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Ключевые слова
national / humanitarian / security / value / culture / identity / axiology. / national / humanitarian / security / value / culture / identity / axiology.

Аннотация научной статьи по Гуманитарные науки, автор научной работы — Odinaeva Z.I.

This article is devoted to the socio-philosophical concept of the formation of axiological mechanisms in the period of humanitarian security and its methodological development. The methodological framework of the sociophilosophical concept of axiological mechanisms in the context of humanitarian security provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing and understanding the values and beliefs that shape the behavior and decisions of individuals in times of crisis. By studying these axiological mechanisms, more nuanced and effective strategies can be developed to ensure peace, security, and human wellbeing in a diverse and interconnected world.

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This article is devoted to the socio-philosophical concept of the formation of axiological mechanisms in the period of humanitarian security and its methodological development. The methodological framework of the sociophilosophical concept of axiological mechanisms in the context of humanitarian security provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing and understanding the values and beliefs that shape the behavior and decisions of individuals in times of crisis. By studying these axiological mechanisms, more nuanced and effective strategies can be developed to ensure peace, security, and human wellbeing in a diverse and interconnected world.


Odinaeva Z.I., doctor of philosophy in philosophical sciences (PhD)

National University of Uzbekistan


Resume. This article is devoted to the socio-philosophical concept of the formation of axiological mechanisms in the period of humanitarian security and its methodological development. The methodological framework of the socio-philosophical concept of axiological mechanisms in the context of humanitarian security provides a comprehensive framework for analyzing and understanding the values and beliefs that shape the behavior and decisions of individuals in times of crisis. By studying these axiological mechanisms, more nuanced and effective strategies can be developed to ensure peace, security, and human well-being in a diverse and interconnected world.

Key words: national, humanitarian, security, value, culture, identity, axiology.

In recent years, there has been increasing attention to the importance of integrating security considerations into all aspects of humanitarian work, as well as the need for cooperation and coordination between humanitarian actors, governments and other stakeholders to enhance humanitarian security.

Humanitarian security refers to the protection of individuals or communities at risk of harm or violence in humanitarian settings. This includes protecting humanitarian aid workers, aid recipients and the wider population from physical, psychological and emotional harm. Some important aspects of humanitarian security include risk assessment, risk management, security planning, security training and implementation of security measures to mitigate threats. In the era of humanitarian security, the formation of axiological mechanisms means the development of values and principles that guide decision-making and behavior in the context of protecting human well-being and dignity. Axiology is a branch of philosophy dealing with values, ethics and aesthetics, which plays a decisive role in shaping the moral compass of individuals and societies.

Axiological laws, which are principles or values that guide human behavior and decision-making, are especially important in times of humanitarian uncertainty. In times of crisis and conflict, when lives are at stake and human rights are violated, it is essential to have a strong moral compass to guide actions and ensure that humanitarian principles are applied.

Axiological laws help establish a common set of values that can guide individuals, organizations, and governments in responding to humanitarian crises. These values often include the principles of human dignity, equality,

justice and compassion, which are important to meet the needs and protect the rights of vulnerable populations.

In the face of humanitarian uncertainty, axiological laws provide a framework for ethical decision-making and for prioritizing the welfare of those affected by the crisis. They are humanity of help principle and efficient to be shown, man rights and value respect to do and protection to do help will give.

Axiological to laws compliance to do through persons and organizations humanity safety against in the struggle respect, sympathy and solidarity culture development can This is humanitarianism help with engaged in different subjects in the middle trust and cooperation to strengthen help will give and in the end crises more efficient and stable solution to do contribution adds

Humanitarian safety with depends problems to learn when starting, always changed standing in the world people many from threats protection to do idea new that it is not remember get need [2]. For example, traditional liberalism from the circumstances strict Look, all people equal to and equal to respectively free that mean caught, therefore for human being himself understand will receive safe conditions Create need International relationships science and some safety studies human being safety safety issues national and military of approaches difference does

Indeed, humanity safety people and their rights protection to do when you say what means with organic depends. This attitude with humanity safety national from security differentiate necessary, his main purpose external threats opposite of the state territorial and political integrity protection is to do [12]. This to understand very important because past in the century foreign countries army by of those killed according to more people own of governments actions or citizens in wars death it has been. So so many governments human being safety threat put, national from security they use

Men's safety according to commission human being security "man of life the basics human being their freedoms expand and of them to use help giving way protection to do" defines [4]. Thus humanitarian safety of a person main their freedoms protection to do, people there is and potential from threats protection to do directed.

