IMPROVING ENGLISH PROFICIENCY OF YOUNG LEARNERS USING PEER EMOTIONAL SUPPORT IN GROUP TASKS Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова
effective methods / small group / cooperation / critical thinking / emotional support / competencies / communicative approach / interaction / game form.

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Қойбақар Ұлбосын Хыдырчарықызы

The relevance of the article is due to the increase in the level of English proficiency of young students with the use of emotional support in group tasks. Work in groups currently occupies an insignificant place in the practice of teaching a foreign language both at school and at the university. However, it has great potential not only for the development of communicative competencies, but also for the development of emotional support among peers, which is of great importance for the future professional life of young professionals. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of group work in a foreign language lesson as one of the effective methods, as well as to consider typical tasks used during group work.

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Магистрант 2-го курса, Каспийский университет инжиниринга и технологий им.

Ш. Есенова Актау, Казахстан

Abstract: The relevance of the article is due to the increase in the level of English proficiency of young students with the use of emotional support in group tasks. Work in groups currently occupies an insignificant place in the practice of teaching a foreign language both at school and at the university. However, it has great potential not only for the development of communicative competencies, but also for the development of emotional support among peers, which is of great importance for the future professional life of young professionals. The purpose of the article is to analyze the use of group work in a foreign language lesson as one of the effective methods, as well as to consider typical tasks used during group work.

Key words: effective methods, small group, cooperation, critical thinking, emotional support, competencies, communicative approach, interaction, game form.

It is group work that is an interactive model of learning that provides for direct active interaction of students with each other and is considered as a verbal interaction of two or more people in the process of communication. We believe that the features of this interaction are characterized by the following points: the presence of educational subjects in the same semantic space, the joint solution of the task, the coordination in the choice of means and methods for the implementation of the problem, the joint entry into a close emotional state, individual and collective responsibility for the results of work.

J. Lee believes that the game allows you to experience a range of emotions, from joy to disappointment. Success in the game evokes optimism and pride, but even failures and the negative emotions associated with them are a necessary part of learning. The fact is that often in order to gain the necessary experience and new knowledge in the game, you have to fail. However, the game, unlike real life, provides an unlimited number of attempts to solve the problem at hand. In this way, students learn to cope with the challenges that await them in reality in a safe play environment.

English proficiency is crucial for young learners as it lays the foundation for effective communication and academic success. However, the journey to acquiring language skills is often fraught with challenges. This essay explores the theme of improving English proficiency in young learners through the implementation of peer emotional support in group tasks.

Research supports the Critical Period Hypothesis, suggesting that language acquisition is most effective during early childhood. Studies consistently emphasize the importance of initiating language learning in the formative years to achieve optimal results.

The connection between social development and language acquisition is significant. Peer interactions play a pivotal role in shaping language skills, as young learners engage in language-rich environments through social exchanges with their peers.

Implementing collaborative group tasks provides a dynamic platform for language learning. Through group activities, young learners not only enhance their linguistic abilities but also benefit from the emotional support of their peers. Group tasks foster a sense of camaraderie, making the language learning process more enjoyable and effective.

Structured conversations within the group setting encourage communication among peers. By providing a framework for interaction, these conversations create a supportive environment where learners feel comfortable expressing themselves. This reduces language anxiety and promotes more meaningful language development.

Incorporating peer feedback as a part of the learning process allows young learners to receive constructive criticism from their peers. This method not only helps identify areas for improvement but also reinforces the notion of a collaborative learning community. Positive peer feedback motivates learners to refine their language skills in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere.

Enhancing English proficiency in young learners involves recognizing the critical role of peer emotional support in group tasks. By leveraging the Critical Period Hypothesis and acknowledging the interplay between social development and language acquisition, educators can design effective methods. Group tasks, structured conversations, and peer feedback collectively contribute to a holistic approach that not only fosters language proficiency but also nurtures a positive and supportive learning environment for young learners. As we embrace these strategies, we pave the way for a generation of linguistically adept and confident individuals.

Encouraging peer emotional support in group tasks can enhance young learners' English proficiency by fostering a positive learning environment. This approach promotes collaboration, boosts confidence, and provides opportunities for language practice through meaningful interactions.

In group tasks, create activities that require communication, such as discussions or collaborative projects, enabling students to express themselves in English. Encourage supportive feedback among peers, reinforcing a constructive atmosphere that reduces anxiety and enhances language learning. Additionally, consider implementing structured language-learning games within groups to make the process engaging and enjoyable.

