Научная статья на тему 'Implementent bases of trade-marketing activities of municipal pharmacy'

Implementent bases of trade-marketing activities of municipal pharmacy Текст научной статьи по специальности «Фундаментальная медицина»

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Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Vahanova Liudmyla Vasylivna, Rodionova Iryna Volodymyrivna

The purpose of this article is to study the experience of using trademarketing activities at the Community Pharmacy “Viola” and the existing global trends in the pharmaceutical business with their subsequent use in determining the priority directions of the pharmacy development. The following questions are analyzed: 1) global trends in the pharmaceutical business (taking into account the needs of consumers and their positioning as valuable partners; using modern technologies of IT-companies for consumer orientation; developing and producing drugs from rare (orphan) diseases; increasing the number of M&A transactions); 2) proposals were made for the implementation of electronic recipes by the Community Pharmacy “Viola” (control of duplication of prescribed drugs; incompatibility of medicines; clear identification of persons with the same name; provision of sufficient capacity of cloud storage for processing millions of electronic recipes per year); 4) the method of improving the financial condition of the pharmacy through the production of medicines from orphan diseases is determined; 5) analyzed the use of a communal pharmacy trade-marketing activities (loyalty programs, the program “Living with Diabetes” projects “Marking”, “Pulse”, the application of discounts for cancerdrugs and preferential supply of drugs for palliative care for Khmelnytsky, patients with cancer disease-patients; discounts on the funds used incardiosurgery; outdoor advertising on the facades of the pharmacy; POS materials in pharmacies and visualization of drugs on shelves; training of staff); 6) the priority directions of the pharmacy development are determined. The authors confirm that the global trends of the pharmaceutical industry development are crucial for the further development of pharmacies at the regional level, and the communal pharmacy that became the subject of the study, continuing the installation period, has some achievements in the use of trade-marketing activities.

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Целью данной статьи является исследование опыта использования трейд-маркетинговых активностей на коммунальной аптеке “Виола” и существующих глобальных трендов в фармацевтическом бизнесе с последующим их использованием при определении приоритетных направлений развития аптеки. В статье проанализированы следующие вопросы: 1) глобальные тренды в фармацевтическом бизнесе (учет потребностей потребителей и их позиционирование как ценных партнеров, использование современных технологий ИТ-компаний для ориентации на потребителя, разработка и производство лекарственных средств от редких (орфанных) заболеваний, рост количества M & A сделок); 2) даны предложения по внедрению электронных рецептов коммунальной аптекой “Виола” (контроль дублирования препаратов, назначаемых; несовместимость лекарственных средств; четкая идентификация лиц с одинаковой фамилией, обеспечение достаточной мощности облачного хранилища для обработки миллионов электронных рецептов в год) 3) проанализирован опыт сотрудничества коммунальной аптеки “Виола” с учреждениями здравоохранения о возможности обеспечения их лечебными препаратами 4) определены способ улучшения финансового состояния аптеки за счет производства лекарств от орфанных болезней; 5) проанализировано использование коммунальной аптекой трейд-маркетинговых активностей (программы лояльности, программа “Жизнь с диабетом”, проекты “Опека”, “Пульс”, применение скидок на онко-препараты и льготный отпуск наркотических средств для паллиативного лечения для жителей Хмельницкого, больных с онкологическими заболевания-пациентами; скидки на средства, застосувються в кардиохирургии; наружная реклама на фасадах аптеки POS-материалы в аптеках и визуализация препаратов на полках, обучение персонала); 6) определены приоритетные направления развития аптеки. Авторами подтверждено, что мировые тренды развития фармацевтической отрасли являются определяющими и для дальнейшего развития аптек на региональном уровне, а коммунальная аптека, которая стала предметом исследования, течение периода установления, имеет определенные достижения в использовании трейд-маркетинговых активностей

Текст научной работы на тему «Implementent bases of trade-marketing activities of municipal pharmacy»

UDC: 658.8.009.12


Vahanova Liudmyla Vasylivna,

PhD in Economics, Associate professor, Associate Professor Department of Economics and Management His Beatitude Metropolitan Volodymyr of Kyiv and All Ukraine Khmelnitsky Institute of PJSC "HEI "Interregional Academy of Personnel Management", Deputy chief of planning of activity and strategic cites enterprises development department of the Khmelnitsky town council, 29000, Khmelnytskyi, Myry ave., 101а 0675875536, e-mail: milascincevaganova@ gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0002-5812-4597