It is also worth noting that, man safety concept since 1994 then, Cold war ending to safety traditional approaches again seeing exit for conditions from creation after often to the language received This or another by the United Nations Development Program announcement made in 1994 "Man development report" Humanitarianism safety concept formation for very important being came out because this in the report exactly that's it term was "Humanitarian security" to circulation introduced later international relationships theorists and practices by apply started

To the report according to the person development human being for possible has been selection scope expand process as understood [11, 23]. human being safety and "people" own choices safe and free done increase possibility,

they today there is opportunities tomorrow there is to be relatively trust harvest in the context of what they do is determined [11, 24]. So in the report human being safety concept development point of view in terms of four main to the feature based on explained: universal application, early prevention get with guaranteed mutually dependence and main value as to people attention [3, 10].

Cold war from the end after of our time new problems and in the world instability eventually to safety traditional approaches again seeing to exit take came That's a lot in terms of international, public and accordingly respectively humanitarian safety concepts development with depend Above telling as above concepts attention not accepted interstate relations. From this except this in a sense humanity safety is an achievement because this approach within main object state or society not but is a person.

Man safety provide seven main the component own into received approach according to understood: economic, nutrition, health, ecological, personal, social and political safety. Also humanitarian security narrower in a sense description possible to understand need This point of view meaning, human safety two in terms of is understood. First, hunger, disease and repression such as from threats safety. Second, it's any in a place - at home, at work or in society happen to be possible has been in advance telling which cannot be risk and from difficulties protection to do means such any threats development level in the states there is to be possible [11, 23].

And so, different approaches point of view in terms of humanitarian safety how be understood determination to the goal is appropriate. So and humanity and national safety concepts supporters between opposition clearly However, humanitarian safety researchers between differently approaches there is. Man safety of the concept all followers this referent object in case person that agree to be despite, the main discussions directly protection to do need has been threats typology around becomes

Canada approach humanitarian security to understand narrow approach to represents [7, 41]. This approach humanity safety within main any problem from the state or another organized political from the participants come output possible has been to the individual against directed aggression that to understand based on [5, 124]. Humanitarianism of safety main principle interpretation do, therefore for people and people groups war and another aggression from the forms protection to do with depend This approach theorists from aggression protection of doing importance another threats aggression forms with strong dependence with they explain, that is of the government most of the time human being rights, poverty and social protection measures because of instability. That's it to emphasize it should be approach Also called Canadian because Canada human being safety concept external of politics paradigm as acceptance did, therefore for Canada external of politics main goals peace, security and international to cooperation in pursuit expressed. Canadian humanitarian of security interpretation basically human being rights, security or to life from

threats get rid of to be directed. So, we again "security" of fear interpret as "absence" to do we'll be back, that's it security of a narrow approach to understanding initial is the point [8].

United Nations Organization Development Program and Man safety according to commission at work applied human being safety wide approach is also necessary "not"", it is called while narrow approach to it, "fear with no" compares by the United Nations Development Program prepared above note done lecture human being safety is like that wide to understanding according to work developed Wide approach theorists humanitarian of security seven main component determine: economic security, food safety, health safety provide measures, ecological and personal security, humanity societies safety and political security [11, 22-25].

Humanitarian safety during axiological mechanisms work exit according to scientific studies take went some researchers the following own into takes:

1. Anwar King, Brookings Institute big scientific employee, he is a humanitarian safety measures moral values input importance about studies publication reached

2. United Nations Organization former Secretary- General Kofi Annan, humanitarian safety in providing values and of morality place about research take went

3. Maria Ivanova, Massachusetts university professor, humanities safety of operations moral aspects according to research take went

4. Australia National University professor Bina D'Costa, from conflicts injured in the regions humanitarian security in providing moral of values role learned

This researchers moral values and axiological mechanisms modern period humanitarian safety efforts how strengthen possible to understand big contribution added.

