Научная статья на тему 'Improving speech skills using e-books

Improving speech skills using e-books Текст научной статьи по специальности «Компьютерные и информационные науки»

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Ключевые слова
language and literature / law / methodology / student / speech skills / язык и литература / право / методология / студент / речевые навыки

Аннотация научной статьи по компьютерным и информационным наукам, автор научной работы — Khoshimova D. U.

One of the important components in the education of future specialists is language training. So, if the law and the legal sphere are a means of influencing the behavior of people in society, then language in this case is an instrument that each of the subjects of law should possess, performing various functions of language. Communicative, dissemination and formation of knowledge, means of development and education of a person, as well as the formation of legal awareness and legal culture. In this regard, and from this point of view, the main goal of language teaching at the university is the formation and improvement of skills and abilities in the educational and professional sphere of communication, both orally and in writing. In this regard, the problem of studying language and literature by students of law schools seems to us relevant.

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.
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Улучшение речевых навыков с помощью электронных книг

В статье данные основные понятие термина электронной книги и показаны методы создания таких учебников. Использование электронных учебников открывает новые возможности в организации учебного процесса, а также в развитии творческих способностей обучающихся. Совместными усилиями работников сферы образования, ученых, программистов, производителей мультимедийных и электронных средств обучения и преподавателей-практиков создается новая информационная образовательная среда, в которой определяющим становится интеграция образовательных и информационных подходов к содержанию образования, методам и технологиям обучения.

Текст научной работы на тему «Improving speech skills using e-books »


1. Saodat E. Kamilova Elaboración de cursos modernos de actualización de calificaciones para profesores-filólogos: de la demanda a su implementación// Revista de Investigación Apuntes Universitarios. - Vol. 11 Núm. 3 (2021); Гибралтарская О. Н. Репрезентация художественных систем М. Булгакова, А. Платонова, Б. Пастернака //Филология и лингвистика. - 2020. - №. 2. - С. 1-3.; Эгамбердиева Г.М. Эффективность использования технологии полного усвоения знаний в воу// XV1 Виноградовские чтения. - Ташкент, 2020. - С.200-203.; Алимова Н.Х. Метод «МХАТ» на практических занятиях по литературе для направления «Русский язык и литература» в Узбекистане // Русский язык за рубежом. 2019. № 6 (277). С.75-81; Балтабаева А.М. ТРИЗ-загадки при изучении восточной повести «Каиб» И.А. Крылова// Филология и лингвистика. - № 1, 2017. - С.1-3.

2. См. вебинар на тему «ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ В XXI ВЕКЕ: НОВЫЙ МИР?» от 16.01.2021 (режим доступа: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYbdusMODyY)

Улучшение речевых навыков с помощью электронных книг

Хашимова Д.У.

ТГЮУ, Ташкент

Improving speech skills using e-books

Khoshimova D. U.

TSUL, Тashkent

Аннотация. В статье данные основные понятие термина электронной книги и показаны методы создания таких учебников. Использование электронных учебников открывает новые возможности в организации учебного процесса, а также в развитии творческих способностей обучающихся. Совместными усилиями работников сферы образования, ученых, программистов, производителей мультимедийных и электронных средств обучения и преподавателей-практиков создается новая информационная образовательная среда, в которой определяющим становится интеграция образовательных и информационных подходов к содержанию образования, методам и технологиям обучения.

Ключевые слова: язык и литература, право, методология, студент, речевые навыки.

Abstract: One of the important components in the education of future specialists is language training. So, if the law and the legal sphere are a means of influencing the behavior of people in society, then language in this case is an instrument that each of the subjects of law should possess, performing various functions of language. Communicative, dissemination and formation of knowledge, means of development and education of a person, as well as the formation of legal awareness and legal culture. In this regard, and from this point of view, the main goal

of language teaching at the university is the formation and improvement of skills and abilities in the educational and professional sphere of communication, both orally and in writing. In this regard, the problem of studying language and literature by students of law schools seems to us relevant.

Keywords: language and literature, law, methodology, student, speech skills.

