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Ключевые слова
mRNA vaccine / BCG / adaptive immune response / tuberculosis / мРНК-вакцины / БЦЖ / адаптивный иммунный ответ / туберкулез

Аннотация научной статьи по фундаментальной медицине, автор научной работы — Shepelkova G.S., Reshetnikov V.V., Avdienko V.G., Sheverev D.V., Yeremeev V.V.

Vaccination is among the most effective measures to reduce tuberculosis morbidity and mortality. In 1974, BCG vaccination was included in the Expanded Program on Immunization. Today, it covers 80% of all children around the globe. Unfortunately, BCG vaccine provides no protection against pulmonary tuberculosis, the most prevalent form of tuberculosis. It is necessary to urgently develop new vaccination strategies to stop large-scale dissemination of infection caused by the multidrugresistant pathogen. The study was aimed to compare the capabilities of three variants of mRNA vaccines encoding ESAT6 epitopes of stimulating adaptive immune response formation in C57BL/6 mice (ELISpot, delayed hypersensitivity, IgG titers), as well as of protecting I/St mice against M. tuberculosis infection. Efficacy of mRNA vaccines comprising different untranslated regions packaged in lipid nanoparticles was compared with that of BCG vaccine. The 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod vaccine demonstrated the highest efficacy in our experimental model. Thus, the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine can be considered as a candidate vaccine for further optimization, improving efficacy and subsequent use for prevention of tuberculosis.

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Вакцинация является одним из наиболее успешных медицинских мероприятий по снижению заболеваемости и смертности от туберкулеза. В 1974 г. вакцинация БЦЖ была включена в Расширенную программу вакцинации, и на сегодня охватывает 80% всех детей на земном шаре. К сожалению, вакцина БЦЖ не защищает от наиболее распространенной формы туберкулезатуберкулеза легких. Требуется срочно разработать новые стратегии вакцинации, чтобы остановить широкомасштабное распространение инфекции с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя. Целью исследования было сравнить способность трех вариантов мРНК-вакцин, кодирующих эпитопы ESAT6, стимулировать формирование адаптивного иммунитета у мышей C57BL/6 (ELISpot, ГЗТ, титры IgG), а также защищать мышей I/St от заражения M. tuberculosis. Эффективность упакованных в нанолипидные частицы мРНК-вакцин, различающихся последовательностями нетранслируемых регионов, сравнивали с эффективностью БЦЖ. В полученной нами экспериментальной модели максимальную эффективность по большинству показателей продемонстрировала вакцина 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod. Таким образом, мРНК-вакцина 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod может быть рассмотрена в качестве кандидатной для дальнейшей оптимизации, повышения ее эффективности и последующего применения для профилактики туберкулеза.



Shepelkova GS1 Reshetnikov VV2,3, Avdienko VG1, Sheverev DV2, Yeremeev VV1, Ivanov RA2

1 Central Tuberculosis Research Institute, Moscow, Russia

2 Sirius University of Science and Technology, Sochi, Russia

3 Institute of Cytology and Genetics, Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russia

Vaccination is among the most effective measures to reduce tuberculosis morbidity and mortality. In 1974, BCG vaccination was included in the Expanded Program on Immunization. Today, it covers 80% of all children around the globe. Unfortunately, BCG vaccine provides no protection against pulmonary tuberculosis, the most prevalent form of tuberculosis. It is necessary to urgently develop new vaccination strategies to stop large-scale dissemination of infection caused by the multidrug-resistant pathogen. The study was aimed to compare the capabilities of three variants of mRNA vaccines encoding ESAT6 epitopes of stimulating adaptive immune response formation in C57BL/6 mice (ELISpot, delayed hypersensitivity, IgG titers), as well as of protecting I/St mice against M. tuberculosis infection. Efficacy of mRNA vaccines comprising different untranslated regions packaged in lipid nanoparticles was compared with that of BCG vaccine. The 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod vaccine demonstrated the highest efficacy in our experimental model. Thus, the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine can be considered as a candidate vaccine for further optimization, improving efficacy and subsequent use for prevention of tuberculosis.

Keywords: mRNA vaccine, BCG, adaptive immune response, tuberculosis

Funding: the study was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (agreement № 075-10-2021-113, project ID RF—193021X0001).

Acknowledgements: the authors express their gratitude to staff members of the Sirius University of Science and Technology I. M. Terenin for in vitro transcription, O. V. Zaborova for mRNA formulation into lipid nanoparticles.

Author contribution: Shepelkova GS — planning the experiments and experimental procedure (in vivo and ex vivo), data analysis, manuscript writing; Reshetnikov VV— cloning, mRNA vaccine preparation, manuscript writing; Avdienko VG — experimental procedure (in vivo and ex vivo), data analysis; Sheverev DV — mRNA vaccine preparation, data analysis; Yeremeev VV — study design, data analysis, manuscript writing; Ivanov RA — study design, manuscript writing.

Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of the Central Tuberculosis Research Institute (protocol № 3/2 dated 11 May 2023) and conducted in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Health No. 755 and the Guidelines issued by the Office of Laboratory Animal Welfare (А5502-01).

