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Implementation / green revolution movement / forest management unit / Kayu Tangi

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Suliyanti, Taufik Arbain

The concern of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government in improving the Environmental Quality Index by enacting the South Kalimantan Province Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution as one of the efforts to maintain environmental conditions while continuing to utilize natural resources that have the potential to improve people's welfare. Exploitation rates that exceed the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment have resulted in a decrease in the environmental quality index from year to year. The Green Revolution Movement in the Regional Regulation of South Kalimantan Province Number 7 of 2018 is intended to achieve an optimal increase in the quality of the regional environment through tree planting, changing people's behavior to like planting and caring for trees independently and sustainably as well as the availability of raw materials for the wood industry and forest products Not Wood. The success of the implementation of this regulation can be identified by analyzing its implementation in the aspect of linkages with government regulations regarding the application of policy implementation; aspects of environmental maintenance (planting and nurseries); aspects of changing people's mindsets related to forests; and supporting and inhibiting factors for the Implementation of Regulations. The results of the study show that the implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit has gone well with several improvements to make it more optimal, including developing an alternative funding scheme, namely an environmental service compensation scheme that can be developed at the site level, fulfilling needs Professional Human Resources and increase cross-sectoral collaboration in the provision of infrastructure that supports Green Revolution activities.

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UDC 332


Suliyanti*, Taufik Arbain

Faculty of Social and Political Sciences, University of Lambung Mangkurat, Banjarmasin, South Kalimantan, Indonesia *E-mail: suliyanti038@gmail.com


The concern of the South Kalimantan Provincial Government in improving the Environmental Quality Index by enacting the South Kalimantan Province Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution as one of the efforts to maintain environmental conditions while continuing to utilize natural resources that have the potential to improve people's welfare. Exploitation rates that exceed the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment have resulted in a decrease in the environmental quality index from year to year. The Green Revolution Movement in the Regional Regulation of South Kalimantan Province Number 7 of 2018 is intended to achieve an optimal increase in the quality of the regional environment through tree planting, changing people's behavior to like planting and caring for trees independently and sustainably as well as the availability of raw materials for the wood industry and forest products Not Wood. The success of the implementation of this regulation can be identified by analyzing its implementation in the aspect of linkages with government regulations regarding the application of policy implementation; aspects of environmental maintenance (planting and nurseries); aspects of changing people's mindsets related to forests; and supporting and inhibiting factors for the Implementation of Regulations. The results of the study show that the implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit has gone well with several improvements to make it more optimal, including developing an alternative funding scheme, namely an environmental service compensation scheme that can be developed at the site level, fulfilling needs Professional Human Resources and increase cross-sectoral collaboration in the provision of infrastructure that supports Green Revolution activities.


Implementation, green revolution movement, forest management unit, Kayu Tangi.

Based on data released by the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry, the 2017 South Kalimantan Provincial Environmental Quality Index is in 19th position out of 34 provinces in Indonesia (KLHK, 2017). The decline in the Environmental Quality Index, one of its components, namely the extent of critical land, is caused by illegal logging, excessive forest exploitation, land conversion that is not in accordance with its function, which leads to worsening environmental conditions, causing floods, droughts, fires and a decrease in capacity. This condition also occurs in the Kayu Tangi FMU Working Area in Banjar district, South Kalimantan Province, which has quite a lot of natural resource potential but has suffered damage.

Currently there are around 640,000 hectares of critical land in South Kalimantan Province, of which around 360,000 hectares are inside forest areas, while the rest are located outside the area. Forest and land damage in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province reached 511,594 hectares. One of the steps in addressing the extent of critical land is through the declaration of the Green Revolution Movement by the Governor of South Kalimantan by inviting various elements to participate in regreening South Kalimantan. This movement involves the Regency/City Government, the business world and the community

which was launched in 2017 and the action continues until now which is under the umbrella of South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation No. 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution Movement. The Green Revolution Movement is intended to: achieve an optimal increase in the quality of the regional environment through planting trees; b. changing people's behavior to like planting and caring for trees independently and sustainably; and c. availability of raw materials for the wood industry and non-wood forest products.