Ваганова Людмила Bасилiвна,

кандидат eкoнoмiчнuх наук, дощнт, до-щнт кaфeдpu exonoMixu та ynpaвлiння Xмeльнuцькoгo iнcтuтyтy iMem Бла-жeнншoгo Вoлoдuмupa, Muтponoлuтa Ктв^кого i вcieï У^ати npAT "ВНЗ "Miжpeгioнaльнa aкaдeмiя ущавлЫня nepcoнaлoм", 29000, м. Xмeльнuцькuй, npocneкт Mupy, 101а, зacтynнuк на-чальтка в1ддшу танування дiяльнocтi та cтpaтeгiчнoгo poзвuткy тд^ием^в Micrna Xмeльнuцькoï мкьШ paдu, тeл.: 0675875536, e-mail: milascincevaganova@ gmail.com, https//orcid.org/0000-0002-5812-4597

Ваганова Людмила Васильевна,

кандидат экoнoмuчecкuх наук, дощнт, дощнт кaфeдpы экoнoмuкu u ynpaвлe-нuя Xмeльнuцкoгo uнcтuтyтa uмeнu Блaжeннeйшeгo Влaдuмupa, Murnpono-лита К^в^ого u вceя У^аины ЧАО "ВУЗ "Meжpeгuoнaльнaя aкaдeмuя управления персоналом29000, м. Хмельницкий, Проспект Мира, 101а, замести-тeль начальника oтдeлa nлaнupoвaнue дeятeльнocтu и cтpaтeгuчecкoгo paзвuтuя npeдnpuятuй гopoдa Xмeльнuцкoгo го-poдcкoгo coвeтa, тeл.: 0675875536, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0002-5812-4597

Rodionova Iryna Volodymyrivna,

PhD in Economics, Senior staff scientist of Scientific research part Khmelnytskyi National University, 29000, Khmelnytskyi, Instytutska Str., 11, 09777713135, е-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4805-8175 Родюнова 1рина BoModuMupieHa,

кандидат економгчних наук, старший науковий ствробтник науково-дослгдног части-ни Хмельницького национального утверситету, 29000, м. Хмельницький, 1нститут-ська, 11, тел.: 09777713135, e-mail: [email protected], https//orcid.org/0000-0003-4805-8175

Родионова Ирина Владимировна,

кандидат экономических наук, тарший научный сотрудник научно-исследовательской части Хмельницкого национального университета, 29000, м. Хмельницький, Институтская, тел.: 09777713135, е-mail: [email protected], https//orcid. org/0000-0003-4805-8175


Abstracts. The purpose of this article is to study the experience of using trade-marketing activities at the Community Pharmacy "Viola" and the existing global trends in the pharmaceutical business with their subsequent use in determining the priority directions of the pharmacy development.

The following questions are analyzed: 1) global trends in the pharmaceutical business (taking into account the needs of consumers and their positioning as valuable partners; using modern technologies of IT-companies for consumer orientation; developing and producing drugs from rare (orphan) diseases; increasing the number of M&A transactions); 2) proposals were made for the implementation of electronic recipes by the Community Pharmacy "Viola" (control of duplication of prescribed drugs; incompatibility of medicines; clear identification of persons with the same name; provision of sufficient capacity of cloud storage for processing millions of electronic recipes per year); 4) the method of improving the financial condition of the pharmacy through the production of medicines from orphan diseases is determined; 5) analyzed the use of a communal pharmacy trade-marketing activities (loyalty programs, the program "Living with Diabetes" projects "Marking", "Pulse", the application of discounts for cancerdrugs and preferential supply of drugs for palliative care for Khmelnytsky, patients with cancer disease-patients; discounts on the funds used incardiosurgery; outdoor advertising on the facades of the pharmacy; POS materials in pharmacies and visualization of drugs on shelves; training of staff); 6) the priority directions of the pharmacy development are determined.

The authors confirm that the global trends of the pharmaceutical industry development are crucial for the further development of pharmacies at the regional

level, and the communal pharmacy that became the subject of the study, continuing the installation period, has some achievements in the use of trade-marketing activities.

Keywords: trade-marketing activity, consumer, product innovation, technological innovation, organizational innovation, electronic recipe, orphan disease, generic drug.


Анотащя. Метою дано! статт е дослвдження досввду використан-ня трейд-маркетингових активностей на комунальнш аптещ "Вюла" та юнуючих глобальних трендiв у фармацевтичному бiзнесi з подальшим ïx використанням при визначеннi прюритетних напрямкiв розвитку аптеки.