1X1 Correspondence should be addressed: Galina S. Shepelkova, Jauzskaja alleja, 2, 107564, Moscow, Russia; g.shepelkova@ctri.ru; Vasily V. Reshetnikov, Olimpiyskiy prospekt, 1, Sochi, 354340, Russia; reshetnikov.vv@talantiuspeh.ru

Received: 17.11.2023 Accepted: 19.12.2023 Published online: 31.12.2023

DOI: 10.24075/brsmu.2023.054


Г. С. Шепелькова1^, В. В. Решетников2'3, В. Г. Авдиенко1, Д. В. Шевырев2, В. В. Еремеев1, Р. А. Иванов2

1 Центральный научно-исследовательский институт туберкулеза, Москва, Россия

2 Автономная некоммерческая образовательная организация высшего образования «Научно-технологический университет «Сириус», Сириус, Россия

3 Институт цитологии и генетики Сибирского отделения Российской академии наук, Новосибирск, Россия

Вакцинация является одним из наиболее успешных медицинских мероприятий по снижению заболеваемости и смертности от туберкулеза. В 1974 г вакцинация БЦЖ была включена в Расширенную программу вакцинации, и на сегодня охватывает 80% всех детей на земном шаре. К сожалению, вакцина БЦЖ не защищает от наиболее распространенной формы туберкулеза — туберкулеза легких. Требуется срочно разработать новые стратегии вакцинации, чтобы остановить широкомасштабное распространение инфекции с множественной лекарственной устойчивостью возбудителя. Целью исследования было сравнить способность трех вариантов мРНК-вакцин, кодирующих эпитопы ESAT6, стимулировать формирование адаптивного иммунитета у мышей C57BL/6 (ELISpot, ГЗТ, титры IgG), а также защищать мышей I/St от заражения M. tuberculosis. Эффективность упакованных в нанолипидные частицы мРНК-вакцин, различающихся последовательностями нетранслируемых регионов, сравнивали с эффективностью БЦЖ. В полученной нами экспериментальной модели максимальную эффективность по большинству показателей продемонстрировала вакцина 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod. Таким образом, мРНК-вакцина 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod может быть рассмотрена в качестве кандидатной для дальнейшей оптимизации, повышения ее эффективности и последующего применения для профилактики туберкулеза.

Ключевые слова: мРНК-вакцины, БЦЖ, адаптивный иммунный ответ, туберкулез

Финансирование: исследование выполнено при поддержке Министерства науки и высшего образования Российской Федерации (соглашение № 075-10-2021-113, уникальный идентификатор проекта РФ----193021Х0001).

Благодарности: авторы выражают благодарность сотрудникам АНО ВО «Университет «Сириус» И. М. Теренину за постановку транскрипции in vitro, О. В. Заборовой за формуляцию мРНК в липидные наночастицы.

Вклад авторов: Г. С. Шепелькова — планирование и постановка экспериментов (in vivo и ex vivo), анализ результатов, написание рукописи; В. В. Решетников — клонирование, подготовка мРНК вакцины, написание рукописи; В. Г. Авдиенко — постановка экспериментов (in vivo и ex vivo), анализ результатов; Д. В. Шевырев — подготовка мРНК вакцины, анализ результатов; В. В. Еремеев — дизайн исследования, анализ результатов, написание рукописи; Р. А. Иванов — дизайн исследования, написание рукописи.

Соблюдение этических стандартов: исследование одобрено этическим комитетом ФГБНУ «ЦНИИТ» (протокол № 3/2 от 11 мая 2023 г.), проведено в соответствии с Приказом Минздрава № 755 и Руководством Управления по охране лабораторных животных А5502-01.

СхЗ Для корреспонденции: Галина Сергеевна Шепелькова, Яузская аллея, д. 2, 107564, г. Москва, Россия; g.shepelkova@ctri.ru; Василий Владимирович Решетников, Олимпийский пр-т, д. 1, г. Сочи, 354340; Россия; reshetnikov.vv@talantiuspeh.ru

Статья получена: 17.11.2023 Статья принята к печати: 19.12.2023 Опубликована онлайн: 31.12.2023

DOI: 10.24075/vrgmu.2023.054

About 10 million cases of active tuberculosis (TB) and about 1.5 million TB deaths are revealed annually all over the world [1]. The search for new TB vaccine frustrated many generations of enthusiastic researchers. Numerous painstaking attempts to understand the fundamental mechanisms underlying protective immunity in mycobacterial infection resulting only in understanding its complexity and not allowing to determine reliable immunological correlates of protection and form the basis for rational selection of promising vaccines. It is clear that unique features of effective immune response to the appropriate pathogen should be considered when developing the new generation vaccines [2]. The requirements for such vaccines should include: 1) induction of the "correct" ratio of T cell subpopulations and cytokine spectrum associated with the response to infection in combination with induction of protective and long-term (immunological memory) immunity;

2) activation of the "correct" effector mechanisms aimed at prevention of infection or elimination of the infectious agent;

3) high specificity for the infectious agent allowing to avoid the risk of autoaggression on account of cross-reacting antigens;

4) the use of bacterial antigens expressed in the host by all isolates and strains; 5) immunogenicity for all major histocompatibility complex (MHC) haplotypes in the human population.

