Научная статья на тему 'Improving the efficiency of extraction high cost crystals by blasting method'

Improving the efficiency of extraction high cost crystals by blasting method Текст научной статьи по специальности «Технологии материалов»

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Аннотация научной статьи по технологиям материалов, автор научной работы — Boiko M.E., Borovikov V.A., Grigor'Ev M.N.

Article from the logistics point addresses the issue of increasing the efficiency of extraction of precious stones using explosive technologies. Particular attention is paid to modeling of diamond using gentle methods of destruction of rocks enclosing the gems.

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Текст научной работы на тему «Improving the efficiency of extraction high cost crystals by blasting method»



УДК 662.236.49

M.E. Boiko

Ph.D., Senior Researcher The Ioffe Institute St. Petersburg, Russian Federation V.A. Borovikov Doctor of technical sciences, Professor Peter the Great St.Petersburg Polytechnic University St. Petersburg, Russian Federation M.N. Grigoriev PhD of technical sciences, Professor Baltic State Technical University «VOENMECH» named after D. F. Ustinov St. Petersburg, Russian Federation




Article from the logistics point addresses the issue of increasing the efficiency of extraction of precious stones using explosive technologies. Particular attention is paid to modeling of diamond using gentle methods of destruction of rocks enclosing the gems.


Explosion, gems mining, kimberlitic tube, rock destruction, high modulus crystals, small-angle x-ray scattering (an

experimental technique), diamonds.

The modern economy requires the production of expensive crystals. Usually, such crystals are in very strong rocks. Often mechanical means for destruction of solid rocks containing such crystals is not effective, therefore, for the extraction of large volumes of rock mass is widely used the blasting operations. In the general case, blasting may be considered as logistics operations [1, с. 7, 9, 35, 71]. The contours of the crystals field can be mapped with high accuracy using satellite technologies [2, с. 10, 13, 17]; [2, с. 55, 61, 80, 82].

Often as a result of blasting the expensive crystals are destroyed, they appear with cracks and chips [4, с. 5, 7, 9]; [5, с. 3, 6, 8, 11].

The state of preservation of precious stones is determined by the maximum mass of stones, prepared for cutting and has no artificial disturbances.

With respect to the entire mass of the crystal raw materials mined exponent its safety is the average weight (size of) a stone cutting and polishing materials.

The basic principle of breaking the crystal-containing ores is to limit the quantity of explosive loads, sufficient to separate the volume of interest to us and ore crushing mainly natural fractures.

Increasing the size of crushing rock mass leads not only to a decrease in the total of the newly formed surface, but also reduces the probability of getting crystals on the surface of the resulting fragments, thereby reducing the degree of impairment of the explosion, as it was the crystals, was on the surface, have the highest injury and of little use for subsequent processing.

To reduce the loss of crystal raw materials in processes of explosive production and subsequent transportation of mined rock from the bottom to the concentrator should be sought to increase the size of the conditioned pieces, to carry out the destruction of oversized non-explosive manner, limit the height of the fall of the rock mass, provide

МЕЖДУНАРОДНЫЙ НАУЧНЫЙ ЖУРНАЛ «ИННОВАЦИОННАЯ НАУКА» №12/2015 ISSN 2410-6070 direct supply crystal housing ore at the factory, bypassing the ore stockpile (reducing the number of transshipments); eliminate sudden changes in temperature during its ore processing at the processing plant in the winter.

Today, the foundation of explosive mining gems raw materials used up in this or that combination of techniques for controlling the dynamic effects that are collectively referred to in the scientific literature, sparing technology.

Development issues sparing technology applied to diamond devoted to the work [5, с. 4, 7, 10]; [6, с. 57, 59, 62]; [7]. To achieve the objectives, fundamental research in the field of formation and deformation of the inertial stress fields and the establishment of an area in an experimental setting micro breaking rise dynamic strength of minerals and rocks by shock loading and spalling.

To characterize the dynamics of fracture and domains education in these plates was selected one of the nondestructive X-ray research methods - the method of small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) [5, 6, 7], applicable to a wide class of materials [4, 8].

The use of SAXS, sensitive to the appearance of hidden defects in the crystalline superstructure objects revealed that the use of explosives in mining modified granulite zone increases the actual split of maintaining the quality of high-modulus crystals, i.e., cracking zone kimberlitic high modulus crystals retain their quality. Analysis of the results of experiments showed that the use of the extraction of explosive from granulite modified significantly increased the yield of unhampered crystals at the blast mining.

Fracture zone kimberlite does not coincide with the area of undisturbed existence brittle crystals. At high speed, the blast zones coincide. When using soft explosion destruction zone Kimberlite was significantly greater than the area where were we found unbroken the high modulus crystals. SAXS allows you to objectively evaluate these areas of destruction gems defining the dynamics of change in the size of domains (due to the formation of defects) in high-modulus crystals with increasing distance from the center of the blast. References:

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5. Boiko M.E., Boiko A.M., Borovikov V.A., Grigoriev M.N., Karlina L.B., Sharkov M.D. X-ray methods сharacterization of domain formations in rocks by shock wave loading//DATIS/ENPI seminar program at Lappeenranta University of Technology/8-10 December 2014, Lappeenranta, Finland, pp.1-14.

6. Григорьев М.Н., Бойко А.М., Бойко М.Е., Боровиков В.А., Шарков М.Д. Характеризация рентгеновскими методами доменообразования скальных горных пород при взрывном нагружении //Инновационные технологии и технические средства специального назначения. Труды VII Общероссийской научно-практической конференции. Сер. "Библиотека журнала "Военмех. Вестник БГТУ"" 2015. С. 54-63.

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© M.E. Boiko, V.A. Borovikov, M.N. Grigoriev, 2015 © М.Е. Бойко, В.А. Боровиков, М.Н. Григорьев, 2015

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