IMPLEMENTATION OF MODERN APPROACHES IN PRIMARY EDUCATION Текст научной статьи по специальности «Науки об образовании»

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Ключевые слова
Primary education / modern technologies / teaching approaches / multiple tasking / competences / teaching skills / information technologies / collaboration. / начальное образование / современные технологии / подходы к обучению / многозадачность / компетенции / педагогические навыки / информационные технологии / сотрудничество.

Аннотация научной статьи по наукам об образовании, автор научной работы — Narzieva, Mastura Sunnatovna

In recent years, there has been increasing interest and recognition of the need to implement modern approaches in primary education. These approaches include innovative teaching techniques, technological advancements, and a focus on promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. One of the key aspects of primary education is literacy. Students are taught how to read and write, beginning with phonics and sight words and moving on to more complex texts and compositions. Numeracy is also emphasized, with students learning basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Primary education also focuses on social and emotional development, with an emphasis on developing self-esteem, empathy, and a sense of community. This is achieved through a variety of activities, such as group projects, assemblies, and sports events. In this article, we can discuss information about the implementation of modern approaches in primary education.

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В последние годы наблюдается возрастающий интерес и признание необходимости внедрения современных подходов в начальное образование. Эти подходы включают инновационные методы обучения, технологические достижения и упор на развитие критического мышления и навыков решения проблем. Одним из ключевых аспектов начального образования является грамотность. Учащихся учат читать и писать, начиная с фонетики и зрительных слов и переходя к более сложным текстам и композициям. Особое внимание уделяется навыкам счета: учащиеся изучают базовые математические навыки, такие как сложение, вычитание, умножение и деление. Начальное образование также направлено на социальное и эмоциональное развитие с упором на развитие чувства собственного достоинства, сочувствия и чувства общности. Это достигается с помощью различных мероприятий, таких как групповые проекты, собрания и спортивные мероприятия. В этой статье мы можем обсудить информацию о реализации современных подходов в начальном образовании.


Oriental Renaissance: Innovative, educational, natural and social sciences

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

(E)ISSN:2181-1784 www.oriens.uz 3(5), May, 2023



Mastura Sunnatovna Narzieva

Head of the Department of "Preschool, Elementary and Special Education Methods" of the National Center for Training Pedagogues in New Methods of Bukhara Region


In recent years, there has been increasing interest and recognition of the need to implement modern approaches in primary education. These approaches include innovative teaching techniques, technological advancements, and a focus on promoting critical thinking and problem-solving skills. One of the key aspects of primary education is literacy. Students are taught how to read and write, beginning with phonics and sight words and moving on to more complex texts and compositions. Numeracy is also emphasized, with students learning basic math skills such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. Primary education also focuses on social and emotional development, with an emphasis on developing self-esteem, empathy, and a sense of community. This is achieved through a variety of activities, such as group projects, assemblies, and sports events. In this article, we can discuss information about the implementation of modern approaches in primary education.

Keywords: Primary education, modern technologies, teaching approaches, multiple tasking, competences, teaching skills, information technologies, collaboration.


В последние годы наблюдается возрастающий интерес и признание необходимости внедрения современных подходов в начальное образование. Эти подходы включают инновационные методы обучения, технологические достижения и упор на развитие критического мышления и навыков решения проблем. Одним из ключевых аспектов начального образования является грамотность. Учащихся учат читать и писать, начиная с фонетики и зрительных слов и переходя к более сложным текстам и композициям. Особое внимание уделяется навыкам счета: учащиеся изучают базовые математические навыки, такие как сложение, вычитание, умножение и деление. Начальное образование также направлено на социальное и эмоциональное развитие с упором на развитие чувства собственного достоинства, сочувствия и чувства общности. Это достигается с помощью различных мероприятий, таких как групповые проекты, собрания и спортивные мероприятия. В этой статье мы можем обсудить информацию о реализации современных подходов в начальном образовании.

SJIF 2023 = 6.131 / ASI Factor = 1.7

3(5), May, 2023

Ключевые слова: начальное образование, современные технологии, подходы к обучению, многозадачность, компетенции, педагогические навыки, информационные технологии, сотрудничество.


Primary education, also called elementary education, is the first stage of formal education that children receive in most countries. It is usually intended for children between the ages of 5 and 11, depending on the country's education system. The goal of primary education is to provide students with a strong foundation in basic academic and life skills that will serve them throughout their schooling and beyond. The primary education curriculum typically includes a range of subjects, such as reading, writing, mathematics, science, social studies, and sometimes music, art, and physical education. The curriculum is designed to give students a broad educational foundation and develop their intellectual, emotional, and social skills.

