Научная статья на тему 'Implicit knowledge management in the innovative organization: theoretical-methodological approach'

Implicit knowledge management in the innovative organization: theoretical-methodological approach Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Gumerova G.I., Shaimieva E.S.

The article investigates the economic essence of the management of implicit knowledge in innovative organizations at the macro-, meso-, micro-levels. The author has developed the research methodology, including the method of analysis of the market of explicit and implicit knowledge; assessment of the amount of explicit and implicit knowledge in order to understand innovative enterprise. The study identified the importance of tacit knowledge in the knowledge system of innovation organization at three levels; the identified differentiation of management in technical, biological, socio-economic systems; developed criteria for implicit, explicit knowledge.

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В cтатье исследована экономическая сущность управления неявным знанием в инновационной организации на макро,-мезо, микроуровнях. Разработана авторская методология исследования, включающая методику анализа рынка явных и неявных знаний; оценка объема явного и неявного знания в расчете на одно инновационное предприятие. В результате исследования определено значение неявного знания в системе знания инновационной организации трех уровней; выявлена дифференциация управления в технических, биологических, социально-экономических системах; сформированы критерии неявного, явного знания.

Текст научной работы на тему «Implicit knowledge management in the innovative organization: theoretical-methodological approach»

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6. Zaharova N.A. Logistika v bankovskom predprinimatel'stve: avtoref. diss. k.je.n. SPb [Logistics in the banking business] - 2002 - 17 p. [in Russian]

7. Prodoljatchenko P.A. Depozitnaja logistika: ponjatie i perspek-tivy razvitija [eposit logistics: the concept and prospects of development] / Prodoljatchenko P.A.// Innovacionnaja nauka i sovremennoe obshhestvo: sbornik statej Mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii [Innovative science and modern society: collected articles of International scientific-practical conference] - V 2 ch. Ch. 1. - Ufa: Ajeterna, 2015 - P. 127 - 133. [in Russian]

8. Gotfrid A.S. Sistema upravlenija finansovymi potokami ban-ka. Regressionnyj analiz kak metod upravlenija finansovymi potokami banka [The system of management of financial flows of the bank. Regression analysis as a method of managing finansial flows of a bank] /Gotfrid A.S. // Sbornik statej mezhdunarodnoj issledovatel'skoj organizacii "Cognitio" po materialam XX mezhdunarodnoj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii 2 chast': «Aktual'nye problemy nauki XXI veka», g. Moskva: sbornik so statjami (uroven' standarta, akademicheskij uroven'). - M.: Mezhdunarodnaja issledovatel'skaja organizacija "Cognitio" [Collected papers of the international research organization "Cognitio" according to the materials of XX international scientific and practical conference, part 2: "Actual problems of science of XXI century"]- 2017. - P. 68 - 75. [in Russian]

9. Kovalenko O. G. Sistema upravlenija denezhnymi potokami predprijatija [The control system of the enterprise cash flows] / Kovalenko O. G. // Molodoj uchenyj [Young scientist]. - 2014. - №20. - P. 295-297. [in Russian]

10. Tjutjukina E. B. Finansovye potoki: sushhnost' i priznaki klas-sifikacii [Financial flows: the essence and features of classification]/ E. B. Tjutjukina, K. M. Afashagov // Vestnik finansovoj akademii [Vestnik of the Finance Academy] - 2007. -№ 4 (44). - P. 24-33. [in Russian]

DOI: https://doi.org/10.23670/IRJ.2017.65.151 Гумерова Г.И.1, Шаймиева Э.Ш.2

1ORCID: 0000-0002-5198-7576, доктор экономических наук, профессор, руководитель отдела образовательных проектов Департамента образовательных проектов и программ, 2ORCID: 0000-0002-9588-0199, доктор экономических наук, профессор кафедры менеджмента, зав. научно-исследовательской лабораторией менеджмента знаний факультета менеджмента и инженерного бизнеса 1Фонд инфраструктурных и образовательных программ (РОСНАНО) 2Казанский инновационный университет им. В.Г.Тимирясова (ИЭУП), г. Казань УПРАВЛЕНИЕ НЕЯВНЫМ ЗНАНИЕМ ИННОВАЦИОННОЙ ОРГАНИЗАЦИИ: ТЕОРЕТИКО-



