DOI 10.29254/2077-4214-2018-3-145-224-226 UDC 378.147+618.177+614.253.4 Pakharenko L. V.
Introduction. Reforming the health care system in Ukraine involves not only changes in the organization of medical activities. Higher education in medicine also undergoes change and requires the new standards of teaching. Assimilation of the material, its ability to apply in practice, the development and improvement of clinical thinking are necessary components of the educational process [1,2]. "Obstetrics and Gynecology" is one of the most common disciplines in medicine. Teaching this discipline today requires not only the presentation of theoretical material in the form of lectures, the analysis of theoretical points, the solution of tests and situational tasks. The quality of the student's training is also determined by the nature and method of teaching the material, the control and methods of its mastering. For this purpose, various methods of interactive learning such as, for example, situational analysis, scientific discussion, situational learning, role-playing and others are used [3,4]. The use of computer technologies allows us to expand the range of teaching methods that permits to approach the real conditions of the patient's examination and therapy, to evaluate the consequences of our examination and treatment, to formulate clinical thinking and to analyze the mistakes. In addition, it requires a student to have a more practical individual approach to the patient [5,6,7].
The purpose of the work. To increase the effectiveness of the educational process and contribute to the formation of clinical thinking during studying of the 6th course students of the medical faculty the topic "Infertile marriage. Organization, structure and tasks of the family planning service" by developing and implementing new innovative technologies.
Object and methods of research. The clinical task on the topic "Infertile marriage. Organization, structure and tasks of the family planning service" for the sixth year course students of the medical faculty was developed by staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology with the help of the program "Virtual Patient". "Virtual Patient" program was developed by Microsoft company and adopted by the engineers of the Information Department of the Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University.
After the program starts, the student "gets" into a key initial case, which may have one or more exit options. Each next case may also have one or more elements of the transition to another case. Thus, a network (a labyrinth) is formed from the cases and elements of the transition between them. In the labyrinth there can be as one as well as several final colleges (cases). This program provides the evaluation. The entrance to each node is estimated by a certain number of points. It can be both positive and negative scale of accumulation of points. Also, the control and evaluation of the correctness of the way through the system of cases and pass-
ing through specific (important) nodes are carried out. The fastest and the less costly way is estimated by the maximum number of points and is considered to be the standard. The minimum score of "0" is obtained when recruiting more than 245 points. We chose such type of evaluation - for each five points scored over 120 points from the maximum score, one point is deducted. We have used a negative scale, which provides a reduction in the overall score for each additional ball awarded. In the end, the user receives a report on the traversed path and scored points.
Results of the research and their discussion. The topic "Infertile marriage. Organization, structure and tasks of the family planning service" is presented at the 6th course of the medical faculty. It has five hours of practical lesson. According to the thematic plan, students study it at the end of the module after learning all the topics. Also, Module 1 "Diseases of the female reproductive system. Family planning" includes four hours of practical lessons and two lecture hours titled "Infertility". Consequently, this theme is widely presented for the study of students during the study of the discipline "Obstetrics and Gynecology". Considering above mentioned moments and the extraordinary actuality of infertile marriage, the staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology name I. D. Lanoviy developed situational clinical task using program "Virtual patient" on this pathology. However, taking into account the difficulty and complexity of the pathogenetic moments of this problem, as well as the fact that it is presented at the end of module 3, other gynecological pathologies were included in the task. While performing this task, the student can demonstrate knowledge on such topics as "Clinical and physiological changes in female genital organs at different age periods. Neuroendocrine regulation of the function of the reproductive system. Methods of examination of gynecological patients", "Female urogenital inflammatory diseases. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention", "Precursor and precanser diseases of the genital organs of a woman. Benign tumors of the genital organs of a woman. Diagnosis, treatment and prevention. Endometriosis. Methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of endometriosis" and others.