In most countries, primary education is compulsory, meaning that parents are required by law to enroll their children in school. This is because primary education is crucial in providing students with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary for further education and lifelong learning. There are different types of primary education models around the world. Some countries have a single-track approach, where all students follow the same curriculum regardless of their abilities or interests. Others have a multi-track system, where students are placed in different tracks based on their performance, such as advanced, regular, or remedial classes.

One important aspect of primary education is teacher quality. Teachers play a vital role in the success of primary education, as they are responsible for delivering the curriculum, assessing student progress, and promoting positive learning environments. In many countries, there is an ongoing focus on improving teacher training and professional development to ensure that students receive the highest quality of instruction. In recent years, there has been a growing emphasis on technology in primary education. Many schools now have computer labs and incorporate digital tools into their teaching methods. This can help students develop crucial digital literacy skills and prepare them for the technology-driven world of the future.

As we enter the 21st century, the face of education is changing rapidly. Innovative approaches that focus on the holistic development of the child have become the new norm, and primary education is at the forefront of this change. From project-based learning to personalized instruction, modern approaches are transforming primary education, and the results are beginning to show. One major modern approach is student-centered learning, which places the focus on the student's

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needs and interests. This involves teachers creating lesson plans that are tailored to the individual needs of the students and using technology such as interactive whiteboards and tablets to make learning more engaging and interactive.


Another approach is experiential learning, which is centered around hands-on experiences and activities. This approach helps children develop a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject matter by engaging them in real-world situations and encouraging them to problem-solve and think critically. Incorporating modern approaches in primary education also means using technology as a tool to enhance learning outcomes. This includes the use of educational apps, smartboards, educational videos, and digital textbooks that can be personalized to the students' learning needs.

Project-based learning involves students working collaboratively on complex tasks that require critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision making. Unlike traditional classroom instruction, project-based learning does not rely on lectures or passive learning activities. Instead, students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and engage in hands-on activities that are connected to real-world problems.

This approach to learning is increasingly popular in primary education, where research has shown that it is highly effective in enhancing creativity, fostering teamwork, and improving communication skills. Students who engage in project-based learning are also more likely to retain information and apply what they have learned in meaningful ways.

Personalized instruction is another modern approach that is gaining momentum in primary education. This approach focuses on tailoring the learning experience to meet the needs and interests of individual students, rather than relying on a one-size-fits-all approach. Personalized instruction can take many forms, from allowing students to choose the topics they want to learn about to providing individualized support to struggling learners. The idea behind this approach is that students learn best when they are engaged in meaningful activities that align with their interests and needs.

Research has shown that personalized instruction can improve student engagement, motivation, and achievement. By providing students with opportunities to learn in ways that are most relevant to them, teachers can help to create a love of learning that lasts a lifetime.

Blended learning is a combination of traditional classroom instruction and online learning. This approach provides students with more flexibility and control over their learning, as they can access content and resources from anywhere, at any

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time. In primary education, blended learning can take the form of online learning modules, web-based simulations, or collaborative virtual environments. By using technology to enhance the learning experience, teachers can create a more interactive and engaging classroom environment that meets the needs of all learners. Blended learning has been shown to improve student outcomes in a variety of ways, including increased access to resources, improved student engagement, and greater flexibility in learning.

The implementation of modern approaches in primary education has the potential to transform the way we think about teaching and learning. With a focus on project-based learning, personalized instruction, and blended learning, primary education can become a place where students are engaged, motivated, and empowered to take ownership of their learning. By embracing modern approaches, we can create a more effective, efficient, and equitable education system that prepares our children for success in the 21st century.

Teaching methods are an essential aspect of primary education. Methods are the techniques and strategies that teachers use to deliver lessons effectively and efficiently, making it easier for students to learn and understand. Effective teaching methods are essential for successful student learning, developing intellectual capabilities, and promoting an enjoyable learning experience. The importance of teaching methods in primary teaching cannot be overstated. The right teaching method can help a teacher to create an atmosphere of cooperation, encourage students' participation, and deepen their understanding of the subject matter. Some of the reasons why teaching methods are important in primary teaching include:

Effective Learning: The ultimate goal of teaching is to facilitate learning, and the right teaching method can ensure that the desired learning outcomes are achieved. Engaging teaching methods, such as interactive lessons and group activities, can help students to retain and apply information more effectively.

Engaged Students: Teaching methods that encourage student participation and engagement can create an enjoyable learning environment, leading students to become more motivated to learn.

Improved Retention: A teacher's chosen method can determine how well students retain and recall information. Using the right teaching method is critical to students retaining knowledge long-term, as the method of teaching can have a significant impact on information processing and memory recall.

