Научная статья на тему 'Implementation of vocabulary games in teaching phrasal verbs'

Implementation of vocabulary games in teaching phrasal verbs Текст научной статьи по специальности «Языкознание и литературоведение»

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Ключевые слова

Аннотация научной статьи по языкознанию и литературоведению, автор научной работы — Kodirova Zamira Zakirovna

The study focused on the analysis and teaching of phrasal verbs to English learners with the help of teaching strategies and determined its goal to improve the learners vocabulary learning skills who have difficulties while educating phrasal verbs in other words to find equivalents in both languages for example Uzbek and English. Everyone knows that games are fun, but some people think that they are only fun. In fact, using games is an enjoyable way of achieving many educational objectives. They can be used to reinforce newly acquired information after it has been taught; they can be used to review the material even if it has been taught days, weeks, or even years ago.

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Статья посвящена анализу и обучению фразовым глаголам изучающим английский язык с помощью стратегий обучения и определила его цель улучшить навыки изучения словарного запаса учащихся, испытывающих трудности при изучении фразовых глаголов, другими словами, например, найти эквиваленты в обоих языках узбекском и английском. Все знают, что игры веселые, но некоторые думают, что они веселые. На самом деле, использование игр является приятным способом достижения многих образовательных целей. Они могут использоваться, чтобы укрепить вновь полученную информацию после того, как она была изучена; они могут быть использованы для просмотра материала, даже если его учили дни, недели или даже годы назад.

Текст научной работы на тему «Implementation of vocabulary games in teaching phrasal verbs»

произведения, написанные более полувека назад, любимы народом, газели того времени исполняются нашими хафизами (певцами) как прекрасные песни.

Список литературы /References

1. Навои Алишер. Сочинения, Том XII. Шейхзода Атои Девони. Ташкент. Академия наук Республики Узбекистан. Изд. «Фан», 2008.


PHRASAL VERBS Kodirova Z.Z. Email: Kodirova680@scientifictext.ru


Abstract: the study focused on the analysis and teaching of phrasal verbs to English learners with the help of teaching strategies and determined its goal - to improve the learners vocabulary learning skills who have difficulties while educating phrasal verbs in other words to find equivalents in both languages for example Uzbek and English. Everyone knows that games are fun, but some people think that they are only fun. In fact, using games is an enjoyable way of achieving many educational objectives. They can be used to reinforce newly acquired information after it has been taught; they can be used to review the material even if it has been taught days, weeks, or even years ago.

Keywords: reinforce, phrasal verbs, inhibition, strategy, non-native speaker, activity, rectification.


Кодирова Замира Закировна - преподаватель, кафедра интенсивного обучения второму иностранному языку, Узбекский государственный университет иностранных языков, г. Ташкент, Республика Узбекистан

Аннотация: статья посвящена анализу и обучению фразовым глаголам изучающим английский язык с помощью стратегий обучения и определила его цель - улучшить навыки изучения словарного запаса учащихся, испытывающих трудности при изучении фразовых глаголов, другими словами, например, найти эквиваленты в обоих языках узбекском и английском. Все знают, что игры веселые, но некоторые думают, что они веселые. На самом деле, использование игр является приятным способом достижения многих образовательных целей. Они могут использоваться, чтобы укрепить вновь полученную информацию после того, как она была изучена; они могут быть использованы для просмотра материала, даже если его учили дни, недели или даже годы назад.

Ключевые слова: подкрепление, фразовые глаголы, торможение, стратегия, не носитель языка, активность, ректификация.

UDC 81-139

Introduction. Games can be used as a reward to encourage students to co-operate during less enjoyable activities. After a grueling oral drill or other energy draining exercise, a quiet game is a fun way to relax [1]. Games reduce inhibition; especially the competitive element is diminished or eliminated. The shy or linguistically weak students will feel more at ease and will participate the activities, if the object is to have fun, and not to score points and win. games provide teachers with a method of rapid rectification of students errors, correcting errors immediately prevents them from learning wrong things and thinking that students tend to remember best the things they enjoyed, rectification would be permanent.

Methodology. Games can be used effectively to provide motivation and interest. Students are very co-operative during games, because no one wants to bring a pleasurable activity to an end. A game must be more than just fun. Though In conclusion, learning vocabulary games is one effective and interesting way that can be applied in any classrooms [5]. This article suggests that games are used not only for mere fun, but more importantly, for the useful practice and review of language lessons, thus leading toward the goal of improving learners' communicative competence should be taken into account. Here are some more explanations about why to use games:

• Games are fun and children like to play them. Through games children experiment, discover, and interact with their environment. Games add variation to a lesson and increase motivation by providing a plausible incentive to use the target language. For many children between four and twelve years old, especially the youngest, language learning will not be the key motivational factor. Games can provide this stimulus [4].

