Научная статья на тему 'Имплицитный характер функций организационного развития сервисных компаний'

Имплицитный характер функций организационного развития сервисных компаний Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Бородай Владимир Александрович

В статье показано, что компания это сложная социотехническая система, а развитие сложной системы требует особых знаний и навыков. Особенностью организационного развития сервисных компаний является необходимость выполнять тройное проектирование: продукта, операционной системы под этот продукт и обслуживающей системы для операционной. Сформулированы функции, которые должны быть включены в организационное развитие, подробно рассмотрены каждая из них. Установлено, что привлечение к проектированию бизнес-архитектуры руководителей сервисной компании это обязательный фактор успеха

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Текст научной работы на тему «Имплицитный характер функций организационного развития сервисных компаний»

Имплицитный характер функций организационного развития

сервисных компаний Implicit character of organizational development functions of service


Бородай Владимир Александрович Borodai Vladimir Alexandrovich

Доктор социологических наук / профессор кафедры Сервис, туризм и индустрия гостеприимства Донской государственный технический университет (ДГТУ)

E-mail: boroday v@mail. ru

Аннотация: В статье показано, что компания - это сложная социотехническая система, а развитие сложной системы требует особых знаний и навыков. Особенностью организационного развития сервисных компаний является необходимость выполнять тройное проектирование: продукта, операционной системы под этот продукт и обслуживающей системы - для операционной. Сформулированы функции, которые должны быть включены в организационное развитие, подробно рассмотрены каждая из них. Установлено, что привлечение к проектированию бизнес-архитектуры руководителей сервисной компании - это обязательный фактор успеха

Abstract: The article shows that the company - it is a complex socio-technical systems, and the development of complex systems requires special knowledge and skills. A feature of the organizational development of service companies is the need to perform a triple design: the product, the operating system for the product and service system - for operating. Formulated functions that should be included in organizational development, discussed in detail each

of them. It was found that the involvement of the design business architecture service company executives - an obligatory factor of success

Ключевые слова: стейкхолдеры, бизнес-модель, эффективность, конкуренты, бизнес-архитектура, функции

Keywords: stakeholders, the business model, efficiency, competition, business architecture function


In today's business environment, each company must change: this idea is contained in any literary source of management. By virtue of their understanding, leaders are trying to follow this principle. But few people think that the company is a complex socio-technical system, and the development of a complex system requires special knowledge and skills. The relevance of this topic is related to the strengthening of competitive positions in the market. And in the market system of coordinates, it is necessary to take into account the influence of such environmental factors as complexity, mobility and uncertainty. The problem of many organizations is that, modern top management often does not even have an idea of the existence of such an activity as organizational development. This is the main idea of the article, because as long as top management does not form a correct idea of organizational development in its head, the overwhelming majority of business problems will remain problems. "There comes a time when, as never before, it will be important for companies to not just adjust themselves to the market, but also try to set their own rules of the game on it" [1]. Of course, only a correct view is not enough for the situation to change. It takes a lot of hard work, but a correct presentation is an indispensable condition for starting a change.

Main section

As you know, organizational development is an activity to improve and develop the company. Many believe that this is a poorly formalized activity: the main thing is to select the "right" people and follow your intuition. Consider why this is not always the case.

The company is a complex system that includes three main systems:

1) Operating system, the purpose of which is the production, sale and delivery of the product to the consumer.

2) A servicing system, the purpose of which is to maintain the operability of the operating system.

3) Development system, whose goal is to design products and create operating and maintenance systems, in other words, in fact, organizational development. It is important to understand that "a self-organizing system can not be imposed on the path of development. Management of such a system can be considered as contributing to its own development tendencies of the system, taking into account its self-regulation "[2].

A feature of organizational development is the need to perform triple design. First, - the product as a separate system, sometimes quite complex. Secondly, - the operating system for this product. And thirdly, - the operating system - for the operating room. Given these preliminary comments, we will formulate which functions should be included in the organizational development, and we will discuss in detail each of them.

Requirements development. As part of the development of requirements, the explicit and implicit desires of stakeholders regarding the product, operating and maintenance systems should be formulated as formal requirements that can be further developed when designing the relevant entities. Here are some examples of stakeholders.

As a source of requirements for the product, of course, customers primarily serve, although some of the requirements for certain types of products (for example, food) stakeholders may be government regulators. Owners make

their demands on performance (profit is one of the possible examples) and the reliability of the business system. State regulators can put forward their requirements for operating and maintenance systems regarding industrial and environmental safety.

To identify these types of requirements, an analysis of the external environment and an analysis of the needs of customers should be carried out. The analysis of the external environment is primarily aimed at studying markets (customers, technologies, suppliers), competitors, tracking changes in laws. For global companies, it can also include a forecast of state policy and the demographic situation. Analysis of customer needs includes the collection of comments and suggestions from existing customers and clarifying the needs of potential customers. "In the face of changing patterns of consumer behavior, company executives will need people who are able to quickly assess the situation in the external environment and adjust their work to the needs of the market" [3].