У статтi проаналiзованi наступнi питання: 1) глобальнi тренди у фармацевтичному бiзнесi (врахування потреб споживачiв та ïx позицшвання як цiнниx партнерiв; використання сучасних технологш IТ-компанiй для орiентацiï на споживача; розробка та виробництво лшарських засобiв вiд рiдкiсниx (орфанних) хвороб; зростання кшькосл M&A угод); 2) надано пропозицп у впровадженнi електронних рецешчв комунальною аптекою "Вiола" (контроль дублювання препаратiв, що призначаються; несумю-нiсть лiкарськиx засобiв; чiтка щентифшащя осiб з однаковим прiзвищем; забезпечення достатньо! потужностi хмарного сховища для обробки мшь-йонiв електронних рецешчв на рiк); 3) проаналiзовано досвщ спiвпрацi ко-мунально! аптеки "Вюла" iз закладами охорони здоров'я щодо можливостi забезпечення 1'х лiкувальними препаратами; 4) визначено спосiб покращен-ня фшансового стану аптеки за рахунок виробництва лшв вiд орфанних хвороб; 5) проаналiзовано використання комунальною аптекою трейд-маркетингових активностей (програми лояльности програма "Життя з дiабе-том", проекти "Опiка", "Пульс", застосування знижок на онко-препарати та шльговий вщпуск наркотичних засобiв для палiативного лшування для хмельничан, хворих iз онколопчними заxворювання-пацiентами; зниж-ки на засоби, що застосувються в кардiоxiрургiï; зовшшня реклама на фасадах аптеки; POS-матерiали в аптеках та вiзуалiзацiя препарапв на по-лицях; навчання персоналу); 6) визначено прюритетш напрямки розвитку аптеки.

Авторами шдтверджено, що свiтовi тренди розвитку фармацевтично! га-лузi е визначальними i для подальшого розвитку аптек на регюнальному рiвнi, а комунальна аптека, що стала предметом дослщження, продовж пе-рiоду встановлення, мае певш здобутки у використанш трейд-маркетинго-вих активностей.

Ключовi слова: трейд-маркетинговi актившсть, споживач, продуктова iнновацiя, теxнологiчна шноващя, органiзацiйна iнновацiя, електронний рецепт, орфанна хвороба, генеричний лшарський засiб.


Аннотация. Целью данной статьи является исследование опыта использования трейд-маркетинговых активностей на коммунальной аптеке "Виола" и существующих глобальных трендов в фармацевтическом бизнесе с последующим их использованием при определении приоритетных направлений развития аптеки.

В статье проанализированы следующие вопросы: 1) глобальные тренды в фармацевтическом бизнесе (учет потребностей потребителей и их позиционирование как ценных партнеров, использование современных технологий ИТ-компаний для ориентации на потребителя, разработка и производство лекарственных средств от редких (орфанных) заболеваний, рост количества М & А сделок); 2) даны предложения по внедрению электронных рецептов коммунальной аптекой "Виола" (контроль дублирования препаратов, назначаемых; несовместимость лекарственных средств; четкая идентификация лиц с одинаковой фамилией, обеспечение достаточной мощности облачного хранилища для обработки миллионов электронных рецептов в год) 3) проанализирован опыт сотрудничества коммунальной аптеки "Виола" с учреждениями здравоохранения о возможности обеспечения их лечебными препаратами 4) определены способ улучшения финансового состояния аптеки за счет производства лекарств от орфанных болезней; 5) проанализировано использование коммунальной аптекой трейд-маркетинговых активностей (программы лояльности, программа "Жизнь с диабетом", проекты "Опека", "Пульс", применение скидок на онко-препараты и льготный отпуск наркотических средств для паллиативного лечения для жителей Хмельницкого, больных с онкологическими заболевания-пациентами; скидки на средства, застосувються в кардиохирургии; наружная реклама на фасадах аптеки POS-материалы в аптеках и визуализация препаратов на полках, обучение персонала); 6) определены приоритетные направления развития аптеки.

Авторами подтверждено, что мировые тренды развития фармацевтической отрасли являются определяющими и для дальнейшего развития аптек на региональном уровне, а коммунальная аптека, которая стала предметом исследования, течение периода установления, имеет определенные достижения в использовании трейд-маркетинговых активностей.

Ключевые слова: трейд-маркетинговая активность, потребитель, продуктовая инновация, технологическая инновация, организационная инновация, электронный рецепт, орфанные болезни, генерическое лекарственное средство.

Thesis statement. The modern pharmaceutical market is complex, multifunctional and multi-level with

high growth rates of production and sales. In Ukraine, the production of pharmaceutical products is currently

carried out by about 135 domestic enterprises, in particular: PJSC "Pharmaceutical firm "Darnitsa", PJSC "Far-mak", PJSC Training and Production Center "Borschagovsky chemical and pharmaceutical factory", corporation "Arterium", Group of companies "Lekhim" and others. Approximately 50 % of medicines in the pharmaceuticals market belongs to domestic enterprises (with the simultaneous predominance of outdated, clinically ineffective drugs). However, imported medicines in the pharmaceutical market remain quite significant.

