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Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Koronchik Viktoriya, Rudenko Nataliya, Buteva Valeriya, Murzina Marina

Background - analysis of the terms ’referencing’, ‘summary’, ‘abstract’ and specific features of the abstract. Methods - theoretical (analysis of the literary sources, modeling of the pedagogical situations). Results - main components of the abstract are proposed; main phrases used for writing abstracts of professionally oriented texts are given. The author states the importance of teaching non-linguistic students writing abstracts of professionally oriented texts in foreign language.

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выносливости и оздоровительного эффекта. «Все это поможет приобщить студентов к самостоятельным занятиям средствами физической культуры, к сознательному применению их в целях активного отдыха, тренировки повышения работоспособности и укреплению здоровья» [4, с. 520].

Предложенные изменения в методике позволят повлиять на причины низкой двигательной активности: повысить мотивацию к занятиям, решить вопрос отсутствия времени, когда студент, владеющий комплексами физических упражнений, может изыскать время заниматься в домашних условиях.


Исходя из выше сказанного, можно сделать выводы.

1. Большинство студентов спецмедгруппы академии имеют низкий уровень двигательной активности (критический и минимальный).

2. Предложено включить в программу задачи по повышению мотивации и развитию организованности у студентов к самостоятельным занятиям физической культурой.

3. Необходимо внести в программу в зависимости от интересов и возможностей студентов разделы по обучению самым разнообразным средствам физической культуры и спорта (спортивные игры, скандинавская ходьба, программы фитнеса, атлетической гимнастики) с целью приобретения двигательного опыта для

последующего формирования специальной самостоятельной организации двигательной активности.

Список литературы

1. Антипов О.В. Отношение студентов к двигательной активности в непрофильном вузе // Сборник статей III Международной научно-практической конференции «Россия и мировое общество: проблемы демографии, экологии и здоровья населения», 19-20 августа 2020 г., Пенза,

- С. 6-9

2. Ильинич В.И. Физическая культура студента: учебник / под ред. В.И. Ильинича. - М.: Гардарики, 2001 - 448 с.

3. Карсека Л.С., Сурков А.М., Суханова Е.Ю., Занятия по физической культуре для студентов специальной медицинской группы 2-го курса (учебно-методическое пособие) / авт.-сост. Л.С. Карсека, А.М. Сурков, Е.Ю, Суханова - М.: Типография «Капитал Принт», 2018. - 113 с.

4. Штукин Н.Н., Карсека Л.С, Антипов О.В. Скандинавская ходьба как раздел дисциплины «Физическая культура и спорт» для студентов специальной медицинской группы // Сборник статей Международной научно-практической конференции «Актуальные проблемы физической культуры и спорта в современных социально-экономических условиях», Чувашская ГСХА, 2020.

- С. 517-521


Корончик Виктория Геннадиевна

старший преподаватель Севастопольский государственный университет

г. Севастополь Руденко Наталья Сергеевна кандидат филологических наук, доцент Севастопольский государственный университет

г. Севастополь Бутева Валерия Евгеньевна кандидат педагогических наук, доцент Севастопольский государственный университет

г. Севастополь Мурзина Марина Львовна старший преподаватель Севастопольский государственный университет

г. Севастополь



Koronchik Viktoriya

senior teacher of Sevastopol State University Rudenko Nataliya Candidate of Philology, assistant professor of Sevastopol State University Buteva Valeriya Candidate of Pedagogy, assistant professor

of Sevastopol State University Murzina Marina

senior teacher of Sevastopol State University


Цель статьи - проанализировать понятия «реферирование», «реферат», «аннотация» и специфические черты аннотации. Методы - теоретические (анализ литературных источников, моделирование педагогических ситуаций). Результат - представлены основные составляющие аннотации; предложены основные фразы, которые используются при написании аннотации профессионально-направленными текстами. Автор указывает важность обучения студентов неязыковых вузов работе с профессионально-направленными текстами на иностранном языке.


Background - analysis of the terms 'referencing', 'summary', 'abstract' and specific features of the abstract. Methods - theoretical (analysis of the literary sources, modeling of the pedagogical situations). Results - main components of the abstract are proposed; main phrases used for writing abstracts of professionally oriented texts are given. The author states the importance of teaching non-linguistic students writing abstracts of professionally oriented texts in foreign language.

Ключевые слова: реферирование, реферат, аннотация, профессионально-направленные тексты.

Key words: referencing, summary, abstract, professionally oriented texts.

Referencing is an intellectual creative process that includes comprehension of information and creation of a new document - an abstract the one with a specific linguistic and stylistic form. Currently, there are many definitions of the term "abstract ". The most common of these is the following: "An abstract is a short presentation of the content of a scientific document ". But such a definition is inadequate. It reflects the features of the abstract as a type of scientific product. By-torture to comprehensively reveal the features of the concept of "abstract" is undertaken in the definition proposed by V.I. Soloviev. In it, an abstract characteristics called "semantically adequate, limited by a small volume and together so a complete presentation of the main content of the primary document is characterized by the constancy of the structure and intended for completing a variety of information functions when using it by readers of various categories". The most important specific features of the abstract, including its intended purpose. The following basic requirements are imposed on the abstract:

1) novelty of information;

2) scientific adequacy of the abstract to the source;

3) identification of the author's concept and the optimal combination of theoretical and factual material;

4) achieving maximum information content [3].