According to Bridgeman and Davis, 2004 in Edi Suharto (2017: 5) explains that public policy has at least three interrelated dimensions, namely as an objective (objective), as a choice of legal or legally valid action (authoritative choice), and as a hypothesis. Implementation is one of the stages in the public policy process; usually implementation is carried out after a policy has been formulated with clear objectives. Policy implementation from the point of view of cyclical theory, implementation will be needed as an important ongoing stage of the policy process, especially after formal legal discourse, usually in the form of laws, regulations, statutes, or other forms of products, is considered it's over. The success of a development program is inseparable from the strategy adopted in implementing a development policy. Strategy is a series of managerial decisions and actions that can determine performance in an organization for a long time, which includes observing the environment, formulating strategies to be implemented, implementing strategies, evaluating strategies and exercising control.

Warwieck in (Suryanto, 2011: 17) says that in the program implementation stage there are two factors that influence the success of a project, namely: Facilitating conditions and impeding conditions. The driving factors include the commitment of political leaders; organizational capabilities; Commitment of implementers (implementers); Support from interest groups (interest group support). The impeding conditions include the number of actors involved; there is a double commitment or loyalty; the inherent complexity of the program itself; too many decision-making levels; another factor: time and change of leadership.

Currently, the status of implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution is not known and what factors are facilitating and impeding conditions in its implementation.

Seeing this phenomenon, the researcher chose to associate it with the theory of Public Policy from Heinz Eulau and Kenneth Prewitt, 1973; Bridgman and Davis, 2005 ; Hogwood and Gunn, 1990, Policy Implementation theory from Daniel A. Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier, 1979; Van Meter and Van Horn, 1975 and the theory of Factors Influencing Policy Implementation from George C. Edwards III (1980); Marilee S. Grindle (1983); Daniel A. Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier (1983); Van Meter and Van Horn (1975); Cheema and Rondinelli (1983); David L. Weimer and Aidan R. Vining (1991). These theories explain in detail about public policy, how it is implemented and what factors influence its implementation. The purpose of this study was to analyze the Implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit of Banjar Regency and to analyze what factors support and hinder the Implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning Revolution Green in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit, Banjar Regency. The benefit of this research is to provide data and information related to the Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution so that it can become input for the management of the Green Revolution Movement.


Public Policy Theory, policy is an instrument of government, not only in the sense of government which only concerns the state apparatus, but also governance which touches on the management of public resources. Policies are essentially decisions or choices of action that directly regulate the management and distribution of natural, financial and human resources in the public interest, namely the people, residents, communities or citizens. Policy

is the result of synergy, compromise or even competition between various ideas, theories, ideologies and interests that represent a country's political system.

Heinz Eulau and Kenneth Prewitt, 1973 in Leo Agustino (2006: 6) in their perspective define public policy as a permanent decision that is characterized by consistency and repetition of the behavior of those who make and of them comply with decisions. According to Leo Agustino (2006: 7) who says that policy is a series of actions/activities proposed by a person, group, or government in an environment, especially where there are obstacles and possibilities where the policy is proposed to be useful in overcoming it to achieve intended purpose.

Policy implementation is a process, output (output) and final result (outcome). Departing from this logic of thought, policy implementation can be conceptualized as a process, a series of decisions and actions aimed at implementing government decisions or state legislation decisions that have been made or formulated previously. According to Van Meter and Van Horn, 1975 in Leo Agustino (2006:139) defines policy implementation as actions carried out either by individuals or officials or government or private groups directed at achieving the goals that have been set. outlined in policy decisions. Meanwhile, according to Daniel Mazmanian and Paul Sabater, 1983 in Leo Agustin (2006: 139) defines that policy implementation as the implementation of basic policy decisions, usually in the form of laws, but can also be in the form of orders or important executive decisions or decisions. judiciary. Typically, the decision identifies the problem to be addressed, clearly states the goals or objectives to be achieved, and various ways to structure or manage the implementation process.

Policy implementation is actually not just related to the translation of policy questions (policy statements). In implementing activities, there can be various factors that will influence the implementation of these activities or policies. In general, the factors that influence implementation have been stated by many policy experts, including as stated by George C Edwards III, 1980 in Subarsono (2005:90) there are four variables that influence policy implementation, namely:

• Communication. The success of policy implementation requires that the implementor knows what to do. What are the goals and objectives of the policy must be transmitted to the target group (target group) so that it will reduce implementation distortions;

• Resource. Even though the contents of the policy have been communicated clearly and consistently, if the implementer lacks the resources to implement it, implementation will not work effectively. These resources can be in the form of human resources or non-human resources;

• Disposition is the character and characteristics possessed by the implementer, such as commitment, honesty, democratic nature;

• Bureaucratic structure. The bureaucratic structure in charge of implementing policies has a significant influence on policy implementation.