В статье исследована экономическая сущность управления неявным знанием в инновационной организации на макро,-мезо, микроуровнях. Разработана авторская методология исследования, включающая методику анализа рынка явных и неявных знаний; оценка объема явного и неявного знания в расчете на одно инновационное предприятие. В результате исследования определено значение неявного знания в системе знания инновационной организации трех уровней; выявлена дифференциация управления в технических, биологических, социально-экономических системах; сформированы критерии неявного, явного знания.

Ключевые слова: неявные знания, знания инновационной организации, методы защиты.

Gumerova G.I.1, Shaimieva E.Sh.2

1ORCID: 0000-0002-5198-7576 PhD in Economics, Professor, Foundation of infrastructure and educational programs (RUSNANO), Head of the Department of educational projects and programs,

2ORCID: 0000-0002-9588-0199, PhD in Economics, Professor of management chair, the head of the research laboratory of knowledge management by faculty of management and engineering business foundation of infrastructure and educational programs (RUSNANO) 2Kazan innovative University named after V. G. Timiijasewa (IEML), Kazan, Russia IMPLICIT KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT IN THE INNOVATIVE ORGANIZATION: THEORETICAL-



The article investigates the economic essence of the management of implicit knowledge in innovative organizations at the macro-, meso-, micro-levels. The author has developed the research methodology, including the method of analysis of the market of explicit and implicit knowledge; assessment of the amount of explicit and implicit knowledge in order to understand innovative enterprise. The study identified the importance of tacit knowledge in the knowledge system of innovation organization at three levels; the identified differentiation of management in technical, biological, socio-economic systems; developed criteria for implicit, explicit knowledge.

Keywords: tacit knowledge, knowledge innovation of the organization, methods of protection.

Explanation, purpose of the study

Purpose. In this paper the research tasks are the study of the economic nature of implicit knowledge management in an innovative organizations; the development of methods of protecting of tacit knowledge.

Design / methodology / approach. The author has developed the research methodology, including the method of market analysis of the explicit, implicit knowledge, identified the importance of tacit knowledge in the knowledge system of innovation organization at three levels; the identified differentiation of management in technical, biological, socio-economic systems; developed criteria for implicit, explicit knowledge.

Research limitations/implications: the method of market analysis of explicit, implicit knowledge is based on the Russian practice of statistical information collecting. A study in the protection of the tacit knowledge applied to a concrete Russian company with the best capitalization of the objects of explicit, implicit knowledge in the national Russian scale in manufacturing of electrical work.

Practical application: management of the highest level of innovative organizations. Originality/value: showing the economic essence of tacit knowledge as the part of organization knowledge; the volume of knowledge in value terms; forms a complex of protecting methods of tacit knowledge in the structure of the confidential documented information for management of the high, - medium-, low levels.


Management of implicit knowledge in the innovative organizations from an economic point of view involves the capitalization of knowledge based on methodological provision for the study of markets of explicit and tacit knowledge, identifying trends in the development of knowledge markets, ensuring the protection of the holders of tacit knowledge in the organization.

Management of the implicit knowledge in the structure of a knowledge of the innovative organization is characterized in the theoretical economic literature by the following provisions:

- the lack of the research in the field of structural relations of the implicit/explicit knowledge in the organization;

- the lack of the research in the field of protecting methods of tacit knowledge in an organization in its managerial values hierarchy;

- the lack of the practice-oriented work contributing to the diagnosis of the state of affairs in the management of implicit knowledge in the organization.