As Blumenau D.I. stated in senior years, working

with a large volume of publicity scientific and scientific (or popular science) articles, students decide to have a similar task - to summarize their content, but already having more difficult communication goals. Depending on the stage of training and on the set educational goal, the end result will be different types of writing (and oral) works of a certain form, scientific, informational and educational traditions, namely: synopsis, plan, abstracts, abstract, abstract, abstract-review [4].

In this list of fixation forms the results of the semantic folding of the text the most difficult in speech the relation is an overview abstract. And the same list allows you to see (and we know the features of each of

the named genres of scientific removal) an increase in the volume of transmitted information, a change in the penalties for its generalization, increasing the level of independence in the presentation content, complication of the structural form and used speech funds. And it also shows us how, in what sequence during training the implementation of the principle from simple to complex, from plan to abstract. Teachers also know that teaching a language requires more than one a year for students to learn how to write an essay.

In the course of a long study activities, students master the skills and abilities of referencing based on the knowledge gained about the structure of the text, about the rules for constructing super phrasal unity, paragraph and text as a whole (not to mention the knowledge studies of vocabulary and grammar as a basis for working with text). Abstract structures are necessary for students in their real academic life, since course work and the thesis they write necessarily contain an abstract presentation of the first read sources - books and articles on the topic of work. Completeness of content presentation the books and articles read depends on their significance for the chosen topic, and, consequently, selection, the degree of compression of information and the form of its fixing rations will be different. Selecting the material necessary on the topic, students should be able to assess the degree of importance of it for their topic, produce logical-semantic analysis of what was read, to carry out verbal and meaning word compression, and then present the selected coherently, logically, with the help of by the speech means adopted in such cases and cliched expressions.

In other words, students should be able to work with text and, passing its content, to have an idea about the structure of the abstract, about the specific speech means of its design. In a strategic sense, training in drawing up a plan, theses, writing a synopsis, presentation, is preparatory for the abstract the stage (in the narrow sense of the word). It is at this stage that the walk the assimilation of all knowledge and mastery of all the skills necessary for text processing. Usually

Ha^OH&ibHaa ассоцнацнн yneHbix (HAy) # 66, 2021


these are 1-2 language courses. And here is the form fixing the content in the form of annotation, abstract and overview abstract requires additional knowledge and skills in their structural and speech design, since their composition and linguistic means of coherence their functional purpose - to give an "initial presentation a written document to determine the feasibility of applying to him " [5].

The assimilation of this knowledge and the formation of these skills become the task of the second stage - the stage of teaching directly abstracting, that is, writing an abstract. The pivot that allows us to consider teaching all the above genres of educational writing as a single, is a complex skill of compressing text, that is, creating it a short version without losing basic information. And this is perhaps the most difficult in learning a foreign language and therefore takes a significant place throughout the learning process.

When starting to learn how to write an essay, the teacher, before of all, activates the ability of students to find the main and secondary (commenting, arguing, illustrating) information, write a plan - name and thesis, simple and complex. Ability to write thesis plan, i.e. divide the text into semantic parts and find or form-ling the main position of each, is the basis of the structural and content analysis of the test when abstracting.

For the correct division of the current hundred / article on semantic parts, students must learn the structure of scientific legacy and journalistic text, containing three obligatory components: introduction, main part and conclusion, each of which you fulfill its inherent meaningful function. Work on compiling by means of a complex plan forms the ability to highlight textual predication different levels, determine their hierarchy, if necessary - sum them up under a more general basis or omit them, formulate a thesis taking into account this hierarchy of predication.

To perform such an analysis, it is necessary be able to navigate the structure of the paragraph, understand the meanings of communication means in superphrasal unities and in the text as a whole, to be able to use them in one's own natural speech constructions. In turn, the abstract has its own normalized structure and speech means of its design (abstract clichés, abstract designs) corresponding to the given genre. In the introductory part, communicates information about the title, author, place and time of publication articles, its topic and problem, lists the issues discussed in it.

In fact, the introduction contains an abstract of the article, so it is advisable but teach writing annotation before teaching abstracting. In the content of the original source is transferred to the new part. In conclusion, for the conclusions made by the author of the source text are mimicked, and, if necessary, bridges are the referent's own conclusion.

Abstract constructions used for the execution of the abstract, perform a double function: first, they serve as means of coherence of the created text of the abstract and, secondly, they describe the nature of the presentation by the author of the article reported by the information. Abstract constructions are studied when teaching abstracts and expand and intensify in the

process of working on abstracts. It is also advisable to repeat the citation rules. Given the complexity of abstracts as a speech work, students work in stages, going from the observation of abstract structures in sentences, in ready-made reports to the construction of their own proposals and further to reproduction and independent production of parts of the abstract and the text of the abstract as a whole.