Humanitarian safety during axiological mechanisms work exit according to attention owner scientific from work one this security learning and of ethics intersection according to work with famous has been scientist, by Dr. J. Peter Burgess take went are studies. Burgess in his " Security moral subject: geopolitical reason and to Europe threat " in the book moral values and norms humanity interventions in the context of safety policy and practice in formation how solution doer role to play learns

to this field again one important contribution humanity safety intervention moral aspects wide learned doctor Rorden Wilkinson's work Wilkinson in his "International relationships and difference problem" in the book moral values, cultural beliefs and moral principles humanitarian crisis and in conflicts decision acceptance to do to the process how effect to do seeing comes out

From this besides, doctor Like Anthony Burke scientists human being rights according to of speech humanitarian safety practices in formation role seeing they came out Burke in his "Security", Ethics and from violence except:

to another against in the book "war" moral considerations humanity of interventions efficiency and legality for central place claims that it occupies

Humanitarian safety in the context of axiological mechanisms concept according to wide comprehensive studies take went some philosophers the following own into takes:

1. Martha Nussbaum: Nussbaum is famous philosopher being morals, values and human being of rights intersection about a lot wrote His work often especially humanitarian crises in the context of all of individuals internal recognize the value and respect to do importance with depends [13].

2. Seila Benhabib: Benhabib human being rights and humanity intervention moral aspects learned political philosopher He is humanitarian safety speech and practice in formation values and of norms role seeing came out [14].

3. Judith Butler: Butler violence, vulnerability and human being of rights moral measurements about wrote philosopher and gender theorist. His work most of the time social norms and values humanity safety provide according to to efforts help to give and restriction methods seeing comes out [15].

4. Richard Rorty: Rorty moral solidarity and of solidarity importance believed philosopher was His It is said that in general values and common humanity feeling humanity crises conditions peace and justice provide for important important have

Above research works humanity safety provide and of the population weak layers protection to do in his actions axiological mechanisms or human being behavior and decisions acceptance to do forming main values and standards seeing exit importance emphasizes.

In Uzbekistan humanitarian safety in context axiological of mechanisms socio-philosophical of the concept methodological basics according to scientific the work take went and J. Tulenov, SO Shermuhammedov, S. Mamashokirov, Q. Nazarov, A. Ochildiev, ethnological problems A. Ashurov, history of modernity B. Kasimov, language and philosophy of Uzbek scientists in better revealing axiological issues in the history of the Uzbek people. The principles of interdependence were reflected in the researches of B. Karimov, the history of spiritual values by Sh. Kakhorova, and the study of the identification process by Sh. O. Madaeva. They are in Uzbekistan morals, values and humanitarian of issues different aspects according to studies take went famous philosopher and social is a scientist.

Many research and monographs humanity of safety moral aspects and of people crisis and to conflicts attitude in formation values and of beliefs role learner one how much article and books publication reached His work most of the time humanity safety in the context of mercy, justice and solidarity such as moral values to understand and promote to do importance emphasizes.

From this besides, philosophy, sociology and from psychology received to information relied on without humanitarian safety in the context of axiological

mechanisms of learning methodological the basics work to exit contribution added. His to research interdisciplinary approach in Uzbekistan and from him outside peace and security in providing values, beliefs and actions between complicated mutually dependence in lighting impressive it has been.

in Uzbekistan humanitarian safety in the context of axiological of mechanisms methodological basics according to studies take went again one series famous scientists to the line the following includes:

1. Professor Murad Ismailov - in Uzbekistan humanitarian sciences in the field famous specialist, professor Ismailov axiological mechanisms concept and their humanitarian security in provision role according to one how much published his research.

2. Gulnara Olimova - Social and political studies in the field experienced researcher, various research projects through in Uzbekistan axiological mechanisms and humanitarian safety between relationships by learning came out

4. Bahadir Umarov - International relationships and safety issues according to leader expert, B. Umarov in Uzbekistan humanitarian safety in the context of axiological of mechanisms political aspects according to research take went

Axiological of mechanisms socio-philosophical concept person and societies have has been values and beliefs, this values their behavior and decision acceptance to do processes how effect to do to learn means Humanitarian safety in the context of this axiological mechanisms to understand peace, stability and prosperity provide for efficient strategies work exit for very important

This of conception methodological basics sociology, philosophy, psychology and another social sciences concepts combined multidisciplinary the approach own into takes Researchers axiological mechanisms learning for different methods, including surveys, interviews, practical studies and experimental from studies they use

Main methodological of approaches one is this of individuals values and in their beliefs pattern and trends determination for quantitative and good quality information analysis from doing use To these researchers of people cultural come output, social and economic status and personal experience such as humanitarian to problems attitude forming main factors to understand help will give.