There are different teaching methods available for use in primary teaching. The methods have unique characteristics, and they are designed to cater to different

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learning styles, subjects and levels of difficulty. Some of the common teaching methods in primary teaching are:

1. Lecture method: this method involves a teacher explaining a particular topic to students. It is a popular method for delivering information, primarily for delivering simple to complex concepts effectively.

2. Demonstration Method: In this method, the teacher demonstrates a particular skill or concept. The focus is more on showing students how to do something rather than explaining it.

3. Inquiry Method: This method encourages students to ask questions and explore different paths to learn and understand a concept.

4. Discussion Method: In this method, students participate in group discussions, and collaboration is encouraged to facilitate the exchange of ideas.

5. Visual Method: This method involves the use of visual aids such as images, graphics, videos, among others to enhance students' understanding of complex topics.

6. Project Method: This method encourages students to work with others and deep dive into a particular topic, developing critical thinking skills, self-regulation, and independent learning.

Choosing the right method in primary teaching is critical since it can influence the success of the learning process. Teachers should consider the needs and preferences of their students, the subject matter's complexity, and the educational goals they want to achieve. As such, teachers should be familiar with a wide range of teaching methods and have the ability to use different methods for different situations.

Modern approaches to primary education involve changing traditional teaching methods to incorporate innovative teaching techniques that respond to new technologies, diverse learners, and the changing demands of the global job market. These approaches focus on promoting critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving skills.

There are some ways to implement modern approaches in primary education:

1. Collaborative Learning: Encourage group work and cooperative learning amongst students. Group-based assignments, project-based lessons, and peer instruction foster teamwork and collaboration capabilities, making learning fun, engaging and interactive.

2. Active Learning: Active learning involves student engagement and participation in the learning process. Modern approaches to primary education strictly discourage passive learning and encourage students to be active participants in lessons. Expose your students to interactive technologies that promote ideas

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assimilation lead discussions while encouraging an atmosphere where every student's viewpoint is valuable.

3. Use of Technology: Modern approaches require the integration of technology in the classroom. The use of technology like educational apps, smartboards, and devices enables students to learn faster and efficiently. By embracing innovative technologies, learners can easily access information, communicate, and participate in group activities.

4. Differentiated Learning: Differentiated studying caters to unique learning styles and preferences. As a teacher, develop tailor-made and personalized learning paths to cater to the needs of all your students. By doing this, each student can be more active and interactive; hence more involved in the learning process.

5. Inquiry and Problem-based Learning: Inquiry and problem-based learning approaches encourage students to learn by asking questions, exploring topics, and discovering answers. Teachers design problems and questions to help students develop critical thinking skills and promote self-guided learning.

6. Flipped Classroom: The flipped classroom approach is designed to flip the traditional classroom model on its head. Instead of starting instruction delivery during classroom sessions, the prep work is done outside of class. Students will utilize pre-class learning materials and assessments to learn basic concepts, after which the classroom session facilitates interactive learning and critical thinking exercises.

7. Mastery Learning: Mastery learning is a modern approach to education that strives to identify students' individual learning abilities by emphasizing a student-centric approach. With mastery learning, students can take control of their learning process at their pace, learn faster and master the techniques efficiently.

Teachers who use appropriate teaching methods can deliver a better learning experience, motivating their students, and enhancing their academic performance. Primary education plays a critical role in the development of students' skills, knowledge, and character. It provides a foundation for lifelong learning and sets the stage for success in further education, careers, and personal life. With strong curriculums, qualified teachers, and innovative approaches, primary education can help students reach their full potential and contribute to the betterment of society as a whole.


Modern approaches in primary education are vital for preparing students for success in the constantly changing global job market. Integrating active and interactive teaching strategies, utilizing innovative technologies and providing differentiated learning opportunities can lead to better student academic performance,

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student engagement, and overall learning experience. Implementing modern approaches requires a flexible approach to classroom activities, adaptability to new technologies and a willingness to attempt new ideas and solutions. By embracing modern approaches, teachers can create an engaging, interactive, efficient, and productive learning environment for their students, which prepares them for lifelong learning. Modern approaches in primary education play a crucial role in ensuring that students are prepared for success in the 21st century. By providing students with opportunities to learn through innovative and engaging techniques, we can help them develop the necessary skills to succeed in a rapidly evolving world. Teaching methods play a crucial role in primary education. Effective methods help teachers create a fun, comfortable learning environment and cement positive teach-student relationships. Good methods encourage students to participate, collaborate, open their minds, and deepen their knowledge and understanding of the concepts taught.


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