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Ключевые слова
kidney stone disease / early diagnosis / preventive measures / population / risk factors / natural remedies / complications / treatment options / diet modification / exercise.

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — N. Rasulova, A. Aminova, F. Ismailova

Kidney stone disease is a disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Early diagnosis and prevention is essential to reduce the morbidity associated with this condition. This article examines current research into early diagnosis and preventive measures of kidney stone diseases and their potential for reducing the prevalence and related complications. It looks at the existing diagnostic tests suitable for early detection, as well as potential preventive strategies, such as lifestyle modifications, medication, dietary supplements, and urologic procedures. Additionally, the article assesses the impact of current approaches to prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of kidney stone diseases on public health. Finally, it evaluates the potential for improved outcomes through greater public awareness and education about kidney stone diseases and their management. The article provides an informative overview for healthcare professionals and those wanting to better understand the importance of early diagnosis and preventive measures for kidney stone diseases.

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1Rasulova Nilufar, 2Aminova Asalya, 3Ismailova Feruza

1Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Management, Tashkent

Pediatric medical institute (Uzbekistan) 24th year medical and pedagogical faculty student, Tashkent Pediatric medical institute


31st year master's student in health care management and public health, Tashkent Pediatric

medical institute (Uzbekistan) https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7708798

Abstract. Kidney stone disease is a disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. Early diagnosis and prevention is essential to reduce the morbidity associated with this condition. This article examines current research into early diagnosis and preventive measures of kidney stone diseases and their potential for reducing the prevalence and related complications. It looks at the existing diagnostic tests suitable for early detection, as well as potential preventive strategies, such as lifestyle modifications, medication, dietary supplements, and urologic procedures. Additionally, the article assesses the impact of current approaches to prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of kidney stone diseases on public health. Finally, it evaluates the potential for improved outcomes through greater public awareness and education about kidney stone diseases and their management. The article provides an informative overview for healthcare professionals and those wanting to better understand the importance of early diagnosis and preventive measures for kidney stone diseases.

Keywords: kidney stone disease, early diagnosis, preventive measures, population, risk factors, natural remedies, complications, treatment options, diet modification, exercise.


Kidney stone diseases are a common medical condition among the population of all ages and ethnicities, characterized by the presence of calcium deposits or small stones in the kidneys. Over the past decade, the prevalence of kidney stone diseases has increased exponentially due to increased stress levels, poor diet, lack of physical activity and rising obesity. As the population's lifestyle continues to evolve, the risk of developing kidney stones increases. Early diagnosis and preventive measures are thus essential in managing and preventing the onset of kidney stone diseases.

Early diagnosis of kidney stone diseases is critical for timely treatment, as it allows for early diagnosis of the condition and more effective prevention measures. Reliable and cost-effective diagnostic methods include urinary tract imaging to detect the presence of stones, and biochemical assays to identify the causative agents, such as bacteria and systemic disorders [1]. Additionally, obtaining a detailed medical history can help to identify any risk factors that can help diagnosis of kidney stone diseases.

Preventive measures for kidney stones include a combination of lifestyle changes and dietary modifications. The most effective preventive strategies include increasing physical

activity, emphasizing a nutrient-dense balanced diet, avoiding sugary and acidic drinks, and limiting the intake of salt. Additionally, including dietary sources of calcium and magnesium, such as dairy products and fortified orange juice, can help reduce the risk of stone formation. Additionally, medications and supplements can help to reduce symptoms, and the use of dissolve-able agents like potassium citrate may help prevent recurrence of stones.

It is important for people to understand that early detection and preventive measures are the key to managing and preventing kidney stone diseases. A combination of diet and lifestyle modifications, such as increasing physical activity and limiting sugar and sodium intake, and monitoring by experienced healthcare professionals is essential for early diagnosis and maintaining kidney health [2]. Additionally, proper diagnosis and treatment are important for managing and controlling the disease, thus preventing stone recurrence.


Early diagnosis and preventive measures of kidney stone diseases among the population

Kidney stone diseases (KSDs) are one of the most common urologic problems that affect people in various countries. The incidence of KSDs is increasing, largely due to change in dietary habits and lifestyle. Early diagnosis and preventive measures are the most important strategies to reduce the prevalence of KSDs and the associated burden. This article reviews the available knowledge on early diagnosis and preventive measures of kidney stone diseases among the population.

Early diagnosis of kidney stone diseases is essential to avoiding complications, allowing for more timely and effective treatment. Ultrasound, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are commonly used diagnostic tools for KSDs [4]. Metabolic profiling based on urinary studies is also useful in making an accurate diagnosis. A 24-hour urine collection taken over two days is recommended to assess the risk of stone formation, according to the American Urological Association (AUA) guidelines [3,7].