This clinical task can be attributed to the interactive method of study "Case-study". A certain situation is presented, namely, a student is a doctor, to whom the patient comes to visit with certain complaints. The student' goal is to choose the most necessary examinations from the given list of surveys, choose the correct interpretation of their results, correct diagnosis and prescribe treatment. When appointing additional methods of examination, even the wrong ones, their visual results are presented, according to which the student can choose variants of diagnosis and therapy. It should be noted that false steps, such as appointment of ad-
ISSN 2077-4214. BicHUK npo6fleM 6ioflom i MeA^MHM - 2018 - Bun.3 (145)
ditional and/or not correct examinations, lack or excess treatment, may additionally, if necessary, appoint new
number of them and/or misinterpretation may lead to examinations for correct diagnosis and, accordingly,
wrong diagnosis, and, thus, to a false plan of treatment. choose correct course of therapy. This allows to dem-
However, the student at certain stages f patient's man- onstrate not only the knowledge of the subject, but also agement has the opportunity to go back to the previ- .........., ......
ous step and still choose the right path. It is important the ability to use it consciously, choose an individual apto mention that when passing a wrong way after some proach to the patient, which, undoubtedly, affects the period of time the same patient with progressing of the formation of clinical thinking.
disease or absence of efficacy of treatment visit doctor. Conclusion. Using the program "Virtual patient" in
Such task in the "Virtual Patient" system can be the study of the 6th year course students of the medical
solved independently by a student or in a group of faculty of the topic "Infertile marriage. The organization,
persons, as well as groups of individuals can compete structure and tasks of the family planning service" can among themselves in the number of points scored.
Solving such tasks is extremely exciting for the students, improve the quality of mastering the subject, the appli-
because the person chooses not only a certain way of cation of theoretical knowledge, and also provides for
examination and treatment, but also after a period of the development of the personality of students, their
time "meets" with his patients, observes the results of professional qualities and clinical thinking.
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Пахаренко Л. В.
Резюме. Мета. Пщвищити ефектившсть навчального процесу та сприяти формуванню ключного мислен-ня при вивченш студентами 6 курсу медичного факультету теми «Неплщний шлюб. Оргашзащя, структура та завдання служби планування ам'Т» шляхом розробки та впровадження нових шновацшних технологи.
Об'ект i методи. За допомогою програми «^ртуальний патент» пращвниками кафедри акушерства та пнекологп була створена клЫчна задача з теми «Неплщний шлюб. Оргашзащя, структура та завдання служби планування ам'Т» для студенев шостого курсу медичного факультету. Програма «^ртуальний патент» роз-роблена компашею Microsoft та адаптована шженерами шформацшного вщдшу 1вано-Франмвського нацю-нального медичного ушверситету.
Результати. У статт представлено досвщ застосування програми «^ртуальний патент» при викладанн1 теми «Неплщний шлюб. Органiзацiя, структура та завдання служби планування ам'Т» для студенев шостого курсу медичного факультету. Особливiстю педагопчного впровадження е шновацшний пiдхiд навчання, що сприяе кращому засвоенню теми, формуванню професiйно-компетентного пщходу з врахуванням шдивщу-альних особливостей хворого.
Висновки. Застосування програми «^ртуальний патент» при вивченнi студентами 6 курсу медичного факультету теми «Неплщний шлюб. Оргашзащя, структура та завдання служби планування ам'Т» дозволяе пщ-вищити якiсть засвоення теми, удосконалити застосування теоретичних знань, а також забезпечуе розвиток особистост студенлв, Тх професiйних якостей та клiнiчного мислення.
Ключовi слова: iнновацiйнi технологи, викладання, акушерство та пнеколопя.
Резюме. Цель. Повысить эффективность учебного процесса и способствовать формированию клинического мышления студентов 6 курса медицинского факультета при изучении темы «Бесплодный брак. Организация, структура и задачи службы планирования семьи» путем разработки и внедрения новых инновационных технологий.
Объект и методы. Сотрудники кафедры акушерства и гинекологии создали клиническую задачу по вышеупомянутой теме для студентов шестого курса медицинского факультета с помощью программы «Виртуальный пациент».
ISSN 2077-4214. Вкник проблем бюлоги i медицини - 2018 - Вип.3 (145)
Результаты. В статье представлен опыт использования программы «Виртуальный пациент» в обучении. Особенностью педагогической реализации является инновационный подход преподавания, который способствует лучшему усвоению темы, формированию профессионально грамотного подхода с учетом индивидуальных особенностей пациента.