Literally the Green Revolution is a rapid change in food production. The assumption departs from the hypothesis that food production will not be sufficient for what humans need if they only rely on traditional production methods. The green revolution is an effort to develop agricultural technology to increase food production. This increase is by changing from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, namely agriculture by utilizing or using more advanced technology than before. So the green revolution lies in utilizing the results of up to date technological discoveries. The green revolution is also known as the Agrarian Revolution. Forms of Forest Rehabilitation with the Green Revolution, Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RHL) Forest and land rehabilitation is one of the strategic efforts and is a priority policy for forestry development, one of the programs for forest and land rehabilitation activities through the National Movement for Forest and Land Rehabilitation (GN-RHL). GN-RHL is a coordinated forest and land rehabilitation activity by utilizing all the capabilities of the government and the community in rehabilitating forests and land in priority watershed areas (DAS) (Department of Forestry, 2009).

The current forest area as a result of illegal logging is in a very worrying or not good condition. There are several factors that cause the function of land to decrease, such as population pressure, conversion of forest functions, natural disasters, and forest propagation. Forest and land rehabilitation (RHL) is carried out in two (two) ways, namely the application of land conversion technology and RHL planting activities. One of the activities in RHL planting is reforestation which aims to maintain and improve the protective function of the irrigation system and prevent natural disasters (such as floods, landslides and or increasing land productivity). One of the reforestation activities is the development of community forests. RHL has several principles, including: (a) Minimizing policy failures caused by bureaucratic failures (government failures) and market failures. The aim is to achieve good policy, good implementation and good performance; (b) RHL must be a community need; (c) RHL uses DAS as a unit of analysis in planning and control; (d) RHL authority and working relationship is clean; (e) Utilizing the potential of local communities. (f) Aligning the RHL target with the main function of the rehabilitation target area; (g) The status of ownership/ownership of the RHL target land needs to be fully understood so that potential conflicts can be foreseen; (h) Cost sharing between the government and the community; (i) System strengthening.


Researchers develop theories or logically connect several factors that are considered important for solving problems in the form of structure and governance of research activities to help guide how research is carried out by explaining the concepts contained in theoretical assumptions that will be used to abstract (terminate) the elements elements contained in the phenomenon to be studied and how the relationship between these concepts.


1. Law Number 5 of 1990 concerning Conservation of Living Natural Resources and Their Ecosystems

2. Law Number 41 of 1999 concerning Forestry

3. Regional Regulation of the Province of South Kalimantan Number 17 of 2009 concerning the Regional Long Term Development Plan of the Province of South Kalimantan for 2005*2025

4. Regional Regulation of South Kalimantan Province Number 9 of 2015 concerning Spatial Planning for the Province of South Kalimantan for 20152035

5. South Kalimantan Province Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2016 concerning the South Kalimantan Province Regional Medium-Term Development Plan for 2016-2021

6. South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 2 of 2017 concerning the South Kalimantan Province Environmental Protection and Management Plan

7. Regional Regulation of South Kalimantan Province Number 7 of 2017 concerning Rehabilitation of Critical Land

8. Regulations - Regulations underlying the issuance of Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018


1. Forest destruction

• Illegal logging

* Forest fires

* Flood

• Drought

• Excessive forest exploitation

* Land use change

2. government policy not implemented

for environmental improvement.

Implementation of Regional

Regulation No. 7 of 2tl 18 concerning the Green Revolution at the Kayu Tangi FMU (Forest Men egc incut Unit) in Ban jar Regency

1. Aspects of Linkages to Government Regulations Concerning the Implementation of Policy Implementation

2, Aspects of Environmental Care (Planting and Seeding)

3- Aspects of Change in the People's Mindset related to forests

Supporting factors

1. Commitment of political leadership

2. Organizational capabilities

3. Commitment of implementers (Implemented}

4. Support from interest groups (interest group support)

Obstacle factor . Lack of Budget in implementing activities

There is still a lack of availability of Human Resources . There is still a lack of facilities and infrastructure to support activities


Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the KaX Tangi FMU in Banjar District


a. Public policy :

- Heinz Eutau and Kenneth Prewitt. 1973

- Bridgeman and Davis, 2005

- Hogwood and Gunn, 1990

b. Policy implementation

- Daniel A. Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier, 1979

- Van Meter and Van Horn, 1975

c. Factors Influencing Policy Implementation

- George C. Edwards III (1930),

- Marrlee S Grindle (1983),

- Daniel A. Mazmanian and Paul A. Sabatier (1983).

