyzes the loss in the operation of a coordinate measuring machine manually. Calculated indicators of the availability and the performance equipment, the quality of the production process. During the analysis it was decided to automate control of a coordinate measuring machine, which resulted in increased equipment operation efficiency. Therefore, with proper use of the indicator overall equipment effectiveness, the company will avoid losses of time, losses associated with the rate of production and loss of product quality.

Keywords: overall equipment effectiveness; the availability equipment; the performance equipment; the quality of the production process; the coordinate measuring machine.

INTRODUCTION. Overall equipment effectiveness - is the main indicator of the general care of equipment (TPM) system which is the aimed at improving of production [5].

Ideally if each machine must always be in working condition and operate at any time when required. The effectiveness of the equipment always is considered to be ideal when it operates at optimal speed and during the activity it does not create situations that may cause product defects [19; 20].

However, operation of the equipment is not always perfect. Machines are not in working condition all the time. Maximum speed in the processing of products is a significant problem. In addition, sometimes the work equipment directly or indirectly contributes to the appearance of defects [9].

All these shortcomings exit due to loss of the functioning equipment. These activities above mentioned that do not create value. Losses reduce the level of equipment efficiency [7]. The conditions lead to losses related to the operation of the equipment features. Understanding and the ability to recognize different types of losses will help CEO and other managers to measure the overall effectiveness of the equipment and to improve its performance by eliminating these losses.

Losses caused by the features of the operation of the equipment, are closely linked with the elements of overall equipment effectiveness, namely the availability of equipment, performance and quality.

Availability takes into account losses associated with downtime of equipment and including any stopovers that are not part of your workflow [4]:

- faults and equipment failures;

- stops from behind of shortage of raw materials;

- lack of storage space;

- time transitions [16].

Performance takes into account losses associated with a decrease in the rate of production and include all factors causing the decrease in the operating speed of the equipment compared to the maximum possible [4]:

- depreciation of machinery;

- the use of substandard materials;

- incorrect preparation of equipment;

- inefficient operator action [16].

Quality of the production process takes into account the losses of material that occur due to the production does not correspond to certain standards of production [4; 10].

In the presence of objective baseline data, metrics of the

Гудкова Светлана Анатольевна, Бикина Екатерина Александровна, Гусарова Анна Дмитриевна ПОВЫШЕНИЕ ЭФФЕКТИВНОСТИ РАБОТЫ КООРДИНАТНО-ИЗМЕРИТЕЛЬНОЙ ...

экономические науки

overall equipment effectiveness can be calculated for the equipment for the desired time interval in order to obtain information about the performance of equipment with the ability to drill down time and outages.

Calculations of overall equipment effectiveness helps to see how effectively the equipment is used and to identify six major sources of losses of efficiency:

- stops - unplanned change tooling and unscheduled maintenance, common stops, failure auxiliary equipment;

- setting or adjustment - changeover, a planned change of tooling, downtime due to lack of materials and operators, time on startup of the equipment;

- short stop equipment - stop up to five minutes, which does not require the intervention of support staff;

- reduced productivity - problems that reduce the speed of the equipment compared to the speed in the passport;

- marriage at startup - marriage produced during startup, warm-up or other early stages of operation of the equipment;

- production marriage - marriage obtained in the process of production [3 ; 17]

The main obstacle to the efficiency of the equipment is delays. As a result of equipment downtime, businesses cannot use up to 40% of their production capacity [1]. Outages cause disruption of production plan, changes in the delivery of products, lower quality products [14].

In the table below, you can observe how the overall equipment effectiveness is calculated: the result is the product of three elements - availability, performance and quality [13].

Table 1 - Overall Equipment Effectiveness

Measurement of overall equipment effectiveness involves monitoring the functioning of the equipment or the process. The definition of overall equipment effectiveness is based on daily recording of indicators reflecting the condition of the equipment [6].

