IMPACT OF THE PANDEMIC ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF TOURISM IN THE WORLD AND IN KAZAKHSTAN Текст научной статьи по специальности «Экономика и бизнес»

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Ключевые слова
tourism / industry / pandemic / slowdown / industry opportunities / international tourism / туризм / индустрия / пандемия / замедление темпов роста / отраслевые возможности / международный туризм

Аннотация научной статьи по экономике и бизнесу, автор научной работы — Omarova Kenzhegul Akmyshevna, Musina Kamshat Pazilbekovna, Tukibayeva Kuralai Bazarbekova

The article shows an analysis of the decline in the global tourist flow associated with the pandemic, the drop in its activity, the potential of the tourism industry. Also, the paper analyzes the position of Kazakhstan in the world competitiveness ranking, the problems of Kazakhstani tourism development. In this article, the main directions of tourist flows are considered, an analysis of five tourist macro-regions is carried out according to UNWTO data. The approaches of countries to overcome the crisis associated with the pandemic, the problems of world tourism and the opinions of experts on the restoration of world tourism were studied. The following methods were employed: observation, quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis, statistical analysis, synthesis, and deduction.

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В статье показан анализ снижения глобального туристического потока, связанного с пандемией, падения его активности, потенциала туристической индустрии. Также в статье анализируется позиция Казахстана в мировом рейтинге конкурентоспособности, проблемы развития казахстанского туризма. В данной статье рассмотрены основные направления туристических потоков, проведен анализ пяти туристических макрорегионов по данным ЮНВТО. Были изучены подходы стран к преодолению кризиса, связанного с пандемией, проблемы мирового туризма и мнения экспертов по восстановлению мирового туризма. Были использованы следующие методы: наблюдение, количественный и качественный сравнительный анализ, статистический анализ, синтез и дедукция.



Omarova Kenzhegul Akmyshevna, Master of Economics, Senior Lecturer (e-mail: omarova820204@mail.ru)

Musina Kamshat Pazilbekovna, Candidate of Economics, Associate Professor (e-mail: kamshatmussina@mail.ru)

Tukibayeva Kuralai Bazarbekova, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Senior lecturer (e-mail: kuralay_bazarbekkyzy@mail.ru ) ENU named after L.N.Gumilev, Astana, Kazakhstan


Abstract: The article shows an analysis of the decline in the global tourist flow associated with the pandemic, the drop in its activity, the potential of the tourism industry. Also, the paper analyzes the position of Kazakhstan in the world competitiveness ranking, the problems of Kazakhstani tourism development. In this article, the main directions of tourist flows are considered, an analysis of five tourist macro-regions is carried out according to UNWTO data. The approaches of countries to overcome the crisis associated with the pandemic, the problems of world tourism and the opinions of experts on the restoration of world tourism were studied. The following methods were employed: observation, quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis, statistical analysis, synthesis, and deduction.

Keywords: tourism, industry, pandemic, slowdown, industry opportunities, international tourism.

Tourism by the end of the twentieth century began to compete with large industrial productions, such as the automotive industry and the oil refining industry in terms of its profitability. The accommodation sector is one of the most important components of tourism, which has also had huge losses in recent years.

Tith the growth of globalization and informatization, the importance of tourism in the modern world is constantly growing, and in the coming decades, this industry can become the world's leading industry. Annually showing an impressive growth of about 7%, tourism provides an influx of foreign currency, enhances the country's image in the world community. According to the UN Torld Tourism Organization (UNWTO), in 2020, tourism in general, like all its industries, was seriously affected by the pandemic caused by COVID-19 and is still in crisis due to the spread of new strains of coronovirus.

Now tourists are becoming more demanding, comparing prices on different websites, paying attention to reviews, and willingly sharing their impressions themselves.

In this study, methods of observation, quantitative and qualitative comparative analysis, statistical analysis, synthesis and deduction were employed.

Before the pandemic, the global tourist flow showed positive dynamics every year: in 2017 (+7%), in 2018 (+6%). In 2018, the tourist flow reached 1.4 billion tourists, creating 319 million jobs, and the amount of funds in the industry amounted to 8.8 trillion dollars. The annual positive dynamics of the tourist flow and the acceleration of growth rates were facilitated by:

- technological changes;

- more affordable prices for travel by air;

- new business models;

- simplification of the visa regime in the world.