According to SMD's data, the highest relative growth for 2017 was demonstrated by the Cherkasy plant "Yuriya Farm". He got production capacities abroad and rose from the 17th place to the 15th and showed the highest growth rate (+ 29 %). Three Ukrainian companies remained in the ranking of distributors by the volume of sales of all goods categories in the pharmacy basket in monetary terms: PJSC "Farmak", corporation "Arterium", PJSC "Farmak", PJSC "Pharmaceutical firm "Darnitsa". About 60 % of the retail sales of the last company are medium- and high-cost drugs. This situation arises due to the renewal of the product portfolio by bringing out new high-tech and original products in the field of cardiology and neurology. As a result, it allowed the company to introduce 25 ready-made medicines in production, 12 of the most successful lunches provided the company with 212 million USD secondary sales [1].

It should be noted that along with such pharmaceutical giants in Ukraine there are utility pharmacies belonging to the territorial community of cities.

Their main goal is to achieve economic and social results and profit (according to statutory documents). Therefore, it is logical that, with the globalization of the economy and the pronounced global trends in the pharmaceutical business, it is necessary to pay attention to trade-marketing activities and community pharmacies.

Analysis of recent research. Many works are devoted to improving the efficiency of production, product quality, logistics management in the pharmaceutical industry. The mechanism of increasing the socialization of the sectoral innovation process in Ukraine was defined by O. A. Meh [2], theoretical positions of marketing and features of pharmaceutical marketing were developed by Z. M. Mnushko [3], O. V. Posilkin [4]. Features of marketing activity in Ukraine at the present stage are investigated by the following scientists: Yu. E. Bondarenko, M. V. Moklyak and O. V. Fedorenko [5] examined the basic modern marketing concepts and defined the role of Ukraine in the context of the development of marketing theory and practice.

The objective of the study is research of global trends in the pharmaceutical business and the experience of using trade-marketing activities at the municipal pharmacy "Viola" and their subsequent use in determining the priority directions of the pharmacy development.

Results. Today in the pharmaceutical market of the world and Ukraine there are several main tendencies: reformation services of provision in the field of health care; state support in the development of new drugs; using of new legal instruments; protection of

personal patients' data. Accordingly, among the most common global trends in the pharmaceutical business can be: 1. consideration the needs of consumers and their positioning as valuable partners; 2. use of modern technologies of IT companies for the consumer' orientation; 3. development and production of medicinal products from rare (orphan) diseases; 4. production of generic drugs; 5. increase quantity of M&A agreements.

The first brightest global trend in the pharmaceutical business is consideration the needs of consumers and their positioning as valuable partners. World pharmaceutical companies are gradually moving from an approach to increasing sales as a single goal to take into account the process and patient treatment results. Pharmaceutical companies understand the benefits of feedback from patients. It focuses on the processing of a large information's amount and its compliance with the treatment process requirements of clinical protocols and their effectiveness.

According to the decision of the Ukraine Ministry of Public Health, the pilot project "Electronic Recipe" has already been launched in 5 cities of Ukraine: Vinnytsia, Dnipro, Ivano-Frankivsk, Cherkasy and Bakhmut (Donetsk region), and by the end of 2018 it is planned to be implemented throughout Ukraine. Within the framework of this project, the patient received access to information on the availability of drugs in pharmacies and the possibility to reserve necessary medicines in any convenient pharmacy network through the mobile application of the pharmacy network "D.S.".

This pilot project allowed the collection of analytical data (which was prescribed by the doctor, the patient acquired, the history of treatment, the comparison of the effectiveness of analogues, etc.).

An electronic recipe is a medical document created by a doctor with the help of specialized software. Its advantages are integrity (the entire history of appointments is kept in one base); accessibility (appointment information available to a doctor, pharmacist and patient); analytical (it is possible to output statistics based on the history of appointments); reporting (important for the implementation of state reimbursement programs).

The sequence of work in the pilot project "Electronic Recipe" is as follows:

1) the doctor forms an electronic recipe with all necessary requisites and data about the patient and makes the appointment;

2) the created electronic recipe falls into a protected cloud storage, which integrates with the software product of the pharmacy network;

3) information about the availability of the order received by the pharmacy comes to the patient in the form of a sms-message [6].