The aspects most important for development of new effective TB vaccine are as follows: a) selection and combination of antigens, selection of the antigen physical and chemical properties (intracellular, surface-associates or secreted proteins, glycolipids, phospholigands); b) vaccine type (whole proteins or peptides, whole live attenuated or heat-killed bacteria, recombinant bacteria, DNA vaccines); c) vaccine form and administration route (high/low doses, adjuvants, immunomodulatory cytokines, immunostimulant DNA sequences).

The use of mRNA-based vaccines is a relatively new direction of vaccinology [3, 4]. The first experimental mRNA vaccines were developed in early 1990s. It has been shown that these induce both humoral and cell-based immunity in vivo [5, 6]. However, the first carriers used for transfer of mRNA molecules had poor safety profiles, while the per se use of mRNA led to the nucleic acid recognition by the immune system and degradation by RNAses [6]. These problems were partially overcome by using modified nucleosides in the mRNA molecule (replacement of uridine with pseudouridine or other analogues) making it possible to avoid induction of interferon-mediated antiviral pathways resulting in disruption of mRNA molecules [7]. At the same time, the toll-like receptor mediated activation of the innate immunity mechanisms by mRNA molecules can improve vaccination efficacy [8]. The development of carriers in the form of lipid nanoparticles (containing PEGylated lipids, cholesterol, ionizable lipids, and phospholipids) with improved safety profile increased the effectiveness of mRNA delivery. In general, these advances resulted in the growth and a constant interest in the use of mRNA vaccines for prevention of various infectious diseases, mostly viral. However, the experience of using mRNA vaccines for infectious diseases caused by bacteria is extremely limited.

Nevertheless, not all mRNA-based agents show high efficacy. Low RNA stability in the cell results in premature RNA degradation, low translation efficacy, decreased levels and expression duration of the target protein [9]. One of the key roles in ensuring stability of mRNA molecules and effectiveness of their translation is played by regulatory sequences of untranslated regions (5'-UTR and 3'-UTR). It should be noted that, despite extensive studies of the UTR properties, the number of studies focused on assessing the contribution of distinct UTRs to

translation of heterologous RNA is limited [10, 11]. The study was aimed to assess immunogenicity and protective effects of the TB mRNA vaccines comprising various combinations of 5'-UTR and 3'-UTR sequences in the experimental murine model.


Experimental design

The experiment involved 65 female C57BL/6Cit (B6) mice and 65 female I/StSnEgYCit (I/St) mice (body weight 20-25 g, age 2-4 months) taken from the Central Tuberculosis Research Institute breeding nursery. The animals were kept in a conventional vivarium with the fixed 12.00 : 12.00 h light/dark cycle and ad libitum access to water and food. B6 mice were intramuscularly immunized twice at a 3-week interval using three different mRNA vaccine variants: mRNA 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'Mod, 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'EMCV and 5'-Mod- Esat6-3'Mod, 50 |jg of RNA per injection (Fig. 1). Control animals were administered phosphate-buffered saline (PBS). BCG vaccination (BCG Pasteur) was performed once by subcutaneous injection with 100,000 CFU/mouse five weeks before tissue harvesting (B6)/ infection (I/St).

Eight animals from each group of B6 mice were used to assess delayed hypersensitivity. The remaining mice (five per group) were used to estimate T cell response (ELISpot) and titers of IgG and IgM against M. tuberculosis antigens. In I/St mice (five per group), mycobacterial load in the spleen and lung was determined 50 days after infection, along with the dynamic changes in mouse death rate after infection.


To obtain constructs for further in vitro RNA transcription, a cassette comprising 5'-UTR, 3'-UTR and the earlier reported sequence encoding various ESAT6 protein epitopes [12] was inserted in the pSmart commercially available vector (Lucigen; USA). The 5'-UTR sequence of vaccine against SARS-CoV2 (Moderna; USA), sequence of the late adenoviral tripartite leader (TPL) or Rabb rabbit p-globin (Appendix 1) were used as 5'-UTR. The 3'-UTR sequence of vaccine against SARS-CoV2 (Moderna; USA) or 3'-UTR sequence of the encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) was used as 3'-UTR. Fragments were linked together by PCR involving overlapping primers. The EcoRI and BglII restriction sites were introduced into the 5'-UTR-Esat6-3'-UTR construct that were used for cloning into the pSmart vector. The NEB-stable strain was used for culturing (New England Biolabs; UK).

In vitro mRNA transcription

In vitro transcription was performed as described earlier [12]. RNA was precipitated by adding LiCl to the concentration of 0.32 M and EDTA (pH 8.0) to the concentration of 20 mM with subsequent incubation on ice for an hour. Then the solution was centrifuged for 15 min (25,000 g, 4 °C). The RNA precipitate was washed with 70% ethanol, dissolved in ultrapure water and then precipitated again with alcohol in accordance with the standard procedure. RNA concentration was determined by spectrophotometry based on absorption at 260 nm.