Another one important methodological basis humanity of safety moral and spiritual aspects is learning. Researchers persons and societies decision acceptance to do in processes who manages moral principles and this principles humanity crises and conflicts their to their answers how effect to do they learn From this besides, researchers most of the time social mutually effects and cultural norms through of individuals values and beliefs how structure and strengthened analysis to do for social to himself characteristic theory and social

constructivism such as theoretical from the basics they use To these researchers humanity safety relationship formation of individual values, social values and institutional practices between complicated mutually dependency to understand help will give.

Humanitarian safety in context axiological of mechanisms socio-philosophical of the concept methodical basics crisis period of individuals behavior and decisions forming values and beliefs analysis to do and to understand for wide comprehensive basis creates This axiological mechanisms learning through researchers different different and mutually depends in the world peace, security and human being well-being provide for more thin and efficient strategies work outputs can

In general when, this and another affairs humanitarian safety policy and practices formation and effect in doing axiological of mechanisms importance emphasizes today complicated and mutually depends in the world safety measures moral aspects about valuable concepts will give.

Humanitarian safety in the context of axiological mechanisms concept according to big in quantity studies take went Axiology of philosophy values, ethics and aesthetics with engaged in department is axiological mechanisms while persons and of societies own values and beliefs formation processes means

This in the field of research main from directions one values and humanity movement between is a dependency. Studies that's it showed compassion and sympathy and social justice such as values the first to the seat to put persons and societies humanity in his actions participation reach and to those in need help show efforts support can

Also humanitarian safety with depends axiological mechanisms in formation of education role according to studies take went Studies that's it showed that education through humanity values and ethics to the rules have to be in people empathy and social responsibility feeling to develop help gives, this while humanity efforts of support to increase take will come.

From this except, studies humanitarian safety in the context of axiological of mechanisms development cultural and social of factors effect by learning came out Studies that's it showed that cultural values and norms of people humanity to his actions has been to the relationship effect to do possible and social networks and public structures humanity safety with depends collective values and beliefs in formation solution doer role plays

Modern period human being of rights confession to be done and humanity of care importance increased going because of, man safety protection to do and to encourage priority importance giving axiological to the basics has been need increased is going Not only that violence and from conflicts physical security, perhaps human being of well-being wider aspects, for example, the main needs, health storage, education and from justice to use own into takes

Humanitarian safety in the context of axiological of mechanisms formation cultural, social, political and moral of factors complicated mutually effect own into takes It exists value and standards critical to learn, power and inequality dynamics understanding, justice, sympathy and human being value respect to do promote to do requires commitment.

Humanitarian safety during axiological mechanisms work on the way out main thoughts of the following consists of:

1. Universal human being recognition of rights: humanitarian safety in context axiological basics universal, inseparable and indispensable human being rights principles justification need This is life, freedom and safety the right, as well as food, water, shelter and health storage rights enters

2. Moral responsibility: Axiological mechanisms justice, equality and solidarity encourage for moral obligation reflection to continue need That's all of people mutually recognition of dependence and common interests loyalty own into takes

3. Cultural sensitivity: Axiological basics cultural values and of norms diversity account get, as well as a person value and of rights universal principles support need It's cultural dynamics deep to understand and different cultural prospects with respectable communication and to cooperation requires loyalty.

4. Accountability and Disclosure: Humanitarian safety during axiological mechanisms accountability, transparency and management principles justification need Of this monitoring, assessment for and reverse contact mechanisms, as well as infringement cases eliminate reach and fair judgment mechanisms necessary

Humanitarianism safety during axiological mechanisms work exit according to take went scientific affairs humanity problems has been relationship and actions in formation values, ethics and of empathy importance emphasized. This axiological of mechanisms formation and effect to do processes to understand through researchers and politicians humanitarian to safety relatively compassionate and moral the approach before push to act on the way can

In general in general, humanity safety during axiological of mechanisms formation moral and philosophical issues with deep to deal with, as well as justice, compassion and human being value respect to do values promote to do requiring commitment dynamic and constant is a process. Man safety the first to the seat to put strong axiological the basics work exit through we all for more fair, peaceful and stable the world to build to act on the way can

Summary by doing in other words, axiological laws humanity safety during moral behavior and decisions acceptance in doing solution doer role plays Man value and justice principles supported without, individuals and organizations of the population weak layers needs satisfy and crisis during their rights protection to do for together performance can.


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