The established practice of abstracting scientific literature, as well as co-the assignment of the volume of the author's abstract and thesis indicates that the optimal volume of the abstract should be on average 1015% of the abstract of the document being processed (although a large degree of compression of information). In this case, the abstract can fully reflect all the elements of the structure, the main factual material, methodological and conceptual features of the refereed source, statistical and reference data. Such an abstract can replace researchers and pre-the original source, which may not be available to them for some reason or for other reasons. Being a specific genre of scientific information, the abstract in many in its structure depends on the refereed document. However, in its structure, three main parts are usually distinguished: 1) title; 2) the text of the abstract; 3) help desk.

The title of the abstract includes primarily the abstract exact point. If literature in foreign languages is reviewed, then in at the very beginning, a short translation of the title is given, and then the BO of the document into original language. In summary abstracts, the name of the given first abstract, after which there is a list of refereed sources. When-than, the order of their location can be based on the chronological or alphabetical principle.

The text of the abstract itself contains scientifically significant information obtained by the refereed document. The text uses quotations, for-mules, tables and illustrations. It provides information about the author of the referee-source (academic degree, place of work, etc.), it appears structure and features of the original source, the documentary base of the research, the relevance and degree of novelty of the abstracted work is noted, the author's conceptual views are presented.

The reference apparatus of the abstract usually includes information that is additionally characterize the original source: UDC index; code or number of the abstract; information on the number of illustrations and tables in the refereed sub-the document, about the presence of a bibliography in it; references and notes of the assistant; the name of the assistant or the name of the organization that made essay. The problem of the structure of the abstract is closely related to the features of the composition of the abstract, which practically boil down to the following:

1) general acquaintance with the refereed document (read by the author-summary, introduction, table of contents and conclusion, text review, applications and help machine), during which it is determined its scientific significance and relevance, the type of future abstract;

2) reading the document in order to highlight essential, key elements of its content, determining the depth and degree of novelty information revealed in the refereed source, etc .;

3) analysis of the selected information and their final selection for inclusion reading in the abstract;

4) construction of a scheme for presenting the material of the abstract so that it logically and adequately reflected the reviewed document;

5) writing and scientific presentation of the abstract [4].

In modern conditions, a person who graduates from higher education conducting should not only have the knowledge and skills necessary for future work activities, but also to be ready to realize oneself in new conditions of a changing world. Availability of highly qualified personnel in all fields of science, technology, economics, management, etc. -one of the keys to the economic well-being of any nation.

As long as globalization and integration intensify, it becomes more evident that specialists need to be trained to work not only in a particular country, but in Europe and even the world in general. To this end, it is necessary to revise the approaches to teaching foreign languages in higher educational institutions, in part strength, strengthening the pragmatic focus and taking into account the professional interests of future specialists.

Nowadays, foreign language teachers need to be clear be aware that a foreign language requires graduates of non-linguistic universities mainly for a

deeper development of the specialty and for practical use in professional activities. Therefore, one of the most urgent tasks of teaching English in technical economic and economic faculties of higher educational institutions is developing students' skills to use a foreign language for practical work in the specialty, to improve their professional level and achievement of career goals.


1. Барыкина А.Н. Компрессия информативного содержания текста как один из ведущих навыков при обучении письменной речи на базе текста // Русский язык для студентов-иностранцев: сб.метод.статей №24 / Отв.ред. Е.И. Кедайтене. - М., 1987. - С.27-30

2. Блюменау Д.И. Проблема свертывания научной информации / Д.И. Блюменау. - Л.: Наука, 1982. - 243с.

3. Блюменау Д.И. Информационный анализ/синтез для формирования вторичного потока документов. - Л.: Профессия, 2002. - 340с.

4. Москальская О.И. Грамматика текста. - М., 1981. - 183с.

5. Орлова Е.В. Научный текст. Аннотирование, реферирование, рецензирование. -М.: Златоуст, 2013. - 253с.

6. Федотова З.А. Реферирование научной статьи как аспект работы по русскому языку // Рус.яз.за рубежом. - 1908. - №6. - С.27-36.


Левин Семён Михайлович

Профессор кафедры автоматизированных систем управления,

факультет систем управления, Томский государственный университет систем управления и радиоэлектроники,

г. Томск


Semen M. Levin

Professor of automated control systems Chair, Faculty of Control Systems, Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics,


DOI: 10.31618/nas.2413-5291.2021.3.66.420


В условиях массового перехода к дистанционному обучению платформы систем управления обучением стали основным инструментом реализации педагогической функции ВУЗ-ов. Цель исследования - выявление возможности применения упомянутых систем в качестве полноценного аналога очного обучения, в части реализации педагогических теорий в условиях перехода к парадигме учения. Результаты работы выражены в конкретных выводах, в разделе обсуждений даны некоторые рекомендации по выбору систем управления обучением.


In the context of a massive transition to distance learning, learning management systems have become the primary tool for implementing the pedagogical function of universities. The study aims to identify the possibility of using the above systems as a full-fledged analogue of full-time education to implement pedagogical theories in the context of the transition to the learning paradigm. The work results exposed in concrete conclusions; in the discussion section, some recommendations given on the choice of learning management systems.

Ключевые слова: дистанционное обучение; системы управления обучением; педагогические теории; парадигма учения

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