Methodological approach

The object of the study is the management system of explicit and implicit knowledge in an innovative organization. The subject of research is the management system of implicit knowledge in an innovative organizations in terms of its economic essence and protection methods.1

Under the "economic substance" of the management of implicit knowledge in the knowledge structure of organization is defined as a capitalization of the knowledge at meso,- microlevels [1. P. 117, 151, 160].

Under the "innovative organization" in this study is understanding the organization performing research and development over the period 2000-2014 [2- P. 24-25].

The theoretical background

The study of implicit knowledge management in the innovation organization carried out in the following areas:

a) in the field of organizations as systems with the differentiation of management in the technical, biological, socioeconomic systems: Adizes I. [3]. The management of implicit knowledge distinguishes the management in the socio-economic system from the management in the technical system, characterized by the absence of tacit knowledge; management in a biological system, where the development and longevity of the last is carried out through the implicit knowledge [3], [4]2. The management of emotional intelligence of emotional leadership based on social sensitivity (empathy), self-awareness, self-control is, in the authors' opinion, an integral part of the management of implicit knowledge of the leader (head) [4].

b) in the field of human resource management as a source of knowledge of organization: [6]. Based on work of Chesbrough [7], the organization (enterprise, firm) is considered in this study as a living, open system for the production and management of knowledge in the form of a tangible or intangible product that functions on three levels: micro, - meso,- macro.

c) in the field of knowledge management system in the organization generated by the dominant in the organization of the leadership concept: Davenport T., Prusak L. (Davenport T., Prusak L. (1998) [8], Davenport Th., Gilbert J., Heinrich v. P. (Davenport, Gilbert, Heinrich v. P., (2002) [9]. The analysis of the leadership concepts from 1967 to the present time shows that in the organization, where developed and applied the leadership concept of the knowledge economy, the employees are the followers of the head, in the case of its conformity with the specific criteria of the leader in personal characteristics, based on the ethic norms accepted in this country or meet the requirements used in transnational corporations, compliance (unity) behavior in real and virtual spaces Carayannis E, Papadopoulos C. (Carayannis et al., 2011) [10]3.

The relationship "leader-followers" are required to extract of implicit knowledge in an innovative organizations. In addition, the relationship to managerial competencies in the evolution of leadership theories evidence the development of managerial competences as a (private) explicit and implicit knowledge of the head, reflecting his leadership skills, contributing to the development of explicit and implicit knowledge of employees (Verdorfer et al., 2014) [12].

d) in the field of hierarchy of managerial values in the business models of the United States, Germany, Japan, Russia: Milner B. (Milner, 2009) [13];

1 The methodology of knowledge market research presented in this study in the following sections: methods of analysis of the market of explicit and implicit knowledge at three levels; evaluation of volume of the Russian market knowledge over the period 2000-2014, the evaluation of the volume of explicit and implicit knowledge per one innovation enterprise [2. P. 21-23 ]

2 The management of emotional intelligence of emotional leadership based on social sensitivity (empathy), self-awareness, self-control is, in the authors' opinion, an integral part of the management of implicit knowledge of the leader (head) [4]. The management of implicit knowledge are able to provide the considerable growth of the company (examples - the Japanese company of automotive industry), as well as cause the stagnation of an enterprise (enterprises of

the second half of the Soviet period) [5].


Based on the model of the "servant leader" of Dirk van Dierendonck, in particular, are analysed the characteristics of a "servant" leader (Dierendonck, 2011) [11].

e) the most significant works in the foreign economic literature in the formation of knowledge markets, used by the authors in this work are the following: Lesser E. (Lesser, 2000) [14], Mandeville T. (Mandeville, 1998) [15], Teece D. (Teece, 1981) [16]4. The implementation of methodology by Adizes I. K. contributes to the longevity of organizations, including high-tech businesses (Adizes, 2008) [3] (Table 1).