- Van Meter and Van Horn (1975),

Cheemaand Rondinelli (1983),

David L Weirner and Aidan R. Vining (1991).

Figure 1 - Research Conceptual Framework


The research approach used is a qualitative approach. This type of research is a case study using a descriptive method with qualitative analysis techniques. The location of this research was conducted in a forest area included in the Green Revolution Movement program in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province, which is the Management Area of the Technical Implementation Unit of the Kayutangi Forest Management Unit. This study

uses a questionnaire as an interview tool to obtain primary data; documentation tools (voice recorders, cameras, stationery). Literature materials or research documents, both published and unpublished, to obtain secondary data.

Analyzing the Implementation of South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit, Banjar Regency. Primary data sources come from direct observation using a list of questions given to respondents. Respondents were chosen purposively. The list of questions that have been prepared includes: Aspects of Linkages to Government Regulations Concerning the Implementation of Policy Implementation; Environmental Maintenance Aspect (Planting and Seeding); Aspects of Change in People's Mindset related to forests. Interviews were conducted in depth and structured with research subjects with guidelines that had been made. Secondary data sources come from literature related to research topics and from related agencies.

Table 1 - Types and Sources of Data Required in Research

No. Data Type Data source

Primary data

1. Implementation of Green Revolution regional regulations Respondents, consisting of: 1. Head of the Kayu Tangi forest management unit (FMU), 2. Section Head of the Kayu Tangi FMU Protection, 3. Head of Utilization of FMU Kayu Tangi, 4. Section Head at the Banjar Regency Environmental Service, 5. FMU Kayu Tangi Forestry Extension Officer, 6. FMU Kayu Tangi Extension Staff 7. Staff at Watershed and Protected Forest Management Office, 8. Head of the Abirau 1 Farmer Group in Karang Intan 9. Head of MPG Sukamaju Farmers Group at Ulin Platform 10. Staff in Forestry Companies

Secondary Data

1. Green Revolution Program Area Kayu Tangi Forest management association management unit

2. Development of the Area of the Green Revolution Program Kayu Tangi Forest management association management unit

3. Green Revolution regional regulation implementation policy South Kalimantan provincial forestry service;

Analyze what factors support and hinder the implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit, Banjar Regency. Primary data sources come from direct observation using a list of questions given to respondents. Respondents were chosen purposively. The list of questions that have been compiled includes: Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution. Interviews were conducted in depth and structured with research subjects with guidelines that had been made. Secondary data sources come from literature related to research topics and from related agencies.

Table 2 - Types and Sources of Data Required in Research

No. Data Type Data source

Primary data

1. Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors for the Implementation of Green Revolution Regional Regulations Respondents, consisting of: 1. Head of Kayu Tangi FMU, 2. Section Head of Kayu Tangi FMU Protection 3. Section Head of Utilization of Kayu Tangi FMU, 4. Section Head at the Banjar Regency Environmental Service, 5. Kayu Tangi FMU of Forestry Extension Officer, 6. Kayu Tangi FMU of Extension Staff, 7. Staff at Watershed and Protected Forest Management Office, 8. Head of the Abirau 1 Farmer Group in Karang Intan, 9. Head of MPG Sukamaju Farmers Group at Ulin Platform 10. Staff in Forestry Companies

Secondary Data

1. Supporting Factors and Inhibiting Factors of Policy Implementation Literature Study on previous research and Expert Opinion

Data in descriptive research are more descriptive in nature from the results of interviews and documentation studies. The data that has been obtained will be analyzed qualitatively and described in descriptive form. According to (Moleong, 2017: 103), data analysis is "the process of arranging data sequences, organizing them into a pattern, categories and basic descriptions." This definition gives an idea of how important the position of data analysis is in terms of research objectives. The main principle of qualitative research is finding theory from data. The data analysis technique used in descriptive research is using the steps as proposed by Bungin (2013: 70), which are as follows:

Data collection -> Data presentation

Data reduction Verification/Drawing of

Figure 2 - Qualitative Data Analysis RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

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Forest Management Unit of Kayu Tangi has become an implementing institution in the form of a Regional Technical Implementation Unit based on South Kalimantan Governor Regulation Number. 23 of 2017 concerning the Establishment, Organization and Work Procedure of the Forest Management Unit Technical Implementation Unit at the South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service, Based on the Decree of the Head of the South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service Number. 522/III/PPH/Dishut/2017 concerning the Establishment of a Forest Management Resort in the Technical Implementation Unit of the Forest Management Unit of the South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service, the Kayu Tangi FMU is divided into 3 Forest Management Resorts (RPH), namely Paramasan RPH, Sungai Pinang RPH and Pengaron RPH.