Consequently, taking into account the decision of the Ukraine Ministry of Public Health, the municipal pharmacy "Viola" in 2018 should join the pilot project "Electronic Recipe". Accordingly, the communal pharmacy may have the following tasks:

• participation in public discussions at the state level on the need for a single classifier of medicines (it will be integrated into the program product of

medical institutions with subsequent systematic automatic updates);

• participation in public discussions at the state level on the definition of the standard of electronic recipe.

The municipal pharmacy "Viola", based on the existing practice of introducing electronic recipes in the world, must take into account such nuances as: 1) control over duplication of prescribed drugs; 2) incompatibility of medicinal products, that is to take into account the basis of clinical pharmacy; 3) clear identification of persons with the same surname; 4) provide enough cloud storage capacity to handle millions of electronic recipes per year.

In the context of consumer orientation, the second global trend can be noted as the use of modern technologies of IT companies. It allows you to develop mobile applications for: establishing contact with patients, identifying their symptoms, reminders about the timetable for taking medications, and developing new technologies for research and manufacturing of medicines.

An example is Google's collaboration with "GSK" and "Sanofi", "IBM" with "Teva" on bio-electronic medicine developments. In 2017 Company "Novartis" conducted its first clinical study based on the use of smartphones. Company "Otsuka" has received permission from the US Food and Drug Administration for the production of electronic pills. They contain chips that allow you to receive information about: the time of taking pills; transfer data to mobile application and web portal in real time. Using this approach allows you to take the courses of treatment for people with severe mental illness.

Taking into account the high level of development of IT industry in Ukraine, coordination and interaction between pharmaceutical companies and IT companies can become an important direction in the activity of the domestic pharmaceutical industry.

At the same time, in the process of gathering information on the state of individuals health by pharmaceutical companies and the use of modern technologies, the legal registration issue of obtaining such information is especially important. Since it contains "sensitive" personal data is information about the health of a person under the special protection of Ukrainian legislation, the current European Union Directive № 95/46 / EC, the EU Regulation on personal data protection, which will come into force on 25.05.2018 [6].

One of the modern pharmaceutical market trends is the shifting of attention to the development and production of drugs from rare (orphan) diseases. They threaten human life or are progressing chronically, lead to a reduction in life expectancy or to a disability whose prevalence among the population is no more than 1 : 2000.

There are also certain benefits in Ukraine, but for the most part they relate to the producers who have registered orphan medicines abroad. For example, the examination of materials is carried out for a shorter period of 45 days for the following drugs:

• licensed by the European Medicines Agency under the centralized procedure;

• original (innovative) medicines that have been registered in countries whose regulatory bodies apply high quality standards that meet the

standards recommended by the World Health Organization (USA, Japan, Australia, Switzerland, UK, EU countries). Laboratory tests at the time of registration of such drugs are not carried out, which significantly accelerates and reduces the cost of registration.

The production of generic drugs is one of the priority areas in the activities of pharmaceutical companies. India, as one of the largest pharmaceutical manufacturers, has a share of 20 % of global exports of generics and bio-simillars in the world due to the existing legal regulation. In Ukraine, taking into account the material condition of the population, state funding of generics under the reimbursement program and insufficient support for the development of original (innovative) medicines, there is a tendency towards the production of such drugs.

The Order of the Ukraine Ministry of Public Health № 426 of August 26, 2005 gives the definition of a generic medicinal product as having a similar quantitative and qualitative composition of the active substances and the same pharmaceutical form as the original (innovative) preparation. Interchangeability with such a drug is proved on the basis of relevant research. In fact, the production of generics is possible after the expiration of patents on the original drugs. However, today legal regulation in the sphere of patenting in Ukraine in some way restricts domestic producers in the production of generic medicines.

At the same time, Ukraine, as a member of the World Trade Organization, has signed an Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual

Property Rights. Ukraine has undertaken to fulfill additional reservations not expressly provided for by the agreement. Thus, the Law of Ukraine "On Medicines" brought provisions for the establishment of so-called "exclusive" period of 5 years to protect the information contained in the dossier companies registered original products in Ukraine. During this period, even after the expiry of the patent can not be registered drug that has the same active ingredient than specified by law.

At the same time, on January 23, 2017 the amendments to the Agreement entered into force. Ukraine signed the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which provides for a mechanism for compulsory licensing of patented pharmaceutical products, which allows countries to ensure the availability of the necessary generic medicines produced in other countries.

The production of generic drugs is a global trend that is becoming widespread in Ukraine. The production of generic drugs, subject to improved regulatory and regulatory regulation, may become a promising direction for the development of the municipal pharmacy "Viola" as their producer, while generics are more accessible to the population.