Formulation of mRNA into lipid nanoparticles

Formulation of mRNA into lipid nanoparticles was performed in the NanoAssemblr™ Benchtop system (Precision Nanosystems;





mRNA-vaccines S'-Mod-EsatS-S'-Mod S'-Rabb-EsatS-S'-EMCV S'LP-EsatS-S'-Mod








ELISpot (n = 5) Delayed hypersensivity (n = 8) IgG (n = 5)




c CO

mRNA-vaccines S'-Mod-EsatS-S'-Mod S'-Rabb-EsatS-S'-EMCV S'-TLP-EsatS-S'-Mod







M. tuberculosis infection

CFU analysis

(n = S)

Survival analysis (n =8)


D-50 after infection

Fig. 1. Experimental design

USA) as described earlier [13]. The lipid mixture components were as follows: ionizable lipidoid ALC-0315 (BroadPharm; USA), distearoylphosphatidylcholine (DSPC) (Avanti Polar Lipids; USA), cholesterol (Sigma-Aldrich; USA), DMG-PEG-2000 (BroadPharm; USA); the molar ratio (%) was 46.3 : 9.4 : 42.7 : 1.6.

The concentration of mRNA loaded onto lipid nanoparticles was determined based on the difference in the fluorescent signal levels upon RiboGreen (Thermo Fischer Scientific; USA) staining of suspended particles before and after their destruction. The Triton X-100 detergent (Sigma-Aldrich; USA) was used to destroy the particles. The amount of encapsulated RNA in the particles in all samples constituted more than 95% of the total amount of RNA (encapsulated + free). Particle size was 80-90 nm, and polydispersity index was below 0.15.

Delayed hypersensitivity reaction measurement

Evaluation of protective response

The I/St mice were immunized twice (42 and 21 days before infection) with mRNA-based vaccines. BCG immunization was performed 35 days before infection. Mice were infected with the M. tuberculosis virulent strain in a dose of 500,000 CFU/mouse. Mycobacteria were quantified in the internal organs of infected mice on day 50 after infection. For that lungs and spleens of infected animals were isolated in the sterile environment and homogenized in 2 mL of saline. Then 10-fold serial dilutions of organ homogenates were prepared and sown on Petri dishes with Middlebrook 7H10 agar, 50 pL per dish. The Petri dishes with applied suspensions were incubated at 37 °C. Then, 21 days later the M. tuberculosis H37Rv macrocolonies were enumerated in the dish and their number was recalculated with reference to the organ.

Delayed hypersensitivity reaction in mice of each group (eight mice per group) was assessed four weeks after vaccination based on the left hind paw swelling in response to administration of 40 pL of PBS containing 50 IU of tuberculin purified protein derivative (SCEEMP; Russia) 48 h after injection. The data were presented as A (difference in thickness of the left and right paws in mm).


The H37Rv M. tuberculosis sonicate, the soluble fraction of M. tuberculosis H37Rv disrupted by ultrasound, was used as antigen in ex vivo experiments [14].

Determination of titers of IgG and IgM against M. tuberculosis antigens

Murine blood serum was used to determine titers of specific antibodies (IgG and IgM) against mycobacterial antigens by enzyme immunoassay routinely used in laboratory settings [15, 16]. Serum dilutions between 1 : 50 and 1 : 400 were used for antibody determination.

Quantification of IFNy-producing cells

Protective T cell immune response was estimated based on the counts of splenocytes secreting IFNy in response to stimulation with mycobacterial antigens using the Mouse IFNy ELISpot Set (BD NJ; USA) and AEC Substrate Set (BD NJ; USA) in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Statistical analysis

Statistical processing of the results was performed using the Student's t-test; Bonferroni correction was applied when comparing more than two groups. The differences were considered significant at p < 0.05. The data provided in figures are presented as means ± SEM. The Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon method was used for survival curves.


Immunogenicity of the tested vaccines was assessed based on their ability to induce specific cellular immune response ex vivo (ELIspot) and in vivo (delayed hypersensitivity), as well as on the specific antibody response in blood of vaccinated mice (Fig. 2). Fig. 2A presents the results of IFNy-producing cell quantification in the spleens of experimental animals. Significant differences from controls were obtained for the 5'-Mod-Esat6-3'-Mod and 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccines (p < 0.004 and p < 0.0008, respectively). Among groups of animals immunized with mRNA vaccines, the group that received 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod was the leader based on the IFN-producing cell counts (p < 0.004 and p < 0.0004 vs. 5'-Mod-Esat6-3'-Mod, 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'-EMCV mRNA vaccines, respectively). At the same time, the highest IFN-producing cell counts were found in the group of BCG-vaccinated mice (p < 0.006, p < 0.006 and p < 0.03 vs. 5'-Mod-Esat6-3'-Mod, 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'-EMCV and 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccines, respectively).