The electronic multimedia textbook on the Russian language for law students created and used by us in self - education developed in the Windows XP Professional system and intended for undergraduate students of the direction "Jurisprudence" (4). The purpose of the electronic textbook - improving language skills in training and professional sphere taking into account the real level of linguistic knowledge and communicative skills of students in the groups with the Uzbek language education. Civic education and legal culture, moral and legal responsibility for their actions, feelings of belonging to the global legal community, the skills of reasoned participate in conversations and discussions.

This textbook includes such electronic multimedia programs as "Uzbekistan-an independent state", "The Path to the profession", "Professional ethics of a lawyer", "From the history of Jurisprudence", "Legal education of young people", "Personality and Society" and others. Analyzing texts collected from the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan, criminal, criminal procedural, and Administrative Codes of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Examples of criminal Chronicles and trial, examining the judicial functions of the Prosecutor's office and legal services, the rights and responsibilities of young people, students not only improve the legal culture, but also have the opportunity to shape their social position. The textbook presents detailed scenarios of conversations-reflections, conversations-dialogues, situational-legal and discussion workshops, as well as situations for discussion. The legal responsibility of parents for raising children, the legal basis of family relations, the impact of modern information technologies on young people, the two sides of the trial - prosecutor and lawyer, issues of legal proceedings, responsibility of minors in the field of civil legal relations. Prevention of offenses and crimes, portrait of a modern young man, education of a healthy lifestyle, the negative impact of drugs and alcohol on the development of civil society, etc. Each topic preceded by a list of communication tasks. The content of the educational material characterized by problematic texts, novelty, and informative content. The textbook presents multimedia material that includes various types of tasks, video excerpts from feature films and documentaries, and visual material that aimed at activating students' activities. Each topic contains multimedia lexical and grammatical material, organized according to the functional and semantic principle, taking into account the thematic principle.

The presented electronic multimedia system of exercises and tasks aimed at ensuring that students fully understand the theoretical data of the proposed material and the ability to use this data both orally and in writing. When composing grammar tasks and exercises, we used electronic multimedia programs that pursue real communication goals (requesting and receiving information) and act as a means of stimulating verbal communication of students and a tool for organizing the

communicative interaction of users. When creating this electronic multimedia textbook, we guided by the following definition and characteristics: an electronic textbook is an electronic publication that partially replaces or supplements the textbook and approved as this type of publication. It includes hypertext (text presented in electronic form and equipped with an extensive system of links that allows you instantly move from one fragment to another). intellectual core (a special set of programs that implement operations in numerical and symbolic forms), computer explanation (an explanation that uses visibility, inductive reasoning and the formation of concepts by answering questions like "yes" and "no" , etc.), computer solution (a solution that is not used without a computer), visualization (representation in a visual form using drawings, graphs and animation). When using multimedia, a comprehensive and visual presentation of educational material takes place and self-control skills formed. The development of auditory-pronouncing skills carried out because of a completely coherent text or its fragments. Introduction to the learning process of multimedia (for example, reading literary works by an announcer), forms the skills of perception of the sounding speech, a deep understanding of the interaction of linguistic (lexical-grammatical composition and intonation) and extra linguistic means in the course of forming the meaning of the utterance in the sounding speech. The use of multimedia in the process of teaching oral speech significantly stimulates the development of speech, and most importantly-affects the initiative of students, promotes their active participation, in general, increases interest in learning the language. Multimedia, capturing the student's attention, helps to increase interest in the topic studied, the accumulation of regional knowledge, thereby significantly improving the quality of Russian language classes. It seems that the systematic use of multimedia opens up broad prospects for the use of various materials, techniques and teaching tools in Russian language classes, which, of course, significantly intensifies the educational process. The problem of the impact of multimedia on the student deserves special consideration. S. A. Adilova, referring to the presentation of lexical educational material, believes that "computer technologies are the simplest and most convenient method of introducing educational material" [1:67] and further comments: "the use of computer technologies is the easiest and most comfortable way to present the lesson. The materials for the demonstration can be slides with texts, pictures, a dictionary, grammatical rules, tables, graphic images, animation effects, and voiced videos. You can use any combination of multimedia tools in each slide" [2:67]. The following judgment of S. A. Adilova is also significant: "multimedia is a more perfect, newest stage in the communicative act and interactive dialogue "man-computer". In the process of this act, the user receives a variety of information about the facts that interest him. In the process of education, the use of computer technologies is of great pedagogical and psychological importance and leads to effective results: the educational process is activated and improved, thanks to multimedia (sound + text + video + graphics + animation), the student's attention is activated" [2:7].