According to paragraph 2.2 The Regulations municipal pharmacy "Viola" (by 09/21/2016) among the subjects of economic enterprise activity are medication production, retail sale of medicines (pharmaceutical production in pharmacy conditions).

Municipal pharmacy "Viola" constantly strengthens cooperation with health facilities as to the possibility

of providing their therapeutic drugs. The pharmacy has concluded contracts with: Khmelnytsky City Hospital for the supply of medicines for the amount of 730.0 thousand UAH. (antibiotics) and 299.061 thousand UAH. (antiseptics), 826.0 thousand UAH. (general group drugs); Khmelnytsky City Children's Hospital for the amount of 220.0 thousand UAH. (vitamins, cardiologi-cal preparations); Khmelnytsky city perinatal center for the sum of 360.0 thousand UAH. (narcotic drugs and anesthetics); Khmelnytsky regional children's hospital for 145.0 thousand UAH. (means for anesthesia), 886.0 thousand UAH. (general group drugs).

Since April 2017, after the introduction of the Government's program "Available medicines" Municipal pharmacy "Viola" has released drugs worth over 1,5 million UAH. From July 2017 Municipal pharmacy "Viola" became a participant in the state program "Insuring the cost of insulin through pharmacies". By the end of 2017, insulin was sold at over UAH 2.0 million. Khmel-nitsky residents have been released medicines for over UAH 4.6 million free of charge and to the detriment of the Khmelnytsky's residents. Citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl accident disbursed drugs free of charge for 340,0 thousand UAH. Over the program "Health of Khmelnytsi-ans" more than 270.0 thousand UAH were released.

In addition, today the municipal pharmacy "Viola" produces: antiseptic and disinfectants and methylene blue (antiseptic-dye). The mechanism of the antiseptic action of methylene blue is based on its ability to react with certain acidic or basic groups of substanc-

es of gram-positive bacterial cells, with mucopolysaccharides and proteins, with the formation of insoluble and slowly ionizing complexes.

Table 1 provides information on the financial results of the municipal pharmacy "Viola" in 2017 in the scattering of 13 structural pharmacies and the prescription department and the department for the production of finished medicines.

According to the results of the analysis, the financial results of the main activities of the municipal pharmacy «Viola» are profitable in comparison with the loss-making prescription department (loss from the main activity is 589.2 thousand UAH) and the department for the production of finished medicines (the loss from the main activity is 404,2 thousand UAH).

In the organizational structure of the institution, the prescription department carries out important tasks and functions for the medical provision of the population, namely:

1) reception of recipes from ambulatory patients (in the absence of independent departments of the stock, the department accepts invoices from medical and prophylactic diseases);

2) manufacturing of medicines according to recipes and requirements;

3) control of the quality of the manufactured leeches;

4) the dispensation of doctors according.

At the same time, the activity related to the serial release of medicines in the form of semi-finished products and intraperitoneal preforms, as well as on request (requirements) of medical and prophylactic diseases is provided

Table 1

Formation of a financial result by the municipal pharmacy "Viola" in 2017 in the context of structural pharmacy points

thousand UAH

Pharmacy point The indicator

Total revenue Income from the main activity General expenses Cost of products, goods, works (services) Overhead Financial result before tax

№ 1 5747,4 5737,1 5332,2 4876,5 268,4 146,8

№ 2 665,9 664,7 675,4 504,9 31,1 -9,5

№ 3 3416,8 3410,7 3277,7 2899,1 159,6 139,1

№ 4 6298,7 6287,4 6004,6 5344,3 293,1 294,1

№ 5 12858,7 12835,6 12473,8 10910,3 600,5 384,9

№ 6 2699,8 2694,9 2639,5 2290,7 126,1 60,3

№ 7 3909,8 39022,8 3799,7 3317,4 182,9 110,1

№ 8 1775,5 1772,3 1692,2 1506,4 82,9 83,3

№ 9 647,9 646,8 659,4 518,8 30,3 -11,4

№ 10 3034,1 3028,6 2959,6 2574,3 141,7 74,5

№ 11 1811,1 1807,8 1764,5 1536,7 84,6 46,5

№ 12 4833,5 4824,8 4871,5 4101,1 225,7 -7,9

№ 13 1756,9 1753,8 1754,1 1470,1 82,1 2,8

Prescription Department 1084,1 1082,1 1673,3 917,8 50,6 -589,2

Department for the production of finished medicines 4256,7 4232,5 4660,9 3580,7 198,8 -404,2

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Total 54796,7 89801,9 54238,4 46349,1 2558,4 320,2

Generalized by the author based on the municipal pharmacy "Viola" data.

by the department for the production of finished medicines

It should be noted that improving the financial position of the unprofitable departments of the municipal pharmacy "Viola" is possible in the development and production of drugs against rare diseases, based on the promise of such a direction in the global pharmaceutical business.