According to the UNWTO, in 2019 the number of trips to the Middle East increased by 8% and amounted to 64 million tourists or 4% of the world tourist flow, the Asia-Pacific region amounted to 364 million tourists or 25% of the world tourist flow, where the Pacific region accounted for also +5%, as in 2018, Asia +5%, Africa +4%, compared to 2018, amounted to 71 million tourists or 5% of the global tourism market, while in North Africa (+9%), and sub-Saharan (+1.5%). The number of trips to Europe decreased slightly compared to previous years, however, the region continued to lead in the number of international arrivals - 743 million foreign visitors (plus 4%) and accounted for 51% of the global tourism market. Tourists visited North and South America 2% more often than a year earlier, which amounted to 220 million tourists or 15% of the world tourist flow [1].

The peak of tourism development can be considered 2019, in which, according to UNWTO data, 1.5 billion tourist trips were made, an increase of 4%, i.e. for 4 million tourists [2]. In 2020, international tourist arrivals decreased by 72% (1 billion people) compared to 2019, due to the peak of the pandemic and travel restrictions, a sharp drop in demand, which affected the loss of export revenue of 1.3 trillion US dollars, which is more than 11 times more than during the 2009 global crisis. 120 million tourism jobs are at risk [3]. However, at the end of 2021, according to the UNWTO report, 415 million international trips were made, i.e. + 4% compared to 2020, which amounted to only a third of the peak period [4].

One of the problems of world tourism was the lack of specifics on entry requirements, i.e. in connection with the pandemic: different countries had different requirements for the availability of a vaccine or for the country that produced the vaccines, some vaccines put on the market were not accepted or banned by a number of countries. Like world tourism, our domestic tourism has suffered as a result of the pandemic. Kazakhstan took 82nd place in 2022 out of 85, 72nd place in 2021 out of 78, 66th place in 2020 in the world overall development ranking, i.e. the rating of the country dropped by 16 positions.

This rating uses the following scale:

- adventure 4.0 (84);

- dexterity 1.6 (83);

- cultural influence 0.8 (81);

- entrepreneurship 2.1 (76);

- heritage 11.1 (83);

- movers 16.8 (50);

- openness for business 38.4 (77)

- energy 6.3 (51);

- quality of life 2.5 (79):

- social direction 1.6 (79) [5].

In the ranking of "Best countries for adventure and tourism 2021, 2022", Kazakhstan ranked 76th in 2021 and 84th out of 85 countries in 2022 (Table 1).

'able 1 - Best countries for adventure and tourism 2021, 2022

Rank Country Rank Country

2021 2022

1 Brazil 1 Brazil

2 Italy 2 Italy

3 Spain 3 Spain

51 Russia 66 Russia

74 Uzbekistan 82 Uzbekistan

76 Kazakhstan 84 Kazakhstan

Note: compiled based on source US News &World Report [5,6]

In general, as can be seen from the above indicators, Kazakhstan does not belong to the preferred countries for tourism, i.e. tourism in the country is not developed at the proper level to become an influential sector of the economy.

Top countries for adventure and tourism (%)










,6 83,1 85,1 91

151 19,2 18,4 19,3

4,6 ■ 1 5 ■ 5,2 ■ 1 4,4 ■ ■ 10,1 I.4

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022

■ Бразилия ■ Италия ■ Испания ■ Россия Узбекистан ■ Казахстан

Note: compiled based on source [7,8,9,10,11]


Kazakhstan in percentage terms shows very low performance according to this rating, this is due to problems in the Kazakhstani tourism industry, which include:

- insufficiently developed infrastructure (hotels, roads);

- shortage of qualified specialists who speak the state and foreign languages;

- low quality of tourist infrastructure;

- poor quality of roads;

- a small number of car rental companies;

- low level of service;

- incomplete openness of airlines (air service is not fully open to all directions);

- lack of guides and others.

The pandemic caused by COVID-19, which negatively affected global travel, has had a beneficial effect on domestic tourism, especially in countries with a large domestic market, and the demand for outdoor and nature tourism has increased [4].

In 2021 6.9 million tourists were registered in Kazakhstan, which is 35% more than in 2020 [12].

Recovery began with the fact that countries started to open their borders. Starting from June 2021, the number of countries that closed their borders for tourism decreased to 63, compared to January, when the number of countries was 69, by the beginning of 2022, all countries opened their borders, with certain restrictive measures. According to the UNWTO, international tourism in 2022 recovered by 57% after the pandemic and amounted to 474 million tourists from January to July 2022, which is 3 times more than the previous period. The world tourism was positively affected by the vaccination program around the world, the use of a digital certificate in the EU countries, the easing of travel restrictions, and the growth of consumer confidence [13].

