трансформация поможет повысить качество и ценность, которую они предоставляют своим студентам, помогая им стать более инновационными, активными и эффективными организациями. И, в свою очередь, дать каждому ученику наилучшие шансы на успешный результат. Список использованной литературы:
1. Алиева Э.Ф., Алексеева А.С., Ванданова Э.Л., Карташова Е.В., Резапкина Г.В. Цифровая переподготовка: обучение руководителей образовательных организаций // Образовательная политика. 2020. № 1 (81). С. 54-61.
2. Буцык С.В. «Цифровое» поколение в образовательной системе российского региона: проблемы и пути решения // Открытое образование. 2019. № 1. С. 27-33.
3. Дидактическая концепция цифрового профессионального образования и обучения / П. Н. Биленко, В. И. Блинов, М. В. Дулинов, Е. Ю. Есенина, А. М. Кондаков, И. С. Сергеев; под науч. ред. В. И. Блинова - М.: Издательство «Перо», 2019. - 98 с.
4. Маниковская М.А. Цифровизация образования: вызовы традиционным нормам и принципам морали // Власть и управление на Востоке России. 2019. № 2 (87). С. 100-106.
© Бердиназарова Г., Караев Х., Какабаев К., Сарванов А., 2022
УДК 004.056
Дурдыев Медет
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан Худайбердиев Заман Студент,
Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития
г. Ашгабад, Туркменистан
В данной работе рассматривается вопрос особенностей развития технологий в образовании и их особенности. Проведен перекрестный и сравнительный анализ влияния различных факторов на рост эффективности в образовательном процессе по средством внедрения технологий по изучению информации.
Ключевые слова
Анализ, метод, оценка, образование, технология.
Durdyev Medet
International University for the Humanities and Development,
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan Hudayberdiyev Zaman Student,
International University for the Humanities and Development,
Ashgabad, Turkmenistan
This paper discusses the issue of features of the development of technologies in education and their features. A cross and comparative analysis of the influence of various factors on the growth of efficiency in the educational process through the introduction of technologies for the study of information was carried out.
Analysis, method, evaluation, education, technology.
Today, the market for mobile applications and mobile devices is growing exponentially. Many developers prefer to develop software (software) for Android or iOS platforms. In this regard, the question arises, what skills does a programmer need in order to become a sought-after specialist in the mobile application development market? Mobile application development is the act or process of developing software for a mobile device. In a mobile device, the basic applications are installed during the production of the phone, the rest the client downloads independently, according to his needs. Since the growth in device sales is growing every year, the mobile application market is also growing, which is divided into various categories (entertainment, travel, social applications, etc.).
Each developer chooses the appropriate technology before writing a program. At this stage of work, the purpose of the program, the audience and the company for which the development is planned are mainly taken into account. Each has its own IDE that provides the tools to test and launch the product to market. According to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), an international non-profit association for engineering professionals, the most popular programming languages for 2020 are Python, Java, Javascript, C and C++. To develop a mobile application, mainly Java, C, C++ and Objective C are used. Some of these languages do not require special knowledge in computer science. For example, Java is considered one of the classic and popular programming languages of the last 20 years, and programmers who have mastered this language well can work in the development of mobile applications, websites (BackEnd, FrontEnd) and machine learning.
The flexibility of this programming language opens many doors to the world of information technology. Since the Android mobile operating system is based on Java, With the help of mobile applications, it is optimal to implement innovative, effective teaching methods - for this, high-quality mobile applications and wireless communications are enough. According to the survey, 80% of students do not have the right to use mobile devices during lessons. Unfortunately, in the future, there is a possibility that educators will have to change their perception of gadgets. Firstly, gadgets and tablets cannot be removed from the life of not only children and adolescents, but also adults. Despite the bans, students will continue to use smartphones. Secondly, due to the state of emergency around the world in the context of a pandemic, training in all countries was transferred to a remote format.
The advantages of this format of education: schoolchildren continue to receive knowledge in various forms, interest in learning increases. Forms of online learning can be as follows: 1) Multimedia documents (audio files, video files, images and graphics); 2) Communication (SMS messages); 3) Web pages with educational materials; 4) Adapted software for mobile devices with educational materials. Schoolchildren manage their own education at home. This format is called the flipped classroom. The study of the material and homework is carried out via the Internet according to the material proposed by the teacher. The term
"mobile learning" appeared about 10 years ago, e-Learning - e-learning using mobile devices, based on Internet technologies. In connection with the development of information technology, education around the world is gradually moving to information and communication technologies - the ICT system.
Many scholars and educators argue that ICT education is completely dependent on the spread of mobile communications and access to the Internet. The quality and level of mobile devices allows you to expand opportunities to improve the quality of mobile programs and the level of education. There are many mobile applications for learning within the school curriculum. Despite this, many students prefer the materials provided by teachers, so the programs available for learning in the Play Market and the App Store remain unclaimed. An analysis was made of one of the mobile applications "1001 mental arithmetic tasks", created to develop logical thinking and solve mathematical problems in an attempt to determine why students are not interested in this type of e-Learning format. The software has measurement qualities that meet certain requirements. The basic requirements for software - their functionality - are similar to the requirements for mobile applications.
The main functions that should be present in any program for the development of logical thinking were selected as evaluation criteria:
1) authentication and identification; 2) division of task types into categories; 3) getting a hint; 4) view the rating of other users; 5) preservation of unsolved problems; 6) text setting; 7) changing the user profile.
Authentication and identification.
The user recognition system was developed not so long ago. Before the introduction of the user authentication system, anyone could access confidential information. For the application "1001 mental arithmetic tasks" the user needs to enter a login and password. Also, if desired, the user can register. When creating a profile, there is no need to register using mail or additional software, such as WhatsApp, Facebook, gmail.com and vk.com. There are no specific requirements for the login and password, for example, "Enter at least 8 letters", "Use upper and lower case, as well as punctuation marks and numbers", etc. This was done in order to save the student's time. The password field is usually hidden with dots, if necessary, there is a "show password" button next to it, allowing the user to avoid entering the password twice. For this type of application, password recovery is not a primary and mandatory function.
Список использованной литературы:
1. Ветошкина Е.Н. Методические рекомендации по формированию иноязычных навыков / Е.Н. Ветошкина, А.О. Еремина // Теоретические и методологические проблемы современной педагогики и психологии: сб. ст. по итогам Междунар. науч.-практ. конф. - Стерлитамак, 2017. - Ч. 1. - С. 153-156.
2. Гафнер, В.В. Информационная безопасность: Учебное пособие / В.В. Гафнер. — Рн/Д: Феникс, 2017. — 324 c.
3. Власова Е.Н. Специфика применения информационных технологий в процессе формирования лексических навыков на уроках иностранного языка // Наука и школа. - 2014. - № 2. - С. 97-100.
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5. Гунбина К.А. Использование игровой методики для развития лексических навыков при изучении английского языка в старшей школе // Академическая публицистика. - 2022. - № 7-2. С. 174-175.
© Дурдыев М., Худайбердиев З., 2022