Another trend in the field of pharmaceuticals and biotechnology is the increase in the number of M&A agreements. Pharmaceutical companies are striving to take a leading position in the production of both already known and new medicines for them, as well as significantly reduce costs by consolidation. In addition, there is a practice of M&A agreements between pharmaceu-

tical companies and biotech companies that combine advances in these industries. Most M&A agreements deals concern companies involved in the development of drugs from oncological diseases, as well as infectious diseases, diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine and metabolic disorders.

Also, to accelerate the development of medicinal products, the specific legal mechanisms that are inherent in the pharmaceutical industry are used, namely: in-licensing (acquisition of intellectual property objects, mainly registration dossiers, on the finished medicinal product from another pharmaceutical developer/manufacturer, for the purpose registering this drug and putting it on the market with its own efforts) and out-licensing (selling rights to such facilities for market entry by a third-party company's efforts).

Thus, a new trend is the transition from concluding M&A agreements at the stage of obtaining permits from regulatory authorities until they are concluded at the initial stages of development of medicinal products (pre-clinical and clinical research).

In addition, today, in the healthcare market, large international corporations are beginning to create independent healthcare companies. They aim to provide employees of individual corporations with free access to health care. Among the latest examples of such an alliance of corporations is Amazon, Berkshire Hathaway and JPMorgan Chase. It should be noted that the effectiveness of such alliances will have a significant impact on the pharmaceutical market, since the goal of independent companies is availability of health

care. Accordingly, independent companies will aim at reducing the cost of developing and manufacturing pharmaceuticals and providing health services.

Global trends will stimulate participants in the pharmaceutical market to use modern technologies and specific legal mechanisms, as well as to attract appropriate funding for the development of original medicines.

The development of the pharmaceutical market directly depends on the success of Ukraine's implementation of public health policy and the implementation of global trends by the pharmaceutical market participants in their activities. So, considering the main trends that are observed in the pharmaceutical industry of the world, it is necessary to focus on marketing and marketing activities.

In the opinion of N. Zherdiyev [7], the main purpose of trade-marketing is an ensuring the firm position of the trademark in the market, «pushing» the goods through the trading network (channels) to the consumer. Indeed, trade-marketing is one of the marketing areas that allows you to increase sales through the influence on the product chain from the manufacturer to the end user, maximizing the choice of the uttermost.

Consider the degree of using Viola's community pharmacy marketing and marketing activities:

• promotional offers: during 2017, they were not implemented at all;

• loyalty programs: a permanent customer card is issued for a discount of 3 % for medicines and medical products (in order to increase and maintain customers).

It should be noted that the communal pharmacy in 2017 participated in two projects:

• "Opika" — discounts on onco-drugs and preferential release of narcotic drugs for palliative treatment for Khmelnytsky, patients with cancer patients Khmelnitsky Regional Oncology Dispensary (purchasers of pharmacy item number 4);

• "Pulse" — discounts on the funds used in cardiac surgery for honeybees with cardiovascular diseases, patients with cardiac surgery in the Khmel-nytsky regional hospital (shoppers of pharmacy number 5) and cardiology department of the Khmelnitsky city hospital (shoppers of pharmacy number 12);

• outdoor advertising on the facades of the pharmacy — additional signs and banners in pharmacies are placed; updated signboard at the pharmacy "Social" № 1;

• POS-materials in pharmacies and visualization of preparations on shelves — the presentation of medicines and medical preparations is constantly being carried out;

• staff training.

It should be noted that in the 2017 year, the municipal pharmacy "Viola" implemented measures to improve the quality of service to visitors, including by involving staff in participation in the training:

• 9 specialists were trained in the first half of 2017, 2 of them were awarded the highest qualification category and 2 were confirmed by the highest category. Specialists constantly undergo trainings, seminars, in particular, conducted a training on the topic "Ethics and deontology of the first-per-

son, working with "categorical". Employees of pharmacy items № 1, № 3, № 5 took part in a seminar with knowledge of the drugs "Sanofi-Aventis", "Bayer", "Berlin-Chemie";

• The program "Life with diabetes" was conducted on the basis of the social pharmacy № 1. This is a free seminar for drugstore visitors on the topic "Prevention of complications in diabetes mellitus". With the assistance of the domestic manufacturer "Viola" an event was taken with a free measurement of the level of glucose in the blood. This event was aimed at creating the strength and loyalty of the "Viola" brand by increasing its awareness.