The delayed hypersensitivity reaction of mice immunized with the 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'EMCV and 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod





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" У




0.40.3Ц 0.20.1 -



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1.1 1.0

0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0.0

Control (PBS) BCG

5 -Mod-Esat6-3 -Mod о 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'-EMCV — 5'-TLP-Esat6-3 -Mod





1:200 1:400

Serum dilution

Fig. 2. Adaptive immune response induction by mRNA vaccines. B6 mice were immunized twice (42 and 21 days before the experiment) with mRNA vaccines. BCG immunization was performed 35 days before the experiment. On the day of experiment, IFN-producing cell counts were determined in responders to mycobacterial antigens as well as the delayed hypersensitivity reaction (B) and production of specific antibodies against mycobacterial antigens (C). Means ± SEM are presented, where n — five mice per group for А and C, eight mice per group for B. A, B. * — p < 0.05; ** — p < 0.01; *** — p < 0.001 compared to control. C. * — significant difference from control for BCG, A — significant difference from control for 5'-Mod-Esat6-3'-Mod vaccine, • — significant difference from control for 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'-EMCV vaccine, ■ — significant difference from control for 5'-TLP-Esat6-3'-Mod vaccine

mRNA vaccines was significantly different from that of controls (p < 0.04 for these groups) and similar to the delayed hypersensitivity reaction of BCG-vaccinated mice (Fig. 2B). 2B). There were no significant differences between the 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'EIMCV 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-IMod and BCG groups.

The studies focused on assessing the development of humoral immune response to the TB mRNA vaccines also showed differences from controls. The results of determining (titration curves) the antigen-specific antibodies (IgG) are presented in Fig. 2C. All the tested vaccines, including BCG, stimulated production of anti-mycobacterial IgG in immunized mice. Furthermore, among mRNA vaccines, the maximum production of antigen-specific IgG was reported in response to immunization with 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'EIMCV and 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-IMod (compared to controls). There were no significant differences between the 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'EMCV, 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod and BCG groups. The levels of antigen-specific IgM production in vaccinated mice were similar to that of controls (Appendix 2). Thus, our findings have shown that the Esat6 epitope-based mRNA vaccines cause the adaptive immune response induction. Despite the fact that all mRNA vaccine variants were less effective than BCG, we observed

significant differences in their efficacy depending on the UTR sequences. The best results of testing the vaccine for both cellular and humoral immune response were obtained for the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine.

The development of protective immune response was studied in the I/St mice susceptible to TB infection. Fig. 3 presents the results of determining mycobacterial load in infected animals, as well as the dynamic changes in death rate of immunized animals after infection. A significant decrease in the lung tissue mycobacterial counts compared to unvaccinated controls was revealed in mice immunized with the 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'-EMCV, 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccines and BCG (Fig. 3B). Furthermore mycobacterial load in the lung tissue of the groups of mice vaccinated with the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine and BCG showed no significant differences. As for the spleen, significant differences from non-immunized controls were reported for BCG-vaccinated mice only (Fig. 3A).

The animals' extended lifespan after infection is among major criteria of the vaccine protective effect. That is why we compared the dynamic changes in death rate in the control and experimental groups of mice after infection. Significant



6 X 106 T *

H ,-,

œ 4 x 106

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f 1.5 x 106-|


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--'-- Control (PBS) BCG

— 5 ' -Mod-Esat6-3 ' -Mod

— 5'-Rabb-Esat6-3'-EMCV

— 5'-TLP-Esat6-3'-Mod


Days post infection


Fig. 3. Protective immune response associated with immunization with mRNA vaccines. I/St mice were immunized twice (42 and 21 days before the experiment) with mRNA vaccines. BCG immunization was performed 35 days before the experiment. Mice were infected with the M. tuberculosis virulent strain in a dose of 500,000 CFU/mouse. Mycobacterial load in the spleen and the lungs (B) of infected animals was assessed 50 days later, along with the dynamic changes in the mouse death rate after infection (C). Means ± SEM are presented, where n - five B) and eight (C) mice per group; * — p < 0.05; ** — p < 0.01; *** — p < 0.001

differences from unvaccinated controls (Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon method for survival curves) were reported for BCG-immunized mice and mice immunized with the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine (p = 0.0005 and p = 0.04, respectively). Significant differences in the death rate of I/St mice vaccinated with BCG and 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine were also revealed (p = 0.01) (Fig. 3C). Similar to the adaptive immune response induction results, the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine showed the highest efficacy among mRNA vaccines; it was the only vaccine that ensured reduced mortality relative to unvaccinated animals.


In this study involving the murine model of TB infection we have shown that administration of two doses of mRNA vaccines consisting of mRNA encoding some ESAT6 mycobacterial protein epitopes encapsulated in lipid particles yields protective immune response, the efficacy of which depends, inter alia, on the mRNA untranslated sequences comprised in the vaccine. Furthermore, stimulation of humoral immune response by various vaccine variants determined based on production of specific antibodies after vaccination is significantly different

from activation of cell-based immunity assessed based on the delayed hypersensitivity reaction intensity and IFNy production (based on ELIspot).