The Kayu Tangi FMU area is administratively located in Banjar Regency, South Kalimantan Province, which has been stipulated by the Decree on Determination of KPHL and KPHP Areas in South Kalimantan Province Number: SK. 363 / MENLHK / Setjen / PLA.0/7/2021 July 1, 2021 covering an area of ± 158,889 Ha consisting of Protection Forest: ± 46,249 Ha; Limited Production Forest ± 25,199 Ha; Production Forest ± 84,508 Ha and Conversion Production Forest ± 2,934 Ha

The South Kalimantan Provincial Government through the South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service is trying to carry out planting to reduce critical land and increase land cover through the Green Revolution movement. At the start of this program, in 2018 the South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service was able to undertake planting with a total area of 29,591.00 hectares. This figure is the accumulated area of planting that has been carried out by various parties through the IPPKH DAS Rehab Planting, Planting by IUPHHK HT-HA, reclamation, agroforestry, ASN Planting, People's Nurseries (KBR), etc. The Ministry of Environment and Forestry recorded a quality index value environment (IKLH) for South Kalimantan Province in 2017 was 69.38% in rank 19 out of 33 Provinces, an increase of 10.31% from the previous year in 2016 of only 59.07% in rank 26.

Table 3 - Effective land that can be planted in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit (FMU)

Activity Secondary Forest Shrubs Grand Totals

Reforestation 1,100 stems/ha - 28.968 28.968

Reforestation 625 stems/ha 10.344 10.344

Grand Totals 10.344 28.968 39.313

Source: 2019 spatial data processing results.

Table 4 - Realization of Green Revolution Program Planting in 2022

No Activity Number of Seeds (Stems) Area Conversion (Ha)

1 Greening the Environment 1,814,537 2,813.73

2 Watershed rehabilitation 5,100.320 5,100.32

3 Reclamation and Revegetation 914,940 914.94

4 Industrial Plantation Forest Wood Forest Products Management Business (UPHHKH-TI) 1,778,000 1,778.00

5 Business of Utilization of Timber Forest Products in Natural Forest (UPHHK-HA) 64,796 82.00

6 Social Forestry 91,300 91.30

7 Seed Distribution of Watershed Management Centers (BBPDAS) 1,184,337 1.579,12

8 Seed Distribution of Forest Plant Seed Centers (BBPTH) 614,910 819,88

9 Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RLH) of APBN 1,100.000 1.100,00

10 Forest and Land Rehabilitation (RLH) of APBD 175.000 175,00

11 Planting State Civil Apparatus (ASN) 43.178 43,18

12 Plantation 227.500 455,00

13 Agriculture 117.000 234,00

Jumlah 13.225.818 15.186,46

Source: Forestry Service of South Kalimantan Province, 2022.

The Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit (FMU) Strategy for Banjar Regency in an effort to implement Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the regulatory aspect prioritizes communication and utilizes organizational structures. This is in accordance with the conditions in the field where there are still several layers of society who do not understand the substance of the green revolution program's regulations. Communication is very important in implementing a policy because basically good communication will make policy implementers able to understand a policy. The communication process determines the implementation of a work program so that it can be implemented properly. Basically what is expected in the communication process is the achievement of information so that cooperation between interested parties can be established.

So far, communication between parties in the implementation of the Green Revolution Program to accelerate the recovery of critical land by Planting and Maintenance has been well implemented. Communication is one factor that is very important and influential in creating work efficiency. The realization of a good communication between the government and the community/stakeholders will create a synergistic relationship and avoid misunderstandings or miss communication so that the objectives that have been formulated can be achieved.

Aspects of environmental maintenance include planting activities including nurseries carried out to accelerate Forest and Land Rehabilitation activities to restore, maintain and enhance forest and land functions so that their carrying capacity, productivity and role in supporting life systems are maintained in South Kalimantan Province by involving all components community in order to reduce critical land and increase the Environmental Quality Index. The implementation of Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the aspect of environmental preservation is strongly influenced by the resources available and owned by the parties involved.

Resources have an important role in policy implementation Edward III in Winarno (2012: 184) suggests that resources can be an important factor in implementing public policy. Implementation instructions may be passed in a careful, clear and consistent manner, but if the implementers lack the necessary resources to carry out the policies, then this implementation tends to be ineffective.

By looking at the importance of forest areas as a life support which is expected to be able to provide maximum benefits for the continuity of the livelihoods of many people, the existence of forests must be maintained optimally.