It should be noted that at the moment, the municipal pharmacy "Viola" carries out individual trade-marketing activities, however, for their greater effectiveness, other actions are necessary: 1) the approval of the marketing plan for the year according to the company's tricks (taking into account the season, the media activity of the drug); 2) creating a bonus calculation; 3) reinforcement of the sale of the focal point by competent counselling by pharmaceutical specialists; 4) informing customers about their own activities (SMS-mailing, publication in social networks); 5) further development of its own site for attracting new buyers; 6) the creation of a business marketing department; 7) accounting and analysis of results on the use of effective marketing and marketing activities.

At the same time, the well-known main directions of innovation development by pharmaceutical companies remain:

I. Production (1.1 development of priority innovative medicines, 1.2 obtaining new chemical substances, 1.3 creation of new pharmaceutical forms with improved pharmacological properties, 1.4 use of new carriers of drugs, 1.5 creation of new combinations of existing chemical substances, 1.6 development biotechnology);

II. Technological (2.1 introduction to the production of new resource-saving technologies, 2.2 development of new technological and biotechnologi-cal processes, 2.3 updating of production equipment, 2.4 modernization and expansion of production capacities, 2.5 transition of production in accordance with GMP rules);

III. Organizational (3.1 use of the system of balanced indicators, 3.2 implementation of the system of CRM-systems, 3.3 customer loyalty formation, 3.4 implementation of electronic forms of information collection and processing, 3.5 development of Internet marketing, on-line communications, 3.6 creation of marketing information systems, 3.7 branding of medical products).

Taking into account existing world trends of pharmaceutical business development and directions of innovations development by pharmaceutical companies, we give suggestions on the priority directions of the municipal pharmacy "Viola" development (Table 2).

So, the municipal pharmacy "Viola" has now: 1) a loss-making direction in the production of its own medicines; 2) long-term cooperation with protection institutions for the provision of their therapeutic drugs; 3) good indicators of trade-marketing activities. Taking into account the right set of

innovations development in the pharmaceutical industry and trends on the world scale the municipal pharmacy "Viola" has the priority directions for development, namely:

• participation in the electronic recipe (for taking into account the needs of consumers);

• cooperation with charitable foundations and health facilities (for the development and production of rare (orphan) diseases);

• cooperation with health facilities (for the production of generic medicines).

Conclusion and prospects for further research. Thus, the following conclusions can be drawn from the research:

• world trends in the pharmaceutical industry are crucial for the further development of pharmacies at the regional level;

• the communal pharmacy that became the subject of the study, continuing the installation period (23 years in the Khmelnytsky market), has some achievements in the use of market-trading activities;

• due to the symbiosis of the mac-ropharacteristics of the global pharmaceutical market's development of with the existing achievements of the regional communal pharmacy, the most important directions of its development are determined. This will further enable not only to improve the income from core activities but also to expand new jobs and enter the national market as a manufacturer of medicines and medical products for patients with rare (orphan) diseases and to be recognized as a brand for patients with a lower income level (production of generic drugs)

Table 2

Determination of the priority directions of the municipal pharmacy "Viola" development on the basis of trend manifestations of the world pharmaceutical


A set of directions for the development of innovation Degree of achievement The name of a possible trendmarketing activity

The name of the trend Achievement Priority

Consideration needs of the consumer 1.4, 2.1, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4,3.5,3.6, 3.7 Electronic recipe (participating in the creation of a single classifier of medicines and the definition of the standard of the electronic recipe) with a clear identification of persons with the same name. Possibility of feedback with the patient informing customers about their own activities (SMS-mailing, publication in social networks) about: 1) the results of control over duplication of prescribed drugs; 2) incompatibility of medicinal products; 3) Provide enough cloud cloud storage capacity to handle millions of electronic recipes per year

Development and production of rare (orphan) diseases 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 3.6,3.7 Collaboration with charitable foundations. Strengthened cooperation with health facilities regarding the availability of their therapeutic drugs Development of loyalty programs with patients on orphan diseases

Production of generic medicines 1.2, 1.3, 1.5, 1.6, 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 3.2, 3.6, 3.7 Production: antiseptic and disinfectants and (antiseptic dyes). Strengthened cooperation with health facilities regarding the availability of their therapeutic drugs Collaboration with healthcare providers regarding the possibility of providing them with medical products Use promotional offers. Approval of the trend-marketing plan for the year according to the company's tricks (taking into account the season, the media activity of the drug). Supporting the sale of the focal point by competent counseling by pharmaceutical specialists. Inform buyers about their own activities

Developed independently by the author.


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