Выводы. Использование программы «Виртуальный пациент» при изучении темы «Бесплодный брак. Организация, структура и задачи службы планирования семьи» при обучении студентов 6-го курса медицинского факультета позволяет улучшить качество усвоения темы, применение теоретических знаний, а также обеспечить развитие личности студентов, их профессиональных качеств и клинического мышления.
Ключевые слова: инновационные технологии, преподавание, акушерство и гинекология.
Pakharenko L. V.
Abstract. Aim. To increase the effectiveness of the educational process and contribute to the formation of clinical thinking during studying of the 6th course students of the medical faculty the topic "Infertile marriage. Organization, structure and tasks of the family planning service" by developing and implementing new innovative technologies.
Object and methods. The staff of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology created a clinical task on above mentioned theme for the sixth year students of the medical faculty with the help of the program "Virtual Patient".
Results. The article presents the experience of using the program "Virtual Patient" in teaching. The peculiarity of pedagogical implementation is the innovative approach of teaching, which contributes to the better mastering of the topic, the formation of a professionally competent approach, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
Conclusions. Using of the program "Virtual Patient" in the study of the topic "Infertile marriage. Organization, structure and tasks of the family planning service" by 6th year students of the medical faculty allows to improve the quality of mastering of the topic, improve the application of theoretical knowledge, and also ensures the development of the personality of students, their professional qualities and clinical thinking.
Key words: innovative technologies, teaching, obstetrics and gynecology.
Рецензент - проф. Блаш С. М.
Стаття надшшла 28.06.2018 року
DOI 10.29254/2077-4214-2018-3-145-226-229 УДК 371.315+378.147+614.253.4 Середюк В. Н.
Вступ. У сучаснш медицин внутршня медицина (тератя), як i рашше, залишаеться фундаментальною штегральною дисциплшою, що узагальнюе клЫчш проблеми захворювань внутршшх оргашв i зосереджуе увагу на загальних змшах в оргашзм1 хворого [1].
yci методи навчання умовно можна подтити на пасивш, активы та штерактивш. До штерактивних методiв навчання належать проблемно-орiенто-ване навчання (PBL), метод груповоТ роботи (TBL) i розбiр штегрованих клЫчних випадмв (CBL) [2].
Кл^чне мислення кейс методом (CBCR) - одна з найважливших професшних навичок у робот лтаря. Набуття даноТ навики е тривалим та потре-буе комплексного пщходу. Клшщист часто потре-буе обережних, ретельних роздумiв, звернення до письмових джерел та думки колег. У той час, коли проблемно-орiентоване навчання як метод спря-мований на здобуття нових знань, CBCR е зосеред-женим на вправлянш у застосуванш систематично отримуваних знань у окремих кл^чних випадках [3].
Легенева гiпертензiя (ЛГ) - це мультифакторне захворювання зi швидким прогресуючим переби гом. Незважаючи на досягнення в фармакотерапи
щеТ недуги, смертшсть вщ ЛГ залишаеться досить високою, а шляхiв профтактики до сьогодш просто немае [4].
Зпдно з визначенням, ЛГ е гемодинамiчним та патофiзiологiчним станом, що супроводжуе багато хвороб i характеризуеться зростанням середнього тиску в легеневш артерп (Рла) > 25 мм рт. ст. у спокоТ при катетеризаци правих вщдшв серця [5].
Легенева гiпертензiя може бути наслщком ци лого ряду рiзноманiтних захворювань. У випадках, коли вона не може бути вщнесена ш до одшеТ но-золопчноТ форми, говорять про первинну легеневу ппертенз^ (ПЛГ) [6].
В УкраТш даних про поширешсть i смертшсть вщ ЛГ та ТТ рiзних форм немае, що пов'язано з вщсутшс-тю единого методично-консультативного центру та реестру цих пащенпв. Встановлено, що щюпатична легенева артерiальна гiпертензiя (1ЛГ) зустрiчаеться iз частотою 5,9 випадмв на 1 млн. дорослого насе-лення. ймейна ЛГ зуа^чаеться у 3,9% ЛГ, iз частотою мутацш бтьше 50%, спорадичних випадкiв -20% [7].
Метою роботи було проаналiзувати ефектив-нiсть проведення курсу за вибором «Розвиток кли шчного мислення у внутрiшнiй медициш» кейс
ISSN 2077-4214. Вкник проблем бюлогп i медицини - 2018 - Вип.3 (145)