Integrate diverse learning materials, like multimedia resources or interactive exercises, to cater to various learning styles within the group. Rotate group members regularly to expose learners to different language proficiencies and communication styles, broadening their language exposure. Regularly assess and acknowledge individual and group progress, fostering a sense of achievement and motivation.

Implement language-learning activities that focus on real-life scenarios, encouraging practical language use and problem-solving within the group. Foster a sense of shared responsibility by assigning roles within each task, promoting teamwork and collaboration. Incorporate peer-led discussions or presentations, allowing learners to practice public speaking and receive constructive feedback from their peers, further enhancing their language skills.

Integrate reflective sessions where students discuss their language learning experiences and offer suggestions for improvement. Emphasize the importance of active listening within the group, creating an environment where learners can model and reinforce proper language usage. Additionally, provide opportunities for students to showcase their unique linguistic strengths, promoting a sense of cultural exchange within the group dynamic.

Incorporate technology tools that support collaborative language learning, such as online platforms for language exchange or virtual language games. Facilitate open communication channels, encouraging learners to share language-related challenges and successes. Consider organizing language-themed events or projects that involve the broader community, providing authentic contexts for language application and reinforcing the relevance of English proficiency in real-world situations.

Establish a system for peer mentoring, pairing more proficient English speakers with those who may need additional support. This mentorship approach not only aids language development but also builds a sense of camaraderie and mutual learning. Regularly assess the effectiveness of peer emotional support strategies, adjusting them based on feedback and evolving needs to create a dynamic and responsive learning environment.

In the process of interaction between students, communicative abilities are most fully developed and practical mastery of the language is achieved. The interactive approach in the methodology of teaching foreign languages replaced the communicative approach, the essence of which was the development of communicative competence. According to M.A. Bocharnikova's definition, communicative (linguistic) competence consists of the following components: linguistic

competence (mastering certain knowledge and skills in vocabulary, phonetics, grammar), sociolinguistic competence (the ability to choose language forms, use them and transform them in accordance with the context) and pragmatic competence (knowledge, skills, abilities that allow you to understand and generate statements in accordance with the situation of communication and communicative intent). However, this definition lacks an important component - the interaction between learners, which is precisely what is at the forefront of the interactive approach to learning. The main features of interactive learning, according to N.L. Fedotova, are: the creation of conditions for active collective speech, the inclusion of students' emotional memory and the removal of the psychological barrier.

The inherent properties of new technologies, such as their interactivity, polymodality, multimedia, and content visualization, play an important role in learning. For example, computer visualization of educational content, especially in a playful, interactive form, develops cognitive thinking styles, creativity and mental activity of students, and also has a positive effect on their psychological and emotional state. The game is good because it combines obligation and voluntariness, rationality and emotionality, tension and entertainment, reality and mysticism, personal interest and collective responsibility. When playing, the child acts according to personal attitudes and motives, and this is the pedagogical value of play.

Thus, gaming technologies occupy an important place in the educational process. A wide variety of role-playing games allows you to use them in any part of the curriculum. At the same time, they are a very useful tool that makes learning a foreign language interesting and memorable. Role-playing games provide a positive emotional state of students and the communicative orientation of the lesson. Playful activities are the most attractive for schoolchildren, which affects the effectiveness of teaching a foreign language. Games have a positive effect on the formation of students' cognitive interests and contribute to the conscious acquisition of a foreign language. They contribute to the development of such qualities as independence, initiative, and the ability to work in a team. Students work actively, enthusiastically, help each other, listen attentively to their friends, and the teacher only manages their educational activities.

As practice shows, there are two ways to work effectively with the first group of students, namely individual, which in a short time allows you to master educational material that causes difficulties, and group, which is applicable only if students belong to the same age group and, as a result, 96 have the same school program for mastering lexical and grammatical materials. In the process of teaching this group of students, it is necessary to use visual aids, audio and video materials to arouse interest in the language being studied and simplify the process of complex assimilation of educational material as much as possible. The constant use of problematic creative tasks in the form of completing projects, passing quests is the key to the successful completion of the educational process for this group of students.

It is important to pay attention to the psychological aspect at each lesson, feel the mood of students, and quickly rebuild the work process if necessary. In the process of research in these groups of students, the possibility of an abrupt transfer of a student from a group form of education to an individual one was revealed. This was due to individual personality traits, unwillingness to learn and perceive material in a group form, which had not been previously revealed in any way. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor the psycho-emotional state of students at each stage of learning in order to immediately identify and eliminate difficulties that affect the successful assimilation of the material studied.