Practical experience of working with electronic multimedia books created by us shows that the brightness and expressiveness of visual-auditory images, the dynamism of the visual series. The multiplicity, the reliability of information has a

significant advantage over other sources of information, since the necessary information more deeply perceived when the emotional sphere of the individual and his thinking are included. As practice shows, a computer is an effective multifunctional means of teaching a language. It allows you to implement various types of visibility, operational feedback, systematic control, as well as to achieve individualization and intensification of the educational process. The use of multimedia, which represents the modern state of the art, raises the prestige of teaching Russian in the national audience. The use of multimedia is a very complex problem and represents a complex of issues of linguistics, psycholinguistics, pedagogy, psychology, computer science and other fields of science, the achievements of which be taken into account when implementing multimedia in the educational process. Practical experience shows that the appropriate and systematic use of multimedia can significantly help students in improving the quality of language knowledge, improving linguistic competence and acquiring communication skills.

As you know, motivation is one of the main conditions for any successful human activity, including educational activities. It is also a central factor in learning. To create a high and stable level of motivation of students, it is now necessary to look for special mechanisms that stimulate and increase the creative activity of the student. In the educational process, the factor that stimulates motivation can be multimedia, which includes fascinating educational material that increases the emotional background of the lesson. In addition, multimedia helps to create a language environment in the audience, which contributes both to the improvement of phonetic and lexical skills, and to the strong mastery of country-specific information. Visualization of the educational material, the connection of the visual series with the sound and auditory, visual dialogues, movement, color provide a figurative transfer of information, have an emotional and aesthetic impact on students, create prerequisites for problem-based learning. Dynamism, sound, movement and image, demonstration of individual fragments, close-up, multi-dimensional image, the course of actions, frame deceleration, the combination of the sound of the speaker's voice with the image, as well as with contextual clarity. Different types of independent tasks and feedback - all this increases the arsenal of methodological techniques used in electronic multimedia books and allows them to help the teacher more effectively manage the pedagogical process. Our E-books provide for the choice of the optimal pace and mode of interaction, guarantee the reliability of the program, increase the level of motivation in learning. creates conditions to make the lesson with the help of a computer more attractive, interesting, optimize the learning process, give the style of communication between partners (human and computer) naturalness, neutrality (means of communication in the form of sound, color) and use such types of multimedia as sound, animation and other visual aids to create a positive emotional background. With the modern communicative method of teaching languages, we consider the communicative activity in three aspects:

1) As free communication in real time with electronic networks;

2) As interactive dialog interaction of the student with the computer (human-machine dialogue);

3) As communication of the students in the process of working with the electronic program.

Our programs pursue real communication goals (requesting and receiving information) and act as a means of stimulating verbal communication of trainees and a tool for organizing the communicative interaction of users.


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4. Egamberdieva, G. M. "About the Khorezm fairy tales recorded by AN Samoylovich." POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 36-2: 36.

5. Kamilova S., Shakhnoza B. The Paradigm Of Contemporary Russian Literary Process //European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. - 2020. - Т.

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6. Ergashevna K. S. et al. Meaningful vectors of Uzbek story at the turn of XX-XXI centuries //Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. - 2020. - №. 27. -С. 48.

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1. Адилова С.А. Укув материалини беришда такдимот технологиясини куллаш хакида // Педагогик таълим. -Т., 2003. -№6. -C.67.

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4. Эгамбердиева Г.М. О хорезмских сказках, записанных А.Н.Самойловичем. POLISH JOURNAL OF SCIENCE. №36-2 (36). - Киев. 2021. - С. 52-54.

5. Kamilova S., Shakhnoza B. The Paradigm Of Contemporary Russian Literary Process //European Journal of Molecular & Clinical Medicine. - 2020. - Т. 7. - №.

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6. Ergashevna K. S. et al. Meaningful vectors of Uzbek story at the turn of XX-XXI centuries //Opción: Revista de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales. - 2020. - №. 27. - С. 48.

7. https://cyberleninka.ru/article/n7the-transformation-of-russian-prose-of-the-xxi-century

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