Historically, the stidues of immune response to infection caused by M. tuberculosis were focused mainly on T cells and macrophages, since their role in granuloma formation was rather well understood. In contrast, the role of B cells in the TB infection pathogenesis was relatively understudied. Therefore, the majority of newly developed TB vaccines were focused on the cellular immune response induction [2]. However, a number of recent studies of TB vaccine efficacy in mice, nonhuman primates and humans revealed minor induction of antibodies against M. tuberculosis, which could be associated with the observed vaccine efficacy [17]. In our study, among all mRNA vaccines, maximum protection (based on the lung-derived mycobacterial culture and survival of infected mice) was achieved by using the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine. Immunization with the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine results in formation of pronounced cellular immune response and moderate production of specific anti-mycibacterial IgG. At the same time, immunization of mice with the 5'-Mod-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine stimulates active production of specific antibodies, but it is not associated with generation of protection






and does not activate the adaptive immune response cellular component.

We assume that the differences between three mRNA vaccines differing only by untranslated sequences can be associated with the mRNA translation duration and intensity and, therefore, with different antigen presentation effectiveness. The adenovirus tripartite leader (TPL) sequence acts as an enchancer of the viral late gene mRNA translation and is believed to be capable of initiating cap-independent translation of the adenovirus late mRNA [18, 19]. The 5'-UTR TPL consists of 245 nucleotides and has a complex secondary structure. It has been shown that TPL comprises IRES, through which it can recruit the ribosome regardless of interactions with cap [18, 19]. However, since cap-independent translation initiation is activated only under conditions of cellular stress, we assume that our data on TRL are not related to the cap-independent translation initiation. In addition to longer length, the TPL sequence has a higher GC content and a very negative minimum Gibbs free energy (AG), which is due to translation inhibition [20]. In contrast, 5'-UTR of rabbit p-globin (Rabb) and 5'-UTR of the mRNA-1273 vaccine (Moderna) have the length of about 50 nucleotides and comprise no strong secondary structures [21]. Apparently, the secondary structures emerging in the 5'-UTR without any RNA-binding protein involvement

have no pronounced inhibitory effect on translation, since these structures can be uncoiled by the eIF4A factor immediately before the translation initiation [22]. At the same time, the TPL strong secondary structure can contribute to engaging RNA-binding proteins positively affecting translation.

Thus, the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-IVIod mRNA vaccine seems to be the most promising for further research. Despite the fact that it is inferior to BCG, further optimization, including increasing the dose of vaccine, cap or using the uridine analogues, can improve its efficacy. Assessment of prospects of using the 5'-TPL-Esat6-3'-Mod mRNA vaccine for revaccination after primary BCG vaccination can constitute the next phase of vaccine testing.


The mRNA-based multi-epitope vaccines can be considered as independent preventive vaccines or booster vaccines against M. tuberculosis. Despite the fact that the studied vaccine variants have lower efficacy compared to BCG, the relationship between the efficacy and the sequence of regulatory regions has been revealed. Our findings have made it possible to determine the optimal combination of the expression cassette regulatory elements. Further development of mRNA vaccine against M. tuberculosis will be focused on improving its efficacy.


1. Global tuberculosis report, 2023.

2. Lai R, Ogunsola AF, Rakib T, Behar SM. Key advances in vaccine development for tuberculosis-success and challenges. NPJ vaccines. 2023; 8: 158. DOI: 10.1038/s41541-023-00750-7.

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3. Self WH, Tenforde MW, Rhoads JP, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, Douin DJ, et al. Comparative Effectiveness of Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Vaccines in Preventing COVID-19 Hospitalizations Among Adults Without Immunocompromising Conditions — United States, MarchAugust 2021. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2021; 70: 1337-43, DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7038e1.

4. Melo A, de Macedo LS, Invencao M, de Moura IA, da Gama M, de Melo CML, et al. Third-generation vaccines: features of nucleic acid vaccines and strategies to improve their efficiency. Genes. 2022; 13. DOI:10.3390/genes13122287.

5. Martinon F, Krishnan S, Lenzen G, Magne R, Gomard E, Guillet JG, et al. Induction of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo by liposome-entrapped mRNA. European journal of immunology. 1993; 23: 1719-22, DOI: 10.1002/eji.1830230749.

6. Conry RM, LoBuglio AF, Wright M, Sumerel L, Pike MJ, Johanning F, et al. Characterization of a messenger RNA polynucleotide vaccine vector. Cancer research. 1995; 55: 1397-400.

7. Anderson BR, Muramatsu H, Jha BK, Silverman RH, Weissman D, Kariko K. Nucleoside modifications in RNA limit activation of 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase and increase resistance to cleavage by RNase L. Nucleic acids research. 2011; 39: 932938. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkr586.

8. Muslimov A, Tereshchenko V, Shevyrev D, Rogova A, Lepik K, Reshetnikov V, et al. The dual role of the innate immune system in the effectiveness of mRNA therapeutics. International journal of molecular sciences. 2023; 24. DOI: 10.3390/ijms241914820.