Change of Mindset and refreshment of community mindsets and views which can then influence responsible behavior towards the forest environment. This can be seen in the implementation of the Green Revolution where the mindset transformation continues to proceed towards a better one as the program progresses. The implementation of Regional

Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the aspect of changing the mindset of the community is strongly influenced by the disposition and attitude of program implementers.

Factors Supporting and Hindering the Implementation of Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution. Supporting factors are anything that helps, supports, or encourages the success of a regulation or policy.

Important resources that support policy implementation include:

• Adequate staff and good skills to carry out their duties;

• Authorities and facilities that can support the implementation of public services;

• Tendencies or behaviors. The tendency of implementers has important consequences for effective policy implementation. If implementers have a good attitude towards a particular policy, which in this case means support, they are likely to carry out the policy as desired by the initial decision makers;

• Bureaucratic structure. The bureaucracy is one of the bodies that most often even as whole implements policies, both government structures and private organizations (Budi Winarno, 2002: 126-151).

Supporting factors identified and formulated in the Green Revolution Program. The formulation of supporting factors to resolve obstacles in the implementation of the Green Revolution Program is as follows:

• There is collaboration between the Community, FMU, Provincial Forestry Service, Ministry Offices, and Permit Holders;

• A forest management paradigm has been created which views that forests not only produce wood but also non-wood and environmental services;

• Community involvement in forest management by empowering social forest institutions;

• Potential forest resources with optimal area for developing agroforestry business development.

Referring to the results of research related to the inhibiting factors in the implementation of the Green Revolution program, namely the lack of budget in implementing the Green Revolution, the lack of competent human resources, the lack of infrastructure that supports the activities of the Green Revolution. In addition, the problem that occurs is limited funds. The actual cause that emerged was due to a lack of funds related to supporting resources, for example regarding time, costs/funds and manpower as the implementation of the Green Revolution program.


Aspects of Government Regulation in Policy Implementation, with the establishment of the Kayu Tangi FMU institution as a work unit of the South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service which is given the task and authority in the field of forest management in its working area including the Implementation of South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution is a bureaucratic structure capable of accelerating the performance of the Green Revolution program. The strategy of involving all components of society as well as communication that continues to be built between interested parties starting from the design of implementing regulations, program socialization, planning, implementation and evaluation is able to answer challenges and obstacles as well as create effective working relationship procedures to accelerate the achievement of goals.

Aspects of Environmental Maintenance (Planting and Seeding), Resources are an important factor in environmental maintenance aspects (planting / nurseries). If there is a shortage of the resources needed to implement the policy, this implementation tends to be ineffective. The resources that are still minimal in this program are human resources, funding and infrastructure, which causes the implementation of planting/nursery activities to be less than optimal.

Aspects of Changing People's Mindset, the attitude of implementers in implementing the green revolution program policies has paid attention to and provided continuous understanding to the community of the program's objectives so as to create a good perception which in the end the mindset of the parties involved becomes better to achieve the expected results.

Supporting factors in the implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit, namely: Collaboration between the Community,FMU, Provincial Forestry Service, Ministry Offices, and Permit Holders, NGOs/NGOs and universities through forums multiparty forums; A forest management paradigm has been created which views that forests not only produce wood but also non-wood and environmental services; Community involvement in forest management by empowering social forest institutions.

The inhibiting factors in the Implementation of the South Kalimantan Provincial Regulation Number 7 of 2018 concerning the Green Revolution in the Kayu Tangi Forest Management Unit are: Lack of budget in implementing Green Revolution activities; There is still a lack of availability of competent Human Resources; There is still a lack of availability of infrastructure that supports Green Revolution activities. Suggestions:

• Developing alternative funding schemes, one of the alternative funding schemes is an environmental service compensation scheme that can be developed at the site level. Patterns of funding for environmental services that can be applied include Payment of Environmental Services (PES), Liability Rule (LR), and Purchasing Development Right (PDR). The PES funding pattern is effective for supporting forest management efforts as a carbon store, LR for carbon sequestration activities, while PDR has the potential to support carbon emission reduction activities;

• Improving employee performance accountability with training and courses for employees, so that they become highly competent employees. The South Kalimantan Provincial Forestry Service should focus more on the quality of human resources in the UPTD FMU. Fulfillment of professional Human Resources must be carried out in a more methodical manner in the long term;

• Increasing cooperation with Ministries/Institutions/Regional Government/Private Government in providing infrastructure that supports Green Revolution activities.


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