Table 1 - Study of theoretical and research papers on the topic of the present work

Field The achievement of studies as the authors' conclusions regarding to the subject of this study The critical comments of authors

1) organizations as systems, differentiated management in technical, biological, socio-economic systems Accounting the distinguishing characteristics of management systems (in the biological, spiritual organizations (systems) - «the life expectancy», «the manageability» - in the management of technical systems) in the management of socio-economic system is reflected in the development in the last decade of the "ecosystem" that is self-adapting to the conditions of the external environment, ensuring the functioning of the enterprise for a long time. Insufficient attention to the management of the organization as a system devoted to the management of tacit knowledge, including methods of its generation, accumulation, protection.

2) human resource management as a source of organizational knowledge The system (organization, company) generates its own unique management system based on tacit knowledge (i.e. experience, skills, abilities, mental models, whose carrier is an individual - an employee of the organization). The uniqueness of the management system in socio-economic society based on scale effects of the use of tacit knowledge due to basic patterns of behavior and activities of people in organizations, i.e. organizational behavior. Inadequate attention in the management of human resources in the Russian practice devoted to the issues of inclusion of the individual (employee's) vehicle of the implicit knowledge in production activities of the organization, institutionalized understanding of this process.

3) the knowledge management system in the organization generated by the dominant in the organization of the concept of leadership The essence of the (national) knowledge management models of the leaders in the technological ways is to develop of methodological tools for the extraction of explicit, tacit knowledge in the organization as a system on macro-, meso,- micro-levels. In the field of theories, concepts of leadership is the lack of use of irrational components (implicit knowledge) in the model of knowledge management in organizations during the formation of the knowledge economy.

4) hierarchy of managerial values in the business models of the United States, Germany, Japan, Russia The management system of the countries-leaders of technological orders (USA, Japan, Germany), based on the appropriate intellectual tradition as the foundation of management philosophy, business values, business management models reflect the search for these systems on the parameters "manageability", "lifetime of the company" through the development of methodological tools for managing of explicit and implicit knowledge. Insufficient formedness of the hierarchy of managerial values in the business models of Russia, based on appropriate intellectual tradition as the basis of philosophy of management.

5) management and protection of knowledge of organization Identification of combination factors influencing the development and accumulation of explicit and implicit knowledge. Insufficiently developed: the structural ratio of explicit and implicit knowledge in organizations, methods of protection implicit knowledge.

Source: compiled by the authors


The result of the research of theoretical works of Russian, foreign authors in relation to the subject of this research are the following conclusions:

1.In the high-tech enterprise management system the management of implicit knowledge is a priority. The management of implicit knowledge differentiates the management in the socio-economic system from the management in the technical and biological systems.

2. The research of management of technical, biological systems revealed the presence in these systems of advantages in comparison with the management of socio-economic systems on the following parameters: controllability and lifetime, accordingly (Tab. 1).

4 In particular, in Teece D. (Teece, 1981) [16], the management of knowledge is considered from the perspective of international knowledge transfer, and the functioning of enterprises on the market of knowledge based on the properties of know-how. The study of these issues is reflected in the international activities of an innovative enterprises in the characteristics of the company's of high-tech business, the characteristics of its invention. In the methodology of Adizes I. (Adizes, 2008) the special attention is paid to issues of organizational learning in enterprises, issues of conflict-free implementation of changes in the organization.

3.The management in socio-economic systems, based on the achievements in the field of technical management, biological systems is the study and use of the potential of tacit knowledge as the dominant management knowledge system of the organization. In Tab. 2 formed the nature of knowledge, differentiating the implicit from explicit knowledge on the basis of criterion base (Tab. 2).

4.The human resources management based on system approach relies on the methodological apparatus, comprising an object database and methodological tools for the management subsystems of explicit and implicit knowledge, accordingly (Tab. 2).

5. The human resources management based on system approach aimed at the development of methodological tools for extraction of tacit knowledge and expand of methodological tools of explicit knowledge (Tab. 2).

6. Requirements are developed for the concept of leadership to the model of knowledge management in the organization on a meso,- micro,- levels, including the competency requirements of the head; methods of protecting tacit knowledge in the composition of confidential documentary information (Tab. 3).