Another part of the requirements for operating and maintenance systems appears as a result of the analysis of the effectiveness of internal activities. In the process of such an analysis:

- it is concluded whether the operating and maintenance system achieves the necessary performance indicators;

- benchmarking with other companies;

- comments and suggestions from staff are collected (consistent with the practice of involving staff in the Lean methodology - lean production).

Identified problems and deviations are also transformed into requirements that must be taken into account in the next cycle of designing and changing the architecture of operating and maintenance systems (hereinafter - business architecture). "In the process of daily professional activity, we strive to do the best job" [4]. Unlike the analysis of the external environment, which not all

companies can afford, the analysis of the effectiveness of internal activities and analysis of the needs of customers must be in every company.

Collecting the needs or requirements of stakeholders, proposals or ideas from employees is carried out continuously, and the number of requirements developed on their basis can be significant. Unfortunately, rarely when it is possible to realize them all. Therefore, a very important factor is the need to establish priorities. Employees who will be involved in setting priorities need a good understanding of the needs of customers and the state of the company in order to make the right choice - what needs to be realized immediately and what can wait.

Another important factor: a number of requirements can relate to the same element of the system: the department, the business process, the IT system. And the implementation of even one requirement is accompanied by a large number of overhead costs: reconfiguration of systems, training of employees, approbation, etc. Therefore, often, it makes sense to accumulate requirements for one element and transfer them to implementation by packages. This will save on overhead labor and not create unnecessary strain for staff because of the constant flow of changes.

Development of business model and development plan. The business model at the conceptual level shows how the business is going to make money. "To begin with, it is necessary to understand what opportunities for development - non-obvious" growth points "- are already available. It happens that the leaders carefully searched and found nothing. This is not surprising - they are inside the situation and inside the "system", so they can not look at everything from the side "[5]. One of the options for the future of the previously developed requirements is the development or adjustment of the entire business model. This happens when the requirements are significant and can not be realized by simply adjusting current products or optimizing the existing business architecture. The business model is in some way a concept of business

architecture. The development of the concept of architecture is an important step in the design of any complex system. It helps to decide how to implement the requirements without detailed design of all system components. Typically, several alternative business models are being developed, of which one is selected for key indicators (including economic ones). The concept and requirements for new products, formed in the development of the business model, are then passed on for detailed elaboration to the function "Product Development".

It should be noted that the fate of the entire business depends on the quality of the development of the business model, since mistakes made in the business model can not be corrected at other stages of organizational development. For example, an excellent effective business architecture will not be able to correct the miscalculations made when choosing a product or sales channels.

If you had to change or adjust the business model, then with great probability the company is waiting for big changes. They can include both the design of new products, and the redesign of the business architecture, and, of course, the implementation of changes in reality. This can take a long period of time, for example, two to three years. To synchronize the listed works in time is the development plan.

Product development. The development of a product design is a detailed description of the product in terms of its consumer properties, design and manufacturing technology. Typically, the product is projected with some advance relative to the business architecture, because the product itself and its manufacturing technology impose their requirements on the business architecture (for example, on the equipment used for production, transportation and storage).

Within this function, there are two "developments". One is the current improvements to existing products. Another is the development of new products based on their concept and requirements for new products.

Designing of business architecture. This activity is aimed at creating a project (description) of the operating and maintenance systems. The project of business architecture describes the company with the accuracy that is necessary for its subsequent implementation in reality. It includes various models of activity (models of functions, business processes), models of organizational structure, objects of activity, means of production and information systems. This is the most time-consuming stage of organizational development. But it more than makes it possible to recoup all labor costs by eliminating a huge number of various mistakes in the organization of activities that otherwise have to be eliminated in fact.

It should be noted that designing a business architecture is a function to which some managers are dismissive. In practice, most managers believe that it is enough to define the goal, and then the employees themselves organize themselves and, by virtue of their abilities, come up with the necessary technology of activity and formalize it. Yes, it happens that it works. But in a limited class of situations: in small companies whose employees have sufficient intelligence and knowledge. In most cases, the influence of factors in the business environment of errors does not forgive. "The external environment is always greater than any organization and stronger than it. Sharp changes in the environment can lead to the death of the organization "[6].

The second common misconception is that by trial and error, the necessary technology will sooner or later develop itself. Most often this does not happen, and if it does, the resources spent on correcting mistakes are excessively large.

Creation or modification of operating and maintenance systems. This function marks the last stage of organizational development and means the

implementation of the business architecture project in reality. Within the framework of this stage, based on the requirements for personnel and means of production contained in the draft, the following occurs:

- selection or rotation, staff training;

- purchase or manufacture of means of production;

- implementation of information systems;

- assembly of all components in a single system.