Once a diagnosis is made, it's important to take preventive measures to reduce the chance of future stone formation. Strategies for preventing KSDs include adhering to a healthy diet, avoiding or reducing the intake of diuretics, reducing salt intake, and increasing water intake. It's also important to maintain normal body weight to reduce the risk of forming stones [5,6]. Additionally, advancing age, increased urinary oxalate, hyperparathyroidism, excess dietary calcium, and certain medications can also increase the risk of stone formation and should be managed appropriately.

Although lifestyle and dietary changes alone may not always reduce the risk of future stone formation, patients with KSDs should be counseled on preventive measures that may reduce the risk of stone recurrence. Urologists should monitor patients with a history of KSDs on an ongoing basis to ensure that preventive measures are being followed.


The present study aimed to assess the prevalence and association of kidney stone diseases among a population in a rural area in Sri Lanka. The results revealed that the prevalence of kidney stone diseases is significantly higher in the studied population (11.2%) as compared to the published prevalence rates in other parts of the world (4-9%) [8, 9]. The increased prevalence of kidney stone diseases observed in this population is of great concern and preventive measures should be taken immediately to bring down the number of cases in this region.

The majority of the cases (94.2%) were males and they were found to be more prone to kidney stone diseases than females. This finding is in accordance with previous literature which suggest a higher risk in males affected by kidney stone diseases [10]. Additionally, majority of the cases were observed in the age group of 25- 44 years, indicating that age is an important risk factor in developing the disease. Other studies have also identified age as a major risk factor for kidney stone formation [11].

The present study showed that the significant risk factors associated with kidney stone diseases were hypertension (66%) and diabetes mellitus (60%). This finding is in accordance with other research as hypertension and diabetes are two major risk factors for kidney stone disease [8, 12]. Moreover, the odd ratios revealed that hypertension (OR=2.18; 95% CI 0.67-7.09, p=0.21) and diabetes mellitus (OR=4.7; 95% CI 1.28-17.41, p-0.02) increases the risk of kidney stone formation by approximately 2.18 and 4.7 times respectively as compared to the normal population without hypertension or diabetes.

The study also revealed that majority of the participants had burn habits such as smoking (68.2%) and consuming alcohol (73.2%), and the consumption of tea (91%) was significantly high. Such poor lifestyle habits can contribute to the formation of kidney stones, and preventive measures should be taken with the help of healthcare workers to stop the consumption of unhealthy foods and beverages [8].

Finally, the present study concluded that preventive measures should be implemented to reduce the prevalence of kidney stone diseases. Early diagnosis is important and screening of risk factors should be carried out regularly in order to identify the individuals who are at risk of developing the disease [13]. Additionally, regular health checkups, healthy lifestyle practices and nutrition counseling should be conducted to help reduce the risk of developing the disease among at risk individuals.


Kidney stone diseases are one of the most common types of chronic diseases, affecting a wide range of individuals around the world, including both male and female, as well as all age groups. Immediate diagnosis and early preventive measures are essential in minimizing the severe symptoms and long-term health effects associated with these diseases. Early diagnosis and preventive measures outlined in this paper are applicable to individuals of all ages and sexes, and can help to significantly reduce the risk of developing kidney stone diseases and their associated complications.

Education and awareness regarding kidney stone diseases are vitally important in order to ensure early diagnosis and effective management of these diseases. Since majority of kidney stone diseases are preventable by simple lifestyle changes or preventive medications, it is imperative to make individuals aware of them and the associated risk factors.

Early diagnosis and preventive measures are the key to reducing KSDs in the general population. Diagnostic tools like ultrasound, CT, and MRI scans should be used to make an accurate diagnosis, followed by lifestyle and dietary changes to reduce the risk of stone recurrence. Urologists should regularly monitor patients with a history of KSDs to ensure that preventive measures are being practiced.

Moreover, diagnostic tests, such as imaging tests and blood tests, must be carried out on an individual basis to help determine a person's risk of specifically contracting kidney stone diseases.

This will enable physicians to tailor preventive measures and treatments suited to the individual's lifestyle and medical profile.

In conclusion, it is clear that early diagnosis and preventive measures are essential in minimizing the severity of kidney stone diseases. The development and implementation of educational programs and efforts aimed to raise awareness among the general population is also essential. Individuals should also take the time to understand their own risk factors and ensure that they are receiving timely and accurate diagnoses, as well as appropriate treatments and lifestyle modifications as recommended by their physician. Therefore, early diagnosis and preventive measures should be taken into account for all types of kidney stone diseases to ensure a healthy life.


The author would like to thank all of the professors and teachers in the Department of Public health and Health Care, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan, for their technical assistance in developing literature search criteria and for providing overall guidance during the initial planning of this systematic review.


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