Monitoring overall equipment effectiveness will help to identify not only the downtime due to breakdowns but and losses due to inefficient settings of equipment, reduction the performance it of work or waiting for the materials. Overall equipment effectiveness will trace the influence of the current performance of a single piece of equipment on the efficiency of the whole production. Thus, overall equipment effectiveness can be seen as an effective tool for the management of production equipment [11; 12.]

CALCULATION OF OVERALL EQUIPMENT EFFECTIVENESS. The company of OOO «Valeo Service» has got test / measurement laboratory, which is equipped with coordinate measuring machines. Coordinate measuring machine - a device for measuring the physical geometrical characteristics of an object. The machine can be operated manually by the operator or automated computer. Measurements are performed by a sensor attached to the movable machine axes [2]. In this lab coordinate measuring machine controlled manually by the operator. This reduces the efficiency of the measurement object.

In the laboratory the operator CMM was recording the time spent on the measurement of five equal parts for five days. The average time spent on the measurement of a single detail was calculated as a result of information gathering. The results are shown in the Table 2.

Table 2 - The time spent on the measurement of the five components during five days

Total working time

A Planned working time Losses due to planned stoppages

В Operating time (planned production) Losses due to downtime regulated

С Net operating time (actual production) Losses of the processing

и Total productive time 1 Losses of quality

Details September Date

19 20 21 22 23

1 The time spent 38 30 29 30 28

2 on a single 30 30 31 28 34

3 measurement, 34 29 39 30 30 30

4 urn- 30 31 33 28 30

5 31 30 29 35 31

BCD ::: = - *--- - : : , ABC


where — - equipment availability;

—- performance; В

Z-- quality.


Ratio of A and B reflects the equipment availability. Planned working time - total time difference of work and time for the scheduled shutdowns [8]. Operating time - the actual time during which the equipment works. To find the operating time should be subtracted from planned time failures and malfunctions equipment [15].

Ratio of C and B reflects the performance. For operational time machine can handle a certain number of details subject to continuous operation at a constant speed. The processing speed of products is reduced due to the short-term deviations, as a result, the number of parts processed on the machine may differ from planned production [18].

Ratio of D and C reflects the quality of the production process. A large part of actual production are high-quality products. Sometimes part of the production is of low quality, so these products has to be culled or reworked. Defects often occur when starting the equipment, thereby reduce the share of high quality products [1l; 17].

OVerall equipment effectiveness consists of three stages:

1. The calculation of overall equipment effectiveness.

2. Definition of the reasons of loss and determining how to resolve them.

3. Automation of performance monitoring overall equipment effectiveness.

Picture 1 - Object measuring process

At the beginning of the work the operator starts the coordinate measuring machine manually and installs a head for measurement. On average, it takes 5 minutes. Next, the operator manually operates and moves the measuring head. After the measurement, to which contains average of 10 minutes, the operator changes the head and continues to measure. Measurement speed of the head is small, since the process takes place manually. Thus, the average measurement time is 30 minutes. After the work done, the operator removes the head and turns off coordinate measuring machine.

From the above we can identify losses in the measurement process:

- removal / installation head;

- the speed of movement of the head;

- the replacement of the head during the measurement.

Based on data we calculate the availability, performance

equipment and the quality of the production process.


Equipment availability —


where В - machine time; : - net working time.


экономические Гудкова Светлана Анатольевна, Бикина Екатерина Александровна, Гусарова Анна Дмитриевна


Perfamanee = — , (3)

where D - actual production; С - planned production.

Quality = - , (4)

where F - quality products;

E - actual production.

We calculate overall equipment effectiveness.

OEE = 1 - 0,8 * 0,4 * 100% = 32%

On the basis of the losses identified in the measurement process, it was decided to manage the coordinate measuring machine automatically. For this purpose the contact sensors were purchased.

After the introduction of measures the time for installation / removal of heads reduced from five to two minutes. The speed of movement of the head increased. The average measurement time was reduced to 14 minutes.

56 5 4

0EE = = 72%

61 J D

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Thus, the company of «Valeo Service» has increased the efficiency of the coordinate measuring machine.


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