Table 2 - Characteristics of explicit and implicit knowledge: differentiation according to 8 criteria

Criterion Explicit knowledge Tacit knowledge

1.Structural balance in the organization a) is much inferior in the volume of implicit knowledge greatly exceeds the amount of explicit knowledge

2.Identification in the organization (object database) b) intellectual property: industrial property, utility model, copyright, confidential documented information technical skills; values, mental models; experience, skill, intuition

3.Levels (area) of knowledge creation c) functional management (manufacturing, Finance, marketing, logistics, etc.) individual (employee), group (organizational behavior)

4.Intra-corporate knowledge transfer: - method d) contactless by personal contact

- costs d) the minimum requires a certain cost

5. Protection of knowledge e) The Civil Code. Part 4 No. 230-FZ; Federal Law "On information, information technologies and protection of information" the lack of a comprehensive legal, internal protection

6.Characteristics of the company-creator of knowledge g) interest in (high) financial performance innovative

h) a significant need for technical regulations, manuals, internal orders a significant need in the solution of system-wide strategic objectives

7.Impact on the competitiveness of the enterprise k) direct, in the form of rationalization of the production indirect, in the format of the quality of achievement of the goals of risky projects

8.Conditions of knowledge extract l) IT-products for the management of explicit knowledge; regulation, standardization works the presence of irrational components in the model of knowledge management in organizations: religious, philosophical/non-religious position, that institutionalisiert the provisions of the athoritarian leadership theories of the knowledge economy in the areas of: -interact "leader-followers"; - digital foundations of leadership; -social orientation of the organization

Source: based on: [17], [18]

Table 3 - The main provisions of the concept of leadership in the knowledge economy: the requirements in the framework of the model of knowledge management in organizations, requirements for professional competences in the implicit knowledge _management_

An integral part Level Requirements to leadership concepts

I. Requirements in the framework of the knowledge management model in the organization

The philosophy of the founders of the company Head Is based on religious (religion related basic areas of functioning of the enterprise); the philosophical/non-religious (moral, ethical) teachings

Organization The institutionalization provisions implementing real and virtual spaces: the philosophy of the company; moral values; organizational culture

Model of labor relations Head The uniqueness in the following provisions of the leadership theories: - interact "leader-followers"; - the digital base of leadership

Organization - social orientation of the organization

Total factor productivity Head / Organization National differences in management of organizations at the meso,-micro-levels.

Head Dominance elements in the implicit knowledge management (in part of irrational) over explicit (in part of rational part), the virtual over the real space.

II. Requirements to the professional competences in the management of implicit knowledge

Features Head The empowerment of employees, humility, authenticity, interpersonal acceptance, providing direction for the development, servant leadership.

Professional competence Head The possession of methodological tools of management model knowledge to extract of tacit knowledge in the organization.

Tools for the management of implicit knowledge include the following: 1. The development of mentoring for young employees from employees with experience. 2. The development of "self-learning" groups, where employees, improving skills in foreign educational institutions, offer new theoretical and practical knowledge for General consumption in the organization. 3. The development of platforms, "ecosystems", when employees are able to deal effectively with emerging problems independently. 4. Setting for the staff the new problems of theoretical, practical plans, thereby providing support in the form of business (training) games the readiness of enterprises to solve problems in practice, arising suddenly and requiring a high level of professionalism. 5. Increasing the level of gamesale work to identify a growing volume of implicit knowledge in solving management problems in conditions of high innovation and investment risks and great uncertainty of the future cash flow (for the management of a highest level); routine tactical work with orientation staff on innovation in the field of decision-making and achievement of production processes (for management of middle-, low-levels).

The authors developed requirements for professional competence of leader innovative organizations based on the concept of leadership and the knowledge economy, including tools for extracting implicit knowledge of employees can be applied in a number of professions digital future "Atlas of new professions» [19].

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iНе можете найти то, что вам нужно? Попробуйте сервис подбора литературы.

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