In an already existing company at this stage only some of its fragments are reconstructed. In the new company everything is built from scratch.

It is seldom possible to create a complex system from the first time. Therefore, in the work plan, it is necessary to provide for the approbation of the developed technologies and refinement of the business architecture project. In addition, we should, in our view, make the following observations.

First, despite the consistent presentation of the functions of organizational development within this article and the existence of causal relationships between them, it is incorrect to assume that in a real situation in time they strictly follow each other. Since time is a valuable resource, in practice it is advisable to do as many works as possible in parallel. For example, without waiting for the end of the full development of the product, you can start designing a business architecture. Returns can also be made to previous functions. For example, if some requirements were not implemented in the business architecture, you might need to rethink the business model or change requirements.

Secondly, - speaking about the product, it should be noted that for the project companies within the framework of organizational development, not a specific product is developed, but a project of a whole class of products that the business system must be able to produce. It is under the class of products that there is a choice of means of production and assembly of the operating system. The parameters of a specific product are specified already in the operating activities when accepting a sales order.

Thirdly, we do not need to take the reduced structure of organizational development as a rigid framework that takes into account all cases. In a particular company there may be some nuances that need to be taken into account in the structure of functions.

Returning to the thesis that each company should change, the question arises - how often this should happen. In today's environment, the company must change constantly. This does not mean, of course, that changes must occur on a daily basis, or the entire company must necessarily be restructured. It would be great, but the company's employees, most likely, will not stand it. It makes sense to accumulate requirements, periodically form packages from them and implement them. Some packages will be more global - with a long period of implementation, some will be operational in nature. Examples of global packages: creating new products, changing sales channels, entering new consumer segments. Examples of operational packages: the current revision of the product, which does not lead to a change in the business model, the improvement of the operating and maintenance systems. The above approach with respect to operational packages has some similarities with the concept of permanent small changes in the methodology of developing Agile systems.

It should also clarify who should be involved in organizational development. We give two polar points of view on this question (with the proviso that there are many intermediate variants). Some experts believe that the company should be formed a separate unit, which will deal, for example, with the function of designing the business architecture for other units. As a justification for this position, they cite the thesis that senior and middle managers lack special competence, and this does not allow them to act as business architects, as technologists of their activities. This point of view has the right to exist, but for the company the content of such a unit is a big expense, since it must involve really best specialists having extensive experience in organizing activities in many subject areas.

Other experts believe that attracting company executives to the design of business architecture is an indispensable factor for success. First, to require performance from the leaders can only be if they have the right to change the technology of activities, because they are business architects. Therefore, they should be given direct responsibility for efficiency, for the development of the activities entrusted to them. This implies:

- the manager must act as a business architect on a daily basis, a certain amount of time;

- the company should have a long-term motivation system for managers, aimed at development.

To coordinate the organizational development activities in the company, however, there should be an organizational development unit (depending on the size of the company - department, management or department) whose director has at least two roles:

- the main business architect responsible for developing the company's general architecture;

- the main methodologist, who determines the choice of methodological decisions in the activity itself for organizational development.

It should be noted that in small companies, and sometimes in large companies, the role of the chief business architect can be assumed by the first person of the company. Also in the structure of organizational development should be business analysts who support managers in the methodological and instrumental issues of designing business architecture. To ensure the implementation of long-term and large-scale development projects, this division must additionally have project managers responsible for planning and executing the temporary and financial parameters of the projects. "At the same time, it is not so important which decision method you will eventually choose. It is important that the chosen solution really could move your company from a dead center and stimulate necessary changes "[7].


Thus, organizational development is a completely understandable tangible activity with clear boundaries. In modern conditions, this function of the organizational development of service companies is not explicit, implicit in nature. This activity brings order and system in the activities of the organization, is the driving force of the viability of a modern service company. This means that it can be implemented in every enterprise, even without the involvement of outside specialists, based largely on the internal potential. At the same time, "if we consider the organization as an integral system that is subject to the influence of external and internal factors and varies under their influence, it is possible to assume the existence of such a state of the system (company) at which a synergy effect appears" [8]. It should also be noted that, unfortunately, the time for management to understand the essence of organizational development is severely limited due to the fact that today there are competition and crisis phenomena in the economy and business environment. Everyone before our eyes has examples of how companies are being ruined and closed, as unsuccessful companies are absorbed by more successful ones. And in severe economic times, this becomes a massive one - many companies lack at least a minimum margin of safety.

Библиографический список:

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8. Borodai V. Brand of the employer as DNA of corporate culture of service company // European Research. 2017. № 1 (24). C. 34-35. DOI: 10.20861/2410-2873-2017-24-001

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