• Game context makes the foreign language immediately useful to the children. It brings the target language to life [4].

• The game makes the reasons for speaking plausible even to reluctant children.

• Through playing games, students can learn English the way children learn their mother tongue without being aware they are studying; thus without stress, they can learn a lot.

• Even shy students can participate positively.

Sample Games

In this study we use four games in order to realize the purpose of the study.-body stretcher, alphabet dash, puzzle, flash words- There are many different types of games which can be used as classroom activities to teach foreign languages. These are twenty samples games that can be used while introducing, or revising the target language [2].

1. Homonym Game: Different homonym pairs are placed on index cards. Each word is placed on a separate card. This game is played like "Go Fish". When the student gets a match, he defines the two different meanings of the homonym pair. This can also be used as a spelling game where the student does not see the matching homonym pair until he attempts to spell it. The cards can be made with or without a pictorial representation of the word.

2. Action Game: One player draws a card, reads the action word silently, then pantomimes the word. The first player to guess the word correctly gets to keep the card. The game continues until all cards have been pantomimed. The player with the most cards wins the game. Extension Idea: Have a first grade classroom pantomime words related to their animal unit including: hibernate, things that mammals do (care for young; protect babies, etc) [2];

3. Categorizing Game: A poster board with each letter of the alphabet is laminated. There should be enough space by each letter to write a word. A category is chosen. Each person in the group takes a turn naming something in that category that begins with the letter that "comes up" on his turn. If a child cannot think of one he/she moves to the next player. The teacher can choose some "given" letters before the game is started. Perhaps the teacher picks a "science" category such as types of destructive weather and assigns associated letters of the alphabet to correspond [5];

4. Word Book: Each child is encouraged to keep his or her own personal wordbook. Any time during the day that a word appears in a subject area that is unfamiliar to the child, that word can be entered in his wordbook. I would encourage the child to "make up stories"

using his/her words from the book. Parents should receive a copy of the vocabulary words from the book [2].

5. Simon Says: Present simple commands to the child that require him/her to make use of the vocabulary item (objects) that he or she is learning. This is a particularly good game for body parts, colors, shapes, etc. [5];

6. Help Your Team: A list of 20 vocabulary words is selected from classroom reading, science, and history and/or listening experience. Twenty students are randomly assigned to two teams and each team is provided with an identical list of vocabulary words. Students are given fifteen minutes to meet with members of their team to discuss the definitions of the words. The team that produces the highest number of correct responses is the winner [5];

7. Word Chart: A bulletin board for a vocabulary word chart is needed. Prior to presenting classroom listening activities and reading assignments, the teacher should introduce any words within the material with which the children may be unfamiliar. These words should be discussed with the students and recorded on a "word chart". The child is then asked to define each word, use each word in a sentence, and make up stories using words from the word chart [2];

8. Which One Doesn't Fit: The teacher names (or shows) three items to the child. One of the words in the group does not fit with the other two. The child's task is to select the word that does not fit and explain "why". I would highly recommend this activity for all elementary grades. An older 4th grade example may include circulatory system, solar system, and digestive system. (Solar System does not belong). This simple activity encourages a student to "tell why the item does not belong" and requires verbal/sequential use of language [5];

9. What is the Difference: Pairs of objects that differ only in a single attribute such as color, size, shape, or composition is used. (Examples: Two pencils differing in color, two cups differing in size, two pieces of jewelry differing in type of metal used, etc.). The student must describe "what is different" [4];

10. Guess the Word: The child's task is to listen to a description of an object and to try to guess what the object is [5];

11. What Am I?: The child is asked to pretend that he or she is an object in the room. After listening to a verbal description of the object, the other students try to guess what he or she is pretending to be [4].

Conclusion. It should be mentioned that non-native speakers, who learn phrasal verbs, can be involved into the real English language environment. Everyone is able to speak natural English but it is phrasal verbs in the language that give it a bright, conversational and creative feeling. Consequently, if non-native speakers want to speak English fluently, they have to learn phrasal verbs to improve their communication skills and feel confident talking to native speakers.

References / Список литературы

1. ArnoldI.V. The English Word. Moscow. "ВШ", 1973. Р. 60.

2. Adams Valerie. Complex Words in English. Harlow: Longman, 2001. Р.69.

3. HallidayM.A.K. Lexis as a linguistic level. London: Longman, 1998. Р. 90.

4. Howarth P. Phraseology and Second Language Proficiency.-London: Applied

Linguistics, 1998. -Р. 24-44.

5. Thornberry Scott. How to teach Vocabulary, Pearson Education Ltd, Edinburg Gate.

Harlow. Essex. Printed in Malaysia. 2002. 21-28, 45, 144-148, 151-152.

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