Teaching the second group of students is often a group form of successful assimilation of educational material and involves the choice of a certain and uniform educational and methodological component. The choice of a teaching aid for students does not imply only its stereotyped use. On the contrary, it includes the maximum creative work of the teacher, associated with the use of additional materials from other sources and aimed at increasing interest in the language being studied, as well as the successful consolidation of lexical and grammatical materials. The constant use of video materials at the beginning of the lesson, and the form of a game

at the end makes the lesson more interesting, and the assimilation of the studied educational material is simple and imperceptible to students. Throughout the educational process, students of this group are gradually involved in other forms of monitoring the level of assimilation of educational material, such as participation in international competitions and Olympiads.

Group work is considered as a social form of the lesson, in which the temporary division of the class into several active groups, working on a topic set by the teacher or chosen jointly with the students, gives results that are useful for the whole class. "Group work is a purposeful social form of teacher-student work, social interaction and language comprehension." In this form of work, it is not the result or the speed of the task that is important, but the experience of interaction and the ability to find a joint solution, although this form of work takes more time than frontal work. The acquisition of social competence is carried out due to the fact that students have to communicate more with each other, find compromises, be able to listen to the opinions of others and come to a joint decision.

For peer emotional support in English learning, consider activities like:

1. Role-Play Scenarios: Engage students in role-playing situations where they must use English to navigate different scenarios, fostering language application in practical contexts.

2. Language Learning Games: Utilize games such as vocabulary bingo, word association, or language trivia within groups to make learning enjoyable while promoting language use.

3. Peer-Led Discussions: Assign discussion topics and rotate the group's discussion leader, encouraging students to express opinions, ask questions, and provide constructive feedback.

4. Collaborative Projects: Have groups work together on projects, like creating a presentation or a story in English, promoting teamwork, and language use in a collaborative setting.

5. Language Exchange Partnerships: Pair students with varying English proficiency levels, encouraging them to communicate regularly to exchange language skills and cultural insights.

6. Reflective Journals: Introduce journals where students can write about their language learning experiences, challenges faced, and strategies employed, fostering self-awareness and communication.

7. Online Language Platforms: Explore language exchange platforms or educational apps that facilitate communication between students for language practice beyond the classroom.

8. Cultural Showcases: Organize events where students share aspects of their culture in English, providing an opportunity for language practice while celebrating diversity within the group.

These examples aim to create a supportive and interactive environment, enhancing the English proficiency of young learners through collaborative efforts. Building on these activities, it's crucial to create a classroom culture that values mistakes as part of the learning process. Encourage students to take risks and express themselves freely, knowing that their peers support and learn alongside them. Emphasize the importance of active listening, fostering an environment where everyone's contributions are valued.

An interesting fact is that research suggests peer emotional support not only improves language proficiency but also contributes to overall socio-emotional development. Positive interactions within group tasks can enhance communication skills, empathy, and interpersonal relationships among young learners.

Furthermore, studies indicate that incorporating peer emotional support in language learning helps reduce anxiety levels associated with language acquisition. When students feel supported by their peers, they are more likely to take risks, participate actively, and explore the language with greater confidence. This positive emotional environment plays a significant role in creating a successful language learning experience for young learners.

Additionally, the impact of peer emotional support extends beyond the classroom. As young learners collaborate and share their language learning journey, they often develop a sense of belonging and community. This sense of connection not only enhances their English proficiency but

also contributes to a positive attitude towards language learning, fostering a lifelong love for acquiring new languages and cultural understanding.

Regularly assess the effectiveness of these strategies, seeking feedback from both students and observing their interactions. This ongoing evaluation will help tailor the approach to the specific needs and dynamics of the group, ensuring continuous improvement in English proficiency and emotional support within the peer learning environment.

These qualities are necessary in the future in professional activity and constitute the so-called "soft skills", which are so necessary for university graduates when applying for a job, and then in the process of work itself. In light of the above, it becomes obvious that it is necessary to teach these social competencies from school and student levels. These types of educational work allow you to increase the level of knowledge, skills and abilities, identify weaknesses, as well as increase students' self-esteem and feel their social significance.

Thus, the study aimed at improving the educational process within the framework of a student-centered approach has once again proved that the successful assimilation of the level of mastery of the English language by students directly depends on the competently built activity of the teacher and vice versa, the teacher's activity is constantly corrected by the individual behavior and psychological characteristics of both the group as a whole and each individual in particular. Only the well-coordinated work of the two systems is the key to the success of the entire learning process.


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