On April 30, Kazakhstani government signed the law "On Amendments and Additions to Certain Legislative Acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Tourism Activities". This law provides for the introduction of a tourist fee for foreigners [14]. It is believed that this law will increase the state's revenues from inbound tourism and have a positive impact on the country's economy. This experience is used in many countries and has proven itself effectively.

World tourism was one of the dynamic and fast-growing sectors of the world economy, it was gaining momentum until 2019, tourism turnover increased, tourism began to compete with large economic sectors.

The holding of various event events in our country, one of which is the last international exhibition "EXPO-2017", played an important role in promoting the image of Kazakhstan on the world stage, increasing the tourist flow, developing business tourism, appearing in the capital of new 4 and 5- star hotels.

It will take up to four years for the world tourism industry to overcome the crisis, experts believe that a full recovery of the tourism industry is expected only in 2024, the isolation of entire countries and cities, the complete suspension

of international flights and quarantine, the closure of external and internal borders, the lack of air traffic caused a damage and tourism.

The results of the study led to the conclusion about the decline in world and Kazakhstani tourism.


1. According to the World Tourism Organization, 1.5 billion international tourist trips were registered in the world in 2019 [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.tohology.com/

2. According to the World Tourism Organization, 1.5 billion international tourist trips were registered in the world in 2019 [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.tohology.com/hospitality/industry/unwto-statistika-mezhdunarodnyh-poezdok/

3. UNWTO [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https:www.unwto.org. (date of access: 06.09.2021)

4. UNWTO counted 1.5 billion tourist trips worldwide in 2019. [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://tourism.interfax.ru/ (date of access: 10.10.2021)

5. US News&World Report [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/kazakhstan (date of access: 23.09.2021)

6. The best countries for adventure and tourism 2022 [Electronic resource] -Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/rankings/adventure

7. Bar Graph 2018 Rankings Data [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/data-

explorer#{%22mode%22:%22graph%22,%22year%22:2018,%22axes%22: {%22y%22:{%22name%22:%22Adventure

8. Bar Graph 2019 Rankings Data [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/data-explorer#{%22mode%22:%22graph%22,%22year%22:2019,%22axes%22: {%22y%22:{%22name%22:%22Adventure

9. Bar Graph 2020 Rankings Data [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/data-

explorer#{%22mode%22:%22graph%22,%22year%22:2020,%22axes%22: {%22y%22:{%22name%22:%22Adventure%

10. Bar Graph 2021 Rankings Data [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/data-

explorer#{ %22mode%22:%22graph%22,%22year%22:2021,%22axes%22: {%22y%22:{%22name%22:%22Adventure

11. Bar Graph 2021 Rankings Data [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.usnews.com/news/best-countries/data-

explorer#{%22mode%22:%22graph%22,%22year%22:2022,%22axes%22: {%22y%22:{%22name%22:%22Adventure.

12. In 2021, a record number of domestic tourists was recorded in Kazakhstan [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://www.qaztourism.kz/press-center/all/400/

13. UNWTO: international tourism recovered by 60% after the coronavirus pandemic [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://tourism.interfax.ru/

14. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "On amendments and additions to some legislative acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan on tourism activities" [Electronic resource] - Access mode: https://online.zakon.kz/ (date of access: 10/13/2021)

Омарова Кенжегуль Акмышевна, магистр экономики, старший преподаватель (e-mail: omarova820204@mail.ru)

Мусина Камшат Пазильбековна, кандидат экономических наук, доцент (e-mail: kamshatmussina@mail.ru )

Тукибаева Куралай Базарбекова, доктор философских наук, старший преподаватель (e-mail: kuralay bazarbekkyzy@mail.ru) ЕНУ им. Л.Н.Гумилева, Астана, Казахстан ВОЗДЕЙСТВИЕ ПАНДЕМИИ НА РАЗВИТИЕ ТУРИЗМА В МИРЕ И В КАЗАХСТАНЕ

Аннотация: В статье показан анализ снижения глобального туристического потока, связанного с пандемией, падения его активности, потенциала туристической индустрии. Также в статье анализируется позиция Казахстана в мировом рейтинге конкурентоспособности, проблемы развития казахстанского туризма. В данной статье рассмотрены основные направления туристических потоков, проведен анализ пяти туристических макрорегионов по данным ЮНВТО. Были изучены подходы стран к преодолению кризиса, связанного с пандемией, проблемы мирового туризма и мнения экспертов по восстановлению мирового туризма. Были использованы следующие методы: наблюдение, количественный и качественный сравнительный анализ, статистический анализ, синтез и дедукция.

Ключевые слова: туризм, индустрия, пандемия, замедление темпов роста, отраслевые возможности, международный туризм.

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