9. Weng Y, Li C, Yang T, Hu B, Zhang M, Guo S, et al. The challenge and prospect of mRNA therapeutics landscape. Biotechnology advances. 2020; 40: 107534. DOI: 10.1016/j. biotechadv.2020.107534.

10. Orlandini von Niessen AG, Poleganov MA, Rechner C, Plaschke A, Kranz LM, Fesser S, et al. Improving mRNA-based therapeutic gene delivery by expression-augmenting 3' UTRs identified by cellular library screening. Molecular therapy: the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. 2019; 27: 824-36. DOI:


11. Cao J, Novoa EM, Zhang Z, Chen WCW, Liu D, Choi GCG, et al. High-throughput 5' UTR engineering for enhanced protein production in non-viral gene therapies. Nature communications. 2021; 12: 4138. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24436-7.

12. Vasileva O, Tereschenko TV, Krapivin B, Muslimov A, Kukushkin I, Pateev I, et al. Immunogenicity of full-length and multi-epitope mRNA vaccines for M. Tuberculosis as demonstrated by the intensity of T-cell response: a comparative study in mice. Bulletin of RSMU. 2023; 03: 42-48. DOI: 10.24075/brsmu.2023.021.

13. Kirshina AS, Kazakova AA, Kolosova ES, Imasheva EA, Vasileva OO, Zaborova OV, et al. Effects of various mRNA-LNP vaccine doses on neuroinflammation in BALB/c mice. Bulletin of RSMU. 2022; 6. DOI: 10.24075/brsmu.2022.068.

14. Avdienko VG, Babaian SS, Guseva AN, Kondratiuk NA, Rusakova LI, Averbakh MM, et al. Quantitative, spectral, and serodiagnostic characteristics of antimycobacterial IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznei legkikh. 2006; 47-55.

15. Nikonenko BV, Apt AS, Mezhlumova MB, Avdienko VG, Yeremeev VV, Moroz AM. Influence of the mouse Bcg, Tbc-1 and xid genes on resistance and immune responses to tuberculosis infection and efficacy of bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination. Clinical and experimental immunology. 1996; 104: 37-43, DOI: 10.1046/ j.1365-2249.1996.d01-643.x.

16. Kozlova IV Avdienko VG, Babayan SS, Andrievskaya IYu, Gergert VY. Diagnosis of Bactec samples by immunoglobulins of mouse hyperimmune sera obtained against modified antigens of the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. 2019; 97: 25-30.

17. Rijnink WF, Ottenhoff THM, Joosten SA. B-Cells and Antibodies as Contributors to Effector Immune Responses in Tuberculosis. Frontiers in immunology. 2021; 12: 640168. DOI: 10.3389/ fimmu.2021.640168.

18. Logan J, Shenk T. Adenovirus tripartite leader sequence enhances translation of mRNAs late after infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1984; 81: 3655-9. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.81.12.3655.

19. Kaufman RJ. Identification of the components necessary for adenovirus translational control and their utilization in cDNA expression vectors.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1985; 82: 689-93. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.82.3.689.

20. Sample PJ, Wang B, Reid DW, Presnyak V, McFadyen IJ, Morris DR, et al. Human 5' UTR design and variant effect prediction from a massively parallel translation assay. Nature biotechnology. 2019; 37: 803-9. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-019-0164-5.

21. Kozak M. Features in the 5' non-coding sequences of rabbit alpha


1. Global tuberculosis report, 2023.

2. Lai R, Ogunsola AF, Rakib T, Behar SM. Key advances in vaccine development for tuberculosis-success and challenges. NPJ vaccines. 2023; 8: 158. DOI: 10.1038/s41541-023-00750-7.

3. Self WH, Tenforde MW, Rhoads JP, Gaglani M, Ginde AA, Douin DJ, et al. Comparative Effectiveness of Moderna, Pfizer-BioNTech, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) Vaccines in Preventing COVID-19 Hospitalizations Among Adults Without Immunocompromising Conditions — United States, MarchAugust 2021. MMWR. Morbidity and mortality weekly report. 2021; 70: 1337-43, DOI: 10.15585/mmwr.mm7038e1.

4. Melo A, de Macedo LS, Invencao M, de Moura IA, da Gama M, de Melo CML, et al. Third-generation vaccines: features of nucleic acid vaccines and strategies to improve their efficiency. Genes. 2022; 13. DOI:10.3390/genes13122287.

5. Martinon F, Krishnan S, Lenzen G, Magne R, Gomard E, Guillet JG, et al. Induction of virus-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo by liposome-entrapped mRNA. European journal of immunology. 1993; 23: 1719-22, DOI: 10.1002/eji.1830230749.

6. Conry RM, LoBuglio AF, Wright M, Sumerel L, Pike MJ, Johanning F, et al. Characterization of a messenger RNA polynucleotide vaccine vector. Cancer research. 1995; 55: 1397-400.

7. Anderson BR, Muramatsu H, Jha BK, Silverman RH, Weissman D, Kariko K. Nucleoside modifications in RNA limit activation of 2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthetase and increase resistance to cleavage by RNase L. Nucleic acids research. 2011; 39: 932938. DOI: 10.1093/nar/gkr586.

8. Muslimov A, Tereshchenko V, Shevyrev D, Rogova A, Lepik K, Reshetnikov V, et al. The dual role of the innate immune system in the effectiveness of mRNA therapeutics. International journal of molecular sciences. 2023; 24. DOI: 10.3390/ijms241914820.

9. Weng Y, Li C, Yang T, Hu B, Zhang M, Guo S, et al. The challenge and prospect of mRNA therapeutics landscape. Biotechnology advances. 2020; 40: 107534. DOI: 10.1016/j. biotechadv.2020.107534.

10. Orlandini von Niessen AG, Poleganov MA, Rechner C, Plaschke A, Kranz LM, Fesser S, et al. Improving mRNA-based therapeutic gene delivery by expression-augmenting 3' UTRs identified by cellular library screening. Molecular therapy: the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy. 2019; 27: 824-36. DOI: 10.1016/j.ymthe.2018.12.011.

11. Cao J, Novoa EM, Zhang Z, Chen WCW, Liu D, Choi GCG, et al. High-throughput 5' UTR engineering for enhanced protein production in non-viral gene therapies. Nature communications. 2021; 12: 4138. DOI: 10.1038/s41467-021-24436-7.

12. Vasileva O, Tereschenko TV, Krapivin B, Muslimov A, Kukushkin I, Pateev I, et al. Immunogenicity of full-length and multi-epitope

and beta-globin mRNAs that affect translational efficiency. Journal of molecular biology. 1994; 235: 95-110. DOI: 10.1016/s0022-2836(05)80019-1.

22. Kumari S, Bugaut A, Huppert JL, Balasubramanian S. An RNA G-quadruplex in the 5' UTR of the NRAS proto-oncogene modulates translation. Nature chemical biology. 2007; 3: 218-21. DOI: 10.1038/nchembio864.

mRNA vaccines for M. Tuberculosis as demonstrated by the intensity of T-cell response: a comparative study in mice. Bulletin of RSMU. 2023; 03: 42-48. DOI: 10.24075/brsmu.2023.021.

13. Kirshina AS, Kazakova AA, Kolosova ES, Imasheva EA, Vasileva OO, Zaborova OV, et al. Effects of various mRNA-LNP vaccine doses on neuroinflammation in BALB/c mice. Bulletin of RSMU. 2022; 6. DOI: 10.24075/brsmu.2022.068.

14. Avdienko VG, Babaian SS, Guseva AN, Kondratiuk NA, Rusakova LI, Averbakh MM, et al. Quantitative, spectral, and serodiagnostic characteristics of antimycobacterial IgG, IgM, and IgA antibodies in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznei legkikh. 2006; 47-55.

15. Nikonenko BV, Apt AS, Mezhlumova MB, Avdienko VG, Yeremeev VV, Moroz AM. Influence of the mouse Bcg, Tbc-1 and xid genes on resistance and immune responses to tuberculosis infection and efficacy of bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination. Clinical and experimental immunology. 1996; 104: 37-43, DOI: 10.1046/ j.1365-2249.1996.d01-643.x.

16. Kozlova IV Avdienko VG, Babayan SS, Andrievskaya IYu, Gergert VY. Diagnosis of Bactec samples by immunoglobulins of mouse hyperimmune sera obtained against modified antigens of the cell wall of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases. 2019; 97: 25-30.

17. Rijnink WF, Ottenhoff THM, Joosten SA. B-Cells and Antibodies as Contributors to Effector Immune Responses in Tuberculosis. Frontiers in immunology. 2021; 12: 640168. DOI: 10.3389/ fimmu.2021.640168.

18. Logan J, Shenk T. Adenovirus tripartite leader sequence enhances translation of mRNAs late after infection. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1984; 81: 3655-9. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.81.12.3655.

19. Kaufman RJ. Identification of the components necessary for adenovirus translational control and their utilization in cDNA expression vectors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 1985; 82: 689-93. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.82.3.689.

20. Sample PJ, Wang B, Reid DW, Presnyak V, McFadyen IJ, Morris DR, et al. Human 5' UTR design and variant effect prediction from a massively parallel translation assay. Nature biotechnology. 2019; 37: 803-9. DOI: 10.1038/s41587-019-0164-5.

21. Kozak M. Features in the 5' non-coding sequences of rabbit alpha and beta-globin mRNAs that affect translational efficiency. Journal of molecular biology. 1994; 235: 95-110. DOI: 10.1016/s0022-2836(05)80019-1.

22. Kumari S, Bugaut A, Huppert JL, Balasubramanian S. An RNA G-quadruplex in the 5' UTR of the NRAS proto-oncogene modulates translation. Nature chemical biology. 2007; 3: 218-21. DOI: 10.1038/nchembio864.

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